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英 语 试 卷

第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,共7.5分)


1. Why does the man feel tired? A. Overworked.

B. Sleepless last night.

C. Stayed up too late.

2. What does the woman really imply? A. She can rest on weekends. B. She has to work on weekends.

C. She works for only eight hours each day. 3. How did the woman get to the hotel from the airport?

A. By subway. B. By taxi. C. By bus. 4. What does the man think of the movie last night?

A. Boring. B. Interesting.

C. Thrilling.

5. What is the new number of the City Health Service?

A. 8576-9872. B. 5867-7289. C. 5876-2789. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)

听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6,7题。 6. What has Peter been doing? A. Studying in the student union. B. Mending a computer. C. Playing computer games. 7. What does Mary advise Peter to do?

A. Take a break. B. Buy a computer. C. Download some games. 听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。 8. What do we know about California oranges?

A. They are sour. B. They are small. C. They have no seeds. 9. How many bananas does the man buy?

A. Four. B. Five.

C. Nine.

C. Three

10. How much are the oranges?

A. One dollar. B. Two dollars. dollars.


11. What is the weather like according to the conversation?


A. Sunny and hot. and cold.

B. Windy but warm. C. Windy

12. Why does the man want to drive to work in a hurry? A. To have a meeting. B. To play football. 13. How long has the woman been a nurse? A. Five years. 14. What did Jack buy?

A. A new car. car.

15. Why did the car cost so much?

A. It is collector’s favorite. B. It is in very good shape. C. It is a new car. 16. How will he deal with the car?

A. Paint the car. car.

听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。 17. How long does this class last every time?

A. 45 minutes. B. An hour. One and a half hours.

18. How often do students have the class in room 405?

A. Once a month. B. Twice a month. 19. When can students get their textbooks? A. Today. after tomorrow.

20. What may not determine the grade? A. Homework.

B. A research subject. C. Classroom participation.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



It looks like 2017 is shaping up to be a record-breaking year in movie history. Here is a list of some of the year’s biggest blockbusters so far. Kong: Skull Island

A reboot (重启) of King Kong would normally get laughed at in this day and age, but it looks like this modern version of the story will be worth watching. With US actress Brie Larson and UK actor Tom Hiddleston in the mix, this film is set to be this year’s biggest monster tale. Release Date: 3/10/17 Beauty and the Beast

Director Bill Condon is bringing back a part of our childhood in live action, complete with the songs we all remember and love. With British stars Emma Watson and Dan Stevens leading the cast, the classic Walt Disney story already sounds like it’ll be a delight for both children and adults.


C. To see off the client.

C. More than five years.

B. Less than five years.


B. An electric car. C. An old

B. Fix up the wheels. C. Clean the


C. Once a week.

C. The day

B. Tomorrow.

Release Date: 3/17/17 The Fate of the Furious

There was doubt that we’d even get a Fast 8, especially after the fitting ending US actor Paul Walker’s character was given at the end of Furious 7. Fans thought they’d never see Dom and the rest of the crew back in action, but thankfully, US star Vin Diesel himself confirmed that The Fate of the Furious is fueling up for another go. The actor’s character, Dom, turns to the dark side, funded by new enemy Cipher, played by South African actress Charlize Theron. Can the rest of Dom’s family join together to bring their old leader down? Find out in April. Release Date: 4/14/17 Spider-Man: Homecoming

Spider Man is heading home to Marvel Studios for the first time. The movie will show us Peter Parker’s high school days, and will continue the threads we saw formed during his initial appearance in Captain America: Civil War. We know that Michael Keaton is playing The Vulture in this story, and that both Happy Hogan and Tony Stark, played by US actors Jon Favreau and Robert Downey Jr., are along for the ride. But it’s Tom Holland’s show as Spider-Man, so let’s see what he has in store. Release Date: 7/7/17

21. Which of the following movies can’t you see on May Day? A. Kong: Skull Island B. Beauty and the Beast C. The Fate of the Furious

D. Spider-Man: Homecoming

22. What can we know about Beauty and the Beast? A. It is fueling up for another go. B. It is produced by Marvel Studios. C. It’ll show us Peter Parker’s school days. D. It’ll be enjoyable for both children and adults.

23. Dom, played by _______, turns to the dark side in The Fate of the Furious. A.Vin Diesel B. Charlize Theron C. Paul Walker

D. Dan Stevens


Feeding a crowd of hundreds doesn’t make Kenny Seals-Nutt nervous. In fact, he loves being in the kitchen.

By the time Kenny, 16, reached his third year of high school in Charlotte, US, he had become vice president of his school’s cooking club.

Kenny said he developed his love of cooking by watching his grandmother, who owned a business.

And at the age of 5, he cooked his first dish. Taking it to school for lunch, he warmed it up in the school’s microwave, while the other kids ate their sandwiches.

