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- 外贸函电英语课后答案推荐度:
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Unit 1 I. Put the following Chinese into English: 询盘 报盘 报价 订单 传真 电子邮件 电子商务 互联网 交货期 目录 文档 支付 结帐 余额 客户 国民经济 市场经济 营销
II. Fill in the following blanks with the given words in their proper forms: economy trade market 1. Your home _____ is flourishing, and your foreign trade is expanding fast. 2. This is possible because of the continuous advance of our national _____. 3. They have been in the wool _____ for quite a number of years.
4. During the past few years the course of world _____ has been marked by a succession of dramatic developments. 5. The damaged goods are hardly _____.
6. The tourist _____ is the country‘s main source of income. 7. We must make out a _____ research report in two weeks. 8. An increasing number of European firms are _____ with China. 9. They counted on imports to stimulate their _____.
III. Read the following introduction to general business letters: (1) 信头(Heading ) (2) 日期(Date) (3) 我方参考号码(Our Ref. No.) 对方参考号码(Your Ref. No.) (4) 封内地址(Inside Address) (5) 称呼(Salutation) (6) 事由(Subject) (7) 正文 (Body of the Letter) (8) 结尾套语 (Complimentary Close) (9) 签名(Signature) (10) 经办人代号(Reference Notation) (11) 附件(Enclosure) (12) 抄送(Carbon Copy) (13) 附言(P.S.) 以上是英语商业书信的基本结构,其中第1、2、4、5、7、8、9等七个部分是最常用的。但各信的格式不尽一致,有些项目是否要用应视具体情况而定。
下面就以上格式中13个项目逐一介绍: (1)信头(Heading)
地址下面写发信日期,次序是月、日、年,如Feb.27,2005;或日、月、年,如27 Feb.,2005 (3)信函编号(Reference Number)
信函编号是为了信件归档、查找之用,通常有我方编号(Our Ref.)和对方编号(Your Ref.)组成,如: Our Ref.:CS 49/77005 Your Ref.:2005/IB318
(4)信内地址 ( Inside Address)
如收信人为某公司,而寄信人要求该公司某特定人收阅和经办,则可写上Attention (缩写为Attn.),格式如下: Pacific Marine Insurance Company 643 Powell St.
San Francisco, Ca. 94108 Attention:Mr. H. S. Kennedy (5)称呼 (Salutation)
常见的正式称呼有:Dear Mr Smith, Dear Mrs Black, Dear Miss Brown, Dear Ms. White。Ms.用于不知是否已结婚的女子姓名之前。若称呼多个男性,则在姓名前用Mr.的复数形式Messrs。Mrs没有复数形式,若称呼多个女性,则在姓名前用Mmes.,如Mmes. White and Gray。
写给一个公司时,可以用Dear Sirs, 也可以用Gentlemen, 美国人一般用Gentlemen。称呼后用冒号或逗号均可,但前者显得更正式。Gentlemen后常用冒号。
(6)事由 (Subject)
事由写在称呼下面、信笺中间的位置。事由可让对方在阅读信的正文以前对信的主题、内容一目了然。另外,在登记归档和查卷时也感到方便。 (7)正文 (Body of the Letter)
正文的每一段开头可以用缩行式(Indented Form),也可用并列式(blocked form),由于电脑普及,为了方便,并列式被广泛使用,这也包括信函的其它所有项目,如日期、事由、结尾套语??等都紧贴信纸左边开始。为清楚起见,采用并列式的各项目之间,通常空一行,正文的各段之间也空一行。
函件只写在信纸的一面,很少两面都用。如果正文较长,一页纸不够,第二页应至少有三行正文,不可没有正文而只有一个签名。第一页最后一行的右边写上to be continued。第二页信纸不用信头,颜色、大小应与第一页相同。第二页第一行要写上收信者单位、页数和日期,如:
Collins Telecom Company, —2— March 24, 2005。 (8)结尾套语 (Complimentary Close)
在商业书信中,最常见的结尾套语有:Yours faithfully, Faithfully yours, Yours truly, Truly yours,也可用Yours sincerely, Sincerely yours. (9)签名(Signature)
Truly yours, (Signature)
Alfred Johnson, Office Manager South Philadelphia Mobiles Company (10)经办人代号(Reference Notation)
经办人代号是由信件口授者(dictator)和秘书(或打字员)的姓名的首写字母组成,用冒号或斜线号分开,如:FCM/HL, FCM:HL, FCM/hl, fcm:hl。 信件打上经办人代号是为了提供此信件产生的信息资料,便于必要时查对之用。 (11)附件(Enclosure)
信中如有附件,则在签名下方左下角注上Enc.或Encl.。其复数形式是Encls. 。附件有两件以上时,应注明数字。如附件特别重要,应给以简短的标题,例如:
Encls:1. Annual Report 2 copies
2. List of Major Accounts 3. Profit and Loss Statement (12)抄送(Carbon Copy)
如本信有抄件寄第三者,则打上C.C.或cc字样,然后写上第三者的名称和地址(有的只写名称,不写地址)。例如: C.C: Rotic Co.
