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摘 要




Automotive electronic ignition system


Modern automotive electronic control technology is a combination of automotive technology and electronic technology , is a product of modern industrial development and high-tech development , the level of automotive electronics degree to some extent reflect the level of the car . At present , the application of electronic technology in depth to all systems of the car so that the car 's technical performance , economy and comfort has been greatly improved , while the application of electronic ignition system better able to improve the car 's power , fuel economy and reduced exhaust emissions . This article describes the modern electronic ignition systems development process, the advantages of classification , structure , working principle , systematic analysis of the electronic ignition system common failure , combined with the actual analysis of the reasons for the typical failure , and given a specific fault Remedy .

Key words: Electronic ignition system;Fault Diagnosis;Troubleshooting.


目 录

1.前言 ................................................................... 1 2 正文 ................................................................... 1 2.1 汽车点火系统的发展现状 .............................................. 1 2.1.1国内发展现状 .................................................... 1 2.1.2目前国外在电子点火领域的研究 .................................... 1 2.2点火系统的发展历程 .................................................. 2 2.3电子点火系统的基本组成及工作原理 .................................... 2 2.4电子点火系统的工作原理 .............................................. 3 2.5电子点火系统常见故障诊断 ............................................ 4 2.5.1电子点火系统常见故障 ............................................ 4 2.5.2电子点火系统的故障诊断 .......................................... 7 2.5.3点火正时的检测与调整 ............................................ 9 2.5.4电子点火系统故障诊断与维修实例 ................................. 10 结 论 .................................................................. 12 参考文献 ................................................................ 12 谢 辞 .................................................................. 12 附 录 .................................................................. 13 附录1 ................................................................. 13 附中文翻译 ............................................................. 20




2 正文

2.1 汽车点火系统的发展现状

















6-蓄电池;7-点火电子组件 图1—1电子点火系统结构 点火电子组件也称电子点火器(简称点火器),它是由半导体元器件(如三极管、可控硅等)组成的电子开关电路,其主要作用是根据点火信号发生器产生的点火脉冲信号,接通和断开点火线圈初级电路,起着传统点火系统中断电器触点同样的作用。




a. 磁感应式(磁脉冲式); b. 霍尔效应式; c. 光电式; d. 电磁振荡式。

其中,磁感应式无触点电子点火装置由于其结构简单,性能可靠稳定,已在国外普遍使用;霍尔效应式性能优于磁感应式 (如奥迪、桑塔纳等)和部分美国车上应用较多;光电式和电磁振荡式则应用相对较少。











2.5.1电子点火系统常见故障点火系统无高压火 ①故障现象

接通点火开关,起动机能带动发动机曲轴运转,点火系统无高压火 ② 故障原因

1曲轴位置传感器连接电路短路或短路; 2曲轴位置传感器工作性能不良;


3点火控制模块性能失效或连接线束松脱、短路或断路; 4线圈的初级绕组断路; 5点火线圈的次级绕组断路; 6高压线断路; 7火花塞工作不良;点火系高压配电部分常见故障及检查

① 常见故障和影响:a.分电器盖有裂纹、赃污等导致漏电、窜电。b.分火头有裂纹而漏电。c.高压导线破损而漏电,导电性能下降。d.分电器盖碳柱磨损太短或电刷弹簧失效。


② 故障检查

如怀疑高压配电部分有问题,可先打开分电器盖,观察分电器盖有无明显裂纹,碳柱是否太短及有无弹性。若有问题,可用测量绝缘电阻的方法来鉴别其好坏,一般绝缘电阻应在50MΩ以上。也可以用高压试火的方法来检查其漏电与否。如果可以看到跳火,则说明分火头以漏电,需更换分火头。对于高压导线的检查,一是看是否有破损,二是用欧姆表测导线的电阻值。火花塞常见故障及检查 ① 火花塞常见的故障


② 故障检查

拆下火花塞,可以用肉眼大致判断出火花塞是否正常工作。火花塞的电极间绝缘性能也可以用欧姆表来检测。一般其绝缘电阻值应在10MΩ以上。低于10MΩ的,即使无积炭,积油等不良外观状态,火花塞也应更换。火花塞的电极间隙要用圆形塞规检测。电极间隙不正常,应用专用工具将其调整到正常值。更换其他型号的火花塞时,火花塞的热特性一定要与发动机想匹配,否则,会引起发动机早燃或火花塞严重积炭。点火信号发生器的常见故障及检查 ① 磁感应式




