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题 目 An Analysis of Middle School Students’ English Pronunciation Learning Strategies (罗马小二号) 浅析中学生英语语音学习策略 学院名称 外国语学院 职 称 副教授 班 级 英语103班 学 号 20104210322 学生姓名 张** Zhang Dandan


指导教师 李三(仿宋GB2312小二号居中)


起 止

南 华 大 学


学 院: 外国语学院(宋体小二加粗)

题 目: An Analysis of Middle School Students’ English Pronunciation Learning Strategies(罗马小二加粗)


间:2013年 10月25日至 2014年6月10 日 学 生 姓 名: 张** 专 业 班 级: 英语103班 指 导 教 师: *** 教研室主 任: 胡大伟 院 长: 戈玲玲

(宋体小二居中) 2013年10月25日

论文内容及要求: 一、毕业论文原始依据(宋体小四加粗) (宋体小四,单倍行距)在中国英语属于第二语言,学好这门语言必须要掌握听说读写等基本技能。而在各项技能中,学生的语音能力发挥着重要的作用。因为语音是口语的载体,发音的好坏会影响人们在日常生活中的交流,同时良好的英语发音基础有助于英语学习者以后的学习。然而中国学生的英语语音学习更多地是在初中起步,很多英语学习者在初中阶段很难形成完善的英语语音学习策略。与此同时,语音教学作为英语教学的一个重要方面,英语老师良好的语音教学方法对学生的语音学习非常重要。而国内目前对英语教学中关于语音学习策略的研究并不充分,更多地集中在词汇以及语法教学中。本文根据查莫特的语言学习策略分类,从学生的角度来探讨语音的教学策略。 二、毕业论文主要内容 本研究主要是通过对初中生英语语音习得策略的问卷调查以及访问的方式从中发现不同的初中生每一个英语语音学习策略形成的原因、特点,其中问卷调查中包括个人信息的填写和个人使用策略的选择。最后通过个案访问中关于平时语音教学的六个问题进行综合,希望发现其适合不同初中生的英语语音学习和教学策略。 三、毕业论文基本要求 选题合理,论证充分,结构完整,语言流畅,有一定逻辑性。 四、毕业论文进度安排 1.2013.9-2013.11 查找并研读资料及理论基础 2.2013.12 完成开题报告,拟定提纲 3.2014.2-2014.3 完成第一稿 4.2014.3-2014.4月中旬完成第二稿 5.2014.5定稿 6.2014.6 论文答辩 五、主要参考文献 [1] Brown, H.D. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching [M]. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2002 [2] Ellis, R. The Study of Second Language Acquisition[M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,1999:77 [3] Peterson, S. S. Pronunciation learning strategies: A first look[J]. Unpublished research report, ED 450 599,FL026 618, 2000 [4] Pennington, M.C. Recent Research in L2 Phonology: Implications for Practice[A]. VA: TESOL Publications, 1994 [5] Stern, H. H. Fundamental Concepts of Language Teaching [M]. Oxford University Press.1983 [6] O ?Malley, J & A. U. Chamot. Learning Strategies in Second Language Acquisition [M ].Cambridge: CUP,1990

[7] Wenden, A. & J. Rubin.Learner strategies in language learning [M]. N J Prentice Hall ,1987 [8] 高琳. 中国学习者英语语音习得研究回顾 [J].无锡职业技术学院报, 2011(4):87-89 [9] 何建友. 中学生英语语音学习策略调查研究[J]. 基础英语教育,2007 (12):38-43 [10] 乐眉云, 凌德祥. 汉语各方言区学生英语发音常误分析 [M]. 外语研究,1994 [11] 罗立胜, 张莱湘. 英语语音教学的回顾及对目前英语语音教学的几点建议[J]. 外语与外语教学,2002(10):22 [12] 束定芳, 庄智象. .现代外语教学, 理论、实践与方法[M]. 上海外语教育出版社,1996 [13] 王初明. 外语语音学习假设自我概念与外语语音学习假设[J]. 外语教学与研究,2004(5):62-67 [14] 王立菲, 孙小坤. 国外第二语言语音习得研究的进展[J]. 外语与外语教学,2007(4):217 [15] 文秋芳,王立菲. 影响外语学习策略系统运行的各种因素评述[J]. 外语与外语教学,2004(9):30 指导老师: 年 月 日


