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can 是情态动词,没有人称和数的变化。 could 过去式___________ 否定形式__________ can not, cannot ,can’t 一般疑问句 can _____________________ 直接提前 play 1.She can ___________(play) basketball. can’t 2.They _________( can not ) sing. draw (draw)? Yes, he can. Can he _____ 3._____ No ,he ______. can’t do 4.What can ___ he ______? He can speak English. 5.He _______(can) play the guitar when he could was five years old.

1.I want to be a musician _______.and they want to be musicians 音乐家). ___________( teach us music 2.教我们音乐___________. teaches 教) well. She always _______( last weekend He _______( taught 教)me how to drive two years ago. on weekends/on the weekend 3.在周末 ________ ________ 上周末_________ help sb with sth 4.在某方面帮助某人_________________ 帮助某人做某事_______________ help sb (to) do sth He helps mom ________(make) breakfast every day. make make friends with him 6.和他交朋友________ 7.你善于和老人打交道吗? 8.The p______( eople 人) here are friendly to us. The p erson _______(人) with glasses is my friend. 9.拉小提琴/弹钢琴/敲鼓/下象棋吉他

1.和一个农民谈话 __________ 打电话 __________ talk to/with a farmer talk on the phone --What’s Zhu Hui doing?--He __________(talk) is talking on the phone to his cousin in Shenzhen. He ______(talk) with a farmer last weekend. talked show … 2.展示给我们show ________ us 带某人四处逛逛_____ write stories 3.写小说______ 给Tom写信 ______ around write to Tom is writing stories. Look, he ___________ He wrote ______(write) to his parents last night. 4.相互讲故事____________ tell each other stories tell them tell sb to do sth 告诉某人做某事_____________ 告诉他们_____ He also told _____(告诉) me it was important not to go near a snake. good at 擅长于) telling stories 讲故事). 5.You are _________( ___________( English 加入艺术俱乐部 6.说英语speak ___________7. _______ join the art club

1.你会弹吉他吗? 会/不会。 2.你会干什么?我会中国功夫。 3.我会打乒乓球和下象棋。 4.她会唱歌和跳舞。 5.你想加入什么俱乐部?我想加入运动俱乐部。 6.我喜欢和人们交流和做游戏。 I like to talk and play games with people. 7.你忙还是有空?有空。 Are you busy or free? I am free. 8.你能否叫他给我回个电话 Could you just tell him to call me back? 9.要我给他捎个话吗? Can I take a message for him?

一般现在时的含义:1.表示现在的状态 I am 12 years old. She likes eggs. I have three basketballs. Where is your bag? 2.表示经常的或习惯性的动作

I always get up at 8:00. He works at a radio station. Anna wants to join the swimming club.

一般现在时的判断标志: 1.表频度的副词: always(总是) , usually(通常), often(经常), sometimes(有时), never(从不) 2.具有周期性的时间状语: every

day…/ in the morning…/on Sundays on Sunday (morning)…at 8:00 …on weekends 3.表示某人或事物现阶段的特征,性质,能力等。 The girl is beautiful. She is tall. She works in a bank. The earth goes around the the sun.


1.直接加s2.以s, x, ch, sh结尾的加es 3.以辅音字母结尾的变y为i加 es finish brush worry fly study play blow dance finishes brushes worries flies studies plays blows dances

一(I ,we)二(you)复(they, friends)用原型, 单三(she, he ,it)单名(Tom, friend, my sister) 用单数 he, she ,they, we, Jim, his teacher I ,you, the singers, the farmer, the farmers

I /they/we/you/ the singers/ work at a restaurant. ____________________ The farmers

____________________ He/she/Jim/his teacher works at a restaurant. The farmer

表频度的副词与动词的关系 always(总是) , usually(通常), often(经常), sometimes(有时), never(从不) 位于实意动词前,be动词后。 am never 从不) late. 1. I __________( 2. She always ______________( brushes 总是刷牙) her teeth after dinner.

get up get up early 1.起床 _____________ 早起_____________ get dressed 2.穿上衣服__________ 3.刷牙 ___________ brush teeth 4.洗澡_____________ take a shower go for a walk 5.散步____________ take a walk 去散步____________ half an hour 6.半小时______________ at night/ in the evening 7.在晚上_______ either… or… 8.要么…要么…___________ a quarter to four 9.3:45___________________ half past nine 10.9:30___________________ eat quickly 11.吃的快___________ run fast 12.跑的快______________ 13.冰淇淋吃起来美味。 Ice-cream tastes delicious.

1.我通常在七点起床。2.他们总是在八点去上学。 3.你通常几点洗澡?我通常在6:40洗澡。 4.你通常几点起床? 5.Anna 什么时候锻炼身体? 6.他们从不迟到。 7.他在一家广播电台工作。 He works at a radio station. 8.她知道对她没好处,但是好吃。She knows it’s not good for her,but it tastes good.

9.我要么看电视要么玩电脑游戏。 I either watch TV or play computer games. 10.从周一到周五我没时间打扫我的房间。 I don’t have time to clean my room from Monday to Friday. 11.在晚上她去散步。 In the evening, she takes a walk.

1.Cindy often ______ does her homework at school. is doing Look, she ________her homework. But yesterday she _____ did her homework at home. watch watch) TV on school days. 2.Jimdoesn’t _________(not watches He usually_______(watch) TV on weekends. 3.My uncle sometimes_________in exercises the morning exercising It’s 6:00 am,he is _____________in the park. It’s to exercise good for him__________every day.(exercise) job works 4.He has an interesting _______,he _______ very hard.(工作) 5. -What did you do just now? brushed - I ____(get) up and ________(brush) my teeth. got am taking Now, I ____________(take) a walk with you. take Yesterday morning,I

didn’t ________(not take) a walk.

