aix 5l for power v5.2安装手册

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AIX 5L for POWER V5.2


V 1.0

权责单位: 专业服务部UNIX小组



制/修订 制/修订 制/修订 作 备 AIX 5L for POWER V5.2安装作业细则(内部使用)


版次 V0.9 V1.0 日期 94/04/20 工作底稿 V1.0版本 说明 者 注

AIX 5L for POWER V5.2安装作业细则(内部使用)


目 录

1. 目的 ......................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 2. 适用范围 ................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 3. 权责说明 ................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 3.1. 作业执行 ............................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 4. 作业步骤 ................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 4.1. 设定SMS设定 ....................................................................................................... 5 4.2. CREATE CDROM FILE SYSTEM ......................................................................... 15 4.3. TAIWAN BOUNDLE 52安装 ............................................................................... 19 4.4. 安装ML ................................................................................................................ 28 4.5. 安装C++ .............................................................................................................. 35

AIX 5L for POWER V5.2安装作业细则(内部使用)


1. 目的

提供AIX 5L操作系统及相关安装作业细则、作法及注意事项,操作步骤。

2. 适用范围

AIX 5L操作系统及相关档案。

3. 权责说明

3.1. 作业执行

3.1.1. 专业服务部工程师

AIX 5L for POWER V5.2安装作业细则(内部使用)


4. 作业步骤

4.1. SMS设定

4.1.1. 将AIX 5.2 OS 光盘第一片放入光驱后,听哔一声后, 按下1 选择1.SMS (System Management Service)再按下Enter键 IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM 1 = SMS Menu 5 = Default Boot List 6 = Stored Boot List 8 = Open Firmware Prompt memory keyboard network scsi speaker pSeries Firmware Version RG041029_d79e00_regatta SMS 1.3 (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2000,2003 All rights reserved.

4.1.2. 请选择7. Select Boot Options,再按下Enter键 Main Menu 1. Select Language 2. Change Password Options 3. View Error Log 4. Setup Remote IPL (Initial Program Load) 5. Change SCSI Settings 6. Select Console 7. Select Boot Options ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Navigation Keys: X = eXit System Management Services ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type the number of the menu item and press Enter or select Navigation Key:7

4.1.3. 请选择2. Configure Boot Device,再按下Enter键 1. Select Install or Boot Device 2. Configure Boot Device Order 3. Multiboot Startup ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Navigation keys: M = return to Main Menu ESC key = return to previous screen X = eXit System Management Services ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type the number of the menu item and press Enter or select Navigation Key:2 AIX 5L for POWER V5.2安装作业细则(内部使用)


4.2.8. 请用ls command 检查 cdrom是否存在

4.3. 安装taiwan bundle 52

4.3.1. 将taiwan bundle光盘片放入 CD-ROM后,将twsys52.bnd copy 至

AIX 5L for POWER V5.2安装作业细则(内部使用)


/usr/sys/后,umount /cdrom 再将光盘片取出

4.3.2. 进入smitty后,请选择 Software Installation后,再按下Enter键

4.3.3. 请选择 Install and Update Software后,再按下Enter键

AIX 5L for POWER V5.2安装作业细则(内部使用)


4.3.4. 请选择 Installation Software Bundle后,再按下Enter键

4.3.5. 将AIX OS第一片光盘放入光驱中,选择INPUT device 按Enter键,再用F4 键选择 /dev/cd0

AIX 5L for POWER V5.2安装作业细则(内部使用)


4.3.6. 请选择SOFTWARE to install,再按下 Enter键

4.3.7. 请选择 twnsys52,再按下 Enter键

AIX 5L for POWER V5.2安装作业细则(内部使用)