论文题目 An Analysis of Middle School Students? English Pronunciation Learning Strategies(罗马小四) 浅析中学生英语语音学习策略(宋体小四) 论文题目来源 论文题目类型 学术论文 自选课题 起止时间 2013年10月至2014年6月 一、论文依据及研究意义: (宋体小四,单倍行距)根据查莫特的语言学习策略分类,语言学习策略可以分为六种,在此本文中根据此理论以及时代的发展,分成5种策略对中学生进行调查。同时在中国英语属于第二语言,学好这门语言必须要掌握听说读写等基本技能。而在各项技能中,学生的语音能力发挥着重要的作用。因为语音是口语的载体,发音的好坏会影响人们在日常生活中的交流,同时良好的英语发音基础有助于英语学习者以后的学习。然而中国学生的英语语音学习更多地是在初中起步,很多英语学习者在初中阶段很难形成完善的英语语音学习策略。与此同时,语音教学作为英语教学的一个重要方面,英语老师良好的语音教学方法对学生的语音学习非常重要。而国内目前对英语教学中关于语音学习策略的研究并不充分,更多地集中在词汇以及语法教学中。通过这次从学习者角度出发关注学生语音学习策略和英语语音教学的研究,从而探讨出适合国内中学生英语语音的学习和教学策略。 二、论文主要研究的内容、预期目标:(技术方案、路线) 本研究主要是通过对初中生英语语音习得策略的问卷调查以及访问的方式从中发现不同的初中生每一个英语语音学习策略形成的原因、特点,其中问卷调查中包括个人信息的填写和个人使用策略的选择。最后通过个案访问中关于平时语音教学的六个问题进行综合,希望发现其适合不同初中生的英语语音学习和教学策略。 三、论文的研究重点及难点: 本研究的重点是针对国内的初中生整体的一个英语语音的学习策略使用的情况,并针对此探讨出当今国内英语语音教学的现状以及一些建议。其中针对生活背景、性格、性别、知识水平等等不同的学生,他们会有不同的学习策略的使用,再加上在调查过程中会需要对一些因素进行考量,因此在进行此次问卷调查时需要考虑很多外在环境和学生自身特点的因素。 四、论文研究方法及步骤(进度安排): 研究方法: 调查法:根据本文研究的对象,制定相应的了调查问卷。并且通过问卷和访问的

方式获取准确的调查数据,然后进行分析综合,总结出其针对不同的中学生所使用的英语语音学习策略以及相对应的教学建议。 观察法:根据一定的研究目的、研究提纲或观察表,用自己的感官和辅助工具去直接观察被研究对象,从而获得资料。 描述性研究法:将已有的现象、规律和理论通过自己的理解和调查问卷以及访问结果的验证,给予叙述并解释出来。 文献分析法:根据一定的研究目的或课题,通过调查文献来获得资料,从而全面地、正确地了解掌握所要研究问题 1.2013.9-2013.11 查找并研读资料及理论基础 2.2013.12 完成开题报告,拟定提纲 3.2014.2-2014.3 完成第一稿 4.2014.3-2014.4月中旬完成第二稿 5.2014.5定稿 6.2014 答辩 四、进行论文所需条件: 网上查询资料;电子阅览室内的数据库;老师提供的建议和方向;实地进行问卷调查和访问;听取身边同学的意见。 五、指导教师意见: 签名: 年 月 日



摘 要(宋体小四,加粗)

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Pronunciation is the supporter of speaking,(罗马小四,1.5倍行距)and pronunciation will affect the quality of communication in daily lives. As for the English education, a good English pronunciation foundation also helps students learn other skills of language well. Meanwhile the pronunciation teaching is a vital aspect in English education; English teachers? pronunciation teaching methods may affect the students? pronunciation learning. Nevertheless, the current domestic research about pronunciation learning strategies in English education is not sufficient. As for this problem, this paper investigated the usage of pronunciation teaching strategies and learning situation according to the Chamot?s classification of language learning strategies, aiming to enhance the attention of students and teachers on English pronunciation learning and teaching strategies as well as providing some available suggestions for the further domestic pronunciation teaching. This study found out the reasons, characteristics and results of different pronunciation learning strategies of the 20 students in middle school by doing the English pronunciation learning strategy questionnaires, and this paper integrated 5 students? answers of the interview and found that different English pronunciation learning and teaching strategies suitable for different middle school students. Finally, the research exhibited that different genders, personalities, family environments, faculties, students? basic knowledge and sense of language differences would cause different learning strategies; the middle school students? pronunciation levels were generally not high and the differentiation of learning level was serious. Therefore, English pronunciation teaching and learning strategies should be attached more attentions and perfect in middle school stages, thus improving pronunciation teaching level in English education. (空一行)(摘要150至350字之间,关键词3至5个)