341 Queen Avenue Yakima Wa. 98902
cc to:CEO
cc: Mr Carl Mason Copy to: Sales Manager Copies to: directors (13) 附言(P.S.)
IV. Make corrections in the format of the following business letter: INTEGRATED COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD. Rm 808,Kyo-Won-Kong-Jea 35-2 Yeoido Young Dung Po Seoul South Korea Tel: 822-782-4641 Fax: 822-785-4245 16 June 2004 KJ: rh Enclosures 2 Cc: Kim Sang-Chul Moon Young-Seung Subject: Integrated Circuit Boards Dear Dr Brenda Yeoh We have just received your order for 400 integrated circuit boards (item No. KR10779) Unfortunately, these circuit boards are no longer produced as they have been replaced by our model KR2000, which is cheaper, more reliable and more efficient than the circuit boards that you ordered. With this in mind, we imagine that you will be happy to change your order. The prices of the KR2000 and peripheral equipment are as follows: KR2000 integrated circuit board: @US$23,200 KT200X ?Toolkit‘: @US$15,500 KC200X connectors: (2 per pack) @US$10,000 I should be grateful if you could contact me to tell me what you wish us to do about your order. Yours faithfully Kim Jungsup for INTEGRATED COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD. Attention Dr Brenda Yeoh, PhD ATT Computers Corp. Pte Ltd. 88 Kitchener Road,#02-15 Jalan Besar Plaza Singapore 208512 PS Forgot to mention it, but there are lots of bargains in the brochure and price list which I am sending you.
V. Address the following envelope in English: 美国纽约百老汇大街20号AUTOS公司 邮编:10027 威廉·史密斯先生收 中国北京广安门南街12号 中国北方工业公司 邮编 100053
Unit 2 I. Put the following Chinese into English: 公司
与。。。建立业务关系 小册子 你处(地) 供你参考 以。。。为目的 与此同时 按照 达成交易 在。。。业务方面 一系列
具体询盘 经营
II. Multiple choice:
1. We thank you for your letter of May 13 and the _____ catalogue. a. sent b. enclosed c. given d. presented
2. While _____ an enquiry, you ought to enquire into quality specification and price etc. a. making b. offering c. sending d. giving
3. We wish to introduce ourselves _____ a state-run corporation dealing _____ textiles. a. as, with b. for, in c. as, in d. with, with
4. We are a specialized corporation, the export of animal by-products. a. dealing b. handling c. dealing with d. dealt in
5. As the item the scope of our business activities, we shall be pleased to establish direct trade relations with you. a. lies within b. fall within c. come under d. be within
6. We owe your name and address Italian Commercial Bank who has informed us that you are in the market table-cloths.
a. from, for b. to, with c. from, with d. to, for
7. In order to obtain the needed information, the inquirer should simply, clearly and concisely write _____ he wants to know. a. that b. so c. what d. because of
8. If our national economy develops at the same speed for the past decade, we are sure we can catch up with the advanced countries in the world in 50 years.
a. as it was b. as it did c. as it does d. as it has done
9. Your letter of May 9th addressed to our Wuhan Branch Office has to us for attention and reply. a. been passed on b. passed c. passed on d. been past through
10. We are willing to enter into business relations with you on the of equality and mutual benefit. a. base b. basis c. bases d. based
11.Now we look your company for the supplies as we suffer great losses when we dealt with them.
a. to, would b. for, are used to c. for, would d. to, used to
12. The Guangzhou Export Commodities Fair, sometimes known as the Canton Fair, has _____ to offer that you can find almost everything.
a. so many b. more c. so much d. most
III. Fill in the following blanks with the given words in their proper forms: business deal transact 1. We take the opportunity to introduce ourselves as importer _____ in digital cameras. 2. We are _____ business on the basis of CIF terms or CFR terms. 3. This report _____ with our sales prospects for the years to come. 4. _____ prospects are likely to turn better.
5. Markets for bicycles have gone up a _____ recently. 6. They have concluded substantial _____ with that company.
7. Our representative has full authority to _____ negotiation on this matter. 8. _____ are less optimistic about economic prospects.
9. Nowadays _____ that involve large sums of money are made by checks and fund transfers.
10. Doing _____ without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing but nobody else does.
IV. Put the following English into Chinese:
1. We are one of the main producers of industrial chemicals in Germany, and are interested in establishing business relations with
your company.