② 光电式



③ 霍尔效应式


(2)故障检查。霍尔效应式点火信号发生器检查方法与光电式的相同,也是将信号发生器接上电源后转动分电器轴,测其信号输出电压,但电压波动的范围不一样。对于霍尔电压来说,导磁转子叶片插入缝隙时,霍尔元件上磁通量减弱,霍尔电压很微弱;而叶片离开缝隙时,则霍尔元件磁场加强,霍尔电压较高。由于霍尔电压较弱,不足以触发电子点火器工作,所以信号发生器内部加了信号放大和相反器。信号发生器输出的信号电压在转子叶片插入缝隙时是高电平,转子叶片离开时是低电平。电子点火器的常见故障及检查 ① 常见故障及影响

电子点火系常见故障大多由内部电子元件短路、断路、漏电等原因而造成:a.功率三极管不能导通,点火线圈初级不能通路而点火。b. 功率三极管不能截止,点火线圈


初级不能断路而点火。c. 功率三极管不能工作在开关状态,即不能饱和导通或不能完全截止,使点火线圈初级电流减小或断流不彻底,造成火花减弱或不能点火。

② 故障检查

(1)模拟点火信号检查法。可利用一只1.5 V的干电池或蓄电池的单格电池来模拟信号电压。将正极的探针触及点火器信号输入接点,然后用负极做间断搭铁。这时中央高压头应跳火。如果点火开关和有关电路都已接通,但仍无高压电跳火,则表明点火器有故障应更换。

(2)高压试火法。如果已确定点火信号发生器良好,可直接用高压试火的方法来检查。将分电器中央高压线拔出,使高压线端距发动机缸体5 mm左右或将高压线端插入一备用火花塞并使其搭铁,起动发动机,看是否跳火,如果火花强,说明电子点火器良好,否则,电子点火器有故障。





图2-1电子点火系故障分析图磁感应式电子点火系统故障的诊断与排除方法 ① 点火系统低压电路部分故障

(1)故障原因:点火线圈、电子控制器、磁感应传感器及其连接线路有故障。 (2)故障的诊断与排除方法:a.外部检查:检查点火系统线路连接是否正确、可靠;检查分电器等器件是否完好、安装是否可靠。b. 拆线间隔断搭铁试火花 :拆下点火线圈负端子上的连接线,另接上一根导线。接通点火开关,用外力带动曲轴转动,将点火线圈上的连接导线间断搭铁,用中央高压线跳火,如果无火花,说明火线圈及其接线路有故障,应分别检修;如果有火花,应检查电子控制器。c. 拆线间断加压试火花 :断开点火开关,将点火线圈上的连接导线恢复到原来状态,取下传感器插头,接通点火开关,分别在插头的两接线端子上间断施加1.5V或者2V的直流电压,用中央高压线跳火故障在传感器,应检修;如果无火花,故障在电子控制器及其连接线路,应分别检修;若电子控制器损坏,应更换新品。

② 点火系统高压电路部分故障



(2)故障的诊断与排除方法:a.外部检查: 检查高压线是否脱落、插错;接通点火开关,用外力带动曲轴转动,检查分电器盖、火花塞是否漏电等。b. 间断旁磁路试火花:拆开分电器盖,接通点火开关,用螺丝刀间断短接定子与转子爪极,用中央高压线在分火头上跳火,如果有火花,故障在分火头,应检查或更换;如果无火花,应拆下火花塞上的分缸线,检查跳火情况。c. 转动曲轴试火花:断开点火开关,将中央线和分电器盖装好,从火花塞上拆下分缸线,接通点火开关,用外力带动曲轴转动,将分缸线在缸体上跳火,如无火花,故障在分电器盖或分缸线,应分别检修或更换;如果有火花,应拆下火花塞检查,有故障时应检修或更换,若各分线有火花,火花塞良好,应检查传感器信号电压极性。 d. 转动定子底板试火花: 断开点火开关,将分缸线和火花塞装好,取下分电器,接通点火开关。转动定子底板,当转子和定子爪极大致对齐时,中央高压线与搭铁处之间产生电火花,说明接线正确,否则应交换传感器信号线位置。如果传感器信号线接正确,则应调整点火正时。








