
更新时间:2023-10-20 05:16:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载



一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)

1. emergency flares A. 逃离滑梯 B. 维修人员 C. 职业形象

D. 紧急情况照明灯 正确答案:

2. Moslem meals apply to a large number of passengers from the Middle East. A. \印度餐供应给很多中东乘客。

B. 印度餐适合很多中部和东部的乘客。 C. 穆斯林餐适合很多中东乘客。

D. 穆斯林餐供应给很多中部和东部的乘客。\正确答案:

3. one-way ticket A. 糖尿病人食品 B. 救生衣 C. 单程票 D. 外汇率 正确答案:

4. destination city A. 到达城市 B. 低盐食品 C. 售票处 D. 机身 正确答案: 5. pain killers A. 起飞时间 B. 止痛药 C. 免税商店

D. 糖尿病人食品 正确答案:

6. International airports must have customs areas, currencyexchange counters and so on. A. \国际机场必须有旅客休息区、货币兑换柜台等。 B. 国内机场必须有旅客休息区、现金兑换柜台等。 C. 国际机场必须有海关区、货币兑换柜台等。

D. 国内机场必须有海关区、现金兑换柜台等。\正确答案:

7. \A. he B. him C. his D. himself 正确答案:

8. health control A. 直达航班 B. 维修人员 C. 售票处 D. 卫生检疫 正确答案: 9. check in A. 救生衣 B. 免税商店 C. 行李舱

D. 办理登机手续 正确答案:

10. \A. \

B. to have been updated C. to update

D. to have updated\正确答案:

11. Cabin attendants must perform their own assigned duties. A. \乘务员必须清楚自身应尽的职责。 B. 乘务员必须遵守乘务员相关规定。 C. 乘务员必须缴纳指定的税款。 D. 乘务员必须履行指定的职责。\正确答案:

12. professional image A. 售票处 B. 维修人员 C. 职业形象 D. 登机牌 正确答案:

13. return ticket A. 免税商店 B. 往返票

C. 中转旅客休息室 D. 起飞时间


14. \A. How B. What C. How a D. What a 正确答案:

15. Tom looked at Jenny,with tears _____ his eyes, and shouted out the words _____ in his heart for years.

A. filling;having been hidden B. filled;hidden C. filling;hidden D. filled;hiding 正确答案:

16. fire extinguisher A. 灭火瓶

B. 糖尿病人食品 C. 托运行李 D. 外汇率 正确答案:

17. As we all know, there is emergency and survival equipment on board all aircraft. A. 当我们都知道时,飞机上装有紧急和救生设备。 B. 当我们都知道时,飞机甲板上装有应急和救生设备。 C. 正如我们所知,飞机甲板上有应急和导航设备。 D. 正如我们所知,飞机上有紧急和救生设备。 正确答案:

18. Lunch and dinner consist of basically the same dishes. A. 中餐、晚餐菜式的道数是一样的。 B. 中餐、晚餐食品构成基本相同。 C. 中餐、晚餐食品构成完全相同。

D. 中餐、晚餐食品构成几乎都不相同。 正确答案:

19. \A. Yes,that's right B. No trouble C. No wonder D. With pleasure 正确答案:

20. Mary was much kinder to Jack than she was to the others,___________,of course, made all the others upset. A. who B. which C. what

D. that


21. After arriving in the United States, this 20-year-old Chinese student found it rather difficult to _____ living on his own. A. rely on B. adjust to C. depend on D. stick to 正确答案:

22. red-eye flight A. 免税商店 B. 救生衣 C. 夜间航班 D. 行李舱 正确答案:

23. The party last night was _____success.We sang and danced until it came to_____end at 12:00. A. a;an B. a;the C. the;an D. /;an


24. \a survey _______ prices of the same goods in two different supermarkets has caused heated debate among citizens.\A. compared B. comparing C. compares

D. being compared 正确答案:

25. _____ the heavy rain,people managed to help those who were suffering from the earthquake. A. \B. In case of C. Inspite of D. Instead of\正确答案:

