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1,The Value of Time 时间的价值(新)

2, English is a Crazy Language 英语是一种疯狂的语言

3, All I Learned in Kindergarten 幼儿园所学的......

4, How to Negotiate with Americans 如何与美国人谈判(新)

5, Network Security 网络安全(新)

6, Carbon-based Alternative 碳基替代燃料

7,Automatic Auto: a Car That Drives Itself 无人驾驶汽车(新)

8, Our Family Creed 家族的信条

9, The Art of Public Speaking 公共演讲的艺术(06年阅读题)

10, Sweep a Fuel Craft Invest Fever 清洁能源行业投资热潮(新)

11, Smoking and Cancer 吸烟和癌(11年阅读题)

12, The Positive Meanings of Love 爱的真谛(新)

13, Does Exercise Have Unexpected Benefits?运动有奇效吗?(新)

14, Taking chances,Making chances 抓住机遇,制造机遇

15, The Province of Alberta 阿尔伯达省

16, The American Way: Family 美国人的家庭观(新)

17, Computers Give Big Boosts to Productivity 计算机技术极大提高生产效率(新)

18, The Principles of International Trade国际贸易原理(新)

19, A World without Oil假如世界上没有石油

20, The Germanic Languages日耳曼语系

21, How Americans Eat and Drink美国人的饮食

22, The Delights of South Island南岛之乐

23, A Sandpiper to Bring You Joy矶鹞带来快乐

24, An Introduction to Distillation蒸馏概述

25, Hints to Improve Spoken English提高英语口语须知

26,The Moon---Riddle from the Past月球---来自远古之谜(08年阅读题)

27,The Delight of Books书之乐趣

28, The Magic of Energy能的魔力(07年阅读题)

29, How to Reduce Employee Turnover如何减少员工流失(新)

30, That "Other Woman" in My Life我生命中的“另一个女人”

31, Geography of USA美国地理概况

32, The Old Man and the Sea(Excerpt)老人与海(节选)

33, Petroleum Geology and Other Sciences石油地质学与其他科学(12年翻译题)

34, What do Parents Owe Their Children父母欠子女什么?

35,Trends for 21st Century21世纪的趋势(新)

36, You Bet Your Life以命相赌

37,Radiation and Human Health辐射与人体健康(新)

38,To Be Content with One's Lot乐天知命(新)

39, I Didn't Know How to Teach until I Met You直到遇到你我才知道怎么教学

40, An Introduction to Petrochemicals石油化工产品概述(05年翻译题)

41,The Subject of Smiling微笑问题(新)

42, A $210,000 Wallet价值21万美元的钱包

43,What's Your Best Time of Day?何时是你一天中最佳的时间?(新)

44, Fundamental Techniques in Handling People处理人际关系的基本技巧

45,Happiness Index幸福指数(新)

44, The Versatile Lead Pencil(07版,07年阅读题)

46, Becoming Wealthy: It's Up to You致富取决于你自己(04年翻译题)

47, Oil 油(06年阅读题)

48,Ocean Plant Life in Decline海洋植物数量锐减(新)

49,Cultural Taboos文化禁忌(新)

50, Managing in a Global Environment在全球环境中进行管理

51, Not Quite Ready to Retire退休为时尚早

52, Sales Promotion产品促销

53, Another Happiness另一种快乐

54, Why to Mark a Book为什么要在书上做标记

55, Earth's Last Frontier: the Sea海洋,地球最后的待开发疆域

56, Why Antarctica is Being Explored为什么要勘探南极洲(11年阅读题)

57, Listening Faults聆听的误区(12年阅读题)

58, Your are What You Think你认为自己是什么样的人,就是什么样的人(10年翻译题)

59, The Audacity of Hope有希望则无所畏惧

60, Future of Energy能源的未来(新)

1.The Value of Time 时间的价值 【2013年新增加文章】

1."Time" says the proverb "is money". This means that every moment well-spent may put some money into our pockets. If our time is usefully employed, it will either produce some useful and important piece of work which will fetch its price in the market, or it will add to our experience and increase our capacities so as to enable us to earn money when the proper opportunity comes. There can thus be no doubt that time is convertible into money. Let those who think nothing of wasting time remember this; let them remember that an hour misspent is equivalent to the loss of a banknote; and that an hour utilized is tantamount to so much silver or gold; and then they will probably think twice before they give their consent to the loss of any part of their time.