2.5.4电子点火系统故障诊断与维修实例丰田轿车(采用无触点式点火系统)点火系统检查 1、点火信号发生器的检查

(1) 用厚薄规测量转子凸齿与传感线圈铁芯间的间隙,应在0.2mm~0.4mm内 (2) 用万用表检查点火信号发生器传感器线圈的电阻,其电阻值应在140Ω~180Ω。



(1) 松开分电器上的线路插接器。

(2) 接通点火开关,用一个1.5V的干电池,将他的正负极分别接至点火电子组件的两输入线(粉红线与白线),用万用表检查点火线圈 “—” 接线柱与搭铁之间的电压。然后将干电池的极性颠倒过来,再次测量点火线圈 “—” 接柱与搭铁之间的电压。两次测量结果分别为1~2V和12V,否则说明点火组件有故障。加干电池测试的时间应尽可能短,每次不得超过5秒。





测量每条导线的电阻值应不得大于25KΩ,如过大,应于更换。红旗轿车点火线圈和点火器的检测 1、点火线圈及点火器故障检测



(3)ECU点火输出控制工作状态检测。 将检测灯接到点火器插座2#端子与3#端子上,起动发动机,若检测灯闪烁,则表示ECU的点火输出控制工作正常。将点火开关转回“OFF”位置,插上点火器插座,按4项进行测试;若检测灯不闪烁,则进行线路检测。线路检测方法为:将点火开关置于“OFF”位置,标下右前轮下护板,拉出ECU插接器的固定锁架,拔下ECU插座。用万用表测量ECU插座7#端子与点火器插座2#端




结 论



[1]麻友良.汽车电器与电子控制系统[M].机械工业出版社,2006:93~133. [2]麻友良.汽车点火系统原理与故障检修实例[M].机械工业出版社,2010. [3]唐文初,邓宝清.汽车构造[M].华南理工大学出版社,2010.

谢 辞




附 录


Engine ignition system status and development trend

The ignition system is the important part of the gasoline engine , and its role is at the appropriate moment ignited by compression of mixture gas and burning , the ignition performance of the system is good or not on the engine power, fuel consumption and exhaust pollution impact large. Has excellent performance , reliable operation of the ignition system , has been the majority of automotive design , manufacturing , and users strive . With the development of the world 's automotive industry , automotive ignition systems experienced by traditional ignition system to electronic ignition system and then a computer-controlled ignition system three stages .

1 Status in China

Domestic gasoline engine car ignition system , electronic ignition system account for a large proportion of traditional ignition system has been in a phase-out of the situation . The electronic ignition system , the original cam driven by the pulse generator to replace the current and voltage pulse generated by magnetic changes (no contact) , and the electrical system to trigger the high voltage ignition pulse .

Domestic electronic ignition system production basically OEMs require the corresponding foreign standards , mainly from Germany VOLKSWAGEN , PEUGEOT of France and the U.S. car GM company . The mid-1980s , Shanghai Volkswagen, the company began production of Santana , Changsha Auto Electric Factory introduction of Germany BOSCH Hall contacts distributor technology car matching , and the first to achieve localization , prompting the the domestic electronic ignition system truly enter into bulk production stage. This stage the domestic electronic ignition system also has improved steadily : the ignition electronic components in development by the discrete components to the thick-film hybrid integrated development to the current widespread use of IC -wide integrated circuits ; ignition coil dry-type oil-immersed development and more for the high-energy coil , the entire system to the high-energy ignition systems development ; system


the carve electrical , ignition coil and ignition were installed electronic components from three development to three as the overall structure .