Key words: (罗马小四加粗) learning strategies; English pronunciation; middle school students; pronunciation teaching (关键词间用分号隔开)






Introduction..................................................................................................................1 1. Literature Review.....................................................................................................2 2. Theoretical Framework..........................................................................3

2.1. The Definition.....................................................................................................3 2.2. The Classification ...............................................................................................4 3. Research Methodology.............................................................................................5 3.1. Research Questions.............................................................................................5 3.2. Subjects of the Studies.........................................................................................5 3.3. Data Collections..................................................................................................5 4. Research Findings and Analysis..............................................................................6 4.1. Students? Difference in the Use of Different Pronunciation Learning Strategies............................................................................................................6 4.2. The Cause in the Use of Different Pronunciation Learning Strategies.............9 4.3. The Findings of Interview for English Pronunciation Teaching........................11 5. Conclusion...............................................................................................................13 5.1. Major Findings...................................................................................................13 5.2. The Advice for English Pronunciation Teaching...............................................14 5.3. Expectation for Further Studies.........................................................................15 Bibliography................................................................................................................17 Appendix..............................................................................................................18 Acknowledgments......................................................................................................20






Pronunciation (每段首行缩进四个英文字符或两个汉字) is a great part that cannot be ignored in the foreign language learning. (正文为罗马小四,1.5倍行距)However, the studies of English learning strategies are not balanced in the world, on the one hand, the study did well about vocabulary learning strategies; On the other hand, the pronunciation learning strategies research has not yet had a zero breakthrough (Wen&Wang, 2004). The domestic studies on the English pronunciation learning hypothesis (Wang, 2004) found that a good English pronunciation foundation would help learners to form positive pronunciation self-concept and promoted the overall self-concept level of English learning and vice verse. So how to form a good English pronunciation foundation was also a great research direction in China in the future. In the same way, Brown presumed that among a series of identified cognitive, affective as well as cultural elements, learning strategy is more significant (Brown, 2002).【间接引用夹注格式为(作者姓,年) ,文中格式为作者姓(年)】It can be included that the pronunciation level always has a close relationship with its corresponding learning strategies. The language learning strategy was defined as ??a behavioral or ideational procedure formed by learners to produce their interlanguages” by Rod Ellis (1999:77). 【直接引用夹注格式为(作者姓,年:页码),文中格式为作者姓(年:页码) 】 At the same time, most researches generally agreed that a good pronunciation was related with teachers? teaching and students? learning efforts. But English pronunciation teaching has not been taken seriously for incomplete educational institutions in China.

English is an vital international language in the world, with the improvement of communication, hence English stretches everywhere. While a good pronunciation foundation is good for increasing the learners? desire for learning so as to further heighten the productiveness of learning foreign language, which can be beneficial to improve the level of people?s communication. Finally, it is commendably to leave a better sensation on others. But the research on the pronunciation teaching is not

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thorough, and the foundation of English pronunciation in China generally starts in middle school. Therefore, on the one hand, the research is likely to guide them to choose correct English pronunciation learning methods; on the other hand, for English teachers, some available advices are raised here for English pronunciation teaching so as to heighten the standard of middle school students' English pronunciation learning.


1. Literature Review (一级标题罗马三号加粗)

In 1966, Aaron Carton carried out the study on Language learning strategies on The Method of Inference in Foreign Language Study. Early researches were mainly on the definition of learning strategies (Wenden & Rubin, 1987; Cohen, 1990) and classification (Stern, 1983; Chamot & O?Malley, 1987; Oxford, 1990). And the recent studies are on the characteristics of learning strategies and the factors affecting learners using learning strategies (Ellis, 1999). The research directions of the learning strategy are also beginning to refine in recent years, which are chiefly about English learning strategies in a particular field that just like vocabulary learning and language learning strategies. However, the research from the learners? standpoint to focus on students? pronunciation learning and teaching methods are rare in the world. There is no specific research on pronunciation learning strategies, and the early literature taking shape of pronunciation learning strategy research in abroad started by O?Malley (1985), such as their investigational tool used in the study of pronunciation learning strategies. Finally he concluded that the proportion of pronunciation learning strategies usage is next only to vocabulary learning strategies. Real systematic research began with Peterson?s professional pronunciation learning strategies questionnaire designed on the basis of Oxford SILL (The Strategy Inventory for Language Learning or SILL), and found that pronunciation high level learners applied more pronunciation learning strategies than beginning learners, students applied the cognitive strategies most but affective strategies least, and only the primary learners applied affective strategies. In domestic, Xie Bing (2006) found that between high group and the low group, there exist obvious disparities in pronunciation learning

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strategies, at the same time the author also made a correlational study between strategy and performance. However, the junior middle school stage may be the domestic learners? most critical stage to acquire the English pronunciation. Therefore, the investigation and study was made in this paper among junior middle schools? English learners and try to answer following questions: what classes of pronunciation learning strategies do students often apply, what are the elements that cause their different learning results and finally how to adjust learning methods of pronunciation according to the teaching strategies.