1、谚语说:“时间就是金钱。”这句话的意思是,一时片刻只要用得有效, 都会让我们的口袋增添一些钱。如果我们的时间使用得当,就能生产出有用 的、重要的产品,在市场上卖得一定的价钱;就能充实经验,增长才干,等 到适当的时机来临时,我们就能挣得金钱。因此,毫无疑问,时间可以转化 为金钱。让那些对浪费时间满不在乎的人记住这一点。让他们记住,浪费一 小时等于损失一张钞票,而利用一小时就等于得到若干金银。这样,他们想 浪费时间时或许会三思而后行。

2.Moreover, our life is nothing more than our time. To kill time is therefore a form of suicide. We are shocked when we think of death, and we spare no pains, no trouble, and no expense to preserve life. But we are too often indifferent to loss of

an hour or of a day, forgetting that our life is the sum total of the days and of the hours we live. A day or an hour wasted is therefore so much life forfeited. Let us bear this in mind, and waste of time will appear to us in the light of a crime as culpable as suicide itself.

2、再说,我们的生命无非就是我们活在人世的时间。因此,浪费时间也 就是一种自杀。我们想到死,便惊恐不已,因而不惜一切努力、麻烦和费用 来保全我们的生命。可是,我们对于损失一个小时或者一天的时间却往往漠 不关心、无动于衷,忘记了我们的生命原本就是我们生活的每一天、每一小 时的总和。因此,浪费一天或一小时也就是丧失一天或一小时的生命。让我 们记住这一点,这样就会把浪费时间看作一种罪过,跟自杀一样应该受到惩 罚。

3.There is a third consideration which will also tend to warn us against loss of time. Our life is a brief span measuring some sixty or seventy years in all, but nearly one half of this has to be spent in sleep; some years have to be spent over our meals; some over dressing and undressing; some in making journeys on land and voyages by sea; some in merry-making, either on our own account or for the sake of others; some in celebrating religious and social festivities; some in watching over the sick-beds of our nearest and dearest relatives. Now if all these years were to be deducted from the term over which our life extends, we shall find about fifteen or twenty years at our disposal for active work. Whoever remembers this can never willingly waste a single moment of his life. "It is astonishing" says Lord Chesterfield, "that anyone can squander away in absolute idleness one single moment of that portion of time which is allotted to us in this world. Know the true value of time; snatch, seize, and enjoy every moment of it!"

3、还有第三层考虑,也会提醒我们别浪费时间。人生短暂,总共不过六 七十年,可是将近一半时间必须用于睡眠;吃饭时间加起来也得花去一些年; 穿衣脱衣又是一些年;水陆、陆路旅行又是一些年;再加上一些年娱乐时间 (不论是为自己还是为别人);一些年宗教节日和社会节日的庆祝活动;还有 一些年在病床边照看至亲至爱。现在如果从我们的寿命中扣除所有这些岁月, 我们将会发现,能受我们支配的有效的工作时间大约仅十五或二十年而己。 谁能记住这一点,谁就不会心甘情愿地浪费他生命的分分秒秒和每时每刻。 查斯特菲尔德勋爵说过,“对于分配给我们这一生的时间,若有人游手好闲, 即使浪费片刻,也是令人吃惊的。要认识到时间的真正价值,要争分夺秒, 充分利用有限的时间。”

4.All time is precious; but the time of our childhood and of our youth is more precious than any other portion of our existence, for those are the periods when alone we can acquire knowledge and develop our faculties and capacities. If we allow these morning hours of life to slip away, unutilized, we shall never be able to recoup the loss. As we grow older, our power of acquisition gets blunted, so that the art or science which is not acquired in childhood or youth will never be acquired at all. Just as money laid out at interest doubles and trebles itself in time, so the precious hours of childhood and youth, if properly used, will yield us incalculable advantages. "Every moment you lose" says Lord Chesterfield "is so much character and advantage lost; as on the other hand, every moment you now employ usefully is so much time wisely laid out at prodigious interest."

