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一、 设备操作系统版本

检查项目 检查对象 检查命令 测试结果 备注 操作系统版本 维保功能区域中的路由器、交换机 CISCO: show version |show bootflash H3C: dispaly version | display boot-loader 所有实时输出结果为正常 显示ISO版本、路由器持续运行时间、最近一次重启动的原因、路由器主存的大小、共享存储器的大小、内存的大小、ISO映像的文件名,以及路由器从何处启动等信息

1. CISCO输出

NW-C-R-7606-A#show version

Cisco IOS Software, c7600rsp72043_rp Software (c7600rsp72043_rp-IPSERVICESK9-M), Version 15.0(1)S, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)

Technical Support: Copyright (c) 1986-2010 by Cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Thu 29-Jul-10 05:06 by prod_rel_team

ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 12.2(33r)SRD5, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)

BOOTLDR: Cisco IOS Software, c7600rsp72043_rp Software (c7600rsp72043_rp-IPSERVICESK9-M), Version 15.0(1)S, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)

JSNW-C-R-7606-A uptime is 41 weeks, 2 hours, 21 minutes Uptime for this control processor is 41 weeks, 40 minutes System returned to ROM by power cycle (SP by power on)

System image file is \ Last reload type: Normal Reload

This product contains cryptographic features and is subject to United States and local country laws governing import, export, transfer and use. Delivery of Cisco cryptographic products does not imply

third-party authority to import, export, distribute or use encryption. Importers, exporters, distributors and users are responsible for

compliance with U.S. and local country laws. By using this product you agree to comply with applicable laws and regulations. If you are unable to comply with U.S. and local laws, return this product immediately.

A summary of U.S. laws governing Cisco cryptographic products may be found at:


If you require further assistance please contact us by sending email to

Cisco CISCO7606-S (M8500) processor (revision 1.1) with 917504K/65536K bytes of memory. Processor board ID FOX1412GGFJ BASEBOARD: RSP720

CPU: MPC8548_E, Version: 2.1, (0x80390021) CORE: E500, Version: 2.2, (0x80210022) CPU:1200MHz, CCB:400MHz, DDR:200MHz, L1: D-cache 32 kB enabled I-cache 32 kB enabled

Last reset from power-on

1 SIP-200 controller (2 Channelized OC3/STM-1). 1 Virtual Ethernet interface 52 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces 105 Serial interfaces

2 Channelized STM-1 ports 2 Channelized STM-1 ports

3964K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.

507024K bytes of Internal ATA PCMCIA card (Sector size 512 bytes). Configuration register is 0x2102

NW-C-S-6506A#show bootflash:

device not bootable, device format is from a different router type

-#- ED ----type---- --crc--- -seek-- nlen -length- ---------date/time--------- name

1 .. image 891F70D9 288FC90 32 42007568 Jul 15 2005 04:37:53 +08:00 s72033-pk9sv-mz.122-17d.SXB8.bin

2 .. crashinfo D1F15CC3 28D9DEC 25 303321 May 3 2000 09:50:17 +08:00 crashinfo_20000503-015017

23224852 bytes available (42311148 bytes used)

2. H3C输出

KMServer-S7506E-A]dis version H3C Comware Platform Software

Comware Software, Version 5.20, Release 6616P05

Copyright (c) 2004-2011 Hangzhou H3C Tech. Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. H3C S7506E uptime is 16 weeks, 1 day, 3 hours, 39 minutes


MPU(M) 0:

Uptime is 16 weeks,1 days,3 hours,39 minutes H3C S7506E MPU(M) with 1 BCM1125H Processor BOARD TYPE: LSQ1SRP2XB DRAM: 512M bytes FLASH: 64M bytes NVRAM: 512K bytes PCB 1 Version: VER.B PCB 2 Version: VER.B Bootrom Version: 303 CPLD 1 Version: 006 CPLD 2 Version: 006

Release Version: H3C S7506E-6616P05 Patch Version : None Slot 1 Without Board

LPU 2:

Uptime is 16 weeks,1 days,3 hours,43 minutes H3C S7506E LPU with 1 BCM1122 Processor BOARD TYPE: LSQ1GP48SC DRAM: 512M bytes FLASH: 0M bytes NVRAM: 0K bytes PCB 1 Version: VER.C Bootware Version: 306 CPLD 1 Version: 004 CPLD 2 Version: 004

