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实验课程名称 开课学院

移动通信系统实验 信息工程学院

指导老师姓名 聂明新 学生姓名


2014 年 4 月 20日




⑩ 统计错误比特: 误差向量 “err” 中的每一个非零元素对应着一个错误的比特。 最后计算误比特率 BER:每运行一次误比特率仿真,就需要传输和接收固定数量 的比特,然后确定接收到的比特中有多少错误的。使用 MATLAB 计算 BER: ber=te/length(tx)。

四.实验内容1.实验程序 a% Simulation of BPSK AWGN Max_SNR=10; N_trials=1000; N=200; Eb=1; ber_m=0; for trial=1:1:N_trials; trial msg=round(rand(1,N)); % 1,0 sequence s=1-msg.*2; %0-->1,1-->1 n=randn(1,N)+j.*randn(1,N); %generate guass white noise ber_v=[]; for snr_dB=1:2:Max_SNR snr=10.^(snr_dB./10); %snr(db)-->snr(decimal) N0=Eb./snr; sgma=sqrt(N0./2); y=sqrt(Eb).*s+sgma.*n; y1=sign(real(y)); y2=(1-y1)./2; %1, 0 sequence error=sum(abs(msg-y2)); %error bits ber_snr=error./N; %ber ber_v=[ber_v,ber_snr]; end %for snr ber_m

=ber_m+ber_v; end ber=ber_m./N_trials; ber_theory=[]; for snr_db=1:2:Max_SNR snr=10.^(snr_db./10); snr_1=qfunc(sqrt(2*snr)); ber_theory=[ber_theory,snr_1]; end i=1:2:Max_SNR; semilogy(i,ber,'-r',i,ber_theory,'*b'); xlabel('E_b/N_0(dB)') ylabel('BER')


legend('Monte Carlo','Theoretic')

2. 实验程序 b%Simulation of QPSK AWGN N_trials=1000; N_number=100; N_snr=10; Es=1; BER_m=0; SER_m=0; for trials=1:N_trials; trials s10=round(rand(1,N_number)); S=(s10*2-1)./sqrt(2); S1=S(1:2:N_number); S2=S(2:2:N_number); Sc=S1+j.*S2; %generate qpsk signal noise=randn(1,N_number/2)+j.*randn(1,N_number/2); SER_v=[]; %Symbol error rate BER_v=[]; %Bit error rate for snr_db=0:1:N_snr; sgma=(1/2)*sqrt(10.^(-snr_db./10)); Y=Sc+sgma.*noise; Y_r=sign(real(Y))./sqrt(2); Y_i=sign(imag(Y))./sqrt(2); Y_bit=[]; for k=1:length(Y_r); Y_bit=[Y_bit,[Y_r(k),Y_i(k)]]; end; Y_symbol=Y_r+j*Y_i; X_b=S-Y_bit; X_s=Sc-Y_symbol; ber_snr=0; for k=1:N_number if X_b(k)~=0; ber_snr=ber_snr+1; end; end; ser_snr=0; for k=1:N_number/2; if X_s(k)~=0; ser_snr=ser_snr+1; end; end; BER_v=[BER_v,ber_snr./N_number];


SER_v=[SER_v,ser_snr./(N_number./2)]; end; %for SNR BER_m=BER_m+BER_v; SER_m=SER_m+SER_v; end% for trials BER=BER_m./N_trials; SER=SER_m./N_trials; BER_T=[]; SER_T=[]; for snr_db=0:1:N_snr; snr=10.^(snr_db./10); BER_THEORY=qfunc(sqrt(2.*snr)); SER_THEORY=1-(1-(1/2).*erfc(sqrt(snr))).^2; BER_T=[BER_T,BER_THEORY]; SER_T=[SER_T,SER_THEORY]; end; figure i=0:1:N_snr; semilogy(i,BER,'-r',i,BER_T,'*b'); legend('BER-simulation','BER-theory'); xlabel('Eb/NO(db)'); ylabel('BER'); figure i=0:1:N_snr; semilogy(i,SER,'-r',i,SER_T,'*b'); legend('SER-simulation','SER-theory'); xlabel('Eb/NO(db)'); ylabel('SER');