4、所有的时间都是宝贵的,而我们童年和青年时期的光阴比一生中的其他阶段都更为宝贵,因为只有在这两个阶段我们才能获取知识、增长才干和发展各种才能。如果我们让这些生命的早晨时光悄悄溜走,这损失将永远也 无法弥补。等我们长大了,获得知识的能力就变得迟钝了,因此在童年和青年时期未能获得的知识和技能将永远不能获得了。储蓄金钱,产生利息,到 时候会翻两三倍;同样,童年和青年时期的宝贵时光,如果使用得当,必将带来不可估量的收益。查斯特菲尔德勋爵还说过,“丧失的每一时刻就等于丧失了与之相当的名和利。从另一方面看,你现在有效利用的每一时刻正是明 智地以这时间作为投资,将来定会获取巨额的利息。”

5.A proper employment of time is of great benefit to us from a moral point of view. Idleness is justly said to be the rust of the mind and an idle brain is said to be Satan's workshop. It is mostly when you do not know what to do with yourself that you do something ill or wrong. The mind of the idler preys upon itself. As Watts has said:

In works of labor or of skill

Let me be busy too;

For Satan finds some mischief still For idle hands to do.


4. How to Negotiate with Americans如何与美国人谈判【2013年新增加文章】

1. The US is an attractive market. Its business culture, which has brought the world "shareholder value" and "IPOs", has been leading commercial thinking in recent years and will continue to do so. But whoever wants to succeed in the US needs to remember the rules of the game.


2. US business is described by the lyrics of the song New York, New York: "If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere!" Yet a euphoric approach to business is by no means enough. Although business communication in the US is pleasant and easygoing, it is at the same time ruthlessly focused.


3. Communicating is a natural talent of Americans. When negotiating partners meet, the emphasis is on small talk and smiling. There is liberal use of a sense of humor that is more direct than it is in the UK. If you give a talk in America, you should speak in a relaxed way and with plenty of jokes to capture your audiences' attention.


4. Informality is the rule. Business partners renounce their academic titles on their business cards. Sandwiches and drinks in plastic or boxes are served during conferences. Your business partners tend to act casually in the office and chat about their family.


5. The attitude "time is money" has more influence on business communication in the US than it does anywhere else. After the neutral warm-up, US negotiating partners quickly get to the point. Even social get-togethers are often used to discuss business matters.


6. Although Americans do business in a very pragmatic way, they want to win. Developing a personal relationship with the business partner is not as important as getting results.



7. And US negotiators tend to want those results fast. As financial results are reported every quarter, it is essential to secure profitability on a short-term basis. For this reason, many US contracts contain the provision "time is of the essence" within their preamble. Hence, US impatience in negotiations should not be perceived as impoliteness, but as the corollary of "time is money".


8. This attitude has a strong influence on negotiations, since strategic alliances and other long-term projects are

evaluated in terms of their potential to achieve a quick return on investment.


9. Because the Asian negotiating approach tends to be long-term in nature, it is one of the main reasons why so many joint ventures and alliances between US and Asian companies have failed to meet expectations.


10. When doing business in the US, you should take the following considerations into account.


11. Conducting negotiations on a highly professional level and making presentations with the help of state-of-the-art technology is appreciated in the US. You should observe a negotiated agenda, or even a draft agreement. The negotiation will proceed in a well-prepared, calm, matter-of-fact and pragmatic manner, all laced with a substantial dose of humor.


12. Present and market your case in a positive way. You should not be too modest about your own company's products, services, and market position. Instead, take a "can-do" attitude.


13. Moreover, do not be misled by your negotiating partners' relaxed style of communication. Subjects such as religion, politics or ethnic background should only be touched on cautiously, even in private conversation.


14. The casual attitude in the US does not mean there is no hierarchy in US companies. On the contrary, status is expressed in a very subtle way, and it may take some time to gain a detailed understanding of the ranking system.


5. Network Security网络安全【2013年新增加文章】

1. As more Americans do more things online, Internet identity theft is a growing-and very costly-problem. Consider the following ten aspects and learn the best ways to protect yourself.


2. Guard Your Personal Information. Never respond to requests for personal or account information online (or over the phone). When your social security number is requested as an identifier, ask if you can provide alternate information. Watch out for convincing imitations of banks, card companies, charities and government agencies. Use legitimate sources of contact information to verify requests for information, such as your financial institution's official website or the telephone number listed on statements.



