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一. 单重选择题:(45分)
本大题共有30小题,每小题1.5分,总分45分。每个小题的答案中只有一个是最合适的, 请你把所选择的答案在答题卡上标记出(A, B, C, D, 或E), 其余的回答方式无效.
UML Modeling Tool 1.
Which one of the following is NOT a view in Rational Rose? A. Component view B. Deployment view C. Use case view D. Logic view E. Static view 2.
Which one of the following UML diagrams is critical in Rational Rose forward-engineering in order to create skeletal code? A. Class diagram B. Use case diagram C. Sequence diagram D. Collaboration diagram E. State diagram
UML diagrams in UML 1.x Class Diagram 3.
Which one of the following statements about Class Diagram Modeling doing for a class is FALSE? A. It helps to collect attributes in association
B. It helps to collect attributes and methods in heritance relationship C. It helps to collect signature in method in dependency relationship D. It helps to collect attributes and methods in dependency relationship E.
Object Diagram 4.
Which one of the following statements about difference between Class Diagram
Diagram is FALSE?
A. Object Diagrams are about instant and instance
B. Object Diagrams are only used when Class Diagrams are not good enough C. Class Diagrams are commonly used
D. Object Diagrams are used to replace the Class Diagrams E. A Object Diagram is a scenario of a Class Diagram
State Diagram
It helps to collect attributes in aggregation relationship
5. Which one of the following statements about using State Diagram is FALSE?
A. A State Diagram is used for modeling all the states in a single object B. When a class is critical and complex
C. State Diagrams should be included in any UML models
D. State Diagrams can be used in game development when a single object is critical and complex, we call
this a state-driven development method E. State Diagrams are used by object modelers
Use Case Diagram 6.
Which one of the following statements about Use Case Diagram is FALSE? A. It is used for system functional requirements modeling
B. It is a description of a system’s behavior from a user’s standpoint
C. For system developers, the use case is a valuable tool: It’s a tried-and-true technique for gathering
system requirements from a user’s point of view
D. Obtaining information from the user’s point of view is important if the goal is to build a system that
real people can use E. 7.
Which one of the following statements about using <
case analysis is FALSE?
A. It is to improve reusability, and to avoid reinventing the wheel B. it is one kind of Keywords and Stereotypes application in UML C. it can be used to avoid duplication in system development D. it is not included in the UML 2.0 specification
E. it is one of the best “divide and conquer” techniques used in system analysis and design 8.
Use Case Driven Method is NOT used in which one of the following? A. GUI design B. Deployment process
C. During the system design process-- use case diagram drives the sequence diagram or collaboration
diagram D. Writing test script E. Coding and debugging
Activity diagram 9.
Which one of the following statements about using Activity Diagrams is to do software implementation
B. It is used when it is hard to model a use case by using sequence diagram
C. It is much like the flowcharts of old. It shows steps (called, appropriately enough, activities) as well
as decision points and branches
D. It's not useful for showing what happens in an operation or method of a class E.
The great strength of Activity Diagrams lies in the fact that they support and encourage parallel
A. It is realization of a use case, as you know use case diagram is commonly too rough for programmer
It is commonly used for business process modeling
behavior. This makes them a great tool for workflow and process modeling
10. Which one of the following statements about Activity Diagram or Swimlane is responsibility for each activity in a process
B. The activity diagram adds the dimension of visualizing roles. To do that, you separate the diagram into
parallel segments called swimlanes
C. Each Swimlane shows the name of a role at the top and presents the activities of each role. Transitions
can take place from one swimlane to another D. Swimlane is useful in all occasion
E. Traditionally Activity Diagrams were usually used to describe the dynamics of what went on/within
methods. In that context they were more like traditional data flow diagrams
Interaction Diagrams--Sequence Diagram & Communication Diagram
11. Which one of the following statements about using Interaction Diagrams in the UML use case analysis is FALSE?
A. It is realization of a use case, as use case is too rough for programmer to do software implementation
B. It can be used to depict that in order to achieve a use case, how objects communicate passing messages
C. Sequence Diagram shows the time-based dynamics of the interaction D. It can be used in domain modeling
E. It shows how the elements of a system work together to accomplish the system's objectives -- use
case, or system requirement
12. Which one of the following is TRUE of trying to fill methods of the classes of according to the following Sequence Diagram?
between the objects
A. One of the handier aspects of the activity diagram is its ability to expand and show who has the
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