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Many years ago , when I was a student , a radio studio manager ___1____ me and it changed my life.

“How old are you?” he asked. “Fifteen,” I said.

“You want a job in radio? Shouldn’t you be at ___2_____ ?” he asked.21教育名师原创作品

How could I explain? I’ve always __3____ the radio. When I was four or five, I sat close to the radio in the living room, listening to many programmes. At the age of nine, I asked for jobs in ___4____ radio stations.

As I grew older, my ____5___ in radio grew. One day, I learned about Internet radio. Once a week, I played my ___6____ music from my father’s computer to the listeners, talked about life at school.

Soon my friends at junior high school started to listen, and then they wanted to __7__. We prepared the weekly programs, articles about music, jokes…

“OK, __8__with me,” the manager said. I followed him into the studio. Then I sat down in front of a microphone. He was in another room, behind the glass wall.

“OK, let’ s do a second check. Just tell me what you had for

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All radio presenters(播音员) begin work with the same ___9___. “I had eggs, fruit and some milk.” “OK, that’s great,” the manager said.

And this was how my first real __10__ in radio began. ( ) 1. A. promised B. recognized C. interviewed

B. business C. school

( ) 2. A. work

( ) 3.A.repaired B. loved C. cleaned



( ) 4. A. small B. careful

( ) 5. A.trouble B. habit C.interest

( ) 6. A.polite B.favourite C. noisy ( ) 7. A. laugh B. refuse

C. read




( ) 8. A. come B. sing

( ) 9. A. station B. advertisement C.

B. job

( ) 10. A. game C. joke

Keys: 1-5 CCBAC 6-10 BCACB

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A green life sometimes just needs a good idea like sharing cars. It’s a new way of thinking. You can use a car but you don’t need to own it. Now the idea of “car sharing” has becoming 1 in many countries.

As we know, most cars 2 in garages(车库)for much time. In fact, we drive our own cars are 3 one or two hours a day on average(平均). When we don’t use them, we have to pay for parking and 4 things. That costs too much money. To 5 money, some people come up with the idea of “car sharing” . If we share a car, we’ll only 6 when we use it.

Now many people are starting to do “car sharing” . In Switzerland, almost 40,000 people have 7 it. Japan is also trying to make “ 8 ” popular around the country.

“car sharing” is the beginning of a new idea in 9 . It is also very good for us to travel everywhere 10 buying a car. Do you love to share a car with others? ( ) 1. A. popular ( ) 2. A. washed ( ) 3. A. as far as ( ) 4. A. other

B. interesting B. driven B. as long as B. others

C. funny C. parked C. as much as C. another

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( ) 5. A. make ( ) 6. A. spend ( ) 7. A. joined ( ) 8. A. time saving ( ) 9. A. fashion ( ) 10. A. of

B. save B. cost B. covered B. money saving B. transportation B. with

C. find C. pay C. dropped C. car sharing C. family C. without

1-5 ACBAB 6-10 CACBC


Alice had an argument with her best friend, Judy last Sunday. She thought 1.________ was really difficult and wanted to copy Judy’s homework. But she refused. After that, they didn’t talk to each other for a few days. Alice didn’t know 2.________to face her maths problem and she wondered if she could get on well with her friend again.

Yesterday afternoon, she saw a cool boy 3.________the violin happily by the road when she was walking home from school. The violin sounded so nice that she couldn't help stopping to listen to him. 4.________Alice didn't know what music he was playing, it made her feel better. After he finished the music,Alice walked over to him and said, “Thank you 5.________ your beautiful music. It gets me out of the really bad mood(心情),then she took out some 6.________and gave it to him. To her surprise, the boy asked him to take the money back. He explained that he wasn’t making money by playing the violin. He just wanted to

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7.________others. That’s why he played it by the road .What a 8.______ boy he was ! Then Alice told him about her trouble.

He said,“You should learn to smile even if you are in difficulty. Listening to music is helpful. So why not listen to music as 9.________as possible ? Never lose heart! Believe in your friend! She has her own reason. And believe in 10.________! Everything will go well!”

Hearing these words, Alice went home with a smile. She believed she could make it.

( ) 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( ) 6. ( ) 7. ( ) 8. ( ) 9. ( ) 10.

A. Chinese A. why A. carrying A. Because A. for A. music A. have A. safe A. often A. myself

B. Maths B. how B. selling B. When B. with B. money B. leave B. rich B. loudly B. herself

C. Science C. when C. playing C. Though C. from C.food C. help C. kind C. soon C. yourself

1-5 BBCCA 6-10 BCCAC 4

Eye contact is one of the most important forms of body language. It

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is often the key to successful 1 . But what kind of eye contact is proper? Different cultures have 2 answers.【出处:21教育名师】

In 3 cultures, it is necessary to have eye contact. In fact, a Westerner might consider a lack of(缺少)eye contact as a lack of interest. In countries like Spain, Italy and Greece, people like standing close to each other when they are talking, so eye contact lasts 4 .