中石油职称英语考试2016版 通用选读


1. Six Golden Rules for Meeting Management主持会议六大准则 .............................................................. 3

2.Network Security 网络安全 ........................................................................................................................ 4

3.All I Learned in Kindergarten 幼儿园所学的... ......................................................................................... 6

4.How to Negotiate with Americans 如何与美国人谈判 ............................................................................. 7

5.Carbon-based Alternative 碳基替代燃料 ................................................................................................... 9

6.Automatic Auto: a Car That Drives Itself 无人驾驶汽车 ......................................................................... 11

7.Our Family Creed 家族的信条 ................................................................................................................. 13

8.The art of public Speaking 公共演讲的艺术 ............................................................................................ 15

9. Oil and Gas Generation 油气生成 ........................................................................................................... 15

10.The Dress Code for Office Life 办公室的着装礼仪 .............................................................................. 19

11.Smoking and Cancer 吸烟和癌 ............................................................................................................... 21

12.East Meets West in Relaxing Macau 澳门—东西方文化的交汇点 ...................................................... 23

13.The Positive Meanings of Love 爱的真谛 .............................................................................................. 25

14.Taking chances,Making chances 抓住机遇,制造机遇 ........................................................................ 27

15. Conventional Petroleum Reservoir 常规油气藏 .................................................................................... 30

16. Unconventional Oil and Gas 非常规油气 .............................................................................................. 33

17.The Province of Alberta 阿尔伯达省 ..................................................................................................... 36

18. Unleashing Your Creativity 释放你的创造力 ....................................................................................... 37

19.The Principles of International Trade国际贸易原理 .............................................................................. 39

20.A World without Oil 假如世界没有石油 ............................................................................................... 42

21.And All That Jazz 关乎爵士乐 ............................................................................................................... 44

22.The Germanic Languages日耳曼语系 .................................................................................................... 46

23.How Americans Eat and Drink 美国人的饮食 ....................................................................................... 48

24.The Delights of South Island 南岛之乐 .................................................................................................. 50

25. Hints to Improve Spoken English 提高英语口语须知 .......................................................................... 52

26.The Magic of Energy 能的魔力 .............................................................................................................. 54

27. When You Travel to a Large City 旅行在都市 ..................................................................................... 57

28. That "Other Woman" in My Life 我生命中的“另一个女人” ............................................................... 59

29.Geography of USA 美国地理概况 ......................................................................................................... 61

30. The Old Man and the Sea (Excerpt) 老人与海(节选)............................................................................ 63

31.Petroleum Geology and Other Sciences 石油地质学与其它科学 ......................................................... 66

32. The California Gold Rush 加利福尼亚淘金热 ...................................................................................... 68

33.What Do Parents Owe Their Children 父母欠子女什么? .................................................................... 72

34. Should You Go Organic? 你应该“有机”吗? .................................................................................. 74

35.You Bet Your Life 以命相赌 .................................................................................................................. 78

36.To Be Content with One's Lot乐天知命 ................................................................................................. 80

37.I Didn't Know How to Teach Until I Met You 直到遇到你我才知道怎么教学 ................................... 83

38. Reservoir Production Mechanisms 油藏开采机理 ................................................................................ 86

39.A $210,000 WALLET1 价值21万美元的钱包 .................................................................................... 88

40.Fundamental Techniques in Handling People 处理人际关系的基本技巧 ............................................ 91

41.Happiness Index幸福指数 ...................................................................................................................... 94

42.Becoming Wealthy:It's Up to You 致富取决于你自己 .......................................................................... 97

43.Oil 油 ....................................................................................................................................................... 99

44. Job Satisfaction 工作满意度 ................................................................................................................ 102

45. How to Become a Scientist 怎样才能成为一名科学家 ...................................................................... 106

46.Cultural Taboos文化禁忌 ..................................................................................................................... 108

47.Managing In a Global Environment 在全球环境中进行管理 ............................................................. 110

48. The Conscious Use of the Subconscious Mind 对潜意识的有意识利用 ........................................... 114

49. The British through My Eyes 我眼中的英国人 .................................................................................. 117

50.Not Quite Ready to Retire 退休为时尚早 ............................................................................................ 120

51. Those Fascinating Northern Lights 迷人的北极光 ............................................................................. 123

52.Sales Promotion 产品促销 .................................................................................................................... 127

53. Oil Refining 石油炼制 ......................................................................................................................... 130

54.Another Happiness 另一种快乐 ........................................................................................................... 132

55. It?s never too Late for Success 成功不分早晚 .................................................................................... 135

56.Why To Mark a Book 为什么在书上做标记 ....................................................................................... 138

57.Earth's Last Frontier:The Sea 海洋,地球最后的待开发疆域............................................................ 141

58. Our Many Responses to Pain 痛感反应 ............................................................................................... 145

59. Forest Fires: a Major Disaster 森林大火:可怕的灾难 ...................................................................... 149

60.Why Antarctica Is Being Explored 为什么要勘探南极洲 ................................................................... 153

1. Six Golden Rules for Meeting Management主持会议六大准则 If you are asked to chair a meeting, remember the following six golden rules for meeting management. 如果要求你主持一个会议,记住以下有关主持会议的六大准则。 1.Always start the meeting on time. If you begin on time, group members who show up late will realize the value of time. Beginning on time reflects skill as an effective time manager and sets a precedent for others to follow.

