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Unit 1

When faced with both economic problems and increasing competition not only from firms in the united states but also from international firms located in other parts of the world, employee and managers now began to ask the question:what do we do now? although this is a fair question, it is difficult to answer. Certainly, for a college student taking business courses or be beginning employee just staring a career, the question is even more difficult to answer. And yet there are still opportunities out there d=for people who are willing to work hard, continue to learn, and possess the ability to adapt to change.


Whether you want to obtain part-time employment to pay college and living expense, begin your career as a full –time employee, or start a business, you must bring something to the table that makes you different from the next person . Employee and our capitalistic economic systems are more demanding than ever before. Ask yourself: What can I do that will make employee want to pay me a salary? What skills do I have that employers need? With these questions in mind, we begin with another basic question: Why study business? There are at least four quite compelling reasons.



这里有四个令人完全信服的理由。 For help in choosing a career

What do you want to do with the rest of your life? Someplace, sometime, someone probably has asked you this same question. And like many people, you may find it a difficult question to answer. B y studying business, you will be introduced to a wide array of employment opportunities. In private enterprise, these range from small, local businesses owned by one individual to large companies such as American Express and Marriott International that are owned by thousands of stockholders. There are also employment opportunities with federal, state, county, and local governments and with not-for-profit organization such as the Red Cross and Save the Children.

一. 在职业选择上的帮助:


One thing to remember as you think about what your ideal career might be is that a person’s choice of a career ultimately is just a reflection of what he or she

values and holds most important. What will give one individual personal satisfaction may not satisfy another. What you choose to do with your life will be based on what you feel is most important. And the you is a very important part of that decision.

有一件事要记住,当你在思考你的最理想的职业是什么的时候,就是一个人对于职业的选择,最终只是反映出他或她的价值观和认为最重要的事。能够令一个人满意的可能没办法使其他人也满意。你在生活中所选择去做的将基于你觉得最重要的是什么。所以“你”是那个决定的重要组成部分。 To be a successful employee

Deciding on the type of career you want is only the first step. To get as job in your chosen field and to be successful at it, you will have to develop a plan, or a rod map, that ensures that you have the skills and knowledge the job requires. You will be expected to have both technical skills needed to accomplish a specific task and the ability to work well with many types of people in a culturally diverse work force. These skills, together with a working knowledge of the American business system and an appreciation for a culturally diverse workplace, can give you an inside edge when you are interviewing with a prospective employer. 一. 成为一名成功的员工



All the resource available at your college or university can help you to acquire the skills and knowledge you will need for a successful career. But don’t underestimate your part in making your dream a reality. It will take hard work, dedication, perseverance, and time management to achieve your goals. Communication skills are also important. Today, most employers are looking for employee who can compose a business letter and get it in mailable form. They also want employees who can talk with customers and use a e-mail to communicate with people within and outside the organization. Employers also will be interested in any work experience you may have had in cooperative work/school programs, during summer vacations, or in part-time jobs during the school year. These things can make a difference when it is time to apply for the job you really want.

在大学里的所有可利用的资源能够帮助你获得你将来为了实现一个成功的职业生涯所需要的技能和知识。但是不可以低估让梦想变成现实这一过程中你自身的那一部分。要实现自己的目标,就要努力工作、奉献、毅力和时间管理。与人沟通的技能同样是重要的。今天,许多雇主正在寻找能够撰写商务信函,并使它成为可以邮寄的形式的员工。他们同样希望自己的雇员能够与顾客交流并且能够使用电子邮件与组织内外的人进行沟通。雇主们同样会感兴趣于你可能在暑假期间或者学期兼职中在其他工作或者学校等合作社里有过的工作经验。当你在申请一份你真正想要的工作时,这些东西会让情况变得不一样。 To start your own business

Some people prefer to work for themselves, and they open their own businesses. To be successful, business owners must posses many of the same

skills that successful employees have. And they must be willing to work hard and put in long hours.



It also helps if your small business can provide a product or service that customers want. For example, Mark Cuban started a small Internet company called Broadcast.com that provided hundreds of live and on-demand audio and video programs ranging from rap music to sporting events to business events over the Internet. And because Cuban’s company met the needs of his customers, Broadcast.com was very successful. When Cuban sold Broadcst.com to Yahoo! Inc., he became a billionaire.


Unfortunately, many small-business firms fail; 70% of them fail within the first five years. Typical reasons for business include undercapitalization (not enough money), business location, poor customer service, unqualified or untrained employees, fraud, lack of a paper business plan, and failure to seek outside professional help.


