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教学课题 Module 6 教学内容 单词教学 ⒈能正确地听、说、读、写第六模块单词,并做简单运用。 教学目标 2.创设实际情景,让学生在角色扮演中运用语言。 3.激发学生学习英语的兴趣。 教学重点 能让学生快速地认读单词,拼写单词。 教学难点 尝试运用这些单词。 教学准备 录音机、图片、卡片 教 学 过 程 一、复习 复习第五单元单词,并用这些词练习说话。 二、学习单词 ⒈谈话引入。 ⒉出示图片,感知图意。 ⒊出示单词,图词联系。 ⒋教师领读单词。 Home got brought space interested Finsh decide paper model first national ⒌开展多种游戏,让学生反复去拼读和认读单词。 ⒍指导学生用新学单词说话。 总课时数 1 二次备课 三、学习词组 Bring back be interested in birthday present Thank sb for a model of The national flag of china 四、巩固练习 教师出示图片,学生说出单词,并照样子说、拼、读。五、总结 说一说你还遇到哪些困难? 六、作业 ⒈抄写记忆单词。 ⒉用单词写话。 郭家寨小学教师教学设计
教学课题 Module 6 总课时数 2 教学内容 Unit1 it was daming’s birthday yesterday 1. 动词的过去式 2. 理解和掌握重点句子 I bought you a present It was a book about space travel 教学目标 3. 通过丰富的课堂教学活动,把所学的语言与学生的生活实际结合起来,学会用过去式描述相关内容,培养学生自主学习英语的能力和运用英语分析、解决问题的能力以及交流和合作的能力。 4.根据学生的实际情况设计有意义的教学活动,激发学生的学习兴趣,提高学生的口语水平,培养学生学习英语的兴趣。 教学重点 能听说读写本课的重点句子。 教学难点 学习赠送和接受礼物的表达。 教学准备 录音机、单词卡片、电脑光盘、明信片 教 学 过 程 1、Warm up (1)Greetings: T—Ss Ss—Ss (2)Chant: “My dream” T: Did you have a dream yesterday? Ss: Yes/No. 二次备课 T: Yesterday, I had a dream. Had---have (3)Review past tense words. 2、导入(Leading ) (1)A.1 T: What did you do yesterday? Ss use past tense words talk about things they did yesterday. 2. Ask students to guess what did teacher do in her dream, students can answer like: “You did…” 3. T: In my dream, I bought a book, it’s about sports, and can you guess which sport? Lead out “baseball”, ask a student to introduce baseball. 4.T: In my dream, I bought this book and I gave this book to a student in our classroom. Can you guess? Help students use the structure:You gave sth to sb. 5. T: Yes, I gave this book to …, because tomorrow will be hisbirthday. Let’s sing “Happy birthday” for him. Ss sing the song together. B. Lead in T: In our book, Da Ming is back in China, he bought lots of presents for his friends and family, let’s see, what are they? 3、呈现(Presentation) (1)S open their books (2) Teacher gives the questions: a. Where is Daming? b. What did Daming buy for his mother? c. What did Simon’s family give for Daming? d. What did Daming buy for his friends? (3) Listen to the tape, students pay attention the questions. (4) Students answer the questions. (5) Teacher teach the key points. a.The key points: baseball team interesting give--- gave buy----bought b. The main sentences structure: “buy sb sth” and “buy sth for sb”. (6) repeat after the tape. 4.Practice Students three a group to do dialogue:
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