安徽省明光英普辅导中心七年级英语上册《Unit 8 When is your bi

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《Unit 8 When is your birthday》教案

一 . 单元知识梳理:

二. 疑难解析

1. when引出的特殊疑问句

when是一个疑问副词,意为:什么时候,何时,引出一个特殊疑问句。when可以对年、月、日以及时刻进行提问或者询问某一动作发生的时间,回答时常用介词at, in, on等组成的表时间的介词短语。例如:

—When is your birthday? 你的生日是什么时候?

—My birthday is / It’s July 16th. 我的生日是七月十六日。

—When do you go to school every day? 你每天什么时候去上学?

—I go to school at 6:30 every day. 我每天6:30上学。

—When will your parents come to see you? 你父母什么时候来看你? —On Sunday. 星期天。

另外,除了when之外,还可用what time就时间进行提问,what time更强调“几点”。如: —What time is it? —It’s six o’clock. 现在几点钟?六点钟。

2. What year were you born? 你出生于哪一年? what year表示对年代提问,相当于疑问副词when,所以该句也可用when提问:When were you born?当然用what year提问强调是哪一年出生的。

be born出生。当我们说某人出生于某时或某地时,总是用一般过去时,即was / were born, was是am, is的过去式,were是are的过去式。例如: —Where were you born? 你出生于哪儿?

—I was born in Wuhan. 我出生于武汉。

—When was your sister born? 你的妹妹是什么时候出生的?

—She was born on March 11th, 1990. 她出生于1990年3月11日。 3. 月份

我们一起来学习一下英语中十二个月份的写法。在实际使用中,月份通常可以用前三个字母来缩写,但一般情况下May, June, July没有缩写形式。

你注意到了吗?月份的头一个字母要大写。 4. birth与birthday

birth名词,出生、诞生,例如:the date of my birth 我的出生日期 birthday名词,生日,即the day of one’s birth某人出生的那一天。 当要祝别人生日快乐时常说,Happy birthday to you. 祝你生日快乐。 举办生日晚会可以说:

We had a birthday party on my eighteenth birthday. 在我18岁生日时,我们举办了一个生日晚会。 △a birthday present(gift)生日礼物

birthday cake生日蛋糕 birthday card生日卡 5. How old…?以及年龄表达法

(1)关于How的用法,以前我们学过How are you?问健康状况;How much is the shirt?问价格;How much / many还可以问数量。 —How is your sister? 你妹妹身体好吗? —She’s well. 她身体很好。

How much are the pants? 这条裤子多少钱?

How many friends do you have? 你有多少朋友?

6. 序数词

我们已学过普通数目,例如one、two、three等,叫基数词。如果把东西按次序排列,那么和这些数字相应,表次序的数字,叫做序数词。例如:第一、第二、第三……用来表示事物的顺序。 我们一起来观察下表,共同学习序数词的拼写规律及特殊情况。 first 1st twentieth[] 20th

second 2nd twenty-first 21st third 3rd thirtieth[] 30th fourth 4th thirty-ninth 39th fifth[fifθ] 5th fortieth 40th sixth 6th fiftieth 50th seventh 7th sixtieth 60th eighth[eitθ] 8th seventieth 70th ninth[nainθ] 9th eightieth 80th

tenth 10th ninetieth 90th eleventh 11th hundredth[] 100th

twelfth 12th one hundred and first 101st

(1)除了first(第一),second(第二),third(第三)有特殊形式外,其余都是在基数词后加th构成,但是有几个基数词加th时,须先部分改变原词的拼写形式,再加th:five, twelve将ve改为f,再加th;eight后只加h;nine要去掉e再加th,即ninth;ty结尾整十的词,是将y改为i加eth。 巧记序数词:


(2)多位数的基数词变成序数词,只需将末位数词变成序数词,前边的数词不变。如: twenty-onetwenty-first ninety-fiveninety-fifth

one hundred and twentyone hundred and twentieth

(3)序数词的前面一般要带定冠词the。但序数词前面如果已经有物主代词my, your, his, her等,则不能再用定冠词the,如: the first lesson第一课

my first teacher我们的启蒙老师

(4)英语序数词也可以用阿拉伯数字加上该序数词的最后两个字母来表示。如: first1st second2nd thirty—second32nd

(5)序数词前有时也可以用不定冠词a / an,这时已不表示在具体范围内的“第几”,而表示没有范围的,除以上数量外的“又一个,另一个”。如: We’ll have to do it a third time. 我们要重做一次。(已做过两次)

They’ll have a second daughter soon.

