
更新时间:2024-03-21 11:18:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


1. __________ is the center of our planetary system was a difficult concept to grasp in the Middle Ages.

A. It is the sun and not the B. Being the sun and not the earth


C. The sun and not the earth D. That the sun and not the


2. It was difficult to _____ what was said over the loudspeaker in the square.

A. make out B. make off

C. make over D. make up

3. The poor man got lung cancer at the age of 60 and since then his health has been __________. A. in decline



the C. on the fall D.




4. We hope to spread our ideas ___________ a new series of books.

A. in memory B. for the C. in place of D. by means of

sake of


5. _________ breaks this law deserves a fine.

A. Who

B. Whoever

C. No matter D. No matter who

6. The chairperson was very angry when the executive

committee members __________ late for the meeting. A. turned in C. turned out

B. turned up D. turned over

7. __________ for more than five to seven minutes, the brain will be subjected to irreversible damage. A. Oxygen once deprived of C. Deprived of oxygen once

B. Once deprived of oxygen D. Once oxygen deprived of

8. The stage was bare ___________ a piano, a bench, and one empty chair. A. in addition to C. except for

B. only for D. apart from

9. _________ , Paul is experienced in computer programming.

A. Child as he is C. As he is a child

B. A child as he is D. As child as he is

10. His father prefers that he _______ a different university.

A. attends

B. will attend C. attended

D. attend

11. We should be able to do the job for you quickly, ______ you give us all the necessary information. A. in case

B. provided C. or else that

12. Mr. Brown's condition looks very serious and it is doubtful if he will pull ______.

D. as if

A. back B. up C. through D. out

13. If you become a member, you'll have access to _____ deals and offers. A. inclusive C. reclusive

B. exclusive D. elusive

14. _____before we leave the day after tomorrow, we should have a wonderful time together. A. Had they arrived C. Would they arrive

B. Were they arriving D. Were they to arrive

15. __________ these conditions, the number of churches and church membership grew in the postwar decade. A. Despite

B. Because



16. How can I ever concentrate if you ______ continually ______ me with silly questions? A. have ....interrupted C. are...interrupting

B. had ... interrupted D. were ...interrupting

D. Although

17. Society now requires the university to be a part of the community. _________, students themselves expect to play a role in the affairs of society. A. Hence

B. However

C. Moreover D. Otherwise

18. Notebooks and school magazines were accidentally _______

all over the floor. A. spread

B. separated

C. splashed

D. scattered

19. The tenant must be prepared to decorate the house ______the terms of the contract or he will be complained. A. in the vicinity of C. in accordance with

B. in quest of

D. in collaboration with

20. He is a man worth ___________ by others.

A. to pay more attention to

B. paying more attention to

C. to be paid more attention D. being paid more attention to 1.

You may depend upon ________ that the project will be completed in time. 2.

A) that

B) which

C) what

D) it


The course normally attracts 20 students per year, _______ up to half will be from overseas.


A) in which B) for whom C) with which D) of whom

To our ____, Geoffrey’s illness proved not to be as serious as we had feared.


A) anxiety B) relief C) view D) judgment

Rod is determined to get a seat for the concert _______ it means standing in a queue all night.


A) as if B) even if C) provided D) whatever

She ought not ________ him about the truth, but she did. A) to tell

B) telling

C) to have told

D) having told

6. ________ the help of their group, we would not have succeeded in the investigation.

A) Besides B) Regardless C) But for of

D) Despite

7. Our suspicions were first __________ when we heard some strange noises in the woods.


A) raised B) rose C) arose D) aroused

The superpower should stop ________ in the internal affairs of that small country.

A) interacting B) interfering C) interruptinD) interpreting



You ________ her if you had been here yesterday. A) must have B) must see C) should see D) have seen seen

10. To _______ the success in the World Cup, the Chinese team

practised very hard in the past months.

A) insure

B) assure

C) ensure

D) secure

11. __________ its distinctiveness, England is and always has been

part of Europe, culturally as well as geographically.

A) For all

B) Because of C) But for

D) Except for

12. He was punished _______ he should make the same mistake


A) unless

B) provided C) if

D) lest

13. There is no _______ to the house from the main road.

A) access

B) avenue

C) exposure D) edge

14. He had scarcely left the railway station ________ it started to


A) than

B) then

C) when

D) since

15. The security guard watched the safe ___________ tightly.

A) locked

B) being locked

16. Physics is ______ to the science which was called natural

philosophy in history.

A) alike

B) equivalent C) likely

D) uniform

C) lock

D) be locking

17. Never ________ faith in himself, James Watt went on with his


A) to lose

B) losing

C) lost

D) to be lost

18. It’s just typical ________ William to spend all that money on

the equipment and then lose interest half way through the course.

A) for B) about C) with D) of

19. American people appreciate ________ when you wish to pay a

visit to them.

A) your calling beforehand B) that you call beforehand C) you to call beforehand

D) their calling beforehand

20. What would you rather ___________, gold rings or necklaces?

A) to purchase B) purchased C) purchase D) to be purchased

