Spot dictation

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Spot dictation


After You Listen

1. was established in 1913

2. the colonial name of Mumbai 3. most are musicals 4. impressive structures 5. appeal to

6. a cultural connection with India 5A

After you listen

1. exposed to the dangers of deadly floods 2. ignore the problem of rising sea level 3. challenging circumstances 4. distributed 5. engineers

6. rarely widespread 7. certain sectors

8. perfectly pleasant to reside in 9. sink beneath the waves


After You Listen

1. a feeling of horror

2. confusion about the true nature of sharks 3. quite inaccurate

4. bite humans 5. factual information 10A

After You Listen

1.slides down the side of a mountain

2. unstoppable, destroying houses and buildings 3. in its path

4. shifts may lead to a rise

5. Increased melting and freezing 6. more frightening consequences 7. a deep layer of snow 8. rescue dogs

9. excellent sense of smell 10. uncover the person

Cloze Page 9

1. invaded 2. contrasting 3. assumption 4. immigration 5. Remarkably Page 12

1. identify 2. processed 3. civilization 4. evidence 5. remarkable 6. aggressive 7. assumed Page 17

1. constantly 2. alarmed 3. harmed 4. awareness 5. unknown Page 24

1. remarkable 2. obedient 3. Collapsed 4.interact 5. companion 6. Domestic Page 36

1. preserve 2. attached 3. analysis4. deduced 5. sacrifice 6. worship Page 47

1. located 2. threatened 3. modernizing 4. sightseers 5. economic Page 51

1. supposedly 2. permitted 3. cave 4. preservation 5. policies Page 75

1. comprehend 2. arranged 3. hypothesize 4. gather 5. categorized Page 77

1. hit and run 2. confused a human with a seal 3. understand them better After You View Page 105

1. translators 2. unpredictable 3. financed 4. consented 5. Wisdom

Reading Page 19

Dogs in a Human World

The partnership between humans and dogs began perhaps 14,000 years ago. Our first interactions may have occurred when wild dogs were attracted to human garbage, or humans may have acquired the puppies of wild dogs and trained them to be obedient pets. By means of the careful selection of dog parents, humans have been able to create a wonderful variety of dogs with plenty of talents and many different looks. Here are three examples of \The working dog

Jacques is one of many beagles that work at airports for the U.S. government in a program known as the Beagle Brigade. Beagles were chosen for this work because of their powerful noses. Their job is to smell and alert officers to illegal fruits, vegetables, and other foods in luggage or in mail. They do the job far better than humans could alone.

Some of the beagles who work in the program are donated by private owners, but many are ownerless beagles rescued from animal shelters. Many beagles who were scheduled to be euthanized are now working to keep their country safe from disease. Treated like a queen

Tiffy, a beautiful eight-pound maltese is treated like a queen in New York City.

Her owner, Nancy Jane Loewy, carefully prepares her meals of lamb, steak, salmon, tuna, chicken, and a variety of fresh vegetables. Tiffy also gets low-fat yogurt and cookies after dinner. Why? Loewy replies, \me.\

Leowy, whose husband has a high-paying job and whose two sons are away at school, has the time and money to treat Tiffy extremely well, and she truly enjoys doing so. \as possible.\

Jessie is a whippet that visits children who are fighting deadly diseases. She brightens patients' days with love and gives children a chance to exercise. At the National Institutes of Health, Jessie helps patients like young Lukas Parks to stay strong during their long hospitalization.

Whether as workers or objects of affection, dogs have certainly proven themselves to be beneficial to humans in many ways. At the same time, their special place as \wild dogs have nearly disappeared from the earth, domestic dogs continue to grow in number, thanks to their special relationship with humans. A. Multiple Choice.

Question 1. What is the author's purpose in writing the passage? Question 2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage? Question 3. Which one is NOT true according to the passage?

Question 4. Which one of the following is NOT a reason Loewy treats Tiffy extremely well?