2. Specializing in the export of Chinese bicycles, we express our desire to trade with you in this line.
3. Your name and address have been passed on to us by Hong Kong Trading Company, and we are glad to write to you hoping to
establish trade relations with you.
4. We‘d like to thank you for your letter of June 7 offering your services and should be glad to discuss the possibility of expanding
III. Fill in the following blanks with the given words in their proper forms: price sell buy 1. Bicycles command a ready _____ in the US market. 2. As their requirements have already been filled, they are not _____ at present. 3. You will find that our products are moderately _____ and yet of good quality.
4. Please note that we have quoted our most favorable _____ and are unable to entertain any counteroffer. 5. No commodities, however attractive they may be, can _____ in large quantities if their prices are too high. 6. Please note that we have quoted our most favorable _____ . 7. Inopportunely our stocks have just been _____ up by other firms. 8. The prices are relatively low, and many goods are attractive _____.
9. To our regret, we have to inform you of our inability to accept your order as the goods have now been _____ out. 10. Unless otherwise stated or agreed upon, all _____ are net without commission. 11. The attractive design and reasonable price is the _____ point of our new products. 12. The machine which he _____ in a hurry has proved to be second-hand.
IV. Put the following sentences into Chinese:
1. We learn from your letter of April 3 that you are interested in establishing business relations with us for the purchase of our tools. 2. We owe your name and address to the Commercial Counselor‘s Office (商务参赞处) of our Embassy in the U.S.
3. Your company has been introduced to us by R.G. Nelson & Co., Ltd. As prospective buyers of Chinese sewing machines. As we
deal in sewing machines, we shall be pleased to enter into direct business relations with you.
4. As we are in the market for Men‘s Leather Shoes, we should be pleased if you would send us your best quotations. 5. If you can supply goods of the type and quality required, we may place regular orders for large quantities.
6. Your letter of September 2 has been received. We are glad to inform you that the articles required by you fall within the scope
of our business activities.
7. In compliance with your request, we are sending you arrange of cut samples of our cotton piece goods. We hope they will arrive
in time and be found to your satisfaction.
8. Thank you for your letter of September 4 informing us that you find our canned meat satisfactory and that you consider placing
a trial order with us.
9. Enclosed is our Pro forma Invoice (形式发票)No. 3422 in duplicate covering 500 Ever-lasting Brand Bicycles for shipment during
10. As a result of the favorable supply situation we are able to offer you firm, for immediately delivery.
11. As the prices quoted are exceptionally low and likely to rise, we would advise you to place your order without delay. 12. We can offer you a wide range of sizes and types from stock.
13. We regret to inform you that we do not have in stock the goods in the desired quality.
14. We are sure that these goods will meet your requirements , and we look forward to your first order. 15. Packing charges are included in the price, and we can make delivery whenever you wish.
V. Put the following sentences into English:
1. 如果你方能降价百分之五,我们相信成交是有可能的。(to reduce the price by 5%)
2. 我公司是本地区最大的电视机进口商之一,我们经营各种牌号的电视机已有二十多年了。(to handle / deal in) 3. 兹确认我们今晨给你们电报50公吨花生的实盘,一周内复到有效。(subject to ) 4. 因为订单过多,我们只能接受11月船期的订单。(to be heavily committed) 5. 你方报的价格还是有竞争力的,但是交货期不能接受。(competitive)
6. 如果你方能报表200辆飞鱼牌自行车,三/四月船期,我们将非常感激。(highly appreciate it if…) 7. 关于支付条件,我们要求不可撤销的、凭即期汇票支付的信用证。(irrevocable, sight L/C) 8. 按照你方三月十五日来信的要求,我们给你作如下报盘。(to make you an offer) 9. 由于价格合理、质地优良,我们的棉布很畅销。(to sell fast) 10. 目前此项货物有限,我们建议你方从速接受我方报盘。(limit)
11. 我们充其量只能给你3%的佣金。(the best we can do, commission)
12. 花生行市目前见疲,除非你方能减价5%,否则我们无法达成交易。(market is declining)
VI. Supply the missing words in the blanks of the message: Dear Sirs, Thank you for your letter of March 6 e___1___ for our tape recorders and your desire to enter into d___2___ business relations with us. As requested, we are sending you our q___3___ sheet covering the types in which you are interested. Unless o___4___ stated, all the products can be supplied within four weeks after r___5___ of your order and the prices listed are s___6___ to our final c___7___. On an order exceeding 10,000 sets, we usually allow a 3% quantity d___8___. Some latest c___9___s and b___10___s have also been sent to you under s___11___ cover for your reference. Should any of the items be suitable for your market, please let us know. As soon as your s___12___ enquiry is received, we will make you an offer immediately. Your early reply will be much a___13___. Yours faithfully, VII. Read the following short passages or letters and then translate them into Chinese: (A) Dear Sirs, We are pleased to inform you that we are interested to purchase your Down Quilt(羽绒被). To acquaint ourselves with the quality and workmanship of the said goods, we would like you to airmail us some pamphlets, samples and all necessary information about specifications. Meanwhile, please quote us your lowest price CIF New York including our 3% commission for each of the items shown in the attached list. There is a promising market here for goods of fine quality at reasonable prices. Should your samples and prices prove satisfactory to us, you may expect substantial orders. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Yours faithfully,