“I love to eat, and it started to become more fun to cook than to have food prepared for me,” he said.

Cooking came easy to Kenny, and he enjoyed adding new ingredients into common dishes. “It started with a passion and I wanted to know more,” he said.


Last summer, Kenny put his skills to the test by working with his grandmother to cater his uncle’s wedding. Kenny added new changes to the traditional dishes that his grandma had prepared.

Chef Frederick Mookie Hicks, owner of a catering business, said Kenny’s success comes from his ability to multitask in the kitchen.

“He’s so enthusiastic about cooking that he doesn’t let anything stop him,” Hicks said. 24. What inspired Kenny’s interest in cooking? A. The cooking club in his school. B. His love for eating.

C. His desire to run a catering business alone. D. The sight of his grandmother cooking.

25. The underlined word “cater” in Paragraph 8 probably means “to ______”. A. have fun at B. be present at C. provide food for D. make a plan for

26. Which of the following best describes Kenny’s cooking? A. Traditional.B. Creative.C. Simple. D. Strange.

27. What does Hicks think sets Kenny apart from other students? a. His passion for cooking. b. His cooperation with others. c. His ability to multitask. d. His special family background. A. a, b B. a, c C. b, c D. c, d


Along with soccer, basketball is a global sport. As you read this, young people somewhere in the world are happily passing, dribbling and shooting. It’s enormous fun and a joyful way to spend time with others.

Basketball is a game for everyone. Unlike golf or tennis, it doesn’t require great wealth or a lot of space to play. After all, not many people have a golf course-sized backyard, and tennis equipment is expensive. Basketball, by contrast, just needs a wall with a hoop (篮筐) and a ball.

So after its invention by Canadian-American physical educator James Naismith in 1891, the sport took off with US city-dwellers, who quickly became attracted to the game because it suited their circumstances. Today, 126 years later, basketball remains one of the most popular sports in the US, and the National Basketball Association (NBA) has an increasing appeal to fans around the world.

The success of basketball as a global phenomenon is undoubtedly related to the way African-Americans play the game. “The basketball court reflected some of the major cultural shifts in America, such as from segregation (种族隔离) to integration (融合),” the LIVESTRONG website noted.

From the 1950s onwards, segregation rules, which had prohibited African-Americans from playing in NBA games, were no longer used in the US. In 1950, when Earl Lloyd started to play for the Washington Capital team, things began to change. Since then, most of the greats of the game have been African-Americans, like Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, Kobe Bryant and LeBron James.


It’s not difficult to see that there’s a strong link between political liberation and basketball. Something of this is expressed in a quote from the US author John Edgar Wideman. He makes a connection between basketball and hope: “When it’s played the way it’s supposed to be played, basketball happens in the air; flying, floating, elevated (升起) above the floor, levitating (使飘浮) the way oppressed (压制的) peoples of this earth imagine themselves in their dreams.” 28. What advantage does basketball have over golf or tennis, according to the author? A. It can be played anywhere. B. It doesn’t cost much to play. C. It doesn’t require too much skill. D. It interests almost everyone.

29. What can we learn about basketball from Paragraph 3? A. The sport was created by a PE teacher. B. The sport was not popular with people at first. C. Its rules have changed a lot to suit new circumstances.

D. The NBA, with a history of 126 years, attracts people worldwide. 30. The main purpose of Paragraph 5 is to ________. A. explain the origin and rules of NBA games in the 1950s B. prove the popularity of basketball among African-Americans C. stress the success of African-Americans in basketball D. show how racial integration took place in basketball 31. What do John Edgar Wideman’s words mean? A. Basketball is sometimes a useful tool for politicians. B. American people usually have a basketball dream. C. Basketball stands for the freedom and hopes of people. D. Political oppression is a serious problem in the US.


Imagine you’re standing in line to buy an after-school snack at a store. You step up to the counter and the cashier scans your food. Next, you have to pay. But instead of scanning a QR code (二维码) with your smartphone, you just hold out your hand so the cashier can scan your fingerprint. Or, a camera scans your face, your eyes or even your ear.

Now, this type of technology might not be far away. As technology companies move away from the traditional password, biometric security (生物识别技术), which includes fingerprint, face and voice ID, is becoming increasingly popular.

In 2013, Apple introduced the iPhone 5s, one of the first smartphones with a fingerprint scanner. Since then, using one’s fingerprint to unlock a phone and make mobile payments has become commonplace, bringing convenience to our lives. And since last year, Samsung has featured eye-scanning technology in its top smartphones, while Apple’s new iPhone X can even scan a user’s face.

But despite its popularity, experts warn that biometrics might not be as secure as we’d imagined.

“Biometrics, ideally, are good,” John Michener, a biometrics expert, told tech website Inverse. “In practice, not so much.”


