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我国广东沿海扇贝科5种,海菊蛤科3种,不等蛤科1种。 珠母贝 珠母贝属

1、 贝壳较大,凸,合浦珠母贝(Pinctada fucata martensii)分布在广东南澳岛。 2、 壳铰合部无齿,珠母贝(Pinctada margaritifera )分布在广东闸坡。

3、 壳稍扁平,后耳较长,长耳珠母贝(Pinctada chemnitzi)分布在广东闸坡、鸟石。 4、 壳表较光滑,闭壳姬肌痕顶部较短,射肋珠母贝(Pinctada radiata)分布在广东沿海。 珍珠贝属

5、 壳形极大,重厚,呈黑色,企鹅珍珠贝(Pteria penguin)分布在广东宝安南沃。 6、 壳腹缘凸园、肥大,宽珍珠贝(Pteria loveni)分布在广东汕尾。

7、 壳斜、后耳多数较长;波状花呈黑、白色,极明显,鹌鹑珍珠贝(Pteria coturnix)分布


8、 壳较大,色深,后耳较长,中国珍珠贝(Pteria chinensis)分布在广东外海。 钳蛤属

9、 壳中等大,稍凸,具细放射肋,细肋钳蛤(Isognimin perna)分布在广东闸坡以南。 10、 壳形变化较大,多呈乳白色,豆荚钳蛤(Isognomon legumen)分布在广东沿海。 11、壳大,扁平,无细放射肋,扁平钳蛤(Isognomon ephippium)广东宝安盐田。 12、壳小,成不规则四边形,黑紫色,方形钳蛤(Isognomon nucleus)分布在广东。 锯齿蛤属

13、壳呈但粉色,半透明,浅色锯齿蛤(Crenatula modiolaris)分布在广东盐田。 14、壳呈黑褐色,不透明,黑锯齿蛤(Crenatula nigrina)广东宝安盐田。 单韧穴蛤属

15、壳较短,淡褐色,韧带沟较大,单韧穴蛤(Vulsella )分布在广东。 丁蛎属

16、壳呈白色,不歪,白丁蛎(Malleus)分布在广东南澳。 拟日月贝科 拟日月贝属

17、壳表具橙色斑和白色斑点,星斑拟日月贝(Propeamussium stella)分布在南海沿步。 小拟日月贝属

18、壳表放射肋较细,肋间距离较大,刺鳞小拟日月贝(Paravamussium squalidulum)东南沿海。 扇贝科 日月贝属

19、壳较大,呈玫瑰红色,壳顶区具白色小点,长肋日月贝(Amusium pleuronectes)分布在广东汕尾以南。

20、壳顶区无小点,壳内缘具深黄色带(Amusium japonicum)分布在广东沿海。

21、壳大,壳高超过100mm,美丽日本日月贝(Amusium japonicum formosum )分布在广东外海。 栉孔扇贝亚科 栉孔扇贝属

22、壳表放射肋较宽而少,宽肋栉孔扇贝(Chlamys cloacata)分布在广东沿海。 珊瑚扇贝属

23、壳形较斜,壳表具褐斑点,筛珊瑚扇贝(Corlichlamys madreporarum)分布在广东澳头。


24、壳大,大个体都在壳长100mm以上,华贵类栉孔扇贝(Mimachlamys nobilis)分布在广东沿海海门、遮浪、宝安、南澳、东山、广海、东平、闸坡及外海。

25、两壳耳较窄小,荣类栉孔扇贝(Mimachlamys gloriosa)分布在广东广海、闸坡。 纹肋扇贝属

26、壳表放射肋有5条,褶纹肋扇贝(Decatopecten plica)广东沿海。 隐扇贝属

27、壳小,极凸,呈球形,核隐扇贝(Cryptopecten bullatus)分布在广东沿海外海。 优扇贝属

28、壳两侧略等,壳表放射肋较扁平和等宽,肋间距离较大,特优扇贝(Excellichlamys spectabilis)分布在广东南澳岛、海丰、盐田。 海湾扇贝属

29、贝壳较小,稍凸;壳表放射肋较细而圆,放射肋数目一般为22条,新加坡掌扇贝(Volachlamys singaporina)分布在广东。 扇贝亚科 扇贝属

30、壳小,具足丝孔,箱形扇贝(Pecten pyxidatus)分布在广东南澳、海门、甲子、汕尾、东平、闸坡。

31、左壳表呈褐色、放射肋16条左右,凹顶扇贝(Pecten albicans)广东盐田。

32、放射肋上有细肋,中国扇贝(Pecten sinensis)分布在广东南澳、宝安盐田、大亚湾。 海菊蛤科 海菊蛤属

33、壳较小,棘多,多棘海菊蛤(Spondylus pectrum)分布在广东澳头。 34、棘细,多,尼科巴海菊蛤(Spondylus barbayus)分布在广东澳头。 35、棘稍粗、少,血色海菊蛤(Spondylus cruenttus)广东企沙。