At home and abroad in the field of electronic ignition

Engine Having produced the largest controllable factors impact its performance mainly two One is the air-fuel ratio , and the second is the ignition advance angle . Ignition system has a decisive impact on the performance of the engine , which directly affects the quality of the combustion process , thus affecting the engine power , economy and emissions pollution and job stability . Thus, the engine ignition system to study one day did not stop . The electronic ignition system development tends to be diversified , introduced in Japan ignition system can be divided into types , and also increased . The electronic ignition system is also more diverse . In recent years, foreign study , such as Japan was to study ignition electrode shape , eddy current multi- multi-point ignition others feedback control , find the spark-ignition engine ignition timing and crank angle thermodynamic model also Some research engine spark plug location optimization problem . Developed in the United Kingdom and other rail - type spark plugs , spark plug \track \by the the seal people barrel -shaped cavity of two parallel electrodes using plasma arc between the electrodes ignition . In recent years, the domestic research situation ① WONG Zuohua , studied the influence of the operating parameters of the spark-ignition engine unburned emissions , come to improve the speed, burning more dilute mixture , be appropriate to defer the ignition temperature of lubricating oil , can reduce the emission concentration ② was 3D ignition timing chart decomposition for the ignition timing of an engine speed and ignition timing to a throttle opening degree of the two-dimensional relationship curve processing , research ignition timing characteristics ③ was also study the ignition coil controlling the injector control the timing relationship with the positive when optimization , as well as on the cylinder mixture concentration distribution of combustion process ④ others in the study of electrode morphology on the ignition and combustion process .

2 trends

Current ignition system development in China soon , the traditional ignition system has been basically eliminated, electronic ignition system is universal, miniature cars and ordinary cars , luxury cars has begun using computer control . Calculation control of the ignition system high - voltage power distribution method is by the partakers appliances formula development, no distributor without the distributor of the ignition system (Distributor Less Ignition referred DLI) fixed electrical controller pieces to replace the high pressure mechanical rotation


distributor , the use of computer ignition sequence controlled by the igniter ignition coil ignition . Two cylinder engine share a system - dual- spark ignition coil ignition coil . Wherein a cylinder ignition for effective ignition, at the end of the compression stroke ; another cylinder ignition is an invalid ignition occurs in the exhaust stroke . This ignition system is used in the cylinder number is an even number of the automobile engine , the number of the ignition coil for the cylinder number .

The electronic ignition system in increased ignition energy and the secondary voltage and improve ignition reliability aspects are very effective . However, they are the ignition timing adjustment , most still with the conventional coil ignition systems , as is the use of centrifugal mechanical and vacuum advance means to complete . Due to mechanical hysteresis , wear and other reasons , the accuracy of the adjustment is subject to certain restrictions , the mechanical advance regulating means does not guarantee the ignition characteristics of the engine is always in the best . In recent years , due to vehicle emission regulations more restrictive , the car engine has been widely applications electronically controlled fuel injection system (Electronic Fuel Injection EFI) engine ignition systems are increasingly high requirements . So many cars are no longer the application of centrifugal and vacuum spark advance mechanical adjustment device , and replace them with computer-controlled ignition system . In such a system , with the various sensors to detect the operating state and conditions of the engine , after computer processing Analysis calculated ignition advance angle control at the optimum value , so that the engine can be optimized operation . In addition, a computer-controlled ignition system , there are some other advantages : improvement of the engine startability and improve idle stability , reduce the fuel consumption of the engine , knocking control .

DLI system to eliminate the impact of the ignition timing of the gap of the distributor drive, etc. , to reduce the noise when the ignition means to run some electromagnetic interference is suppressed , and since the space occupied by the narrow , is conducive to the design of more compact engine . However , such systems have certain disadvantages : such as the generation of the ignition spark is always appear in pairs , so that doubling the number of times of ignition , energy consumption has increased , and there is wasted ; due to the use of dual - spark ignition , and therefore does not apply to the number of cylinders the engine is odd . The latest computer-controlled ignition system to the abolition of the spark plug is connected to the high-voltage lines , called the direct ignition system . Each spark plug equipped with a directly mounted in the upper portion of the ignition coil , by computer output signals individually for each cylinder direct ignition . The system ignition coil