(B) Dear Sirs, We were very pleased to receive your enquiry of 15th January and enclose our illustrated catalogue and the detailed price-list as you asked. Also by separate post , we are sending you a full range of samples and, when you have had an opportunity to examine them, we feel confident you will agree that the goods are both excellent in quality and reasonable in price. On regular purchase of fifty dozen or more of individual items, we would allow you a discount of 5%. Because of their warmth and softness, nylon bedclothes are becoming more and more popular, and after studying our prices you will not be surprised to learn that we are finding it difficult to meet the demand. But f you place your order not later than the end of this month, we would guarantee delivery within fourteen days of receipt of your order. We invite your attention to our other nylon products, details of which you will find a in the catalogue, and look forward to receiving your first order. Yours faithfully, (C) Dear Sirs, Thank you for your letter of Nov. 21, and we have sent you a reply by telex this morning. You must have noted from our fax that we are in a position to make you a firm offer on 250 long tons of Steel Tubes at £620 per L/T CIF Lagos, shipment to be effected by sight letter of credit. This offer is subject to your reaching here within one week. As you are aware, there has been active demand for Steel Tubes in the market, therefore, it is impossible for us to keep this offer open too long. Active demand will certainly result in increased price, to which we hope you will pay attention, and meanwhile we are expecting your early reply. Yours faithfully, VIII. Translate the following letters into English: (A) 敬启者: 你九月十五日来信及信中所附对我“白兔”牌睡衣的询盘收悉,此谢。 按照你方要求,现报两万打女式睡衣,成本加运费,含百分之五佣金拉各斯价每打48.5美元,2004年七、八月装船,以保兑的,不可撤销的信用证凭即期汇票支付。本报盘以你方一周内复到为有效。有关样品和目录已另邮你方。 请注意所报价格均为底价,不接受任何还盘,如无异议,请尽快确认,以便我们安排有关事宜。 盼早复。 谨上
(B) 尊敬的先生: 很高兴收到您方1月10日的询价。根据你方要求,今另封航邮寄上一册附图目录和‘山地牌’自行车的最近价目单。有关销售条件和付款方式,单内也有详细说明。相信经查阅后,你方会同意我方产品质量上乘,价格合理。 盼早日收到你方试订订单。 。。。 谨上 Unit 5 I. Put the following Chinese into English: 还盘 小册子 标题的 偏高(低) 流行的
现行的行市水平 利润 折扣 一批货 现成的市场 试订 在展出 形式发票 银行划拨 与。。。不一致 给。。。折扣 有迹象表明 考虑到 (鉴于) 畅销 续订
II. Multiple choice:
1. We don‘t think we can put the business through ______ you revise your terms and conditions.
a. unless b. expect c. only if d. in addition
2. As said on the telephone this morning, we are sending you by separate airmail the samples, ______ you will find them satisfactory.
a. to hope b. hoping c. hopefully d. hope
3. We shall be glad to send you sample-cutting books and pamphlets of our new products ______ .
a. with request b. as request c. upon request d. at request
4. We would appreciate your sending us a trial order, which we ______ with keen interest.
a. are waiting b. await c. await for d. are awaiting 5. Please ______ us if you find our price competitive. a. buy them with b. place orders with c. place orders from d. place your orders
6. We find your terms ______ and now send you our order for 30 SM combines. a. fitful b. suitable c. satisfied d. satisfactory
7. We place this order ______ the understanding that the discount is 10%. a. for b. with c. on d. through
8. If you can ______ us a 3% discount, we shall give you our initial order amounting to US$ 25,000.
a. provide b. pay c. guarantee d. allow 9. We expect ______ large orders from Europe in the near future. a. to receive b. to receiving c. receive d. being received
10. We are well acquainted ______ our customers‘ needs and can place large orders with you if your price is quite in line.
a. by b. of c. with d. for
11. We must insist on immediate delivery, ______ we shall be compelled to cancel the order in accordance with the contract stipulations. a. however b. likewise c. in other words d. otherwise
III. Fill in the following blanks with the given words in their proper forms: commodity stock refer 1. Hi-tech equipment and electric appliances are now important _____ for export in China. 2. We _____ to our records and found that the said commission had already been paid. 3. Generally speaking, a quotation usually includes _____, specifications and unit price. 4. We have at present not any _____ of the furniture as you required. 5. Labor is bought and sold like any other _____.