1、总要准时开会。如果你准时开始,晚到的与会者意识到时间的价值。准时开始反应了一位善于掌握时间的人的技巧,也给其他人树立了榜样。 2.Assign a note-taker or arrange to have the meeting audiotaped. You may need to refer back to an issue that was discussed during the meeting at a later date. Good record-keeping is a sign of a good meeting manager as well.

2、安排一位会议记录或给会议录音。日后你可能需要参考会议中商讨的某个问题,做好记录也是优秀会议主持人的一个特点。 3.Learn to listen. So many times we think about what we are going to say and, in the process, block out valid points that other group members may be contributing. Additionally, we often hear only what we want to hear, rather than really listening to other people. Meeting that are characterized by effective listening are successful meetings.


4.Keep the discussion on track. Many times important issues can get sidetracked in a meeting, especially when everyone has a different opinion about the topic. If you anticipate a conflict prior to the meeting, discuss the issue with participants in advance. If an unanticipated conflict develops once the meeting is in progress, either appoint a subcommittee to look into the problem, or ask participants involved in the conflict to meet with you after the meeting. Doing so will help keep the discussion on track and minimize the chances of wasting participants’valuable time.

4、让讨论紧扣主题。往往许多重大问题在会议上容易离题,特别是当每位与会者对问题意见不同时。如果会前你已预料到会有冲突发生,那就提前与当事人交换一下意见。如果会议期间有未曾预料到的冲突发生,委派一个小组委员会对出现的问题予以调查,或者请卷入冲突的人员会后与你再谈。这样能够让讨论紧扣主题,并尽可能少浪费与会者的宝贵时间。 5.Give everyone an opportunity to be heard. Some people tend to monopolize meetings, whereas others wait to be asked their opinions. As the leader of the meeting, you need to keep an open mind and make sure everyone feels welcome to contribute and express ideas without criticism.

5、给每位与会者说出自己看法的机会。有些人易于滔滔不绝占据会议的大部分时间,而有些人则等着被别人叫才开口。作为会议主持人,你需要思想开阔,无偏袒之心,确保每位与会者都能感到,表达自己的想法是受欢迎的,不会受到别人非难。 6.End on time. If you said the meeting would last no longer than one hour, make sure the meeting lasts for noly an hour. Meeting participants tend to plan the rest of their day around the time allotted for the meeting. Running late with a meeting makes members tardy for other appointments, increases the chances that members will mentally leave the meeting, and reduces your credibility as an effective meeting manager.


2.Network Security 网络安全

1.As more Americans do more things online, Internet identity theft is a growing—and very costly—problem. Consider the following ten aspects and learn the best ways to protect yourself.

1、随着美国网民不断增多,互联网使用越来越频繁,互联网身份失窃成 了一个日益严重且代价昂贵的问题。阅读以下十条建议,学会保护自己隐私 的最佳方式。

2.Guard Your Personal Information. Never respond to requests for personal or account information online (or over the phone). When your social security number is requested as an identifier, ask if you can provide alternate information. Watch out for convincing imitations of banks, card companies, charities and government agencies. Use legitimate sources of contact information to verify requests for information, such as your financial institution's official website or the telephone number listed on statements.

2、保护个人信息。绝不在网上(或通过电话)回复任何索取个人信息或 账户信息的请求。当网络运营商要求你输入社会保障号码作为确认标识时, 询问是否能够提供其他信息代替社会保障代号。小心警惕那些伪装成银行、 信用卡公司、慈善组织和政府机构的网站,它们总是伪装得很逼真。使用来源于官方的联系方式来验证个人信息索取请求(是否可靠),例如金融机构的 官方网址,或是结算单上的电话号码。

3.Don't overshare. Don't divulge your birth date, mother's maiden name, pet's name or any other identifying information on social media websites such as Facebook, Linkedln or Twitter.

3、忌过度共享个人信息。在类似于Facebook、LinkedIn和Twitter的社交 网站上,不要泄露你的生日、母亲的娘家姓、宠物的名字或其他任何涉及身 份的信息。

4.Stay Up to Date. Install anti-virus software on your computer and keep it updated. Use the latest version of your web browser. Install security patches and software updates as soon as they are ready to install.

