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英文实习工作证明模板范文 关键词:英文,实习,证明,模板,工作

英文实习工作证明模板范文 介绍:实习证明模版(一)  practicecertificate  itiscertifiedthat***finishedher/hisone-monthpracticefrom***to***inour办(是什么?)。duringthetime,he/sheworkedhardandhadagood

英文实习工作证明模板范文 详情:



practice certificate

it is certified that *** finished her/his one-month practice from *** to *** in our 办(是什么?)。during the time, he/she worked hard and had a good performance.he/she kept improving his/her study in specialty and theory.on dealing with his/her work, he/she was strict with himself/herself, concerned about all the others and doing well in all his/her work. now the practice is over.

this is our practice certificate

**province**办 ( stamp)


internship certificate example

 http://www.052975.cn/ human resource operations

date: april 21, XX

to whom it may concern

this is to certify that miss xxx has completed her internship in (organizational name)’s finance department starting from january 28, XX to march 28, XX.

her duties included

· checking the credit files and preparation of disbursement cheques for different departments

· monthly bank reconciliations of loan accounts

· vouchers entry in mis.

during her stay we found her hard-working whttp://www.016823.cn/ith an aptitude for learning and ability to grasp diverse concepts quickly. she possesses a strong analytical sense, decision making ability and proved herself a team player.

we wish her bhttp://www.007573.cn/est of luck for future endeavors.


manager hr & administration