6. _____ to your enquiry of May 22, we very much regret that we have no supply in stock. 7. Common _____ is the ordinary certificate of ownership of the corporation. 8. Wine is one of the many _____ that France sells abroad.
9. Now we are not in a position to supply the goods you enquired for from _____. 10. We shall appreciate it if you will send some up-to-date patterns for our_____.
11. I would like to point out that because of the limited _____ you‘d better accept it as soon as possible. 12. We have _____ to the local bank for their credit standing.
IV. Put the following sentences into Chinese:
1. Many thanks for your reply to our enquiry for steel furniture. We keep your catalog for further reference, but think your products
too highly priced for this market.
2. As business has been done extensively in your market at this price, we regret that we cannot accept your counter-offer. 3. We have cut our price to the limit. We regret, therefore, being unable to comply with your request for further reduction. 4. Delivery before March is a firm condition of this order, and we reserve the right to refuse goods delivered after that time. 5. We have duly noted your requirements for cotton, but regret being unable to supply at present. We will certainly revert to this
matter as soon as our supply position takes a turn for the better.
6. The minimum quantity required is 500 kg. But we would accept up to a maximum of 800 kg. if the quality is high. 7. We agree to your price, but should like to know if you are prepared to grant us a discount of 5% for a quantity of 2 000. 8. We regret that it is impossible to accept your counter-offer, even to meet you half way, because the price of raw material has
advanced 20%.
9. Although we are anxious to open up business with you, we regret that it is impossible for us to allow the reduction asked for,
because we have cut our prices to the lowest point.
10. If this first order is satisfactorily executed we shall place further business with you.
V. Put the following sentences into English:
1. 鉴于我们之间的长期贸易关系,特向你方作此还盘。(In view of…) 2. 如不能接受,请尽力给一个最好的还盘。(to make … offer)
3. 感谢贵方2月20日的订单报价,随函附上关于标题项下货物的111号订单。(captioned goods) 4. 你方价格偏高,我们不得不作如下还盘,以我方在本周五前收到你方答复为准。(on the high side) 5. 因我方客户急需该货,希望能尽早发运。(to be urgently needed)
6. 我们不能考虑按你方价格成交,因为你方价格于市价不符。(out of line with)
7. 我们对贵方产品的价格和质量都很满意,现寄上订单一份订购下列产品。(to find … satisfactory) 8. 我方客户对你方产品的质量感到很满意,现寄上试订单一份,请供应现货。(to place a trial order) 9. 通过贵方全力合作,我方能够以你最新价格试订一批货。(through full cooperation) 10. 我们相信,这此试订货将会增进日后更多的大宗贸易。(important transactions)
VI. Supply the missing words in the blanks of the letter: Dear Sirs, We are in r__1__ of your letter dated March 11 and, as r__2__, are airmailing you, u__3__ separated cover, one c__4__ and two sample books for our Printed Shirting. We hope they will reach you in due time and will help you in making your selection. In order to start a concrete t__5__ between us, we take pleasure in making you a special o__6__, subject t__7__ our final c__8__, as follows: Art. No. 81000 Printed Shirting Design No. 72435 – 2 A S__9__s: 30 X 36 X 72 X 69 35‖ X 36‖ X 42 yds Quantity: 12,600 yards Packing: in bales or in wooden cases, at Sellers‘ o__10__ Price: US $ … per yard C.I.F.C.5% Vancouver Shipment: to be made in three equal monthly i__11__, beginning from June, 20. Payment: by c__12__, ir__13__ L/C payable by draft at sight to be opened 30 days before the time of shipment We trust the above will be acceptable to you and await your trial order with keen interest. Yours faithfully, VII. Read the following short passages or letters and then translate them into Chinese: (A) Dear Sirs, Soybeans 2003 Crop We are in receipt of your letter of August 15 offering us 5000 metric tons of the captioned goods at RMB 1 600 per metric ton on the usual terms. In reply, we regret to inform you that our buyers in Odense find your price much too high. Information indicates that some parcels of Turkish origin have been sold there at a level about 10% lower than yours. We do not deny that the quality of Chinese soybean is slightly better, but the difference in price should, in no case, be as big as 10%. To step up trade, we, on behalf of our buyers, counteroffer as follows: subject to your reply being received here by August 26,our time: 5000 metric tons Soybeans ,2003 Crop at RMB 1300 per CIFC 2% Odense with transshipment at Copenhagen, other terms as per your letter dated August 15,2004. As the market is declining, we recommend your immediate acceptance. Yours truly, (B)
Dear Sirs, We are very please to have your order and are happy to confirm that all the items requested are in stock. It is a pleasure to supply you and we are quite sure that you will be satisfied with both quality of our goods and our service. The irrevocable letter of credit for a sum not exceeding $ 500 and valid till September 15th is quite an acceptable mode of payment. On receipt of confirmation of this credit from the First National Bank, your order will be ready for shipment to await your agent‘s shipping instructions. We assure you that this order and any future orders from you will have our immediate attention. Yours faithfully, VIII. Translate the following letters into English:
敬启者: 事由: 台布 兹谈到贵方标题货物的报盘及随函附寄样品和目录,我方已与客户接洽。他们认为质量和船期可接受,但所报价格与其他供应商的价格相距甚大,不能接受。同类香港产品的价格比贵方的低10%,因此,我们建议你方将价格降至与现行价格一致的水准上。届时,我方将大量订购。 鉴于你们是我们的老客户我们才作此还盘。如同意以上还盘,请来传真告知,以便我们开立有关信用证。 XXX谨上