Release Version: H3C S7506E-6616P05 Patch Version : None

Slot 3 Without Board

Slot 4 Without Board

LPU 5:

Uptime is 16 weeks,1 days,3 hours,43 minutes H3C S7506E LPU with 1 BCM1122 Processor BOARD TYPE: LSQ1GV48SC DRAM: 512M bytes FLASH: 0M bytes NVRAM: 0K bytes PCB 1 Version: VER.D Bootware Version: 306 CPLD 1 Version: 004


Release Version: H3C S7506E-6616P05 Patch Version : None

Slot 6 Without Board

Slot 7 Without Board LPU 8:

Uptime is 16 weeks,1 days,3 hours,42 minutes H3C S7506E LPU with 1 BCM1122 Processor BOARD TYPE: SRP2XBSLAVE DRAM: 512M bytes FLASH: 0M bytes NVRAM: 0K bytes PCB 1 Version: NA Bootware Version: 306 CPLD 1 Version: NA

Release Version: H3C S7506E-6616P05 Patch Version : None

Slot 9 Without Board

[KMServer-S7506E-A]dis boot-loader

The primary app to boot of board 0 at this time is: flash:/

二、 设备CPU利用状况检查

检查项目 检查对象 检查命令 测试结果 备注 设备CPU利用状况检查 维保功能区域中的路由器、交换机 CISCO: show processes cpu history H3C: display cpu-usage history CPU利用率为平均<50%,最高不超过70%为正常 检查设备最近(CISCO 72小时)(h3c 60分钟)内CPU是否过载。 1. CISCO输出

JSNW-C-R-7606-A#show processes cpu history 111111 1111155555 11111 11111 100 90 80


70 60 50 40 30 20 10 ***** 0....5....1....1....2....2....3....3....4....4....5....5....6

0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 CPU% per second (last 60 seconds)

221113311212131431121431135122221113421222122441111222134111 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 * 0....5....1....1....2....2....3....3....4....4....5....5....6

0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 CPU% per minute (last 60 minutes)

* = maximum CPU% # = average CPU%

564446464445555556454544555554555544455565454455555444454445454444554535 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20


10 ** * * ******* * * ***** **** ***** * ***** * * * ** * 0....5....1....1....2....2....3....3....4....4....5....5....6....6....7..

0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 CPU% per hour (last 72 hours)

* = maximum CPU% # = average CPU%

2. H3C输出

[KMServer-S7506E-A]display cpu-usage history 100%| 95%| 90%| 85%| 80%| 75%| 70%| 65%| 60%| 55%| 50%| 45%| 40%| 35%| 30%| 25%| 20%| 15%| 10%|

5%| ## ### ### #### ## # #### ------------------------------------------------------------

10 20 30 40 50 60 (minutes) cpu-usage last 60 minutes(SYSTEM) [KMServer-S7506E-A]

三、 设备memory利用状况检查

检查项目 检查对象 检查命令 测试结果 备注

设备memory利用状况检查 维保功能区域中的路由器、交换机 CISCO: show memory statistics history H3C: display memory 可用memory为平均>50%,最低不低于30%为正常 检查设备最近72小时内memory是否过载;H3C只能看到当前使用情7

况。 3. CISCO输出

NW-C-R-7606-A#show memory statistics

Head Total(b) Used(b) Free(b) Lowest(b) Largest(b)

Processor 13412EE8 683594008 163583032 520010976 503185944 502089308

I/O 3C000000 67108864 39676044 27432820 27225020

JSNW-C-R-7606-A#show memory statistics history

------------------ History of Processor Mempool ------------------

777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 100 90 80 ********************************************************** 70 ********************************************************** 60 ********************************************************** 50 ********************************************************** 40 ********************************************************** 30 ********************************************************** 20 ********************************************************** 10 ********************************************************** 0....5....1....1....2....2....3....3....4....4....5....5....6

0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 Free memory per second (last 60 seconds)

777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 100 90 80 ########################################################## 70 ########################################################## 60 ##########################################################

27432820 8

50 ########################################################## 40 ########################################################## 30 ########################################################## 20 ########################################################## 10 ########################################################## 0....5....1....1....2....2....3....3....4....4....5....5....6

0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 Free memory per minute (last 60 minutes) * = maximum # = average

777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 100 90 80 ###################################################################### 70 ###################################################################### 60 ###################################################################### 50 ###################################################################### 40 ###################################################################### 30 ###################################################################### 20 ###################################################################### 10 ###################################################################### 0....5....1....1....2....2....3....3....4....4....5....5....6....6....7..

