
更新时间:2023-05-26 12:50:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载



The development of science and technology makes it sufficiently easy for people to acquire knowledge.


More and more people have become aware of the importance of environment



I believe it will spoil to build factories in our community.

由于年龄的关系, 父母亲对孩子的了解有时还不如他们的同伴。

Because of the generation gap, parents occasionally know less about their

children than their companions do.

若团队里的每个人都竭尽全力, 他们的工作效率会有很大提高。

If everybody in the team does his utmost, the team’s working efficiency would

be greatly improved.


There are great influences of language environment on foreign language study. 我们要像保护自己的亲人那样保护野生动物。

We should protect wild animals as we protect our families and relatives. 我们从电视上学会了好多有用的东西。

We have learnt a lot from TV.


I am in favor of the government’s expense on the exploration of outer space. 如果人们愿意在太空探索上面多花一些钱, 人们就会在不久的将来更多地享


If people would spend more money on space exploration, they would receive

more convenience brought about by high technology in the near future.


Strong bodies are the premise of the realization of great ideals.


Occasional failures will do a favor for the following success.



You will know more about foreign customs as well as foreign habits and your horizon will be broadened, if you often communicate with foreigners.

You will know more about foreign customs and habits, and you can broaden your horizon as well, if you often\frequently

communicate with foreigners.


Traveling with classmates provides a good opportunity to make friends.


Some parents are not qualified teachers, for they do not know how to educate their children at all.


There are many cars running on the streets around the community every day, which poses a gigantic threat to the safety of the

people walking around/passers-by.


There are many capable brains in big companies who could teach us a lot of science and technology and promote our personal growth, which is beneficial to our career development.


We have an excellent opportunity to enjoy the beautiful natural sceneries outdoors where there is more fresh air than indoors, which is favorable to our health.

因特网把世界各地的人联系在一起,消除了肤色地域宗教和财富的差别,这对建立一个和谐的世界大家庭有积极的作用。 Internet connects people throughout the world regardless of the distinction of their skin colors, locations, religions and wealth, which plays a positive role in the construction of a harmonious world family.


Using cell phones on public transportation vehicles will interrupt other people’s thinking, for they are just trying to make use of the time to think about their work of the day.


A great number of stars keep their great popularity through frequent appearance on newspapers and broadcasting programs, so that they can earn money by acting in advertisements.


Who would be happier: those people who have to work long hours every day to earn high salaries but have hardly any time to spend with their families and friends, or those people who choose to work short hours every day to leave much time for their friends and families but earn low salaries?


Modern medical technology can cure patients who were considered incurable in the past, which contributes to the health and

happiness of human beings.


How could those people in the past feel happy when there were no heaters in winter, no cars to ride while going out, even no meat to eat?

城市的人连邻居都不一定打招呼,更别说和陌生人聊天了,哪像镇上的人,几乎每个人都很熟,都是好朋友,可以一起出去玩。 Urban people even refuse to say hello to their neighbors, not to mention chatting with strangers, unlike people in the town who are acquaintances and good friends of each other and are ready to play together.


Students who try their best to get high scores just want to show their ability, to acquire admiration from others, and, what’s more important, to master as much knowledge as possible for the future development. I am wondering why there could be such people as cast doubts on the advantages of pursuing high scores. 经常去比博物馆既可以学到很多知识,有利事业,又可以放松心情,有利健康。

We can both acquire more knowledge, which is beneficial to our career, and become relaxed, which is beneficial to our health, if we often visit museums.

难道在小公司工作就没有好处吗?我相信答案是肯定的! Aren’t there any benefits of working in small companies? I believe the answer will definitely be yes.

城市的人有更多机会接受良好教育,并且有更多机会找到好工作。 There will be more opportunities for urban people to receive good education and find good jobs.


People will surely improve their working efficiency greatly with a plan in advance.


Obviously, people in the future will be wealthier and buy more cars to facilitate their traveling.

无论是同时做很多件事,还是一件一件地做事,都有各自的优点。 Both doing many things at the same time and doing things one after another have their own respective benefits.


The progress of modern medicine is a typical example of the progress of science and technology.


Dressed in clothes of the same style as others, people will find it easier to be accepted, to communicate with other people and consequently become their friends.

谁也不希望自己因为处处和别人不一样而被一个群体抛弃。 No one wishes to be abandoned by a group, just because he does everything differently.


For more private space in traveling, there are fully numerous people who choose private cars instead of public transportation.