5. As stipulated in the contract, the bank ______ open an L/C before the end of September 2004.
a. will b. ought c. need d. shall
6. We are faxing you this morning, asking you to amend the L/C ______ ―Transhipment allowed.‖
a. to read b. to reading c. as reads d. reads
7. We think it impossible to have the L/C ______ again. a. extended b. extending c. to extend d. extends
8. As we are ______ of these goods, please expedite shipment after receiving our L/C. a. in badly need b. in urgently need c. urgent in need d. badly in need
9. Any discrepancy ______ the quality of the delivered goods against the contractual stipulations is not allowed.
a. to b. among c. in d. between
10. In doing business with China, foreign firms should open their Ls/C _____ . a. through Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corp. b. with a bank acceptable to China c. through the Bank of China d. with a bank in China
11. An L/C should be established ______ our favour available by documentary draft ______ sixty days‘ sight.
a. in, after b. on, in c. in, for d. in, at
12. We regret ______ to accept your terms of payment and therefore have to return the order to you.
a. not be able b. cannot c. not able d. being unable 13. A letter of credit is usually opened by the ______ . a. issuing bank b. confirming bank c. advising bank d. negotiating bank
14. The amount in your L/C appears insufficient. The correct total CFR value of your order comes to USD9,328.00 instead of 3,928.00, the difference ______ USD5,400.00. a. be b. is to be c. being d. been 15. It ______ if you ______ the L/C for another 15 days. a. is appreciated, extend
b. will be appreciated, could extend c. should be appreciated, could extend d. should be appreciated, can extend
III. Fill in the following blanks with the given words in their proper forms: cover(-age) handle conclude (conclusion) 1. We wish to _____ the consignment against All Risks for 110% of the invoice value. 2. There would be bright prospects for a quick _____ of substantial transactions. 3. The remittance _____ all commissions due to you up to date.
4. We are pleased to have been able to _____ an initial transaction with you on this article. 5. We have arranged the necessary insurance _____.
6. We wish to _____ as an agent the goods you are exporting now. 7. We enclose our Sales Contract No. 22 _____ this transaction. 8. No complications will arise if the matter is _____ properly.
9. We have had these samples evaluated and arrived at a final _____ for your claims. 10. The damage is caused by rough _____.
11. If you can improve your price by 5%, the business can be _____ successfully.
12. Since there was a shortage of 200 pounds, we are forced to _____ that the trouble was due to careless _____ on your part.
IV. Put the following sentences into Chinese:
1. Please insert the word ―about‖ before the quantity in your L/C No. 123.
2. As direct steamers to your port are few and far between, we have to ship the goods via Hong Kong more often than not. 3. On examination, we find that the amount of your L/C is insufficient. Please increase the unit price from RMB¥0.55 to RMB¥0.60
and total amount to RMB¥37,000.00.
4. We shall be glad if you will see to it that the amendment is faxed without delay, as our goods have been ready for shipment for
quite some time.
5. Owing to the late arrival of the steamer on which we have booked space, we would appreciate your extending the shipment date
and the validity of your L/C No. 4455 to June 30 and July 15 respectively.
6. The amendment advice should reach us by November 15, failing which you must extend the validity of the L/C to the end of this
7. our L/C No. 445 has arrived, but on perusal we find that transshipment and partial shipments are not allowed. Please have it
amended immediately.
8. As there is no direct sailing from Shanghai to your port during May/June, it is imperative for you to delete the clause ―by direct
steamer‖ and insert the wording ―Partial shipments and transshipment are allowed‖.
9. Owing to port congestion, please extend the shipment of your L/C No. 1345 to June 1 and negotiation to June 15. 10. Please amend L/C No. 2345 to read as follows:
―metric ton‖, as was contracted, instead of ―long ton‖;
b) ―shipment latest 30th September and partial shipments and transshipment allowed.‖
11. Regarding your L/C No. 2347, please delete by cable the clause ― Bankers‘ expenses for beneficiary‘s account‖. 12. Your L/C No. 2334 is short established to the amount of US$ 520. Please increase it according to the contract.