5 , in many Asian cultures, people 6 eye contact to show respect. They do so when they talk with someone in higher positions(职位、地位)or with someone 7 than themselves. Habits like this can cause 8 when people do not understand them. For example, an Asian person might 9 his or her eyes or look down while listening to a speaker. A Western speaker might think the person is 10 .

( ) 1. A. news B. communication C. information

( ) 2. A. different B. the same C. no

( ) 3. A. Asian B. American C. Western ( ) 4. A. shorter B. longer C. faster ( ) 5. A. That is B. In a way C. However ( ) 6. A. avoid B. result in C. survey ( ) 7. A. older B. younger C. fatter

( ) 8. A. danger B. questions C. problems ( ) 9. A. close B. open C. touch ( ) 10. A. interested B. not interested C. surprised 1-5 BACBC

6-10 AACAB


Have you ever hear about the \“一带一路”建设) ? The 1 was first proposed by President Xi Jinping on October 3rd, 2013. At that time, President Xi was 2 part in an

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important meeting in Indonesia. During the meeting he 3 an important speech. In the 4 he raised the \It aims at connecting Asian, European and African countries more 5 . It will be a 6 turning point for the Chinese economy. It can help promote industrial transfer among different areas, 7 it can create a new wave of investment in China.www-2-1-cnjy-com In China, different places have different 8 of economic development, some developed rapidly, some developed slowly. Most of the projects will take two to four 9 to complete, so by the year 2020, some economists said, the speed of industrial transfer may be faster than 10 . ( ) 1. A. conversation B. initiative C. meeting ( ) 2. A. making B. having C. taking ( ) 3. A. gave B. admitted C. refused ( ) 4. A. speech B. initiative C. country ( ) 5. A. seriously B. closely C. clearly ( ) 6. A. harmful B. helpless C. meaningful ( ) 7. A. but B. and C. so ( ) 8. A. levels B. ideas C. plans ( ) 9. A. centuries B. decades C. years ( ) 10. A. experienced B. expected C. expressed 1-10:BCAABCBACB

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A rich man was riding along the road and saw an old man digging in his garden. On the ground lay a young tree, ready to be planted. The rich man called out to the old man. “What kind of tree are you planting there, my good man?”

“This is a fig(无花果) tree, sir.” He said. “A fig tree?” The rich man was very surprised. “Why, how old are you, may I ask?” “I am ninety years old this year.” “What ?” cried the man. “You are ninety years old. You are planting a very young tree now and it will take years to give fruit. You certainly don’t hope to live long enough to get any fruit from this tree.” The old man looked around the garden. Then he said with a smile, “Tell me , sir. Did you eat figs when you were a boy?” “Sure , why do you ask this question?” the man asked. “Then tell me this,”he said. “Who planted the fig tree?” “Why-why? I don’t know.” “You see, sir. Our forefather planted trees for us to enjoy and I am doing the same for the people after me.”

The rich man was quiet and said, “You are right, my good man. We should do something for the people after us. Thank you very much.”

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The rich man rode away.

( ) 1. What was the old man doing when the rich man saw him? A. He was ready to plant a fig tree. B. He was exercising in his garden.

C. He was riding along the road. D. He was watering the plants in his garden.

( ) 2. How old was the old man then ?

A. He was over ninety years old. B. He was ninety years old.

C. He was less than ninety years old. D. He was about to be eighty years old.

( ) 3. Who was he planting the trees for?

A. For himself B. For the rich man

C. For his friends D. For the people after him.

( ) 4. The rich man didn’t eat figs when he was a boy, did he ?

A. No, he did. B. No, he didn’t. C. Yes, he did. D. We don’t know.

( ) 5. What can we learn from the article?

A. We should plant more trees for the people after us.

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B. It’s never too old to plant trees .

C. We should do something useful for the people after us. D. We should be friendly to others. 1-5 ABDCC


Benjamin Franklin was born on January 17, 1706 in Boston, America. He is best known as a scientist and politician(政治家) today. One of his most famous inventions is the lightning rod(避雷针).And he is also regarded as “the Founder of the United States” because of his success in politics. However, he is not just an inventor and politician. Franklin is a great chess player. He started playing chess in 1733 and this made him the first chess player in the American history. He wrote a book about his story of playing chess in December,1786. In this book, he hoped to find connections between chess and life. He and his friend even used chess to learn Italian. It was a very interesting experience in his early life.

Not only a great chess player, Franklin is also known to play the violin ,the harp (竖琴), and the guitar. He used some glasses to produce a clear and sweet sound just like birds’ singing.

Benjamin Franklin died at his home in the USA at the age of 84. There were about 20,000 people who were present at his funeral(葬礼).

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