Subminiature closed magnetic circuit ignition coil , and installed directly above the spark plug , the volume is very small ; directly due to the cancellation of the ignition by the ignition coil to the spark plug for high voltage , and thus less energy loss , high efficiency , electromagnetic interference ; spark plug discharge frequency can be halved , thereby prolonging the life of the spark plug . With the rapid development of China's automobile industry and the national environmental policy requirements of traditional gasoline ignition system will be replaced by electronic ignition system and computer-controlled ignition system . Near stage truck and in the, and low-grade car, and micro-car, will is electronic ignition system and computer control ignition system coexist, and used electric controlled fuel Jet system system of upscale vehicles are will used computer ignition system, and its points electrical will by has points electrical type to no points electrical type development, ignition coil will all used dry type ignition coil, and to directly ignition type direction development. Starting from the late 90 's, electronic-control fuel injection system was introduced in domestic cars (EFI), also began to use the computer controlled ignition ignition control system devices, such as the Santana 2000, Jetta, Guangzhou Honda, Citroen 988 car and Chongqing Changan star mini cars have introduced computer-controlled ignition system. Study on computer control of gasoline engine ignition system in China began in the mid 80, research unit on the fuel injection system, the ignition system, oxygen sensor feedback system control projects such as research and development, some progress has been made, in some cars, such as home-made 200 small red flag cars using these systems. But due to the relatively weak automobile industrial base in China, compared with foreign advanced level at the electronic level, there was also a large gap. Computer controlled ignition system for domestic needs of host plants, mostly from imports or Germany Bosch company and United States Delphi joint venture companies in China. At present, the State environmental protection administration, the State economic and Trade Commission, 4 ministries have jointly issued a circular, require carburetor 187 cars and 5 car model now discontinued, 20O1 years on September 1 of the above models. Prohibits the sale; the State Department has decided, after 2001 production car must be in the Injection and exhaust gas purifying device. The decision will undoubtedly help our development process significantly speeds up the EFI and the DLI.

3 future prospects

Levels in the auto industry, is an important sign measuring a country's level of industrialization. A new revolution in the world automobile industry is around, such as environmental protection and energy-saving, safe, reliable and comfortable performance, States have adopted a long-term development plan. My \focus


will development car industrial placed in very important of location, according to world car industrial new of development trends, as national \of success, and joined WTO Hou international market of challenge, urged domestic enterprise quickly improve ignition system of technology and production capacity: through joint venture cooperation, expanded ignition system technology introduced scale, in cooperation in the seeking development; while should for enterprise restructuring, expanded ignition system production scale, Overcome the current backward technology, innovation capacity, small size, low benefits. As world car in security, and comfortable sexual, and smart driving, area of quickly development and new of breakthrough, domestic enterprise special to attention following several area of technology trends, do related of technology development and the reserves work: ① multiple energy (fuel, and days gas,) of mixed using, on ignition system reliability, and security requirements more high; ② 42V output electric Department car of appears, must has new of ignition system and the other electronic equipment of produced and application; ③ due to energy-saving, environmental, of requirements continued improve, Must have a new ignition system to accomplish this daunting task; ④ rapid development of electronics and computer technology, the emergence of new materials, will continue to have a new ignition system. According to China's existing automobile industrial base as well as \for substantial growth, increased attention to the development and application of high-performance technology of automobile engine ignition system is necessary. Only in this way can shorten the gap with advanced countries in China. Access to speed development.

3.1 the distribution of development

Distribution method is the most basic ignition system technical elements, can be divided into high-voltage power distribution and low-voltage power distribution and low-voltage power distribution can be divided into the separate and two cylinder ignition ignition cylinder in two ways. Adopt high-voltage distribution, the majority now, faster. While continuing to adopt high-voltage distribution in the future, will continue to take measures to reduce costs, gradually expanding the scope of application of low-voltage power distribution. Ignition timing control method.

3.2 fire control

On the control mode, electronic angle are replacing mechanical means into the corner. Electronic rotary control logic is based on the signal from the crank angle sensor to calculate ignition timing. Ignition timing mode there are three types of time as measured by a simple


structure, low cost working angle measurement stability, strong anti-jamming ability, but the system is complex, costly combination of time and angle is a combination of compromise, combining two ways. Three ways the length, the future trend of development is to improve the robustness of crankshaft angle sensor, simplified system of low-voltage power distribution, increase cylinder recognition ability.

Crankshaft angle sensor detection

Electromagnetic sensor good environmental resistance, easy layout, low prices, plastic loops to screen, poor low-speed detection performance of Hall sensor slightly higher cost, but does not require shielding photoelectric sensor resolution ability, but cost is high, waterproof and dustproof measures need to be taken. Next, the crank angle sensor detection technology to Hall electronic direction.

Ignition device miniaturization and intensive

Each device miniaturization, light weight and cost reduction program is limited, in order to go beyond this limit, you must adopt a systematic approach, one of which is intensive. Intensive advantage of ignition device is to reduce the total system mass, volume and costs, improve the reliability of the connection. Distributors, ignition coils and the ring drive into one on the low-voltage distribution-intensive way, ignition coils and wire.