Question 5. Which dog eats human food?












问题 1。在写这篇短文的作者的目的是什么? 问题 2。下列哪一项不是文章中提到的? 问题 3。根据段落哪一个不是真实的?

问题 4。下列哪一个不是Loewy 对Tiffy极好的理由? 问题 5。哪条狗吃人类的食物? Page 27

Was King Tut Murdered?

King Tutankhamun was just a teenager when he died. He was the last king of a powerful family that had ruled Egypt for centuries. When he died in 1322 B.C., Tut (as Tutankhamun is often known today) was placed in a luxurious, gold-filled tomb. There he lay forgotten until the tomb's eventual discovery in 1922. Although we now know a lot about his life, the reason for Tutankhamun's death at such a young age has remained a mystery, with murder the most extreme possibility. Now, improved X-ray technology is offering new clues into King Tut's death. Discovered and Damaged

The British archeologist Howard Carter opened Tut's tomb in 1922. Although it had been robbed in ancient times, it was still full of gold and other amazing items. Carter spent months carefully recording the treasures. When he and his team then attempted to remove King Tut's mummy, they found that it had become attached to its solid gold coffin. Unfortunately, they did a great deal of damage to the mummy while removing it.

Theories About Tut's Death

In 1968, archeologists conducted an examination of the mummy using simple x-ray technology. Three important discoveries led to various theories about his death. The X-rays showed that bones in King Tut's chest were missing. Carter hadn't done that damage. Tut was a trained fighter and hunter, so some people have guessed that it was caused by a war injury or a hunting accident.

There appeared to be pieces of bone inside the skull, causing many to believe that King Tut was killed by a blow from behind to the head. Was he murdered by people wanting to take control of Egypt?

A serious fracture discovered above Tut's left knee could have been the result of an accident or attack. Infection might have started there and killed the boy king. A Closer Look at the Mummy

In recent years, scientists, under the direction of ZahiHawass, head of Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities, have applied a new and more effective X-ray technology to mummies throughout Egypt. In the images, each bone appears in perfect detail.

So, was King Tut's death murder or accident, infection or war injury? Doctors who

analyzed the X-ray images say that the skull was mainly undamaged, excluding the possibility of a blow to the head. However, while modern technology has been able to rule out one theory, the actual cause of death remains unknown. It seems there are secrets that even the latest technology cannot yet find the answers to. A. Multiple Choice.

Question 1. How does the passage answer the question, \King Tut murdered?\ Question 2. Which of the following has NOT been suggested as a reason for King Tut's death?

Question 3. How was the mummy of King Tut damaged?

Question 4. What was the problem with King Tut's chest?

Question 5. Why does the actual cause of King Tut's death remain unknown?








似乎有颅骨内骨碎片,导致很多人相信图坦卡蒙被从后面锤头。他被人想控制埃及的? 严重骨折发现图坦卡蒙的左膝盖以上可能是一次事故或攻击的结果。感染可能会开始有和王杀了男孩。





问题1。如何通过回答这个问题,”图坦卡蒙国王被谋杀?“ 第二个问题。下面哪个不是被认为是图坦卡蒙死亡原因吗? 问题3。图坦卡蒙的木乃伊损坏怎么样? 问题4。图坦卡蒙的胸部的问题是什么? 问题5。为什么实际图坦卡蒙死因仍未知? Page 49

that the Khan considered it an honor that Europeans -- who were rare in China -- had made the extremely difficult journey, and he made good use of their skills and knowledge.