13. The commission granted for this transaction is 3% as stipulated in our sales confirmation, but we find that your L/C demands a
commission of 5%. Therefore you are requested to instruct your bankers to amend the L/C.
14. The shipment covered by your Credit No. 552 has been ready for quite some time, but the amendment advice has not yet arrived,
and now an extension of 15 days is required.
V. Put the following sentences into English: 1. 在我们对外贸易中,常常采用这一支付方式。 2. 这一点在合同中已经作了规定。 3. 应该将信用证与合同核对一下。
4. 就不可撤销的信用证支付问题双方已达成一致意见。 5. 根据要求装运有效期已延展至九月底。
6. 你方111号信用证收到,谢谢。经审查发现以下不符点。
7. 请将23号信用证改为“该信用证将于2002年2月28日在中国到期。” 8. 你方开来信用证金额不足,请电改增加250美元。
9. 请将以上信用证改为“在大连装运”而不是“在青岛装运”。 10. 货物应按发票金额110%投保,而不是150%。
11. 显然,你方355号信用证数量单位与合同条款不符,请立即修改。 12. 请将信用证125号装期及有效期分别展至10月15日及10月31。
VI. Supply the missing words in the blanks of the message:
Dear Sirs,
You are hereby authorized to d__2__ on x.x.x. Co., Singapore not exceeding RMB ¥2,375.00 CIF ( SAY RENMINBI TWO THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-FIVE O__3__.) available by your draft, drawn in d__4__, on them at … sight a__5__ by the following documents:
Complete set of not less than two clean Ocean Bills of L__6__ to order and b__7__ endorsed. ―Shipped on Board‖ Bills of Lading are essential and the statement ―Freight Paid‖ must appear thereon. The Bills of Lading must cover shipment as detailed below;
Insurance P__8__s ( or C__9__s) in duplicate covering Marine and War Risk for full CIF invoice v__10__ plus 10% ; Signed c__11__ invoices in triplicate indicating Import Licence No. CH/13178/86;
Certificate of O__12__ in triplicate evidencing shipment from China Port to Singapore of the following merchandise: ……
Conditions of Shipment: Transshipment is PERMITTED.
Shipment Date: shipment is to be e__13__ not later than 20, October, 19.. P__14__ shipments are PERMITTED.
Expiry Date: This credit e__15__s on 27th OCT,. 19.. for n__16__ in China.
Drafts should bear the following clause ―Drawn under The Chartered Bank, Singapore, Credit No.958/7132 dated 21st August,19..‖.
Purchasers are to note the amount of the drafts separately on the back hereof. D__17__s drawn under this Credit should bear an interest clause where applicable.
We hereby engage with the drawers, endorsers and bona fide holders of bills drawn and presented in a__18__ with the terms of this credit that the bills shall be duly h__19__ed on presentation.
This credit is s__20__ to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Commercial Documentary Credits ( 19…… revision) except as otherwise expressly stated herein.
Yours faithfully,
VII. Read the following short passages or letters and then translate them into Chinese:
Dear Sirs, Thank you for your Letter of Credit No. 789, but on checking its clauses we find with regret that your L/C calls for shipment in October,20.., whereas our contract stipulates for November shipment. Therefore, it is imperative for you to extend the shipment date to November 30, and negotiation date to December 15, 20 .. respectively. Please act promptly and let us have your fax reply the soonest possible. Yours faithfully, (2) Gentlemen: We have received your L/C No. 3455 for the amount of US $ 6000 covering your Order No 123 for peanuts, for which we thank you. It appears that the amount in your L/C is insufficient, as the correct total CIF value of your Order comes to US $ 6500 instead of 6000, the difference being US $ 5oo. In view of the above, you are kindly requested to increase the amount of your L/C by US$ 500. Your prompt attention to the matter will be much appreciated. Yours truly, (3) Dear Sirs, Letter of Credit No. 3524 issued by the Bank of New South Wales has duly arrived. On perusal, we find that transshipment and partial shipments are not allowed. As direct steamers to your port are few and far between, we have to ship via Hongkong more often than not. As to partial shipments, it would be to our mutual benefit if we ship immediately whatever is ready instead of waiting for the whole shipment to be completed. Therefore, we have faxed you this afternoon, asking you to amend your L/C to read ―Partial shipments and transshipment allowed‖. We hope you will see to it that the amendment is sent without delay. Yours faithfully, VIII. Check the following letters of credit with the contract terms given and then write letters asking for amendments:
Irrevocable Documentary Credit
No. LST 150
Date and place of issue: 15 September, 1999, London Date and place of expiry: December 15, 1999, London Applicant: London Imp. Co., Ltd,
Beneficiary: South Export Corp., Guangzhou Advising Bank: Bank of China, Guangzhou Branch
Amount: STG 10 000 ( SAY POUNDS STERLING TEN THOUSAND ONLY) Partial shipments and transshipment are prohibited.