4. development of control theory

Due to the complexity and difficulty of detecting of the combustion process, and automotive engine operating conditions change very frequently, it is difficult to establish a precise mathematical model. Ignition system to adapt to the extremely complex environment, using traditional methods difficult to achieve centralized vehicle management system, people are looking for new methods of control. Optimal ignition timing of feedback control method in spark-ignition engine research. United Kingdom using a new physical theory, the successful development of emission control devices, the most conservative of the test result is, can reduce the emission of emissions. In some tests written by reducing emissions records. This appliance does not require a modern engine management computer, binary or ternary catalytic converter is not required, it can be easily installed on the old engines. Given the many experts and scholars at home and abroad on study on fuzzy logic and neural network applied in auto has made a lot of achievements and, therefore, will also be in the ignition control using fuzzy logic and neural network technology. Now, someone has started a study of fuzzy logic and neural network applied to the ignition device.





1 国内现状


目前国内电子点火系统的生产基本都是按主机厂要求采用相应的国外标准,主要来自德国VOLKSWAGEN、法国PEUGEOT 及美车GM 公司。80年代中期,上海大众公司开始生产桑塔纳轿车,长沙汽车电器厂引进德国BOSCH公司的霍尔无触点分电器技术,为该车配套、并率先实现了国产化,促使国内电子点火系统真正进入批量生产阶段。现阶段国产电子点火系统也日益完善:点火电子组件中由分立元件发展到厚膜混合集成再发展到目前普遍使用的IC全集成电路;点火线圈由油浸式发展为干式且多为高能线圈,整个系统向高能点火系统发展;系统中分电器、点火线圈和点火电子组件由三者分别安装发展到将三者做为一体的整体式结构。





2 发展趋势

当前我国点火系统发展很快,传统点火系统已基本淘汰,电子点火系统已在微型车及普通型轿车中普及,中、高档轿车已开始采用计算机控制。计算式控制的点火系统中高压配电方式是由有分电器式向无分电器式发展,无分电器式的点火系统(Distributor Less Ignition简称DLI)采用固定的电控器件取代了机械旋转的高压分电器,利用计算机按点火顺序通过点火器控制点火线圈进行点火。系统中发动机两个气缸共用一个点火线圈— —双火花点火线圈。其中一缸的点火为有效点火,在压缩行程终了时产生;而另一缸的点火则为无效点火,在排气行程中发生。这种点火系统被用在气缸数目为偶数的汽车发动机中,点火线圈的个数为气缸数。

电子点火系统在提高点火能量和二次电压及提高点火可靠性等方面都是很有成效的。但是,它们对点火定时的调节,多数仍与传统线圈式点火系统一样,是采用离心机械式和真空提前装置来完成的。由于机械滞后、磨损等原因,调节的精度受到一定限制,机械的提前调节装置并不能保证发动机的点火特性总是处于最佳。近年来,由于汽车排放法规的进一步严格化,汽车发动机上已广泛应用电控燃油喷射系(Electronic Fuel Injection简称EFI),对发动机的点火系统要求也越来越高。因此在很多汽车上,已不再应用离心式及真空点火提前的机械调节装置,而代之以计算机控制的点火系统。在这种系统中,借助各种传感器检测到发动机的运行状态与条件,经过计算机的处理与分析计算,可以将点火提前角等控制在最佳值,使发动机得以优化运行。此外,计算机控制的点火系统还有一些其他的优点:改善发动机的起动性、提高怠速的稳定性,降低发动机的燃油消耗、可进行爆震控制等等。