五.仿真结果1.实验程序 a

图a 2.实验程序 b

图 b1


图 b2

五.实验小结通过本次实验,掌握了二相 BPSK 调制的工作原理及利用 MATLAB 进行误比特 率测试 BER 的方法,学会了 AWGN 信道中 BPSK 调制系统的 BER 仿真计算方法。在 实验过程中我通过不断的调试与学习,对本次实验的内容有了整体的把握,对 MATLAB 的使用也更加熟练,达到了预期的效果,收获很大。




theta=0; count=0; t0=0.001; for t=0:Ts:0.5 count=count+1; g(count)=0; for n=1:M+1, if n<=M c_q(count,n)=2*sigma*sin(pi*n/M); c_i(count,n)=2*sigma*cos(pi*n/M); f_i(count,n)=f_max*cos(2*pi*n/N); f_q(count,n)=f_max*cos(2*pi*n/N);

%Gain associated with quadrature component %Gain associated with inphase component %Discrete doppler frequencies of inphase component %Discrete doppler frequencies of quadrature component

else c_i(count,n)=sqrt(2)*cos(pi/4); c_q(count,n)=sqrt(2)*sin(pi/4); f_i(count,n)=f_max; f_q(count,n)=f_max; end; % end if g_i(count,n)= c_i(count,n)*cos(2*pi*f_i(count,n)*(t-t0)+theta); %Inphase component for one oscillator g_q(count,n)= c_q(count,n)*cos(2*pi*f_q(count,n)*(t-t0)+theta); %Quadrature componentforoneoscillator end; %end n tp(count)= sq*sum(g_i(count,1:M+1)); % Total Inphase component tp1(count)= sq*sum(g_q(count,1:M+1)); % Total quadrature component end; % end count no nagain envelope=sqrt(tp.^2+tp1.^2); rmsenv=sqrt(sum(envelope.^2)/count); [auto_i,lag_i]=xcorr(tp,'coeff'); %Auto-correlation associated with inphase component [auto_q,lag_q]=xcorr(tp,'coeff'); %Auto-correlation associated with quadrature component len=length(lag_i); [corrx2,lag2]=xcorr(tp,tp1,'coeff'); aa=-(len-1)/2:1:(len-1)/2; %total duration for lag bb=(len-2001)./2; %mid...points for drawing figures cc=bb+1:1:bb+2001; %for getting the mid-values dd=-1000:1:1000; %----------tdd=dd*Ts;


z=2.*pi.*f_max*tdd; sigma0=1; T_bessel=sigma0.^2.*besselj(0,z); figure; plot(tdd,auto_i(cc),'-',tdd,T_bessel,'*'); %in-phase xlabel('t(Second)'); ylabel('Auto-correlation'); legend('In-component'); figure; plot(tdd,auto_q(cc),'-',tdd,T_bessel,'*'); %quadrature xlabel('t(Second)'); ylabel('Auto-correlation'); legend('Q-component'); figure; co1=1:1000; semilogy(co1*Ts,envelope(1:1000)); xlabel('t(Second)'); ylabel('Rayleigh Coef.'); %%-----------length_r=length(envelope); pdf_env=zeros(1,501); count=0; temp=round(100.*envelope); for k=1:length_r if temp(k)<=500 count=count+1; pdf_env(1,temp(k)+1)=pdf_env(1,temp(k)+1)+1; end end count pdf_env=pdf_env./count./0.01; sgma2=0.5; x=[0:0.01:5]; pdf_theory=(x./sgma2).*exp(-1.*x.^2./(2.*sgma2)); figure; plot(x,pdf_env,'-',x,pdf_theory,'*'); legend('Simulated','Theoretic');

xlabel('r'); ylabel('PDF of r');








六.实验小结通过本次实验,我进行了无线通信信道的建模与仿真,认识到它是实现移动通信系统仿 真与分析的基础,宽带无线通信与移动通信信道属频率选择性瑞利衰落信道模型。通过信道 设计实验,基本掌握了频率选择性信道模型的仿真建模方法以及模型中瑞利衰落系数的设计 方法,学会了多径数目、功率和时延参数的设计和采用 MATLAB 语言对上述参数进行仿真。实 验过程中,我通过不断调试与修改,终于成功完成了任务,加深对 MATLAB 的应用的同时掌 握了相关的知识。




3. 用 MATLAB 进行仿真,统计 BER 或 SER 随信噪比的关系,绘出曲线 4. 对统计试验的结果与单用户的理论值进行比较 5. 对仿真结果进行分析

五、仿真结果1.仿真主程序%main_IS95_forward.m %此函数用于 IS-95 前向链路系统的仿真,包括扩 %频调制,匹配滤波,RAKE 接收等相关通信模块。 %仿真环境: 加性高斯白噪声信道. %数据速率 = 9600 KBps % clear all close all clc disp('--------------start-------------------'); global ZiZqZs show R GiGq clear j; show = 0; %控制程序运行中的显示 SD = 0; % 选择软/硬判决接收 %-------------------主要的仿真参数设置-----------------BitRate = 9600; %比特率 ChipRate = 1228800; %码片速率 N = 184; %源数据数 MFType = 1; % 匹配滤波器类型--升余弦 R = 5; %+++++++++++++++++++Viterbi 生成多项式++++++++++++++++++ G_Vit = [1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1; 1 0 1 1

1 0 0 0 1];%Viterbi 生成多项式矩阵 K = size(G_Vit, 2); %列数 L = size(G_Vit, 1); %行数 %++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ %++++++++++++++++++++++Walsh 矩阵++++++++++++++++++++++++ WLen = 64; %walsh 码的长度 Walsh = reshape([1;0]*ones(1, WLen/2), WLen , 1); %32 个 1 0 行 %Walsh = zeros(WLen ,1); %++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ %++++++++++++++++++扩频调制 PN 码的生成多项式++++++++++++++ %Gi = [ 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1]'; %Gq = [ 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1]'; Gi_ind = [15, 13, 9, 8, 7, 5, 0]'; %i 路 PN 码生成多项式参数 Gq_ind = [15, 12, 11, 10, 6, 5, 4, 3, 0]'; %q 路 PN 码生成多项式参数 Gi = zeros(16, 1); %16× 1 的 0 矩阵 Gi(16-Gi_ind) = ones(size(Gi_ind));%根据 Gi_ind 配置 i 路 PN 码生成多项式 Zi = [zeros(length(Gi)-1, 1); 1];


% I 路信道 PN 码生成器的初始状态 Gq = zeros(16, 1); %16× 1 的 0 矩阵 Gq(16-Gq_ind) = ones(size(Gq_ind)); %根据 Gq_ind 配置 q 路 PN 码生成多项式 Zq = [zeros(length(Gq)-1, 1); 1]; % Q 路信道 PN 码生成器的初始状态 %++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ %+++++++++++++++++++扰码生成多项式++++++++++++++++++++++ Gs_ind = [42, 35, 33, 31, 27, 26, 25, 22, 21, 19, 18, 17, 16, 10, 7, 6, 5, 3, 2, 1, 0]'; Gs = zeros(43, 1); %43× 1 的 0 矩阵 Gs(43-Gs_ind) = ones(size(Gs_ind)); %根据 Gs_ind 配置扰码生成多项式 Zs = [zeros(length(Gs)-1, 1); 1]; % 长序列生成器的初始状态 %++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ %++++++++++++++++++++++AWGN 信道++++++++++++++++++++++++ EbEc = 10*log10(ChipRate/BitRate);%处理增益 EbEcVit = 10*log10(L); EbNo = [-1: 0.5 : 1]; %仿真信噪比范围(dB) %EbNo = [-2 : 0.5 : -1.5]; %++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ %-----------------------------------------------------%-------------------------主程序------------------------ErrorsB = []; ErrorsC = []; NN = []; if (SD == 1) % 判断软/硬判决接收 fprintf('\n SOFT Decision Viterbi Decoder\n\n'); else fprintf('\n HARD Decision Viterbi Decoder\n\n'); end for i=1:length(EbNo) %根据 EbNo 多次运行 fprintf('\nProcessing %1.1f (dB)', EbNo(i));%输出当前 EbNo 值 iter = 0; ErrB = 0; ErrC = 0; while (ErrB<300) & (iter<150) drawnow; %++++++++++++++++++++++发射机+++++++++++++++++++++++ TxData = (randn(N, 1)>0);%生成源数据 % 速率为 19.2Kcps [TxChips, Scrambler] = PacketBuilder(TxData, G_Vit, Gs); %产生 IS-95 前向链路系统的发送 数据包 % 速率为 1.2288Mcps [x PN MF] = Modulator(TxChips, MFType, Walsh);%实现 IS-95 前向链路系统的数据调制 %++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ %++++++++++++++++++++++++信道+++++++++++++++++++++++++++ noise = 1/sqrt(2)*sqrt(R/2)*( randn(size(x)) + j*randn(size(x)))*10^(-(EbNo(i) - EbEc)/20);% 生成噪声序列 r = x+noise;%加入噪声


%++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ %+++++++++++++++++++++++++接收机+++