2. Theoretical Framework

This part mainly attached more importance on the review of previous scholars? researches on Chinese middle school students? pronunciation learning strategies, mainly including the definition as well as classification of the learning strategy.

2.1. The Definition (小节之间不空行)(二级标题罗马小三加粗)

“Strategy” is originated from a ancient Greek word “strategia” which means a kind of art, specifically refers to the military, ships, or other weapons? best arrangement. It means the proper control in the learning process in English. In recent years, the definition of the learning strategy has been a contentious issue, on the basis of their research findings, the different degrees? researchers gave distinct definitions, such as O 'Malley & Chamot (1990), Ellis (1999), Cohen & Dornyei (1998), etc. As for the definition of learning strategies, Peterson (2000) believed that it could be acted as the corresponding steps that the learners took so as to enhance their own pronunciation learning. According to Ellis? analysis of the characteristics of the learning strategies, the pronunciation learning strategy could be understood as an integral method and special skill that was used to learn pronunciation or intonation and overcome difficult problems in pronunciation learning. While some of strategies among standards of mentality and behavior could be observed but many of them were not discovered, which was influenced by learners? personal tendency in use process.

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2.2. The Classification of Learning Strategy

The significance of specific learning strategies classification has been attached

more and more emphasis since many years ago. Along the procedure of the research on language learning strategies, the researchers of learning strategies? classification have described and interpreted its classification into a lot of kinds. But they are basically following the Oxford, O ? Malley and Stern, the three people?s classified method, while Oxford research spread most widely among them. The two learning strategies were split into direct and indirect strategies by Oxford. Direct strategies are those that contact directly with the strategy of the objective language. Indirect strategy means having no immediate relationships with the objective language. The two strategies were mainly classified into six kinds: direct strategies including memory strategies, cognitive strategies and compensation strategies; However, indirect strategy refers to affective strategies, meta-cognitive strategies and social strategies. Memory strategies help learners by applying the images and sound to store information; cognitive strategy means repetition, imitation, classification so as to understand and analysis; compensation strategies let English learners guess knowledge link boldly such as using synonyms or other related methods; meta-cognitive strategy can help language learners set task plans for individuals to provide a mechanism to coordinate their own learning process and evaluation of a person's learning; Affective strategy enables learners to control emotions, attitudes, motivations, and values, that? s to say, it helps to lower a person's anxiety and encourage oneself. Social strategy is a language learning strategy including the interaction and cooperation with others to learn and explore the culture and social norms, etc. Although the form is not perfect enough, the understanding of the composition of this system provides a comprehensive strategy that can build the foundation for learning strategy questionnaires. On the one hand, because of extra dependence on compensation strategy, it impedes the ascension of the pronunciation level at the same time (He, 2007). On the other hand, with the improvement of the fresh era, learners can apply many online materials on learning. Thereupon, it changes

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the compensation strategy into the resource strategy in this article,, namely the application of kinds of multimedia network and books, lexicons for English pronunciation learning.

3. Research Methodology

This article designed corresponding questionnaire and interview questions

according to subjects of the research so as to make a comprehensive analysis of the application of English pronunciation learning and teaching strategies.

3.1. Research Questions

The survey queries are as below:

(1) What classes of pronunciation learning methods do middle school students often apply in English?

(2) What are the elements that cause their different learning results? (3) How to adjust the English pronunciation learning and teaching strategies?

3.2. Subjects of the Studies

The subjects of this study are from a few middle schools in Nanchang, meanwhile they are 20 junior middle school students who belongs to the first ,the second and third grade. The reason to choose them is firstly because they come from the same place, which can rule out the dialect differences. Secondly, they are all from the same training institution, covering from the first to the third grade, which is a good way to compare their differences between age and knowledge level. Thirdly, although in the same training institutions, their schools are different, thus the primary teaching environment is different between them, which can be better to compare the influence of environment on pronunciation learning among middle school students. In short, as a whole it can make a comprehensive survey about its characteristics, difference and result from the environment factors ( family environment and faculties ) and learner factors ( gender, basic knowledge, personality and language sense ).