0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 Free memory per hour (last 72 hours) * = maximum # = average

------------------ History of I/O Mempool ------------------

444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 100 90 80 70 60 50


40 ********************************************************** 30 ********************************************************** 20 ********************************************************** 10 ********************************************************** 0....5....1....1....2....2....3....3....4....4....5....5....6

0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 Free memory per second (last 60 seconds)

444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 ########################################################## 30 ########################################################## 20 ########################################################## 10 ########################################################## 0....5....1....1....2....2....3....3....4....4....5....5....6

0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 Free memory per minute (last 60 minutes) * = maximum # = average

444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 ###################################################################### 30 ###################################################################### 20 ###################################################################### 10 ###################################################################### 0....5....1....1....2....2....3....3....4....4....5....5....6....6....7..


0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 Free memory per hour (last 72 hours) * = maximum # = average

4. H3C输出

[KMServer-S7506E-A]dis memory

System Total Memory(bytes): 434502480 Total Used Memory(bytes): 103569732 Used Rate: 23%


四、 设备模块运行状况检查

检查项目 检查对象 检查命令 测试结果 备注 设备模块运行状态检查 维保功能区域中的路由器、交换机 CISCO: show module (show inventory) H3C: display device manuinfo| dis device 所有设备模块运行状态OK 可以列出各个模块的序列号等信息 1. CISCO输出

JSNW-C-R-7606-A#show module

Mod Ports Card Type Model Serial No. --- ----- -------------------------------------- ------------------ -----------

1 0 4-subslot SPA Interface Processor-200 7600-SIP-200 JAE1453059O

4 48 CEF720 48 port 10/100/1000mb Ethernet WS-X6748-GE-TX SAL1429N6UN 5 2 Route Switch Processor 720 (Active) RSP720-3C-GE SAL1521E3WU 6 2 Route Switch Processor 720 (Cold) RSP720-3C-GE JAE145209F1

Mod MAC addresses Hw Fw Sw Status --- ---------------------------------- ------ ------------ ------------ -------

1 c89c.1d2a.f180 to c89c.1d2a.f1bf 2.303 15.0(1)S 15.0(1)S Ok 4 5475.d0cb.67c8 to 5475.d0cb.67f7 3.4 12.2(18r)S1 15.0(1)S Ok 5 c89c.1dfb.64c8 to c89c.1dfb.64cb 5.12 12.2(33r)SRD 15.0(1)S Ok 6 68ef.bdd3.7b94 to 68ef.bdd3.7b97 5.12 12.2(33r)SRD 15.0(1)S Ok

Mod Sub-Module Model Serial Hw Status ---- --------------------------- ------------------ ----------- ------- -------

1/0 1xCHSTM1 SPA SPA-1XCHSTM1/OC3 JAE1232RFLR 2.0 Ok 1/1 1xCHSTM1 SPA SPA-1XCHSTM1/OC3 JAB100809GH 1.0 Ok 4 Centralized Forwarding Card WS-F6700-CFC SAL1430NR2Z 4.1 Ok 5 Policy Feature Card 3 7600-PFC3C SAL1521E6Y5 1.2 Ok

5 C7600 MSFC4 Daughterboard 7600-MSFC4 SAL1519DKNN 1.6 Ok 6 Policy Feature Card 3 7600-PFC3C JAE145200AR 1.2 Ok 6 C7600 MSFC4 Daughterboard 7600-MSFC4 JAE145204CF 1.6 Ok

Mod Online Diag Status ---- ------------------- 1 Pass 1/0 Pass 1/1 Pass


4 Pass 5 Pass 6 Pass

2. H3C输出

[KMCore-S12508]display device manuinfo Chassis 1:

Chassis self:



Slot 0:



Slot 2:




Slot 3:




Slot 6:




KMServer-S7506E-A]dis device

Slot No. Brd Type Brd Status Subslot Num

Sft Ver Patch Ver


0 LSQ1SRP2XB Master 0 S7500E-6616P05 None 1 NONE Absent 0 NONE None 2 LSQ1GP48SC Normal 0 S7500E-6616P05 None 3 NONE Absent 0 NONE None 4 NONE Absent 0 NONE None 5 LSQ1GV48SC Normal 0 S7500E-6616P05 None 6 NONE Absent 0 NONE None 7 NONE Absent 0 NONE None 8 SRP2XBSLAVE Normal 0 S7500E-6616P05 None 9 NONE Absent 0 NONE None