目前最新计算机控制点火系统取消了火花塞相连的高压线,称之为直接点火系统。每个火花塞配有一个直接装在其上部的点火线圈,按计算机输出信号单独地直接对每个气缸点火。该系统点火线圈多是采用超小型闭磁路点火线圈,且直接安装在火花塞上方,体积很小;由于取消了高压线,由点火线圈直接向火花塞供高压电,因而能量损失少,效率高,电磁干扰也少;火花塞的放电频率可以减半,从而延长了火花塞的寿命.随着我国汽车工业的快速发展及国家环保政策要求,我国汽油机的传统点火系统将被电子点火系统和计算机控制点火系统所取代。近阶段卡车和中、低档轿车、微型车等将是电子点火系统与计算机控制点火系统并存,而采用电控燃油喷射系统系统的高档车辆都将采用计算机点火系统,且其分电器将由有分电器式向无分电器式发展,点火线圈将全部采用干式点火线圈,并向直接点火式方向发展。从90年代后期开始,国内轿车开始采用电控燃油喷射系统(EFI),点火控制系统也开始采用计算机控制点火装置,如桑塔纳2000型、捷达王、广州本田,富康988等轿车及重庆长安之星等微型车已开始采用计算机控制点火系统。我国对汽油发动机计算机控制点火系统的研究始于80年代中期,一些研究单位对汽油喷射系统、点火系统、氧传感器反馈系统等电控项目的研究与开发,取得了一些进展,在一些轿车如国产 200小红旗等轿车装用了这些系统。但由于我国汽车工业基础还较薄弱,在电子化程度上与国外先进水平相比,还存在较大的差距。国内主机厂需求的计算机控制的点火系统,大多来自于进口或德国博世公司及美国德尔福公司等在华办的合资企业。目前,国家环保总局,国家经贸委等4部委已联合发出通知,要求使用化油器的187种轿车的和5座车车型立即停产,从20O1年9月1日起上述车型。禁止销售;国务院已经决定,2001年以后生产的轿车必须采用电喷装置和排气净化装置。这些决定必将促使我国大大加快对EFI和DLI的开发进程。

3 未来展望



别要注意如下几个方面的技术动向,做好相关的技术开发及储备工作:① 多种能源(燃油、天燃气等)的混合使用,对点火系统可靠性、安全性要求更高;②42V输出电系汽车的出现,必须有新的点火系统及其它电子设备的产生和应用;③ 由于节能,环保等的要求不断提高,必须有新的点火系统来完成这一艰巨任务;④ 电子及计算机技术的飞速发展,新材料的出现,必将不断产生新的点火系统。根据我国现有的汽车工业基础以及“十五”规划汽车产量大幅增长的前景,加大重视开发和应用高性能的汽车发动机点火系统技术是完全必要的。只有这样,才能缩短我国与先进国家的差距。取得超速的发展。


配电方式是点火系最基本的技术要素,可分为高压配电和低压配电,而低压配电又可分为各缸单独点火和两缸同时点火两种方式。现在采用高压配电的居多,较快。今后在继续采用高压配电的同时,将不断采取措施降低成本,逐渐扩大低压配电方式的应用范围。点火时间控制方式 3.2点火控制





每个器件的小型化、轻量化及降低成本的程序都是有限的,为了超越这个界限,必须采用系统化的办法,其中之一就是器件的集约化。点火器件集约化的优点是减小系统总的质量、体积和成本,提高连接的可靠性。对分电器、点火线圈和结圈驱动器做成一体对低压配电型的集约化方式是, 点火线圈和线。




繁,很难建立精确的数学模型。点火系统要适应异常复杂的环境,用传统的方法难以实现车辆管理系统集中化,人们正在寻求新的控制方法。如火花点火发动机中最佳点火定时反馈控制方法的研究等。再如英国利用新的物理理论,研制成功了排放控制装置,最保守的试验结果是,能降低废气的排放。而在有的试验中有降低写的排放的记录。该装置不需要现代化的发动机管理用计算机, 也不需要二元或三元催化转换器,便能很容易地安装在旧发动机上。鉴于国内外许多专家学者对模糊逻辑及神经网络应用于汽车的研究方面已经取得了不少成就,因此,人们也将在点火控制中采用模糊逻辑与神经网络技术。现在,有人已经开始了将模糊逻辑及神经网络应用于点火器件的研究。


繁,很难建立精确的数学模型。点火系统要适应异常复杂的环境,用传统的方法难以实现车辆管理系统集中化,人们正在寻求新的控制方法。如火花点火发动机中最佳点火定时反馈控制方法的研究等。再如英国利用新的物理理论,研制成功了排放控制装置,最保守的试验结果是,能降低废气的排放。而在有的试验中有降低写的排放的记录。该装置不需要现代化的发动机管理用计算机, 也不需要二元或三元催化转换器,便能很容易地安装在旧发动机上。鉴于国内外许多专家学者对模糊逻辑及神经网络应用于汽车的研究方面已经取得了不少成就,因此,人们也将在点火控制中采用模糊逻辑与神经网络技术。现在,有人已经开始了将模糊逻辑及神经网络应用于点火器件的研究。