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3.3. Data Collections

The purpose of the questionnaire is to inquire into the usage of English pronunciation learning strategy. A total of 20 students consist of the questionnaire, including boys and girls, with each 10, randomly distributed to students in different middle school from the same English training institution. In order to facilitate the students to reply those questions in the questionnaire, they are relatively simple questions and it presents how to correctly answer by instructional words, and guarantee it will not divulge real information. The teacher in charge will collect the questionnaire once students has finished completing them. But because of some limited prerequisites, students are usually classified according to the students?usual performance so as to guarantee their differences. (See Table4.1, Table4.2 and Appendix I)

The author decided to use the students? extracurricular time so as to talk about their English learning freely in the last two weeks in February among those students interviewed last time, and ensured that all information would not leak out. The interview was in a classroom in the training institution. At the same time, they were only five representative students being interviewed because of the limited condition, mainly asking some of their views on the present English pronunciation learning strategies and insights so as to provide reference for future English pronunciation teaching. (See Table4.3, and Appendix II)

4. Research Findings and Analysis

The purpose of the survey is to seek out the reasons, characteristics and results of different pronunciation learning and teaching strategies applied among different students in middle schools through methods of questionnaire and interview questions.

4.1. Students’ Difference in the Use of Different Pronunciation Learning Strategies

In China, many English learners may be impacted by various environmental

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elements like the exam-oriented education, schools stress on pronunciation education, teachers? pronunciation and hardware facilities and so on. It will impact the standard of English pronunciation input and strength, and, in turn, impacts the pronunciation acquisition (Gao, 2011). Meanwhile scholars? study proved that the differences between urban and rural areas could lead the local dialect pronunciation problems to the Chinese learners (Wang, Sun, 2007). As a result, it is mainly about two kinds of differences resulting in distinct pronunciation learning strategies. The difference are divided into background and learners? difference. (See Table4.1 and Table 4.2) Table 4.1 The personal information data of 20 interviewees (图表要有标题,位于图表


Questionnaire Personal information Content classification Environment bad good Personalities extroversion introversion Sex male female Grade one two three Language sense level strong weak high low number 4 16 13 7 10 10 8 5 7 12 8 6 14 total 20 20 20 20 20 20

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Table 4.2 The sheet of pronunciation learning strategies

English pronunciation learning strategies Meta-cognitive Strategies Strategies Cognitive Strategies Classification Repetition Imitation Practice Analysis Self-control Self-evaluating Concentration Resource Strategies Affective Strategies Social Strategies Network Media Foreign Friends Emotion Adjust Self-encouraging Cooperation Clarification always 0 0 6 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 o 2 often 12 8 5 3 13 6 8 6 0 3 4 3 3 sometimes 6 7 6 2 3 2 2 3 4 12 6 2 4 seldom 2 3 3 12 2 12 6 6 8 3 8 9 5 never 0 2 0 3 2 0 2 3 8 2 2 6 6 total 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 4.1.1. The Background Difference(三级标题罗马四号加粗,如有四级及以下标题均用罗马小四加粗)

Different students always have different backgrounds which can affect the students? learning strategies to a certain extent. From the table1, it informed that many students with a good environment could have a good education condition. Certainly, in this study, it could not tell whose environment was bad or good, so many of their data were from their teachers? information. Only 4 of them studied in a bad environment. From the table 2, most of them used cognitive strategies and meta-cognitive strategies, while many of they seldom applied the social strategies and resource strategies.

4.1.2. The Learners’ Difference

The learners? difference includes the basic knowledge, personalities, gender and their own language sense difference.

Firstly, it mainly described about the basic knowledge difference. In the table 1, it could inform that the students were from three different grades. From the findings of the questionnaire, the grade one students were in a low pronunciation level. The

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grade three students frequency in using pronunciation learning strategies were higher than those of the second and first grades. The first and second grades had some significant differences from the third grade in the number and variety of pronunciation learning strategies used. First grade students mainly used social strategies, meanwhile the others used the cognitive strategies and meta-cognitive strategies, and many of these learning strategies were in the low level of usage. In general, in the third grade, five learning strategies had been used basically; the first grade students of the overall pronunciation learning situation were not optimistic.

Secondly, the personality always could be divided into extroverted and introverted character in general. On the one hand, extroverted students are likely to communicate easier with students and foreigners. They are eager to show their language abilities to others even with limited language learning knowledge. On the other hand, introverted students are willing to share their knowledge of the language with others. So there were 13 students seem to be the extroverted character in this questionnaire, and most of them applied social strategies. Some students of introverted personality applied cognitive strategy, meta-cognitive strategy and affective strategy.