Shipment from China port to London, latest 30 November 1999.
Credit available against presentation of the following documents and of your draft at sight for 90% of the invoice value: --- Signed commercial invoice in quadruplicate;
--- Full set of clean on board ocean Bills of Lading made out to order of London Bank marked freight prepaid; --- Insurance certificate or policy endorsed in blank for full invoice value plus 10%, covering All Risks and War Risk. Covering 5 M/T Fresh Shrimps, first grade, at £2000 per M/T CIF London as per Contract No. 245B.
245号合同主要条款: 卖方:广州南方出口公司 买方:伦敦食品进口有限公司
Date: March 9, 1999
To: Bank of China, Beijing
We hereby open our Irrevocable Letter of Credit No. 6785 in favor of Guangzhou Textiles Corporation for account of Hamburg Import Co., Ltd., Germany up to an aggregate amount of German Marks 24 000 ( SAY GERMAN MARKS TWENTY-FOUR THOUSAND ONLY) CIFC2% Hamburg for 100% of the invoice value relative to the shipment of:
6000 yards of Pongee No. 6301 as per Contract No. 1122 dated February 15, 1999 from Huangpu, China to Hamburg, Germany. Drafts to be drawn at sight on our bank and accompanied by the following documents: Signed Commercial Invoice in triplicate;
Full set of clean on board bills of lading made out to our order quoting L/C No. 6785 marked ―freight paid‖;
One original marine insurance policy or certificate for 150% full invoice value covering All Risks and War Risk, with claims payable in Germany in the currency of draft(s).
Partial shipments and transshipment are permitted. Shipment must be effected not later than May 31, 1999.
Draft(s) drawn under this credit must be negotiated in Germany on or before June 15, 1999.
1122 号称合同主要条款: 卖方:广州纺织品公司 买方:德国汉堡进口有限公司 商品名称:府绸 规格:6103 数量:5000码
单价:CIF汉堡每码4.80德国马克含佣金2% 总值:24 000德国马克
装运期:1999年5月由中国黄埔运往德国汉堡 保险:由卖方投保
Irrevocable Documentary Credit
No. HSW0095
Date and place of issue: June 25, 1997 Sydney Date and place of expiry: September 15, 1999 China Applicant: J.B. Simpson & Co. Ltd. Beneficiary: China Textiles Imp/Exp Corp.
Advising bank: Bank of China, Beijing Branch
Amount: STG 18 300 (SAY POUNDS STERLING EIGHTEEN THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED ONLY) Partial shipments and transshipment are prohibited.
Shipment from Shanghai, China to Sydney, Australia, latest August 31, 1998.
Credit available against presentation of the following documents and of your draft at sight for the full invoice value, less 2% commission:
? Signed commercial invoice in quadruplicate;
? Full set of clean on board ocean Bills of Lading made to order of Bank of Australia, Sydney Branch marked ―freight prepaid‖; ? Insurance certificate or ;policy endorsed in blank for full invoice value plus 10%, covering All Risks and War Risk. Covering :
1500 bed sheet, 106cm, blue, £2.50 each CIF Sydney 1500 bed sheet, 120cm, primrose, £2.50 each CIF Sydney 3000 pillow cases, blue, £1.80 each CIF Sydney 3000 pillow cases, primrose, £1.80 each CIF Sydney As per Contract No. TB678
TB678号合同主要条款: 卖方:中国纺织品进出口公司 买方:J.B. Simpson & Co. Ltd.
商品 数量 CIF 悉尼净价 床单106公分, 蓝色 1500 £2. 50 一条 床单120公分, 淡黄色书刊 1500 £3. 00 一条 枕套,蓝色 3000 £1.80 一对 枕套,淡黄色书刊 3000 £1.80 一对 总额: 19 050 英镑
装运期:1999年8月由上海运往悉尼,如必要可在香港转船 保险:卖方按发票金额110%投保一切险和战争险 支付方式:不可撤销的信用证凭即期汇票付款
Unit 11 I. Put the following Chinese into English: 管道,管线 大宗商品;散装货
空运 (港口)吞吐量 集装箱 标题货物 班轮
不定期货轮 直达轮
(航班)稀少 联运提单
包装装潢 把。。。看作 装运通知 分。。。批 (装运) (货物)备妥待运 交货 提货
II. Multiple choice:
1. Emphasis has to be laid on the point ______ shipment must be made within the
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