4.3.8. 请选择 ACCEPT new license agreements,按下 F4键后 ,再按下 Enter键

4.3.9. 请选择 yes,再按下 Enter键

AIX 5L for POWER V5.2安装作业细则(内部使用)


n Do you want the License Server(s) automatically start on this system at boot time? [y,n]: y mkitab: 0481-205 The ident entry already exists in /etc/inittab. ****************************************************************************** WARNING: Configuration is about to end. This is your last chance to quit before your updates will be written. Do you want to continue? [y,n]: y *** Configuration file updated. *** Do you want the License Server(s) start now? [y,n]: y 0513-059 The i4llmd Subsystem has been started. Subsystem PID is 27424. 'Start Services' has completed successfully **************************************** * Configuration completed successfully *

4.5.7. 再次确认 C license server是否有2个i4llmd process存在 F40.root:/usr/opt/ifor/bin>ps -ef | grep cc root 11868 9550 0 Apr 04 - 0:38 sendmail: accepting connections root 27424 9550 0 12:31:38 - 0:00 /usr/opt/ifor/bin/i4llmd -b -n wc clwts -l /var/ifor/llmlg idocregp 28900 18602 0 Apr 04 - 0:00 db2ipccm root 30612 43010 1 12:33:28 pts/7 0:00 grep cc root 31108 27424 0 12:31:38 - 0:00 /usr/opt/ifor/bin/i4llmd -b -n wc clwts -l /var/ifor/llmlg

4.5.7. 将C&C++ 的100个用户的license 加入Nodelock server

F40.root:/usr/opt/ifor/bin>./i4blt -a -f /usr/vac/cforaix_cn.lic -R -u -T 100

4.5.8. i4blt Version 4.6.5 AIX -- LUM Basic License Tool (c) Copyright 1995-2001, IBM Corporation, All Rights Reserved US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. (c) Copyright 1991-1997 Gradient Technologies Inc., All Rights Reserved AIX 5L for POWER V5.2安装作业细则(内部使用) 四川长虹佳华信息产品有限责任公司培训教材 (c) Copyright 1991,1992,1993, Hewlett-Packard Company, All Rights Reserved ADM-10099: Product successfully enrolled 再次检查 C license user 是否更改为100个 F40.root:/usr/opt/ifor/bin>./i4blt -s -l cn i4blt Version 4.6.5 AIX -- LUM Basic License Tool (c) Copyright 1995-2001, IBM Corporation, All Rights Reserved US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. (c) Copyright 1991-1997 Gradient Technologies Inc., All Rights Reserved (c) Copyright 1991,1992,1993, Hewlett-Packard Company, All Rights Reserved ========================================================= P r o d u c t S t a t u s R e p o r t ========================================================= Vendor Name: IBM Software Solutions Toronto Product Name: C for AIX Product Version: License Type: Concurrent Node-Locked License(s) ---------------------------- Usage Information --------------------------- Licenses In-Use Soft-Stop In-Use Not In-Use -------- ------ ---------------- ---------- 100 0 0 1120403456 ==================================== End of Product Status Report ==================================== 4.5.9

mkps -s'8' -n'' -a'' datavg 4.5.10

mklv -y'lg_dumplv' -t'sysdump' datavg 8 hdisk1 sysdumpdev –Pp /dev/lg_dumplv sysdumpdev -K

AIX 5L for POWER V5.2安装作业细则(内部使用)


4.4.12. ACCEPT new license agreements,请选择yes后,再按Enter键

4.4.13. 开始安装ML

AIX 5L for POWER V5.2安装作业细则(内部使用)


4.4.14. 检查ML是否安装完成 oslevel –r 检查目前 os ML版本 instfix –i | grep ML 检查目前 os ML 是否安装完成 instfix –ciqk 5200-05_AIX_ML检查目前 os ML 是否缺少哪些fielsets ,下 command bosboot –ad hdisk0, 并sync后,重新开机

4.5. 安装C++

4.5.1. 将 C language 光盘片放入 cdrom后,进入 smitty执行安装 F40.root:/>smitty installp AIX 5L for POWER V5.2安装作业细则(内部使用)


4.5.2. 选择 Install Software Install and Update Software Move cursor to desired item and press Enter. Install Software Update Installed Software to Latest Level (Update All) Install Software Bundle Update Software by Fix (APAR) F1=Help F2=Refresh F3=Cancel Esc+8=Image Esc+9=Shell Esc+0=Exit Enter=Do Move cursor to desired item and press Enter.

