
更新时间:2023-09-23 19:51:01 阅读量: IT计算机 文档下载






2.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名和考号用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔填写在答题纸上。 3.将选定的题号按规定要求用2B铅笔或黑色水笔填写在答题纸上的―题号‖框内,否则答题



语 文


―中国古代诗歌散文欣赏‖模块(10分) 阅读下面的一篇散文,然后回答问题。



西湖最盛,为春为月②。一日之盛,为朝烟,为夕岚③。今岁春雪甚盛,梅花为寒所勒,与杏桃相次开发,尤为奇观。石篑④数为余言:傅金吾园中梅,张功甫玉照堂故物也,急往观之。余时为桃花所恋,竟不忍去湖上。湖上由断桥至苏堤一带,绿烟红雾,弥漫二十余里。歌吹为风,粉汗为雨,罗纨之盛⑤,多于堤畔之草,艳冶极矣。然杭人游湖,止午未申三时;其实湖光染翠之工,山岚设色之妙,皆在朝日始出,夕舂⑥未下,始极其浓媚。月景尤不可 言,花态柳情,山容水意,别是一种趣味。此乐留与僧游客受用,安可为俗士道哉! 【注释】①六桥:西湖苏堤上的六座桥,由南向北依次名为映波、锁澜、望山、压堤、东浦、跨虹。 ②为春为月:意为是春天月夜。③夕岚:傍晚山里的雾气。 ④石篑:即陶望


龄,字周望,号石篑。明万历年进士,袁宏道的朋友,公安派作家。 ⑤罗纨之盛:罗纨,这里是指穿罗纨制作的衣服的人。 ⑥夕舂(chōng):夕阳。




―中国现代诗歌散文欣赏‖模块(10分) 阅读下面的诗歌,然后回答问题。

偶 然 徐志摩 我是天空里的一片云, 偶尔投映在你的波心── 你不必讶异, 更无须欢喜── 在转瞬间消灭了踪影。

你我相逢在黑夜的海上, 你有你的,我有我的,方向; 你记得也好, 最好你忘掉,


(1)如何看待《偶然》中表达的爱情观?(4分) (2)谈谈《偶然》一诗的艺术特色。(6分)

数 学



―不等式选讲‖模块(10分) 已知正实数a,b,c满足abc=1. (1)求(1?a)(1?b)(1?c)的最小值;








若存在曲线C:?y ?2??(???)绕极点O逆时针旋转得到曲


y?sin?,?O x 曲线C1都有一个公共点,求a的取值范围.

英 语




I‘m often asked the question, ―How can I best help my children, spouse, family members, staff members, friends, etc. improve/change?‖ In fact, that might be the most frequently asked question I receive, ―How can I help change someone else?‖

My answer often comes as a surprise and here it is. ? In other words, the best contribution I can make to someone else is my own personal development. If I become 10 times


wiser, 10 times stronger, think of what that will do for my adventure as a father, as a grandfather, as a business colleague.

The best gift I can give you, really, is my ongoing personal development – getting better, getting stronger and becoming wiser. I think parents should pick this valuable philosophy up. ? Work on your personal development as parents – that‘s the best gift you can give to your children.

If you have ever been on an airplane, then you might have noticed the oxygen compartment located above every seat. There are detailed instructions that say, ―In case of an emergency, first secure your own oxygen mask and then if you have children with you, secure their masks.‖ ? If we use that same philosophy throughout our whole parental life, it would be so valuable.

If I learn to create happiness for myself, my children now have an excellent chance to be happy. If I create a unique lifestyle for myself and my spouse, that will be a great example to serve my children. Self-development enables you to serve and to be more valuable to those around you, for your child, your business, your colleague and your community. That‘s why I teach development skills. ? Opportunity will then begin to seek you out. Your reputation will begin to precede you and people will want to do business with you. All of that possibility is created by working on the philosophy that success is something you attract by continually working on your own personal development.

第一节 根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D和E中选出最合适填入空白处的选项,并将序号及相应答案写在答题纸上。选项中有一项是多余选项。 A. The key to helping others is to help yourself first. B. Take care of yourself first, and then assist your children.

C. If the parents are okay, the kids have an excellent chance of being okay.

D. As researchers learn more about how children‘s intelligence develops, they are increasingly surprised by the power of parents.

E. If you keep refining all the parts of your character and become an attractive person to the marketplace, you‘ll attract opportunity.

第二节 根据短文所给的信息,用一个完整的句子回答下面的问题,并将序号及相应答案写在答题纸上。

⑤ What is the author‘s philosophy in this article?


填空 (共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)


阅读下面的短文, 在标有序号的空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式,并将序号及相应答案写在答题纸上。

Before graduation from college, my son began to seek a job. Due to the financial crisis, few companies would like to employ new staff. ? , the competition was ever-fierce. My son targeted a company that was intended to employ only one person ? over twenty candidates. I said to him, ―You should not hold too much hope for ? that you would feel terribly disappointed when you fail.‖ He said, ―I am not afraid of disappointment. As long as I try, there will always be hope!‖

My son‘s words seemed to come true and he ? (inform) to be interviewed. On that day, my son and other two candidates arrived at the company, waiting for the decisive test. Unexpectedly, the interview was unbelievably ? , during which the interviewer only chatted with them. Two days later, my son received the text from the company that he wasn‘t employed. My son felt very disappointed. To comfort him, I pretended to be relaxed, saying, ―It doesn‘t matter! I believe you‘ll have more ? in the future!‖

In nightfall that day, my son told me ? (excite) that he received another text saying he was employed. He felt very confused about it, so he called the company. ? the first text was also part of the test in the interview. ? men received the same text in the morning and only my son‘s reply was satisfying to the company, so he was employed. I asked my son, ―How did all of you reply?‖ My son said, ―One didn‘t reply. The other said ?goodbye‘ and I said ?thank you‘.‖

Only then did I know my son‘s ―hope‖ came in that way. That is, when you feel disappointed, don‘t forget to say ―thank you‖ to the one disappointing you. It is a piece of cake to say thank you, but ? you are willing to say it in a grateful manner does count.

政 治