4、经常更新电脑。在电脑上安装杀毒软件,经常更新病毒库。使用最新 版本的网络浏览器。及时安装安全补丁和软件更新。

5.Make it Difficult. Use unique and hard-to-guess passwords. Don't access secure websites using public Wi-Fi.

5、密码设置得复杂些。使用难猜的密码,不要使用公共无线网络登录安 全性网站。

6.Beware of Fake Online Sweepstakes and Contests. All offers that require payment or private information before giving an award are bogus. Take the time to check out the validity of an offer. Ask for contact information from the sender and details about the company running the contest. Once you start asking a lot of questions and make it clear you won't be pushed to make an immediate decision, most scammers will go away.

6、注意分辨虚假的网络彩票和竞赛中奖信息。在赠送奖品之前要求支付 一定金额或填写个人信息的中奖信息都是虚假的。任何一条中奖信息,你都 要花一点时间确认其真伪,例如询问寄件人的联络方式和负责组织竞赛的公 司的详情。一旦你开始询问这些问题,并且明确表示不会匆忙做决定,大多 数骗子都会知难而退。

7.Go Paperless. Eoll in electronic statements, use direct deposit, and make bill payments online (to avoid mail theft).

7、无纸化。直接登记注册电子交易协议书,进行网上直接存款和网上直 接支付(以防止邮件失窃)。

8.Don't Believe the Work at Home Hype. Thoroughly conduct a background check on the company, making as many phone calls and Internet searches as you can. If in doubt, visit a local law enforcement office and ask their opinion. All offers to earn pay for re-shipping goods sent to your address are bogus. Tragically, some work-from-home scams not only enlist the individual to defraud others, they also make an identity fraud victim out of the individual!

8、不要相信传得天花乱坠的家居办公模式。通过电话咨询和网络搜索对 鼓吹这种模式的公司进行全面的背景调查。如果调查结果令人置疑,可以咨 询当地执法机构的意见。所有寄到你的地址声称通过转运物品即可赚取薪水 的信息都是编造的。可悲的是,一些家庭办公骗局不仅使不知情的个人沦为 他们欺骗行为的协同犯,也成为了身份诈骗的受害者。 9.Ask What Your Bank Is Doing to Protect You. Understand banks' guarantees for fraud protection: all large providers now offer zero-liability protection for debit and credit cards, while a few offer a guarantee for online banking transactions.

9、询问你的银行的隐私保护措施。了解银行在预防诈骗方面的保障措施, 一些大型银行现在提供对借记卡和信用卡的免责保护,也有一些银行提供网 银交易安全保障。

10.Keep a Close Eye on Your Finances. Monitor your bank and credit card accounts weekly. Sign up for alerts to be sent to your mobile phone or email. Monitor your credit and public information online to spot unauthorized activity. Free credit reports from each of the three major credit bureaus are available each year


Lesson 1

1.If our time_____, it will either produce【生产】 some useful and important piece of work.

A. was usefully employed B. usefullyemploys

C. is usefully employed D. usefullyemployed

2. Our experience and our capacities enable us to earn money when the proper____ comes.

A. operation操作,手术 B. protection保护

C. rival竞争者,对手 D. opportunity机会

3._______ time is convertible【可兑换的,可转换的】 into money.

A. There can be no doubt that【毫无疑问】

B. It can be no doubt that

C. There can be no doubt whether

D. It can be no doubt whether

4.Let those_____ think nothing of【不重视】 wasting time remember this;

A. thatB. what C. whomD. who

5.All time is precious【宝贵的】; but the time of our childhood and of our youth is____ precious _____of our existence【生存,存在】.

A. morethan any other portions

B. morethan any other portion

C. morethan any portion

D. morethan any portions

6.____ mostly when you do not know what to do with yourself ____you do something ill or wrong. The mind of the idler preys upon【折磨】 itself.

A. It is whoB. It is that

C. This is whenD. This is that

7.We can acquire【获得】 knowledge and develop our ___ and capacities【才能】.

A. facility设备,容易 B. faculties【能力】

C. fault缺点,过错 D. faith信任,信念

8.We are too often indifferent【漠不关心的】 to loss of an hour or of a day, _____that our life is the sum total【总计】 of the days and of the hours we live.

