英语演讲 presentation 电影介绍

更新时间:2023-05-15 14:53:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载




Introduction:When it comes to the tangshan earthquake, The audience‘s opinions differ from each other. But now it almost can assert断言 that feng will win box-office票房 , and may create a myth. In the front of the box office , any opposition voices become vain vent发泄.


“Aftershock,” a movie about the 1976 Tangshan earthquake, has grossed共获利 over 160 million yuan at the Chinese box office since its opening on July 22, the State Administration of Radio Film and Television (SARFT) said Monday. The figure does not include the movie`s earnings from IMAX3D科幻 screenings. It`s the first Chinese movie to be screened in IMAX. The movie earned more than 100 million yuan within three days of its release发布上映, breaking the Chinese box office record previously held by “The Founding of a Republic.”建国大业


The movie`s director, Feng Xiaogang, one of China`s most successful commercial directors, said Monday in an interview with Xinhua that the movie`s box office is close to what he had expected . Satisfied with the box office result so far, Feng said the movie`s sustainability持续性 at the box office would be “no doubt” stronger than his popular romantic comedy “If You Are the One,”非诚勿扰 which earned about 350 million yuan.


“Aftershock” is about a mother`s threedecade journey leading to an emotional reunion重聚 with the daughter she thought she had lost in the earthquake. Fangda,her son and fangdeng,her daughter is crushed in the same block at both ends of the floor, she found them,but only one of them could be saved,she finally choose the son to save.But Fangdeng has survived and was adopted by a couple


A survey on , one of China`s major news portals网站, shows nearly half of people said the movie was “very good and surpassed超过 expectations.“ In a popular movie theater in central Beijing, most of the audience in one screening of the movie were moved to tears, as their weeping哭泣 could be heard from time to time throughout the movie. As for me,aftershock is really a successful and impressive movie. I was almost watching it with tears running down my face and took lots of napkin to dry my eyes