不久,他们又将有一个女孩。(除前面一个外) 7. game的用法

game作名词,其含义很多,主要意思有: (1)游戏、玩耍、娱乐、运动、比赛。如: What a game!多好玩! basketball game篮球比赛 computer game电脑游戏 play games玩游戏

(2)运动会:the Olympic Games奥林匹克运动会 8. 年、月、日、星期和日期

(1)询问星期几应说:What day is (it)today?回答用:It’s…,如: —What day is(it)today? 今天星期几?

—It’s Wednesday. 今天星期三。

(还可以说Today’s Wednesday)

(2)询问日期应说:What’s the date today?回答It’s…,如: —What’s the date today? 今天几号?

—It’s March 12th. 今天是三月十二日。 (3)日期表达法:


10月1日 October the first也可写成October 1st / October 1 / Oct. 1


We write: We say:

December 1st, December the first, 1994 nineteen ninety-four. April 2nd, April the second,

1996 nineteen ninety-six. 9. 名词所有格

(1)在英语中,有些名词词尾加“’s”,这种形式称为名词所有格。它表示事物的所属关系。前一单元学过“Mason’s Clothing Store SALE”就是名词所有格。

①表示有生命的名词,其所有格一般在词尾加“’s”,如:Dave’s sister戴维的姐姐/妹妹。 ②两个并列的名词同时修饰后面的名词,表示共同拥有,所有格形式(’s)表现在第二个名词上,如:Lily and Lucy’s father莉莉和露西的爸爸;表示分别拥有,则分别加’s,如:Kate’s and Joan’s beds凯特和琼各自的床。

③有生命的名词复数的所有格形式,只需要在词尾上方加“’s”或“’”。如:my classmates’ presents我的同学们的礼物。

(2)有些表示时间、距离、国家、城镇等的名词,也可以加“’s”构成所有格。如:three day’s work三天的工作。


①He is a friend of Henry’s. 他是亨利的一个朋友。

②I have four books of Dickens’s. 我有四本狄更斯的书。 名词所有格的构成及读音:

10. each year每年

(1)此处each作形容词,意为“各自、每”。例如: Each student can speak English. 每个学生都会说英语。

(2)each还可作代词,表“各、各自、每一个”的意思。当其作主语时,谓语动词用单数。如: Each of us has a dictionary. 我们每个人都有一本字典。 (3)辨析:each和every

each表示一定数目中的每一个,个别意义较重,更强调个人或个别。例如: Each one has his weakness. 每个人都有自己的缺点。

every表示数目不确定的许多人或物中的“每一个”,总合意义较重,表示“大家”。例如: Every one is here. 大家都到了。

11. 时间前介词at / in / on的用法

(1)at表示在某一个具体时刻,在几点钟,在一日中的黎明、上午、半夜都用at。 at six o’clock在六点钟 at noon / night在正午/晚上

(2)in在某年、某月、某个季节,以及在一日中的早上、上午、下午都用in。 in2004在2004年 in January在一月份 in winter在冬季

in the morning / afternoon / evening在上午/下午/晚上 (3)on在某一天,以及特定某日中的上午/下午/晚上; on Monday / May 1st在星期一/在五月一日; on the morning of May 1st在五月一日的上午; on a hot afternoon在一个炎热的下午

△如果时间词前面有next、last、this、every等修饰语时,不带介词,例如: next Sunday下个星期天 last night昨天晚上 this morning今天上午

every afternoon每天上午 12. day和date (1)day:

①泛指日子a day“一天”,“days”这些日子; ②day询问星期;

③day指节日Children’s Day;

④与night相对,指白天,day and night“日日夜夜”。 (2)date指具体的日期,即某年某月某日。 提问时date,询问“日期”。 13. have的用法

(1)“具有”:I have a happy family.我有个幸福的家。 (2)扩展用法:


②吃、喝:Have some tea. ③从事、进行: 三. 考题解析


从II栏中找出与I栏中相对应的答语。 I

(1)When is your birthday? (2)When is Kate’s birthday? (3)When is Dale’s birthday? (4)How old are you?