+++++++++++++++++++++ RxSD = Demodulator(r, PN, MF, Walsh); %软判决,速率为 19.2 Kcps RxHD = (RxSD>0); % 定义接收码片的硬判决 if (SD) [RxData Metric]= ReceiverSD(RxSD, G_Vit, Scrambler); %软判决 else [RxData Metric]= ReceiverHD(RxHD, G_Vit, Scrambler); %硬判决 end %++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ if(show) subplot(311); plot(RxSD, '-o'); title('Soft Decisions'); %软判决结果图 subplot(312); plot(xor(TxChips, RxHD), '-o'); title('Chip Errors');%RAKE 接收机输入符号 与发送码相比出错的码 subplot(313); plot(xor(TxData, RxData), '-o'); %硬判决接收机与发送数据相比的出错码 title(['Data Bit Errors. Metric = ', num2str(Metric)]); pause; end if(mod(iter, 50)==0) %每 50 次保存一次 fprintf('.'); save TempResultsErrBErrC N iter %保存结果 end ErrB = ErrB + sum(xor(RxData, TxData));%求出错比特数 ErrC = ErrC + sum(xor(RxHD, TxChips)); %求出错码数 iter = iter+ 1;%迭代次数 end ErrorsB = [ErrorsB; ErrB]; %存储各 EbNo 值下的出错比特数 ErrorsC = [ErrorsC; ErrC]; %存储各 EbNo 值下的出错码数 NN = [NN; N*iter]; %存储各 EbNo 值下的总数据码数目 save SimData * %保存当前迭代的数据 end %+++++++++++++++++++++++++误码率计算++++++++++++++++++++++++ PerrB = ErrorsB./NN; %出错比特比例 %PerrB1 = ErrorsB1./NN1; PerrC = ErrorsC./NN; %出错码比例 Pbpsk= 1/2*erfc(sqrt(10.^(EbNo/10))); %EbNo 的余误差 PcVit= 1/2*erfc(sqrt(10.^((EbNo-EbEcVit)/10)));%EbNo-EbEcVit 的余误差 Pc = 1/2*erfc(sqrt(10.^((EbNo-EbEc)/10)));%EbNo-EbEc 的余误差 %+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ %%+++++++++++++++++++++++++性能仿真显示++++++++++++++++++++++ figure; semilogy(EbNo(1:length(PerrB)), PerrB, 'b-*'); hold on;%信噪比误码率图 % %semilogy(EbNo(1:length(PerrB1)), PerrB1, 'k-o'); hold on; % semilogy(EbNo(1:length(PerrC)), PerrC, 'b-o'); grid on;


% semilogy(EbNo, Pbpsk, 'b-.^'); % %semilogy(EbNo, PcVit, 'k-.x'); ylabel('BER'); % semilogy(EbNo, Pc, 'b-.x'); xlabel('信噪比/dB'); ylabel('误码率'); grid on; % legend('Pb of System (HD)', 'Pb of System (SD)', 'Pc before Viterbi of System', % ... 'Pb of BPSK with no Viterbi (theory)', 'Pc on Receiver (theory)'); % % legend('Pb of System', 'Pc before Viterbi of System', ... %'Pb of BPSK with no Viterbi (theory)', %'Pc before Viterbi (theory)', 'Pc on Receiver (theory)'); %+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ disp('--------------end-------------------');


%VitEnc.m function y = VitEnc(G, x); % 此函数根据生成多项式进行 Viterbi 编码 %+++++++++++++++++++++++variables++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ % G 生成多项式的矩阵 % x 输入数据(二进制形式) % y Viterbi 编码输出序列 %++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ K = size(G, 1); %每个数据比特的码片数 L = length(x); %输入数据的长度 yy = conv2(G, x'); %二维卷积 yy = yy(:, 1:L); %根据 L 重新

设定 yy 长度 y = reshape(yy,K*L, 1);%矩阵变形 y = mod(y, 2); %模二运算 %SoftVitDec.m function [xx, BestMetric] = SoftVitDec(G, y, ZeroTail); % % 此函数是实现软判决输入的 Viterbi 译码 %+++++++++++++++++++++++variables++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ % G 生成多项式的矩阵 % y 输入的待译码序列 % ZeroTail 判断是否包含‘0’尾 % xx Viterbi 译码输出序列 % BestMetric 最后的最佳度量 %++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


