Unit 1 Never Say Goodbye 课文翻译 综合教程一
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Unit 1 Never Say Goodbye
When I was ten I was suddenly confronted with the anguish of moving from the only home I had ever known. My whole life, brief as it was, had been spent in that big old house, gracefully touched with the laughter and tears of four generations.
When the final day came, I ran to the haven of the small back porch and sat alone, shuddering, as tears welled up from my heart. Suddenly I felt a hand rest on my shoulder. I looked up to see my grandfather. \\I replied through my tears, \can I ever say goodbye to you and all my friends?\
For a moment he just stared off into the apple trees. \seems too final, too cold, for friends to use. We seem to have so many ways of saying goodbye and they all have one thing in common: sadness\
I continued to look into his face. He gently took my hand in his. \he whispered.
We walked, hand in hand, to his favorite place in the front yard, where a huge red rosebush sat conspicuously alone.
I looked at the flower, not knowing what to say, and then answered, \beautiful, Grandpa.\
Kneeling, he pulled me close. \place in your heart that makes them so.\
His eyes met mine again. \I planted these roses a long, long time ago—before your mother was even a dream. I put them into the soil the day my first son was born. It was my way of saying thank-you to God. That boy's name was Billy, just like yours. I used to watch him pick roses for his mother.\
I saw my grandfather's tears. I had never seen him cry before. His voice became hoarse. \He and I walked to the train station together ... Three months later a telegram came. My son had died in some tiny village in Italy. All I could think of was that the last thing I said to him in this life was goodbye.\
Grandpa slowly stood up. \and the loneliness of that word. I want you to remember instead the joy and the happiness of those times when you first said hello to a friend. Take that special hello and lock it away within you—in that place in your heart where summer is an always time. When you and your friends must part, I want you to reach deep within you and bring back that first hello.\
A year and half later, my grandfather became gravely ill. When he returned from several weeks in the hospital, he wanted his bed next to the window, where he could see his beloved rosebush.
Then the family was summoned and I returned to the old house. It was decided that the oldest grandchildren would be allowed to say their goodbyes.
When it came to my turn, I noted how tired he looked. His eyes were closed and his breathing was slow and hard.
I took his hand as gently as he had once taken mine. \
\ I was standing by his rosebush when an uncle came to tell me that my grandfather had died. Remembering Grandpa's words, I reached deep within me for those special feelings that had made up our friendship. Suddenly, and truly, I knew what he had meant about never saying goodbye—about refusing to give in to the sadness.
“爷爷,”我流着泪答道,“可是,我怎么能够跟你,还有我所有的朋友说再见啊?” 他一直注视着远处的苹果树,“再见是多么令人悲伤的字眼,”他说,“对朋友们用这个词似乎太绝对、太冰冷了。好像我们有很多不同的道别方式,但他们有一个共同点,那就是悲伤。”
我看着那些花儿,不知道该说些什么。然后答道,“我看见了柔和美丽的东西,爷爷。” 他跪了下来,把我拉得更近,说道,“不仅仅是因为这些玫瑰本身的美丽,比利,是你内心的某个特别的地方,使得他们如此美丽。”
我看见了祖父的眼泪。以前我从未见过他流泪。他的声音开始变得有些沙哑。 “有一天,可怕的战争爆发了。我的儿子,象许多其他人的儿子们一样,去与邪恶作战。他和我一起走到火车站。。。。。。三个月后,来了一封电报说,我的儿子战死在意大利的一个小村庄里。我所能想起的只有在他的生命中我跟他讲的最后一句话——再见。”
轮到我时,我发现他看起来相当疲倦。他的眼睛闭着,呼吸缓慢而艰难。 我轻轻的拿起他的手,就像以前他牵着我的手一样。 “您好,爷爷,”我轻轻的说。他的眼睛缓慢的睁开了。
“你好,我的朋友。”他说道,带着短暂的微笑。他的眼睛再一次闭上,我离开了房间。 那时我正站在祖父的玫瑰丛边,叔叔过来告诉我说,祖父已经去世了。想起祖父的话,我从内心深处回忆起构成我们友谊的特殊情感。突然,真真切切地,我领悟了他告诉我的永远不要说再见的含义——不要屈服于悲伤。
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