(5)What year were you born? II A. I’m twelve.

B. I was born in 1991.

C. Her birthday is January 21st. D. His birthday is May 5th.

E. My birthday is September 24th.

[解析]本题考查了when / how old / what year等引起的特殊疑问句及一般疑问句的问法和回答。 [回答](1)E;(2)C;(3)D;(4)A;(5)B

[考题2]My brother ______________ born in 1980. And he _______ 24 years old. A. was, was B. is, was C. was, is D. is, is




(1)the fourth month of year ______________ (2)the eighth month of year ______________ (3)the twelfth month of year ______________ (4)the tenth month of year ______________ (5)the third month of year ______________ [解析]考查月份的写法。

[答案](1)April;(2)August;(3)December;(4)October;(5)March [考题4]—Happy birthday to you. —____________.

A. The same to you B. Thank you C. You’re welcome D. That’s OK [解析]“祝你生日快乐”应回答“谢谢”。 [答案]B

[考题5]________________?She’s five. A. What time is it?

B. How many can you see? C. What about?

D. How old is your sister?

[解析]A项是问“几点钟”,B项是问“你能看见多少?”,C项“……怎么样?”结构不完全,D项“你的妹妹多大?”题目回答“她五岁”。 [答案]D

[考题6]给下列单词释义: (1)September

the ___________ month of year (2)May

the ___________ month of year (3)December

the ___________ month of year (4)February

the ___________ month of year (5)August

the __________ month of year (6)January

the __________ month of year (7)November

the __________ month of year (8)March

the __________ month of year



[考题7]学语言、找规律。 阅读A、B、C,回答下面问题。

A. William Brow’s birthday is November 12th. B. John Steward’s birthday is March 21st. C. Leona Johnson’s birthday is June 3rd. (1)问题:生日由月份+__________词构成。

(2)序数词构成有规律,不信你试试看,请写出下列序数词: ①第一_________ 第二_________ 第三___________ 第五_________ 第八___________ 第九_________ 第十二_________

②第二十_________ 第三十_________ 第四十_________ 第五十_________ 第八十_________ 第九十_________

整十数的序数词由_________改为_________+_________构成。 ③第十一_________ 第十三_________ 第十七_________

其他数词的序数词由_________+_________构成。 [解析]本题重在发现和学习序数词的用法和规律。 [答案](1)序数

(2)①first second third fifth eighth ninth twelfth

②twentieth thirtieth fortieth fiftieth eightieth ninetieth 整十数词, y, ie, th ③eleventh thirteenth seventeenth 基数词,th [考题8]—Would you like _________ apple? —No, thanks.

A. a second B. the second C. second D. a two



[考题9]___________?It’s May 1st. A. When is your birthday B. What day is it today C. What time is it

D. How old are you today

[解析]A“你的生日是什么时候?”,B“今天星期几?”,C“现在几点钟?”,D“你今年多大?”。回答为“五月一日”,所以应该用A来提问。 [答案]A

[考题10]用英语写出表格中所示的日期。 (1)

________________________________________ (2)

________________________________________ (3)

________________________________________ (4)

________________________________________ (5)

[解析]日期用“月份+序数词”来表示。根据实际情况,大家可以自己做出回答。 [考题11]Say these dates:说下列日期:

January 12th, 1991 February 13th, 1992 March 22nd, 1992 April 23rd, 1993 July 27th, 1994 August 31st, 1995

What is the date today?


[答案]January the twelfth, nineteen ninety-one February the thirteenth, nineteen ninety-two


March the twenty-second, nineteen ninety-two April the twenty-third, nineteen ninety-three July the twenty-seventh, nineteen ninety-four August the thirty-first, nineteen ninety-five [考题12](1)When is ____________ birthday? A. your brother B. your brother’s

C. you’s brother’s D. you brother’s (2)This is __________ room. A. Kate’s and Lucy’s B. Kate and Lucy C. Kate’s and Lucy D. Kate and Lucy’s


(2)“这是Kate和Lucy的房间”应用名词所有格,B不对。一个房间应属两人共有,所以只在后一个名词上加’s,而不应加在前一个名词上,或两个名词都加’s(分别所有)。 [答案](1)B;(2)D

[考题13](1)Each of the students ___________ English. A. like B. likes C. don’t like (2)__________boys in our class is tall. A. Every B. Every of the C. Each D. Each of the

[解析](1)each作主语,of the students只是定语修饰each,所以谓语应用单数第三人称形式,肯定形式likes,否定形式用doesn’t like。



[考题14](1)I was born ___________ April 15th.