五、 设备系统内各模块温度检查

检查项目 检查对象 检查命令 测试结果 备注 设备系统电源及风扇与设备内各模块温度检查 维保功能区域中的路由器、交换机 CISCO: show environment H3C: dis environment| display fan | dis power-supply verbose 电源风扇运行正常,设备内部各部分模块工作温度小于45℃ 1. CISCO输出

NW-C-R-7606-A#show environment environmental alarms: no alarms


operating clock count: 2

fan-tray 1:

fan-tray 1 type: FAN-MOD-6SHS fan-tray 1 mode: Auto fan-tray 1 fan-fail: OK clock 1:

clock 1 OK: OK, clock 1 clock-inuse: in-use clock 2:

clock 2 OK: OK, clock 2 clock-inuse: not-in-use power-supply 1:

power-supply 1 fan-fail: OK

power-supply 1 power-input: AC 220V power-supply 1 power-output-mode: high


power-supply 1 incompatible with fan: OK power-supply 1 power-output-fail: OK power-supply 2:

power-supply 2 fan-fail: OK

power-supply 2 power-input: AC 220V power-supply 2 power-output-mode: high power-supply 2 incompatible with fan: OK power-supply 2 power-output-fail: OK module 1:

module 1 power-output-fail: OK module 1 outlet temperature: 31C module 1 inlet temperature: 23C module 1 device-1 temperature: 23C module 1 device-2 temperature: 24C module 4:

module 4 power-output-fail: OK module 4 outlet temperature: 41C module 4 inlet temperature: 25C module 5:

module 5 power-output-fail: OK module 5 outlet temperature: 30C module 5 inlet temperature: 26C module 5 device-1 temperature: 34C module 5 device-2 temperature: 34C module 5 asic-1 (SSO-1) temp: 26C module 5 asic-2 (SSO-2) temp: 26C module 5 asic-3 (SSO-3) temp: 26C module 5 asic-4 (SSO-4) temp: 25C module 5 asic-5 (SSA-1) temp: 25C

module 5 asic-6 (HYPERION-1) temp: 25C module 5 RP outlet temperature: 31C module 5 RP inlet temperature: 29C module 5 EARL outlet temperature: 32C module 5 EARL inlet temperature: 27C module 6:

module 6 power-output-fail: OK module 6 outlet temperature: 33C module 6 inlet temperature: 26C module 6 device-1 temperature: 39C module 6 device-2 temperature: 39C module 6 asic-1 (SSO-1) temp: 27C module 6 asic-2 (SSO-2) temp: 27C module 6 asic-3 (SSO-3) temp: 27C module 6 asic-4 (SSO-4) temp: 27C


module 6 asic-5 (SSA-1) temp: 27C

module 6 asic-6 (HYPERION-1) temp: 27C module 6 RP outlet temperature: 31C module 6 RP inlet temperature: 28C module 6 EARL outlet temperature: 32C module 6 EARL inlet temperature: 27C

SPA-1XCHSTM1/OC3[1/0] temperature sensor 0, reading: 45C SPA-1XCHSTM1/OC3[1/0] temperature sensor 1, reading: 37C SPA-1XCHSTM1/OC3[1/0] temperature sensor 2, reading: 46C SPA-1XCHSTM1/OC3[1/0] temperature sensor 3, reading: 41C SPA-1XCHSTM1/OC3[1/0] temperature sensor 4, reading: 50C SPA-1XCHSTM1/OC3[1/0] nominal: 3.300V, reading: 3.271V SPA-1XCHSTM1/OC3[1/0] nominal: 2.500V, reading: 2.484V SPA-1XCHSTM1/OC3[1/0] nominal: 1.800V, reading: 1.788V SPA-1XCHSTM1/OC3[1/0] nominal: 1.500V, reading: 1.489V SPA-1XCHSTM1/OC3[1/0] nominal: 3.300V, reading: 3.291V SPA-1XCHSTM1/OC3[1/1] temperature sensor 0, reading: 43C SPA-1XCHSTM1/OC3[1/1] temperature sensor 1, reading: 33C SPA-1XCHSTM1/OC3[1/1] temperature sensor 2, reading: 43C SPA-1XCHSTM1/OC3[1/1] temperature sensor 3, reading: 40C SPA-1XCHSTM1/OC3[1/1] temperature sensor 4, reading: 44C SPA-1XCHSTM1/OC3[1/1] nominal: 3.300V, reading: 3.284V SPA-1XCHSTM1/OC3[1/1] nominal: 2.500V, reading: 2.498V SPA-1XCHSTM1/OC3[1/1] nominal: 1.800V, reading: 1.779V SPA-1XCHSTM1/OC3[1/1] nominal: 1.500V, reading: 1.498V SPA-1XCHSTM1/OC3[1/1] nominal: 3.300V, reading: 3.298V