Thirdly, in the survey, there were ten boys and girls. Relatively speaking, girls? pronunciation situations were generally better than those of boys. Among the ten girls, most of them apply cognitive strategies, meta-cognitive strategies, affective strategies, and social strategies. The resource strategies were often applied, and the boys were fonder of applying cognitive strategies and social strategies.

Fourthly, language sense differences appeared between the students of different genders. Most of middle school students had not completely formed English language sense; most people relatively had poor language sense. The students whose Language sense is relatively good seemed to attach more attention on resource strategies, affective strategies and social strategies. Students? language sense of general average was in a great application of cognitive strategies, meta-cognitive strategies.

Finally, in the light of the existing students? pronunciation learning levels

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investigated, it can be sought out that low level learners had more often in application of affective strategies than high grade learners in the questionnaire, and higher level learners were in a great application of cognitive strategies, resources strategies and social strategies.

4.2. The Cause in the Use of Different Pronunciation Learning Strategies

According to these disparities brought by different learning strategies, first of all for environmental differences, Brown (2001) argued that the quality and enhancement of the objective language input was more significant than the length of time of disclosure to the objective language on the pronunciation acquisition. So environment factors had great influence on learners? English pronunciation learning. Thus it could be better to lead the students to more widely application of learning strategies where the environment was relatively good.

Secondly, for different grade students, the capability to apply learning strategies was relatively different. As the survey had showed that, the level of junior students applying English pronunciation learning strategies was low. However, because most of the study? subjects were in low grades, which were at the elementary standard of English learning, they had high flexibility and plasticity and were relatively active in class, so social strategies had a great impact on their English pronunciation learning. Again, extroverted person are easy to talk with others, thus they can increase opportunities for language practice with others. The disadvantage is that they can't meditate language form and content due to the insufficient penetrated understanding. Introverted person are also may tend to be thoughtful, thus they are better to master the principles of the language and understand the deep meaning of language, the disadvantage is in fear of meeting people, and the oral expression ability can not be improved without enough exercise. From this aspect it could explain why most of extroverts chosen to use social strategies, and those who tend to be introverted were likely to use cognitive strategies, meta-cognitive strategies and affective strategies.

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Then, a female?s ability in the reaction to the language materials of auditory and visual and memory is better than a male. A female has a more positive learning attitude and a more common introspective type character. And the survey was concerning junior middle school students, a lot of male students had many weaknesses at English, and they were also not easy to speak English in public. So the girls were more inclined to use the cognitive strategies, meta-cognitive strategies, emotional strategies and social strategies, and knew how to grasp their own learning methods. However, boys were relatively using cognitive strategies and meta-cognitive strategy a little more in English pronunciation learning.

Again, the study of the relationship between the language talent and the pronunciation learning believed that language talent (including cognitive ability and strategy ability) had a strong impact on the ability to processing of pronunciation; While pronunciation processing skills had a close relationship with other English skills (including English words spelling and cognitive capability and the capability to read and write, etc.), which acted as a key role in learning English. So some students having relatively good language sense used even with a relatively few quantity of strategies, they could learned English pronunciation well by enhancing the application of resources strategies and social strategies, while the students having a language sense of the general average could only be more application of cognitive strategies, meta-cognitive strategies to consolidate their own English pronunciation study. Finally, as for the distinct level of English pronunciation leading to the different application of English pronunciation learning strategies, the investigation found that the low level of English pronunciation learners were higher than that of high level learners in terms of the usage of affective strategies. It means that the low level learners of English pronunciation in the learning process attached great importance to their own mental situation, which depressed students? ability to identification, thinking, comprehension and recollection. And the higher level of English pronunciation learners was better at the comprehension, recollection, recognition, and repeated pronunciation principles. At the same time, it also proved that the higher

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level of English pronunciation learners had better self management and self discipline (Su & Zang, 2006), and then they could had more usage of cognitive strategies, resource strategies and social strategies.

4.3. The Findings of Interview for English Pronunciation Teaching

According to five students? interviews? results in table 3 ?data below showed that the time these five middle school students starting learning English was relatively early, but they had not owned a clear concept on English; at the same time, their teachers? speech ability and teaching methods were different, which caused these students? attitude to the English pronunciation learning was different; Finally, all the students thought that in these skills such as listening, speaking, reading and translating, speaking was extremely significant, but according to the interview results showed that students were autonomous learning by themselves, and there was no complete system of English pronunciation education in middle school at present. (See Table4.3 and Appendix II)