A. to forgetB. forget

C. forgottenD. forgetting

Lesson 2

1. English muffins【松饼】 weren't invented 【invent:发明】in England ____ French fries in France.

A. while B. notC. eitherD. nor

2. I will never come to this restaurant again. The food is

terrible. _________

A. Nor am I B. Neither will IC. Same with meD. So do I

3. We take English for______.

A. granted B. grant同意,补助金

C. grand壮丽的,盛大的 D. great

4. which of the two ties would you like to take?

______. You know I am not particular about ties.

A. AnyB. Neither C. BothD. Either

5.A guinea pig【天竺鼠】 is neither from Guinea【几内亚】nor____.

A. it is a pig B. is it a pig

C. is a pig D. a pig it is

If you have a bunch【束,捆】 of odds and ends 【零碎的东西】and get rid of【去除,除掉】___one of them, 6.

what do you call it?

A. all over到处B. all right正确的,好

C. all at once突然D. all but

7.Sometimes I think all the English speakers should _____to an asylum【精神病院】.

A. permit允许 B.be permitted

C. commit托付,犯错 D. be committed

8.How can the_____ be hot as hell【地狱】 one day and cold as hell another?

A. climate气候B. whether是否

C. weather D. client顾客,委托人

9. When I _____ my watch, I start it.

A. use up用光 B. wake up醒来

C. wind upD. take up拿起,占据,继续

10.Sweetmeats are candies【candy:糖果】 while【而】 sweetbreads, ______aren't sweet, are meat.

A. whichB. these C. that D. what

Lesson 3

1. Grandpa_________ to water the flowers now. It’s going to rain soon.

A isn’t needing B needn’tC doesn’t need D needs

2. Have you watered the flower?

I don't think this kind of flower need_____ every day.

A. water B. watering C. be watered D. being watered

3.____ he had not hurt his leg, John would have won the race

A. IfB. SinceC. ThoughD. When

4.__________interesting story it is!

A What an B What aC How anD How

5.(21.)Put things back ______ you found them.(2010年考题)

A. whereB. thatC. whichD. since

6.(31.)You __ yourself about money. (2010年考题)

A. need not worryB. have worry

C. are not being worried D. needn't be worried

7. No matter how old you are, when you go out into the world, it _______ to hold hands and stick together.

A. would betterB. had better C. should better D. is better

8. Goldfish and hamsters all die. ___________.

A. So we areB. So we doC. So are weD. So do we

9. Think of what a better world _________ if we all had cookies and milk about 3 o’clock every afternoon.

A. would it beB. it would be C. will it be D.it will be


1. ______wants to succeed【成功】 in the US needs to remember the rules of the game.

A. whoever B. whatever

C. whomever D. whenever

2. Yet a euphoric【精神愉快的】 approach【方法】 to business is_____ enough.

A.by all means一定 B.by means of依靠

C.by no means绝不 D.by means for

3.The attitude【态度】 "time is money" has more_____ on business communication in the US than it does anywhere else.

A. discuss讨论B. contain 包含

C. evaluate评价 D. influence 影响

4. Present【介绍】 and market【推销】 your case in a____ way.

A. positive积极的B. possible 可能的

C. previous以前的D. private私人的

5.When doing business in the US, you should take the following considerations【考虑】 into______.

A. adventure冒险 B. account

C. advice建议 D. ambition野心

Lesson 5

1.Internet ______theft【失窃】is a growing—and very costly【昂贵的】—problem.

A. identify 识别 B. identity【身份】

C. identical同一的 D. identification鉴定,识别

2.All offers ____require payment【付款】 or private information before giving an award【奖品】 are bogus


A. what B. whoC. whose D. that

3.Take the time to ____the validity【合法性】 of an offer.

A. check out【检查】 B. look out 向外看,当心

C. make out 理解,填写 D. pick out挑选,取出

4. Thoroughly【彻底地】 conduct a background【背景】 check【核实】 on the company,_____ as many phone calls and Internet searches as you can.

A. madeB. makes C. making D. make

5. If______, visit a local law enforcement【执行】 office and ask their opinion.

A. in doubt【怀疑】 B.in case 以防

C. in conclusion最后,总之 D.in detail详细地

6.____ people who report such crimes, ____criminals are arrested.【逮捕】 A. The morethe more B. The muchthe much

C. The morethe betterD. The muchthe good

Lesson 6

1. Although recent years have seen _____reductions【减少】 in noxious【有毒的】 pollutants【污染物质】 from individual【个人的】 motor vehicles【机动车辆】.