chassis connector rating: 1680.00 Watts (40.00 Amps @ 42V) module 1

module 1 connector rating: 1512.00 Watts (36.00 Amps @ 42V) module 1 power consumption: 240.24 Watts ( 5.72 Amps @ 42V) module 4

module 4 connector rating: 2016.00 Watts (48.00 Amps @ 42V) module 4 power consumption: 325.50 Watts ( 7.75 Amps @ 42V) module 5

module 5 connector rating: 1260.00 Watts (30.00 Amps @ 42V) module 5 power consumption: 310.38 Watts ( 7.39 Amps @ 42V) module 6

module 6 connector rating: 1260.00 Watts (30.00 Amps @ 42V) module 6 power consumption: 310.38 Watts ( 7.39 Amps @ 42V)

chassis per slot cooling capacity: 91 cfm ambient temperature: < 55C


module 1 cooling requirement: 30 cfm module 4 cooling requirement: 70 cfm module 5 cooling requirement: 35 cfm module 6 cooling requirement: 35 cfm


2. H3C输出

KMCore-S12508]dis environment

System temperature information (degree centigrade):


Slot Sensor Temperature LowerLimit WarningLimit 1/0 inflow 1 23 -25 70 1/0 outflow 1 28 -15 70 1/0 hotspot 1 29 -15 75 1/2 inflow 1 26 -15 70 1/2 outflow 1 49 30 85 1/2 hotspot 1 27 -15 80 1/2 hotspot 2 37 10 80 1/3 inflow 1 27 -15 70 1/3 outflow 1 51 30 85 1/3 hotspot 1 27 -15 80 1/3 hotspot 2 37 10 80 1/6 inflow 1 26 -15 65 1/6 outflow 1 31 -5 70 1/6 hotspot 1 28 -15 65 1/7 inflow 1 27 -20 65 1/7 outflow 1 37 0 70 1/7 hotspot 1 32 -10 70 1/10 inflow 1 27 -10 55 1/10 outflow 1 51 5 85 [KMServer-S7506E-A]display fan Fan 1 State: Normal

[KMCore-S12508]dis power-supply verbose

Power info on chassis 1:

System power-supply policy: enable

System power-module redundant(configured): 1 System power usable: 10000 Watts

System power redundant(actual): 2000 Watts System power allocated: 1900 Watts System power available: 8100 Watts


AlarmLimit ShutdownLimit 80 N/A 85 N/A 85 N/A 90 N/A 90 N/A 85 N/A 85 N/A 90 N/A 90 N/A 85 N/A 85 N/A 80 N/A 80 N/A 75 N/A 85 N/A 85 N/A 80 N/A 80 N/A 95 N/A 17

System power monitoring unit 1: Software version: 107

Type In/Out Rated-Vol(V) Existing Usable Redundant(actual) ---------- ------ ------------ -------- ------ -----------------

PSE9000-A AC/DC 220(default) 6 5 1

DC output voltage information:

Tray Value(V) Upper-Threshold(V) Lower-Threshold(V) Status ---- -------- ------------------ ------------------ -------

1 49.97 51.00 49.00 Normal

DC output current information: Total current(A): 20.60 Branch Value(A) ------ -------- 1/1 2.80 1/2 4.20 1/3 2.80 1/4 3.80 1/5 2.80 1/6 4.20

PSU Status:

ID Status Input-Err Output-Err High-Temperature Fan-Err Closed Current-Limit --- ------- ----------- ---------- ---------------- ------- ------ ------------- 1/1 Normal 1/2 Normal 1/3 Normal 1/4 Normal 1/5 Normal 1/6 Normal

Line-card power status:

Slot Board-Type Watts Status ---- --------------- ----- ------

2 LST2XP8LEB1 240 On 3 LST2XP8LEB1 240 On 4 None -- Absent 5 None -- Absent 6 LST1GP48LEB1 170 On 7 LST1GT48LEB1 175 On 8 None -- Absent