A. at B. in C. on D. from (2)在下列时间短语前填上相应的介词,不填划“×”。 ①_________________ September; ②_________________ September 1st; ③_________________ 2004;

④_________________ Spetember 1st, 2004; ⑤_________________ spring;

⑥_________________ the morning; ⑦_________________ this morning;

⑧_________________ the morning of September 1st; ⑨_________________ five thirty ⑩_________________ my birthday

[解析](1)4月15日为一天,在某一天用介词on。 (2)根据左边的要点,综合分析。 [答案](1)C

(2)①in;②on;③in;④on;⑤in;⑥in;⑦×;⑧on;⑨at;⑩on [考题15]用date或day填空。

(1)New Year’s __________________

(2)What ___________ is it today? Monday.

(3)We can see the sun(太阳)in the sky(天空)in the ___________ time. (4)What’s the __________ today? It’s Sept, 2nd. [解析]由上栏的讲解可知答案为:

(1)Day;(2)day;(3)day;(4)date [考题16]翻译:

(1)上英语课 (2)看一看

(3)举办生日晚会 (4)举行汉语比赛 (5)我有一台电脑 (6)吃早饭 [解析]考查have的用法,由上栏可知答案为: (1)have an English class (2)have a look

(3)have a birthday party (4)have a Chinese contest (5)I have a computer (6)have breakfast


Synchronous Test of Unit 8 测试时间:90分钟 满分:100分

I. 你喜欢节日吗?那么你一定知道下列节日会是在哪一天!用英语写出来。( 1. New Year’s Day

_________________________________ 2. Children’s Day

_________________________________ 3. Women’s Day

_________________________________ 4. Fools’ Day(愚人节)

_________________________________ 5. National Day(国庆节)

_________________________________ 6. Labour’s Day(劳动节)

_________________________________ 7. Teachers’ Day

_________________________________ 8. Army’s Day(建军节)

_________________________________ 9. Christmas Day(圣诞节)

_________________________________ 10. Mid-Autumn Day(中秋节)

_________________________________ 11. Tree Planting Day(植树节) _________________________________ 12. All Soul’s Day(11.2)

_________________________________ II. 选择填空。(15分)


1. —____________ is your birthday? —It’s on July 10th.

A. Where B. When C. How D. What 2. —Is Julia’s birthday on May 1st? —Yes, _______________.

A. she B. it is C. he is D. she is 3. When is the school trip? _________ March 3rd.

A. At B. On C. In D. It’ s 4. —When is _______________ birthday? —His birthday is on 2nd.

A. Tony’s B. Kate’s C. Ann’s D. Gina’s 5. I have a basketball game ________ September.

A. at B. on C. in D. of 6. I like basketball ________ soccer.

A. or B. and C. but D. with 7. ___________ comes before December, but after October. A. November B. September C. August D. January 8. —When were you born?

—I was born _____________. A. in June three, 1989 B. on June the third, 1989 C. in June third, 1989 D. on June the three, 1989

9. Tom is a middle school student. How old is he? ____________. A. The thirteen B. Thirteenth C. Thirty D. Thirteen

10. _____________ a Music Festival at your school? A. There is B. There has C. Is there D. Are there 11. —_______ your father like pop music? —Yes, _______________.

A. Do, he do B. Does, he does C. Do, he like D. Does, he likes

14. There are usually _________ days in February. A. twenty - eight B. twenty - nine C. thirty D. thirty - one 15. How old _________ your cousin brothers?

A. are B. am C. is D. were III. 完形填空。(10分) There are ___1___ people in my family, my father, my mother, my sister and I. My father ___2___ mother are teachers. My father ____3____ maths. My mother ___4___ maths. She is a teacher of English. They ___5___ hard. My sister is a worker. She ____6____ English at a night English. She goes to work early. She ____7____ lunch at home. She usually comes home from work at 5:30.