From this data, it could also showed that the English pronunciation teaching system was still lack of a complete pronunciation system form and a complete set of teaching materials and audio-visual materials (Luo & zhang, 2001). And it found that many places had reduced the traditional teaching part of pronunciation with the corresponding middle school textbooks. So it created more great difficulty on English pronunciation teaching. Teachers often just explain words? pronunciation when they teach words to students, English pronunciation teaching is under the recessive pattern. However, a lot of language input cannot guarantee students? natural English pronunciation acquisition, while the English pronunciation acquisition mainly thanks to the development of classroom lessons, and with application of the current teaching methods, many learners in the elementary school and middle school? stage have a little basic knowledge about English pronunciation. Therefore, those schools would be better to strengthen English pronunciation guidance and teaching to make clearer

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Table 4.3 Five students? interview transcripts (同一个表格放在同一页面)

Classification Interviewer S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 The preference and the Started first time learning kindergarten clear about it The most important Speaking skills in English The teachers? ability Relatively and teaching method English in Started Grade in Started One Grade in in Started in in Started in Grade One Grade three six in Elementary, common and have no in idea Elementary, like it Reading Elementary, have no idea Elementary, hate it Speaking Listening Speaking Very good Seems good, Normal and Not good but precise, always Pronunciatioreading not clearly, vivid, read listen to the n, teach the words after listen to the words after the radio primary phonetic symbols teachers radio radio Learning inclination method Tend to listen Study after the radio, phonetic the Imitation after Seldom the study n pronunciatioCommunicate the with classmates and ask teachers to clarification and the keep Symbols at radio the method for early stage, a long time so can read word oneself The difficulty in Can simple words cannot long words read Do not know Lack how ,but control by of Cannot read Cannot make learning to chance and by oneself the materials to practice sure whether my pronunciation id write or wrong and always have to ask help read complicated pronunciation rules Advice for teachers Strengthen the Increase the Find teaching phonetic Symbols on chance practice class to media more Teach basic the Pay attention teach correct more to and in materials to phonetic teach symbols knowledge pronunciation learning contents and understand the distinctions between English and Chinese pronunciation well.

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5. Conclusion (章标题在页顶时,不空行)

Finally this paper summed up the key findings and put forward some corresponding available advices for the following English pronunciation teaching. Certainly it still exists many shortcomings and expected to do more comprehensive in later researches.

5.1. Major Findings

According to table1, table2 and table 3? statistical results showed that different kinds of students applied distinct learning strategies and each student had their own unique learning habits and studying strategies, which was produced by the blend of innate and postnatal situation. This included the characteristics of students themselves as well as the different study environment. Generally speaking, most of them would apply cognitive strategies, meta-cognitive strategies and affective strategies, these three categories of English pronunciation learning strategies. The three commonly applied strategies means the analysis of English pronunciation, arrangement and plan for their English pronunciation learning, self disciplining, self evaluation and self encouragement. And they were relatively likely to use less resources strategies and social strategies. The learning information they contacted was not enough since the survey was among junior high school students, meanwhile the time of cooperation with others and practice was relatively less, which led them to had a greater use of cognitive strategies and meta-cognitive strategies for English pronunciation learning by themselves. It could also found that English pronunciation teaching in junior middle school student stage, the schools and teachers did not give them some good pronunciation teaching mode, which led that their English pronunciation learning strategies were relatively less. That?s to say, pronunciation teaching of foreign language education has always been a weakness, some education institutions may let the teachers and students are aware of the significance of those pronunciation learning strategies on promoting their English pronunciation teaching and learning. Teachers would create opportunities so that all students are encouraged and have access to use more English pronunciation learning strategies, especially increasing resources

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strategies and social strategies on the basis of using meta-cognitive strategies and cognitive strategies. In this way, it can make them understand that only with the correct pronunciation learning and teaching strategies can it be better to motivate learners that have continuous efforts toward their English pronunciation learning.

5.2. The Advice for English Pronunciation Teaching

Some English pronunciation teaching methods in middle school extremely need improvement to better students? learning environment and methods so as to ameliorate the above mentioned problems. Regarding the table 3? information from those middle school students, English pronunciation teaching situation could improve accordingly from the three aspects below.

Firstly, the schools and teachers may respect students? personality, improve students? self control ability, enlarge the using range of learning strategies, and create chances of English pronunciation learning practice in accordance with students. For example, according to the different grade students using different English learning strategies, teachers can have more English pronunciation teaching strategies for junior students, while as for most senior students, teachers could furnish students with more chances to do pronunciation practice in class to make them more active in learning; Both the extroverted and introverted students can be integrated with mutual practice to realize the complementary advantages. In addition, according to these students? gender differences and language sense distinctions between boys and girls, the teacher can let them do the heterosexual exercise to learn each other's preponderances so as to actualize the complementary superiority.