36、棘多呈橘红色,巴氏海菊蛤(Spondylus butleri)分布在广东宝安。 离生海菊蛤亚属

38、壳呈淡粉色(Spondylus imperialis)分布在广东广海、上川岛、闸坡。 珍珠海菊蛤亚属

39、壳大、厚,洁海菊蛤(Spondylus candidus)分布在广东南澳、海门、闸坡。 襞蛤科 襞蛤属

40、放射肋低而圆,简易襞蛤(Plicatula simplex)分布在广东南澳岛以南,广东沿海。 41、放射肋不圆、较高,襞蛤(Plicatula plicata)分布在广东澳头、宝安东山和盐田。 42、肋宽,有5-6条,菲律宾襞蛤(Plicatula philippinarum)分布在广东汕尾。 不等蛤科 难解不等蛤属

43、难解不等蛤(Enigmonia aenigmatica)广东湛江。 海月蛤科 海月蛤属

44、海月(Placuna placenta)分布在广东潮阳、陆丰、横山、上川岛、海康鸟石港。 鞍海月亚属

45、鞍海月(Placuna ephippium)分布在广东海康鸟石港、防城企沙。 锉蛤科


46、壳近卵圆形或三角形,放射肋宽而少,习见锉蛤(Lima vulgaris)分布在广东宝安、南澳。


47、壳形较长,放射肋稍宽,脆壳雪锉蛤(Limaria fragilis)分布在广东宝安南澳、澳头。

Shell quantity, shape and structure which some variation 1 species has a spiral shells (such as the snail, screw, bao); Some species have 2 slices of disc shape shell (such as clams, Han); Some species have 8 slices, a plate shell overburden tegular arrangement (as stone turtle); Some kinds of a piece of shells folded into the body (such as squid, QiangWuZei); Some kinds of shells even completely degradation (such as ship maggots). The main components of 95% shells of calcium carbonate and a small amount of shell quality. Can generally be divided into three layers, the outermost shell for the dark brown corneous layer (thin and transparent skin), and, to prevent the role of carbonated erosion by coat film, the secretion of shell quality constitute edge; Middle-level for prism layer (shells), thick coat film, by the edge of the secretion of prismatic form, outer and middle calcite can enlarge the area of the shell, but not increasing the thickness; Lining for pearl layer (bottom), the entire surface by coat film the secretion of blade shape aragonite (/ or vaterites) folded, have beautiful luster and with the body growth and thickness. Calcite and aragonite main chemical compositions are CaCO3. The outer shell with more depth color alternate with the growth of concentric rings, line, but it doesn't mean age; It is due to the formation of coat film by some reason (edge of food shortages, different season, reproductive period, etc.), effects of, and not continue to secrete results.、

Clam clam shell animals have outside shell. Some of these have pearl luster, thus the rainbow used in jewelry industry, make a necklace, costume jewelry (buttons, etc) and even installed in jewelry, more used to make shell carvings, collage, enchase grip etc. In various shells to Australia's northern Torres Strait area of pearls in pinctada maxina oysters (Philippines), the bayesian, Burma in Manila and the west Indies Burmese bei the giant clams, empress big clams, etc for optimal. A century ago, deep-sea until European noble luxury is luxuriant mark decorations, it has pearl euqally attractive sheen and of the colour of irregular change, but have very different from pearl of discus. Inoculation shell carvings

The color with ZhenZhuBei pearl luster, spam pearl centuries never be negligible and bury, the qing dynasty late area, have put the hangjiahu such shellfish fashioned into button array, adornment in high-end garment. They never is most precious beautiful designers friend. Especially in the last two years, jewelry level of shellfish jewelry also are becoming more and more be our city like handsome sex natural people have special endearment. Mother-of-pearl is the natural material, so every piece of colour and texture is very unique, meet more and more consumer demand for personalized jewelry. Mother-of-pearl jewelry processing very complex, the original mother-of-pearl should undertake very meticulous burnish, precision cut, according to the design requirements set. Through multi-channel process, can the shells made pleasing to accessories.

参考文献:《中国动物志》无脊椎动物 第三十一卷 软体动物门 双壳纲 珍珠贝亚目 科学出版社