4.5.2. 选择 /dev/cd0 后,再按Enter键 Install Software Type or select a value for the entry field. Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes. [Entry Fields] * INPUT device / directory for software [] + --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INPUT device / directory for software x x Move cursor to desired item and press Enter. x x /dev/cd0 (SCSI Multimedia CD-ROM Drive) x /dev/fd0 ____________________________________________________________________

4.5.3 ACCEPT new license agreements,请选择yes后,再按Enter键

Type or select values in entry fields. Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes. [Entry Fields] * INPUT device / directory for software /dev/cd0 * SOFTWARE to install [_all_latest] + PREVIEW only? (install operation will NOT occur) no + COMMIT software updates? yes + SAVE replaced files? no + AIX 5L for POWER V5.2安装作业细则(内部使用)


AUTOMATICALLY install requisite software? yes + EXTEND file systems if space needed? yes + OVERWRITE same or newer versions? no + VERIFY install and check file sizes? no + Include corresponding LANGUAGE filesets? yes + DETAILED output? no + Process multiple volumes? yes + ACCEPT new license agreements? yes + Preview new LICENSE agreements? no + F1=Help F2=Refresh F3=Cancel F4=List Esc+5=Reset Esc+6=Command Esc+7=Edit Esc+8=Image

4.5.4. 请先确认 C license server是否存在2个i4llmd process存在

F40.root:/>ps -ef | grep cc root 11868 9550 0 Apr 04 - 0:38 sendmail: accepting connections idocregp 28900 18602 0 Apr 04 - 0:00 db2ipccm root 44228 43010 2 12:30:02 pts/7 0:00 grep cc

4.5.5. F40.root:/>cd /usr/opt/ifor/bin F40.root:/usr/opt/ifor/bin>ls I4blt i18necho i4cfg i4conmgr i4lct i4mig i4target I4cfg i4act i4cnvini i4findsv i4llmd i4nat i4tv I4nat i4blt i4config i4glbcd i4lmd i4rpt.fmt 配置 LUM V4 Nodelock Licence Server F40.root:/usr/opt/ifor/bin>./i4cfg -script


AIX 5L for POWER V5.2安装作业细则(内部使用)


i4cfg Version 4.6.5 AIX -- LUM Configuration Tool (c) Copyright 1995-2001, IBM Corporation, All Rights Reserved US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. From a License Management point of view, you can choose to configure this system as: 1) Network License Client 2) Nodelock License Server (and/or Network License Client) 3) Network (and/or Nodelock) License Server 4) Central Registry (and/or Network and/or Nodelock) License Server (*) (*) Remember that one and only one Central Registry License Server (i4gdb daemon ) can be active in a Licensing domain. Please indicate your choice [1,2,3,4]: 2 Do you want to disable remote administration of this Nodelock License Server? [y,n]: y You have to choose now which mechanism must be enabled to locate this License Server: 1) NCS Namespace and Direct Binding (*) 2) Direct Binding only (*) WARNING: Modifying NCS Namespace configuration may affect any other application that use NCS on this system. NCS Namespace is necessary to support old Netls, iFOR/LS Clients. Please indicate your choice [1,2]: 2 Choose the desired Server(s) logging level 1) Default 2) All 3) Customized Please indicate your choice [1,2,3]: 1 请按空格键 The default Log file(s) path is /var/ifor Enter blank to accept default or specify a new path:

Server configuration is complete. Do you want to modify the list of remote Nodelock and/or Network License Servers this system can connect to in direct binding mode (both for Administration purposes and for working as Network License Client) ? [y,n]: AIX 5L for POWER V5.2安装作业细则(内部使用)