A. substantial 大量的B. substance物质

C. substitute替换,替代品 D. subsequent

2.The number of such vehicles ___steadily【稳定地】 increasing.

A. have beenB. had beenC. having been D. has been

3. There is a serious liability ____performance and fuel efficiency

A.in time ofB.in case of万一

C. in terms of D.in honour of为了纪念 4.At a rough estimate【粗略估计】,Nigeria is ____ Great Britian.

A. three times as big as B. three times as bigger as

C. as three times big as D. as three times bigger as

5. Ethanol is commonly used as a gasoline supplement, but it is currently about_____ methanol.

A. twice as expensive asB. twice as more expensive as

C.as twice more expensive as D.as twice expensive as

6.(12.)The number of vehicles has been steadily increasing. _______, more than 100 cities in the United States still have levels of carbon monoxide that exceed legally established limits.【2010年考题】

A. Continuously不断地 B. Consequently 因此

C. Constantly不变地D. Consistently始终如一地

All of these alternatives【替换物】 are carbon-based fuels _____molecules【分子】 are smaller and simpler 7.

than those of gasoline【汽油】.

A. whichB. what C. thatD. whose

8.The hydrocarbons【碳氢化合物】 they do emit【放出】 are less likely to ______ozone【臭氧】.

A. general普遍的,一般的 B. generation 产生,一代

C. generate产生 D. generous慷慨的,大方的

9.The combustion【燃烧】 of larger molecules, ____have multiple【多重的】 carbon-carbon bonds involves

【包含】 a more complex【复杂的】 series of reactions.

A. whatB. whichC. thatD. who

10. Ethanol【乙醇】 is commonly【通常地】 used ___a gasoline supplement【补充】.

A. forB.toC.byD.as

11.( 27.) Hey and Tom __ to the parties at the Trade Union every Saturday.【2010年考题】

A. used to go

B. were used to go

C. are used to go

D. use to go

12.Vehicles _____ only the simplest of the engine【发动机】 improvements would still contribute【贡献出】 to an immediate【立即的】 lessening【减少】 of urban air pollution.

A. corporate法人的,社团的 B. cooperating(cooperate:合作)

C. operating(operate:操作,运转)

D. incorporating(incorporate:包含,合并)


1. The car will be guided by a differential【差别的】 GPS system that corrects errors【错误】 _____in global positioning satellite【卫星】 signals【信号】.

A. arising【出现】 B. rise上升

C. raise举起,养育D. arouse唤醒

2.Further, GM envisions【设想,想象】 a system _____the Mobility Internet.

A. callingB. callC. calls D. called

3.How much control【控制】 you want to turn over【移交】 to the car may ______your age and where you are


A. depend on【取决于】 B. call on 号召,拜访

C. come on快点,前进 D. go on继续

4. On vacation with the family the driver may want to____ and talk to the kids.

A. turn up出现 B. turn to求助于

C. turn on 打开 D. turn around【转身】

5. Taking the fun out of the driving is not our main goal—we'd like to help people enjoy______. A. to driveB. driveC. drives D. driving

6.But they should make the _____if they want to drive or press the autopilot【自动驾驶仪】 button【按钮】. "

A. decision【决定】 B. decide

C. departure 离开D. depart

Lesson 8

1. They are the principles, many of them,____ I learned at my mother's knee.

A. which B. that C. whatD. how

2. They are the principles【原则,准则】 on which my wife and I have tried to _____our family.

A. bring down降价 B. bring about造成C. bring forth提出 D. bring up 教育

3. The question is not worth _____again and again.

A. discussB. discussing

C.to discuss D.to be discussed

4. Only then ___ how much damage had been caused.

A. she realized B. she had realized

C. had she realizedD. did she realize

5. Only in this way_____ English well.

A. can we learn B. we can learn

C. we learn canD. that we can learn

6. that right can and will triumph【战胜,击败】___might【权利】.

A. uponB. on C. overD. off

Lesson 9

1.______ he was late, he was not criticized【批评】 by the teacher.

A. Even though B. Even if

C. As if好像D.As though好像

2. The need for____ public speaking will almost certainly touch you sometime in your life.

A. efficient效率高的 B. efficiently

C. effectively D.effective有效的

3. You ____a big step toward overcoming【战胜】 stage fright if you ____positively.

A. take, thinkB. will take, will think

C. take, will think D. will take, think

4. The training is____ for every type of communication.

A.valueless没有价值的B. invaluable