失败的典型原因包括资金不足,落后的业务定位,客户服务差,不合格或未经训练的员工,欺诈,缺乏一个适当的经营规划,不寻求外部专业帮助等。 Unit 2

Ask the average person on the street what marketing is and they’ll tell you it’s about “selling stuff’, That’s fundamentally true, but marketing is not simply the act of sales, but how that sale is made. We are all surrounded by marketing 24/7 and each of us is already a marketer in our own way.


How do the professionals define marketing? According to the American Marketing Association, “Marketing is an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders.”



The World Marketing Association defines marketing as “the core business philosophy that direct the processes of identifying and fulfilling the needs of individuals and organizations through exchange which create superior value for

all parties. ”


And finally, the U.K.’s Chartered Institute of Marketing says that “marketing is the management process of identifying, anticipating and satisfying consumer requirements profitably.”


If we just look at the commonalities of these three definitions, we can see that, in essence, marketing is a discovering and giving consumers what they want and need, and doing this at a profit.

如果我们只是寻找以上三个定义的共性,我们可以看到,在本质上,营销是:a.发现并给予消费者所希望并需要的东西;b.以此来谋取利益。 The 4 or 5 Ps of marketing

Professor Jerome McCarthy of Michigan State University wrote a book in the 1950s and defined the 4 Ps of marketing: product, place, price and promotion. This book provided a clear structure to the oldest profession on the planet and became the very definition of marketing.



In order to better understand marketing, develop your own definition of the term. For example, I think of marketing as the manipulation of product, price,

distribution, promotion and people to satisfy consumers at a profit. Manipulation is a charged word, especially when we talk about manipulating people. However, manipulation is important because as a marketer , I control each of the tools of marketing and manipulate them to maximize impact on the market.


As a marketing manager, I manipulate what a product look like, smells like, and feels like. I manipulate how much should be charged for my product . I manipulate tools in my promotion tool kit in hopes of enticing consumers to buy my product. There are the 4 Ps of marketing as highlighted by McCarthy. To these we have added a fifth P: people.

作为一个营销经理,我巧妙地控制着一个产品看起来像什么,闻起来像什么以及感觉起来像什么。我操纵着我们的产品应该收取多少钱。我在我的升级版工具套件中操纵工具,希望能吸引消费者购买我的产品。这就是麦卡锡高度强调的营销中的4个问题。在这基础上,我们加上第五个P:人。 People

Marketers have debated for years whether “people” should be included as the fifth P of marketing. But without people , there is no point to marketing, which is why I include it here.




Practiced well, marketing revolves around the wants, needs and desires of people. Sometimes the needs are physical, such as nutritious food and clean water. Sometimes the needs are psychological such as a need to impress. Sometimes the need is sociological, such as the need fit into a culture, or the need to stand out. There are an infinite number of reasons for people to do what they do, want what they want and act as they do. Therefore, effective marketing should begin with an insightful understanding of the consumer.


However, few marketers actually begin with consumers. Why? Because most marketing starts with the invention of some new product that there may or may not be a market for. “’We’ve invented a better product, now go find someone to buy it” is all too often the sequence of events. Quite simply, this is why 80% plus of all new products in the U.S. fail in their first year.


No matter what we are selling, there will be some people that are more likely than others to want to buy it. For example, as a non-smoker, it would be a waste of time and money to try to get me to buy your brand of cigarettes. However, if were a confirmed smoker, I might be interested in trying a new brand I’d never tried. Discovering your ideal target market and learning all you can about why they do will help you determine the best way to present your product to maximize interest.

无论我们在卖什么,总会有一些人比起另外的人更想要购买它。例如,作为一个不抽烟的人,想要尝试让我购买你的名牌香烟那就是在浪费时间和金钱。然而,如果我是一个老烟民,我可能会比较有兴趣去尝试以前从没试过的牌子。发现你理想中的目标市场并且尽你所能地去了解他们为什么做了什么,这样可以帮助你下定决心以一种最好的方式来介绍你的产品以获得最大限度的利益。 Product

Your product is anything that can be offered for ale or use to another individual. It includes the quality of the product, the materials chosen, the colour / size/scent/taste, every physical aspect of the product. It also includes the packaging of the product(For example, is the product protected or available for the world to see? ), the design and manufacturing of the product and any research and development underway to discover better ways to make the product. The product P covers everything that goes into the development of the tangible or intangible object.