Could you imagine that there are few people in city commercial areas? That would be more than disappointing.


1.The development of science and technology has made obtaining knowledge very easy for people.

2.Due to the development of science and technology, people could acquire knowledge quite easily. (Thanks to, Owing to, Because of)

3.The development of science and technology enables people to take no effort in attaining knowledge.

4.With the development of science and technology, gaining knowledge is extraordinary easy for people.

5.Accumulating knowledge has become effortless for people as a result of the improvement of science and technology.


1.More and more people have realized the importance of environmental protection.

2.People in increasing number are conscious of the key role that environmental protection has played.

3.The significance to preserve our environment has increasingly gained people’s awareness.

4.The number of people who are aware of the importance of environmental protection is on the rise.

5.The importance of protecting our environment has attracted attention of increasing people.


1.I don’t think it’s a good idea to build a factory in our community.

2.I consider it improper to establish a factory in our community.

3.In my view, there’s no good in building a plant in our community.

4.My opinion is that it’s unwise to establish a factory in our community.

5.From my perspective, our community is not a proper place to build a factory.

6.In my opinion, to build a factory in our community lacks of consideration. 由于年龄的关系,父母亲对孩子的了解有时还不如他们的同伴。

1.Owing to the age, parents sometimes know less about their children than their

children’s friends.

2.For the sake of parent’s age, children’s friends sometimes understand the children

better than their parents.

3.The age of parents prevents them from knowing their children better than peers of

the children.

4.Because of the age, parents couldn’t have a full understanding of their children as

the peers of their children do.

5.The age of parents sometimes leads to a worse understanding of their children

compared with the children’s friends.


1.If everyone in the team does its best, their working efficiency will be greatly improved.

2.In case that every member of the team makes great efforts, their work will be more efficient.

3.There will be enormous improvement in their working efficiency on condition that everyone in the group works hard.

4.Everyone in the group exerting himself/herself is the premise on which to enhance the working efficiency.

5.Every member in the team doing his/her utmost will lead to notable enhancement in their working efficiency.


nguage environment could largely affect the study of a foreign language.

nguage environment imposes a tremendous influence on learning a foreign language.

nguage environment has an enormous impact on the study of a foreign language.

4.The effect of language environment on foreign language study is outstanding.

nguage environment is one of the key factors in affecting the study of a foreign language.


1.We should protect wild animals as we protect our relatives.

2.We should regard protecting wild animals as protecting our relatives.

3.Wild animal protection should have the same importance as protection of our relatives.

4.To preserve wild animals shall be considered as to protect our family members.

5.Protection of wild animals should be done in the same way we protect our family members.


1.By watching TV, people have learned numerous things that are helpful.

2.People have obtained plenty of knowledge via TV.

is a good form of media to equipped people with useful information.

4.Watching TV enables people to acquire vast amounts of useful information.

5.With the help of TV, people have learned a great number of useful things. 我赞成政府花钱进行外太空探索。

1.I am in favor of the government’s idea to spend money on outer space exploration.

2.I support the government to spend money on outer space exploration

3.I approve of the government spending money in exploring the outer space.

4.I agree with the government about spending money on outer space exploration.

5.I think it’s a good idea that government spends money on outer space exploration. 如果人们愿意在太空探索上面多花一些钱,人们就会在不久的将来更多地享受高科技给我们的生活带来的便利。

1.If people are willing to spend more money on space research, there will be more

convenience in people’s life brought by high technology in the near future.

2.The more money people are willing to spend on space exploration, the more

convenience high technology will bring to people’s life in the near future.

3.Suppose that people are ready to spend more money on space exploration, they will

have more convenience high technology brings to their lives in the near future.

4.In the near future, people’s life can be more convenient due to high technology in

case that more money is used to explore the space.

5.People will enjoy more convenience in their lives brought by high technology in the

near future on condition that more money is spent on space exploration.


1.A strong and healthy body is the premise to realize great ideals.

2.A strong and healthy body is the pre-condition of realizing great ideals.

3.Realizing great ideals is based on a strong and healthy body.

4.Only if you have a strong and healthy body can your great ideals be realized.

5.A strong and healthy body is the basic requirement for realizing great ideals. 偶尔的失败有时候会有助于日后的成功。

1.Occasional failure could sometimes be helpful to future success.

2.Future success sometimes derives from occasional failure.

3.Occasional failure sometimes leads to future success.

4.Occasional failure sometimes plays a positive role in achieving future success.

5.To fail once in a while could sometimes be a key factor in forming future success.