L = size(G, 1); % 输出码片数 K= size(G, 2); % 生成多项式的长度 N = 2^(K-1); % 状态数 T = length(y)/L; % 最大栅格深度 OutMtrx = zeros(N, 2*L); %输出矩阵的定义 for s = 1:N in0 = ones(L, 1)*[0, (dec2bin((s-1), (K-1))-'0')]; in1 = ones(L, 1)*[1, (dec2bin((s-1), (K-1))-'0')]; out0 = mod(sum((G.*in0)'), 2); out1 = mod(sum((G.*in1)'), 2); OutMtrx(s, :) = [out0, out1]; %生成输出矩阵 end OutMtrx = sign(OutMtrx-1/2); PathMet = [100; zeros((N-1), 1)]; % 初始状态 = 100 PathMetTemp = PathMet(:,1); %副本 Trellis = zeros(N, T); %栅格的矩阵 Trellis(:,1) = [0 : (N-1)]';%给第一列赋值 y = reshape(y, L, length(y)/L);%矩阵按输出码片数变形 for t = 1:T %主栅格计算循环 yy = y(:, t); %取出 y 的第 t 列 for s = 0:N/2-1 [B0 ind0] = max( PathMet(1+[2*s, 2*s+1]) + [OutMtrx(1+2*s, 0+[1:L]) * yy; OutMtrx(1+(2*s+1), 0+[1:L])*yy] ); [B1 ind1] = max( PathMet(1+[2*s, 2*s+1]) + [OutMtrx(1+2*s, L+[1:L]) * yy; OutMtrx(1+(2*s+1), L+[1:L]) * yy] ); PathMetTemp(1+[s, s+N/2]) = [B0; B1]; %改变状态 Trellis(1+[s, s+N/2], t+1) = [2*s+(ind0-1); 2*s + (ind1-1)];%生成 栅格矩阵 end PathMet = PathMetTemp;%赋状态值 end xx = zeros(T, 1);%生成单列 0 矩阵,输出变量 if (ZeroTail) %确定最佳度量 BestInd = 1; else [Mycop, BestInd] = max(PathMet); %非‘0’尾,取最大值所在位置 end BestMetric = PathMet(BestInd); %得到最后的最佳度量 xx(T) = floor((BestInd-1)/(N/2)); %赋值 xx 最后一个数 NextState = Trellis(BestInd, (T+1)); %从栅格矩阵获得初态 for t=T:-1:2 xx(t-1) = floor(NextState/(N/2));%倒序生成 xx NextState = Trellis( (NextState+1), t); %从栅格矩阵获得次态 end


if (ZeroTail) xx = xx(1:end-K+1);%限定译码输出序列长度 end %ReceiverSD.m function [DataOut, Metric] = ReceiverSD(SDchips, G, Scrambler); % 此函数用于实现基于 Viterbi 译码的发送数据的恢复 %+++++++++++++++++++++++variables++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ % SDchips 软判决 RAKE 接收机输入符号 % G Viterbi 编码生成多项式矩阵 % Scrambler 扰码序列 % DataOut 接收数据(二进制形式) % Metric Viterbi 译码最佳度量 %++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ if (nargin == 1)%判断只有 SDchips 传入时在此生成 Viterbi 编码生成多项式矩阵 G = [1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1; 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1]; end % 速率=19.2 KBps SDchips = SDchips.*sign(1/2-Scrambler);%解扰 INTERL = reshape(SDchips, 16, 24);%解交织 SDchips = reshape(INTERL', lengt

h(SDchips), 1); % 速率=19.2 KBps [DataOut Metric] = SoftVitDec(G, SDchips, 1);%实现软判决输入的 Viterbi 译 码 %ReceiverHD.m function [DataOut, Metric] = ReceiverHD(HDchips, G, Scrambler); % 此函数用于实现基于 Viterbi 译码的硬判决接收机 %+++++++++++++++++++++++variables++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ %HDchips 硬判决 RAKE 接收机输入符号 % G Viterbi 编码生成多项式矩阵 % Scrambler 扰码序列 % DataOut 接收数据(二进制形式) % Metric Viterbi 译码最佳度量 %++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ if (nargin == 1) %判断只有 HDchips 传入时在此生成 Viterbi 编码生成多项式矩 阵 G = [1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1; 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1]; end % 速率=19.2 KBps HDchips = xor(HDchips, Scrambler);%解扰 INTERL = reshape(HDchips, 16, 24);%解交织 HDchips = reshape(INTERL', length(HDchips), 1);%速率=19.2 KBps [DataOut Metric] = VitDec(G, HDchips, 1);%维特比解码 %************************end of file***********************************