In the service of Kublai Khan, \in treasure that ever was in the world,\Marco was able to learn and experience many things that were new to Europeans. In his travel journal, he described Kublai Khan's palace as the greatest he had ever seen. He admired the Khan's recently completed new capital, Daidu, whose streets were \located in what is now the center of Beijing, and Kublai Khan's city planning can still be perceived in the straight, broad streets of China's modern capital. We learn from Marco Polo that, in the administration of his empire, Kublai Khan made use of a fast and simple message system. Horse riders spaced every 40 kilometers allowed messages to cover 500 kilometers a day. Marco also learned the secret of asbestos cloth, which is made from a mineral and doesn't catch fire. Paper money also took him by surprise, as it was not yet in use in the West at that time. Homes were heated with \stones ?which burn like logs.\Those stones were coal -- unknown in most of Europe -- and they were so plentiful that many people had a hot bath three times a week.

Although the Khan did not want his visitors to leave, the Polos finally received permission to return home in 1292. Marco continued his observations on the ocean voyage by way of Sumatra and India. Upon his return, he completed a book about his trip, full of details about his amazing cultural experiences. It was probably the greatest contribution of geographic information ever made to the West about the East. A. Multiple Choice.

Question 1. Which of the following about Marco Polo is NOT true?

Question 2. Where is Kublai Khan's influence still felt in Beijing today? Question 3. What allowed a message to be sent 500 kilometers a day?

Question 4. What allowed people in ancient China to have a hot bath three times a week?

Question 5. What does the use of asbestos cloth, paper money, and coal seem to tell us about the East and the West?







问题1。下面哪个马可波罗是不正确的呢? 问题2。北京忽必烈的影响力仍然在今天好吗? 问题3。什么允许消息被发送一天500公里?



Page 115 Bride of the Sahara

The Tuareg bride, Assalama, sits silently as female relatives and helpers make sure that every hair is perfect for the first day of her wedding celebration. Such attention is new for the bride, who is only 15 years old and who has spent most of her time tending her mother's goats and sheep. The Tuareg are nomads, and it was only by chance that she was reunited with her 25-year-old cousin Mohamed a month earlier. Just back from five years working in Libya, Mohamed spotted Assalama as she drew water from a well. \he says. Wasting no time, he asked for her hand, she accepted, their families approved, and wedding plans began.

Following Tuareg traditions, the marriage rite is performed at a nearby mosque in the presence of only the couple's parents. Assalama and Mohamed are absent. A few days later, the time for the celebration approaches, and guests begin to arrive. For a week, some 500 guests enjoy camel races, sing, and eat rice, dates, and roasted meat in tents under the Saharan stars.

Mohamed wears an indigo tagelmust, a cloth that wraps his head and face. The rich color, which rubs off onto the skin, earned these once fierce Saharan warriors the title \clothing that keeps out the desert sand and sun; it demonstrates respect and is thought to keep evil creatures known as jinns away, as is henna, a reddish-brown coloring used on Mohamed's feet. Henna is also a symbol of purity, and is reserved for a man's first marriage. At the celebration, a tent called an ehan is prepared for Assalama and Mohamed. Women take down and put up the tent every day of the celebration, making it slightly larger each time to symbolize the progress of the celebration and of the couple's relationship. Assalama stays inside the tent during the whole celebration, only showing her face or speaking to Mohamed, her best friend, her mother, and one special helper. During the celebration, neither Assalama nor Mohamed is ever left alone for

fear they might be harmed by jealous jinns. As the celebration ends, the couple prepares to spend the first year of their marriage with Assalama's family. Mohamed will offer displays of respect to his in-laws, working hard to win their approval. Once he does that, he will take his bride back to his camp and start his nomad's caravan moving again. A. Multiple Choice.

Question 1. What is the passage mainly about?

Question 2. Which of the following is true about Assalama and Mohamed during their actual marriage ceremony?

Question 3. In what situation would henna NOT be used on Mohamed's feet? Question 4. Why do women make the tent slightly larger each time? Question 5. What does Mohamed prepare to do as the celebration ends?









问题2。下面哪个是正确的关于Assalama和默罕默德在他们实际的结婚仪式? 问题3。在什么情况下指甲花不会被用在默罕默德的脚吗? 问题4。为什么女人每次帐篷略大吗? 问题5。默罕默德准备做什么庆典结束吗?