9 None -- Absent

Power info on chassis 2:

System power-supply policy: enable

System power-module redundant(configured): 1 System power usable: 4000 Watts

System power redundant(actual): 2000 Watts System power allocated: 1940 Watts System power available: 2060 Watts


System power monitoring unit 1: Software version: 107

Type In/Out Rated-Vol(V) Existing Usable Redundant(actual) ---------- ------ ------------ -------- ------ -----------------

PSE9000-A AC/DC 220(default) 3 2 1

DC output voltage information:

Tray Value(V) Upper-Threshold(V) Lower-Threshold(V) Status ---- -------- ------------------ ------------------ -------

1 49.84 51.00 49.00 Normal

DC output current information: Total current(A): 22.00 Branch Value(A) ------ -------- 1/1 N/A 1/2 8.20 1/3 N/A 1/4 7.20 1/5 N/A 1/6 6.60

PSU Status:

ID Status Input-Err Output-Err High-Temperature Fan-Err Closed Current-Limit --- ------- ----------- ---------- ---------------- ------- ------ ------------- 1/1 Absent 1/2 Normal

1/3 Absent 1/4 Normal 1/5 Absent 1/6 Normal


Line-card power status:

Slot Board-Type Watts Status ---- --------------- ----- ------

2 LST2XP8LEB1 240 On 3 LST1XP8LEB1 280 On 4 None -- Absent 5 None -- Absent 6 LST1GP48LEB1 170 On 7 LST1GT48LEB1 175 On 8 None -- Absent 9 None -- Absent


六、 设备系统log检查

检查项目 检查对象 检查命令 测试结果 备注 设备系统log检查 维保功能区域中的路由器、交换机 CISCO: show logging H3C: display logbuffer 无未处理及异常的告警 七、 设备高可用性检查

检查项目 检查对象 检查命令 测试结果 备注 设备高可用状态检查 维保功能区域中的路由器、交换机 CISCO: show standby H3C: 主设备的VLAN处于Active状态,备设备的VLAN处于Standby状态 1. CISCO输出

JSNW-C-S-6506A#show standby Vlan2 - Group 0


State is Active

2 state changes, last state change 40w0d Virtual IP address is

Active virtual MAC address is 0000.0c07.ac00

Local virtual MAC address is 0000.0c07.ac00 (v1 default) Hello time 3 sec, hold time 10 sec Next hello sent in 1.232 secs Preemption enabled Active router is local

Standby router is, priority 100 (expires in 10.816 sec) Priority 120 (configured 120)

Track interface GigabitEthernet4/43 state Up decrement 50 IP redundancy name is \

2. H3C输出

[KMServer-S7506E-A]display vrrp IPv4 Standby Information:

Run Mode : Standard Run Method : Virtual MAC Total number of virtual routers : 1

Interface VRID State Run Adver Auth Virtual Pri Timer Type IP ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Vlan20 1 Master 120 1 None

八、 网络连通性检查

检查项目 检查对象 检查命令 测试结果 备注 网络连通性检查 维保功能区域中的路由器、交换机 CISCO: ping repeat 1000 H3C: ping -c 1000 在局域网内平均包返回时间在10毫秒内,丢包率小于1% 21

State is Active

2 state changes, last state change 40w0d Virtual IP address is

Active virtual MAC address is 0000.0c07.ac00

Local virtual MAC address is 0000.0c07.ac00 (v1 default) Hello time 3 sec, hold time 10 sec Next hello sent in 1.232 secs Preemption enabled Active router is local

Standby router is, priority 100 (expires in 10.816 sec) Priority 120 (configured 120)

Track interface GigabitEthernet4/43 state Up decrement 50 IP redundancy name is \

2. H3C输出

[KMServer-S7506E-A]display vrrp IPv4 Standby Information:

Run Mode : Standard Run Method : Virtual MAC Total number of virtual routers : 1

Interface VRID State Run Adver Auth Virtual Pri Timer Type IP ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Vlan20 1 Master 120 1 None

八、 网络连通性检查

检查项目 检查对象 检查命令 测试结果 备注 网络连通性检查 维保功能区域中的路由器、交换机 CISCO: ping repeat 1000 H3C: ping -c 1000 在局域网内平均包返回时间在10毫秒内,丢包率小于1% 21