Secondly, subjects are mainly composed of middle school students according to the study, the learning self-discipline ability are not strong, so teachers can ask these students to finish practicing pronunciation every day after classes to cultivate their self-discipline, so that these students can cultivate the good English learning attitudes and heighten their learning efficiency.

Finally, teachers? ability cannot be neglected, and schools may strengthen the

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focus on the construction of teachers? quality. At the same time, a good education system has now been attracted by more and more schools, their attention may shift to quality education. However, in today?s China, most schools carry out exam-oriented education pattern. As a result, most teachers don?t have much time to exercise students? comprehensive quality education. In fact, the teacher may put the teaching and research dissolved as a whole, that is, the school may pay attention to train the teacher?s teaching ability at the same time, the teachers themselves should still attach more emphasis on the cultivation of their own language ability so as to realize the English pronunciation in a more practical teaching mode.

5.3. Expectation for Further Studies

There are some weaknesses in the study that some further researches need to be carried out in the future. As for the weaknesses of this study, the paper may show the following limitations or expectations in the future research. First of all, it would involve more participants to enlarge the sample size and make the results more convincing in the future study. Secondly, without the tape test, there were a certain subjective factors for pronunciation level investigation, it is better to have a tape test in the future study. Thirdly, as for age, cultural identity, local dialects, learning motivation variables, these elements are not involved in the survey research, so these factors would be better to be considered in further research. The fourth, the learning strategies introduced here are about some positive strategies, so it does not take the application of negative strategies into consideration. In a nutshell, in this paper, it is expected that the research about English pronunciation learning and teaching strategies can be more comprehensive in future.

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(空一行) Bibliography (空一行)

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期刊格式:[编号] 作者,作者.文章题目[J].期刊名,年份(期数):起页码~止页码 报纸格式:[编号] 作者,作者.文章题目[N].报纸名,年月日,第几版

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Appendix I初中生英语语音习得策略问卷调查(附录另起一页,位

于参考文献后,致谢页前,格式同正文) 亲爱的同学:

你们好!由于本问卷调查用于论文写作,内容必须属实,保证个人信息不会泄露,在后面的语音水平,语感及性格倾向可按后面括号类选择。还望同学能如实填写,谢谢合作。 一:个人信息

姓名: 性别: 水平:(初级或好) 年龄: 年级: 语感:(好或一般) 性格倾向:(外向型或内向型) 二:语音学习策略

以下都属于单选题目,一般分为:总是、经常、有时、偶尔、没有。这五种情况分别用ABCDE表示。首先请根据题目要求填写你使用该策略的情况。 A:认知策略

1.根据单词反复拼写和朗诵其音标 A B C D E 2.按照正确的发音方式进行模仿 A B C D E 3.把其中难读的单词写下来反复练习 A B C D E 4.从单词中概括单词的发音规律 A B C D E B:元认知策略

1.安排好发音时间,坚持练习 A B C D E 2.根据磁带或老师发音找出发音错误 A B C D E 3.尽量在课堂期间说英语,注重英语发音 A B C D E C:资源策略

1.喜欢用网络视频资源来练习发音 A B C D E 2.主动与外国友人进行英语交流 A B C D E D:情感策略

1.经常鼓励自己能够说好英语 A B C D E 2.在遇到发音困难时有耐心 A B C D E E:社会策略

1.请同学示范以及纠正自己的发音 A B C D E

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2.与英语学习爱好者进行发音交流 A B C D E

Appendix II 访谈

1.你喜欢英语吗,从什么时候开始学的? 2.你觉得英语学习中听说读写哪项最重要?


4.在英语语音学习过程中,你是喜欢听老师同学发音还是倾向于跟录5.在英语语音学习过程中你遇到的最大困难是什么? 6.你对以后的英语语音教学有哪些建议或是期许?

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音磁带学习发音? 南华大学外国语学院本科毕业论文


Acknowledgments (罗马三号,居中)


In the course of writing this thesis, I have benefited greatly from the assistance and wisdom of a number of people. I would like to take this opportunity to thank them all.(字体行距同正文)

First and foremost, I would like to extend my sincere appreciation to Associate Professor Wang, my supervisor, who spares no time and energy, out of her heavy load of office work, teaching and research commitments, to provide substantial guidance on my career as well as on this dissertation. Then, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all other teachers who gave me comprehensive knowledge during the past four academic years. I have benefited so much from their courses and constant encouragement. Their studies gave me some reference. Finally I would like to thank those students interviewed in my research; it is them who gave me much real information to complete my research.

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