% ************************beginning of file***************************** %VitDec.m function [xx, BestMetric] = VitDec(G, y, ZeroTail); % % 此函数是实现硬判决输入的 Viterbi 译码 %+++++++++++++++++++++++variables++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ % G 生成多项式的矩阵 % y 输入的待译码序列 % ZeroTail 判断是否包含‘0’尾 % xx Viterbi 译码输出序列 % BestMetric 最后的最佳度量 %++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ L = size(G, 1); % 输出码片数 K= size(G, 2); % 生成多项式长度 N = 2^(K-1); % 状态数 T = length(y)/L; % 最大栅格深度 OutMtrx = zeros(N, 2*L);%输出矩阵的定义 for s = 1:N in0 = ones(L, 1)*[0, (dec2bin((s-1), (K-1))-'0')]; in1 = ones(L, 1)*[1, (dec2bin((s-1), (K-1))-'0')]; out0 = mod(sum((G.*in0)'), 2); out1 = mod(sum((G.*in1)'), 2); OutMtrx(s, :) = [out0, out1];%生成输出矩阵 end PathMet = [0; 100*ones((N-1), 1)];%初始状态为 0 PathMetTemp = PathMet(:,1);%副本 Trellis = zeros(N, T);%栅格的矩阵 Trellis(:,1) = [0 : (N-1)]';%给第一列赋值 y = reshape(y, L, length(y)/L);%矩阵按输出码片数变形 for t = 1:T %主栅格计算循环 yy = y(:, t)';%取出 y 的第 t 列 for s = 0:N/2-1 [B0 ind0] = min( PathMet(1+[2*s, 2*s+1]) + [sum(abs(OutMtrx(1+2*s, 0+[1:L]) - yy).^2); sum(abs(OutMtrx(1+(2*s+1), 0+[1:L]) - yy).^2)] ); [B1 ind1] = min( PathMet(1+[2*s, 2*s+1]) + [sum(abs(OutMtrx(1+2*s, L+[1:L]) - yy).^2); sum(abs(OutMtrx(1+(2*s+1), L+[1:L]) - yy).^2)] ); PathMetTemp(1+[s, s+N/2]) = [B0; B1];%改变状态 Trellis(1+[s, s+N/2], t+1) = [2*s+(ind0-1); 2*s + (ind1-1)];%生成 栅格矩阵 end PathMet = PathMetTemp;%赋状态值 end xx = zeros(T, 1);%生成单列 0 矩阵,输出变量 if (ZeroTail) %确定最佳度量


BestInd = 1; else [Mycop, BestInd] = min(PathMet);%非‘0’尾,取最小值所在位置 end BestMetric = PathMet(BestInd);%得到最后的最佳度量 xx(T) = floor((BestInd-1)/(N/2));%赋值 xx 最后一个

数 NextState = Trellis(BestInd, (T+1));%从栅格矩阵获得初态 for t=T:-1:2 xx(t-1) = floor(NextState/(N/2)); %倒序生成 xx NextState = Trellis( (NextState+1), t);%从栅格矩阵获得次态 end if (ZeroTail) xx = xx(1:end-K+1); %限定译码输出序列长度 end %PNGen.m function [y, Z] = PNGen(G, Zin, N); % % 此函数是根据生成多项式和输入状态产生长度为 N 的伪随机序列 %+++++++++++++++++++++++variables++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ % G 生成多项式 % Zin 移位寄存器初始化 % N PN 序列长度 % y 生成的 PN 码序列 % Z 移位寄存器的输出状态 %++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ L = length(G);%扰码生成多项式长度 Z = Zin; % 移位寄存器的初始化 y = zeros(N, 1);%N*1 的 0 矩阵 for i=1:N y(i) = Z(L); %获取当前状态输出值(移位寄存器的最后一位输出) Z = xor(G*Z(L), Z); %生成移位寄存器次态 Z = [Z(L); Z(1:L-1)]; %移位寄存器后移 1 位 end %yy = filter(1, flipud(G), [1; zeros(N-1, 1)]); %yy = mod(yy, 2); %PacketBuilder.m function [ChipsOut, Scrambler] = PacketBuilder(DataBits, G, Gs); %此函数用于产生 IS-95 前向链路系统的发送数据包 %+++++++++++++++++++++++variables++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ % DataBits 发送数据(二进制形式) % G Viterbi 编码生成多项式 % Gs 长序列生成多项式(扰码生成多项式)

