外研版高中英语必修一第一单元 语言点学习

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RevisionI. Retell or recite the passage. 1. Li Kang. 2. His new school. 3. His new English teacher Ms Shen. 4. His first English class. 5. His classmates.

Language study1. I live in Shijiazhuang, a city not far from Beijing. not far from Beijing 同位语__________ 定语 ____________ 同位语 a city Translate: 1) My brother, an engineer, works in a large company. 我哥哥是个工程师,他在一家大公司工作。 我哥哥是个工程师,他在一家大公司工作。 ___________________________________ 2) 我住在离青岛不远的海滨城市日照。 我住在离青岛不远的海滨城市日照。 I live in Rizhao, a seaside city not far from Tsingtao. ___________________________________

2. Every room has a computer with a special screen, almost as big as a cinema screen. (I) 句中 句中with结构作定语修饰 结构作定语修饰 computer ____________; almost as big as a cinema screen作________ 的定语。 作 screen 的定语。with glasses The girl ____________________(戴着眼镜 戴着眼镜) 戴着眼镜 is his sister.

(II) as…as…“像…一样”, 第一个 是副 一样” 第一个as是副 像 一样 第二个as是连词 是连词。 词,第二个 是连词。 as busy as a bee 1) She is _____________________.像蜜蜂一样忙 as fast as he could 2)He drove ____________________

_____________________. / as fast as possible 尽可能快的开车 3) She is not as/so tall as I. 她不如我高。 她不如我高。 _______________________________

3. The teacher is a very enthusiastic woman called Ms Shen. 想一想: called 在此叫什么,做什么成分?表达什么意义? 想一想: 在此叫什么,做什么成分?表达什么意义? 这个句子与下面的句子结构有何区别? 这个句子与下面的句子结构有何区别? The Teacher is called Ms Shen. Shen.

Exercises: 1) The house built last year _____________(去年盖的 was destroyed in the 去年盖的) 去年盖的 hurricane(飓风 (typhoon) 飓风). 飓风 2) We are trying hard to look for the luggage

lost at the airport ______________________yesterday. ( 在机场丢失的) 在机场丢失的3)The luggage ____________________yesterday(是在机场丢 ) 是在机场丢 was lost at the airport 的)。 。

4. And we have fun. fun 不可数名词 “娱乐 快乐 有趣的人或事” 不可数名词, 娱乐 快乐; 有趣的人或事” 娱乐,快乐 1) ---I’m going to the party this evening. ---Have fun! (祝玩得开心!) 祝玩得开心!) 祝玩得开心 2) What fun the children had at the seaside! 3) We had great fun riding our bicycles to the beach this afternoon. (做某事有趣味) 做某事有趣味) 4) Your new friend is quite fun. (有趣) 有趣) 5)Don’t make fun of the disabled children. ) 取笑某人) (取笑某人)

5. Ms Shen’s method of teaching is nothing like that of the teachers at my Junior High school. (I) be nothing like = be diffe

rent from 一点不像 ; 没有什么能比得上 Translate:

It looks nothing like a monkey.它看上去一点不像猴子。 它看上去一点不像猴子。 拓展:Something like 有点像;大约 拓展: 有点像; The machine looks something like a huge box.

(II) that / those that和those常用在比较级的句子中,指代上 常用在比较级的句子中, 和 常用在比较级的句子中 文刚刚提及的人,事物或想法等 事物或想法等。 指代单 文刚刚提及的人 事物或想法等。 that指代单 指代 数可数名词, 不可数名词或特指的名词; 数可数名词 不可数名词或特指的名词;those 指代可数名词复数。 指代可数名词复数。 Exercises: 1) In winter the weather of Moscow is much that colder than ______ of Beijing. 2) The books on the desk are of more value than those _________on the shelf. that 3) Few pleasures can equal ________ of a cool drink on a hot day.

6. I don’t think I will be bored in Ms. Shen’s class. 我认为我不会在沈老师的课上感到无聊。 我认为我不会在沈老师的课上感到无聊。e.g. 我认为她不会拒绝你的帮助。 我认为她不会拒绝你的帮助。 I don’t think she will refuse your help. ________________________________________ 拓展: 变换反意疑问句: 拓展: 变换反意疑问句: 1) I don’t believe he will attend the meeting, will he _____________? 2) She doesn’t think I can pass the exam, does she _____________?

7. There are sixty-five students in my class--- more than my previous class in Junior High. 1) 相当于 相当于over, “超过,比… …多” 超过, 超过 多 More than two hundred people 超过二百多人 ________________________(超过二百多人 超过二百多人)attended her wedding party. The rules are more than the children could bear. 这些规则是孩子们所不能承受的。 这些规则是孩子们所不能承受的。 __________________________ 2) 表示 表示not only, “不仅仅是” 不仅仅是” 不仅仅是 Ms. Shen is ________________ (不仅仅是一位老师 She is 不仅仅是一位老师). 不仅仅是一位老师 more than a teacher more like a friend . 3) 加adj.,等于 等于very, “很,非常” , 非常” 等于 We were more than excited 非常兴奋 hear that. ________________(非常兴奋 非常兴奋)to

8. In other words, there are three times as many girls as boys. 倍数表达法常用句型: 倍数表达法常用句型: 1) A is twice as long (wide, high, big…) as B. 2) A is twice longer (wider, higher, bigger…) than B. 3) A is twice the length (width, height, size…) of B. 4) The length (width, height, size…) of A is twice of B.

这座桥是那一座的三倍长。 这座桥是那一座的三倍长。 This bridge is three times ___________ that one. as long as longer than This bridge is three times_____________that one. This bridge is three tim

es ____________that one. the length of The length of this bridge is _____________ that one. three times of

9. I’m looking forward to doing it!1) 我们盼望收到你的来信。 我们盼望收到你的来信。 We are looking forward to your letter / _____________________________________________ receiving your letter / hearing from ________________________________ you. 2) --What are you making a long neck for? -- I’m looking forward _______ what is going on there. A. to seeing B. to see C. and see D. by seeing 3) The day they were looking forward to _____ at last. ) A. came B. coming C. come D. to come

10. Would you mind answering the questions for me? Other structures: Would you mind if I opened the window? Do you mind opening the window? 你打开窗 Do you mind my opening the window? 我打开窗 Answers: 答语 --- Yes(, I do ). Please don’t. / I’ afraid I do. It’s rather cold. ---(No)Not at all . /Certainly not/ ( ) Of course not. Go ahead!

11. “也” : so/ neither/ nor + 助动词 情 助动词/ 也 态动词/ 态动词 系动词 + sb.肯定意义: 肯定意义: 1. --- I am a student in Senior High. So am I. --- ___________.我也是。 我也是。 我也是 2. --- I went to the cinema yesterday. So did my sister --- ____________. 我姐姐也去了。 我姐姐也去了。 3. If you stay at home this afternoon, so will I.(时态 时态) 时态 4. --- Tom is good at English and he also does well in football. --- So it is with Jack. // It’s the same with Jack. (多 多 种情况的“ 种情况的“也”)

否定意义的“ 否定意义的“也”: 1. --- I am not good at singing. --- Neither is Marry 玛丽也这样。 ___________. 玛丽也这样。 2. --- He didn’t go out for a walk yesterday. --- Nor did the children 孩子们也没去。 ______________.孩子们也没去。 孩子们也没去 3. If you don’t go to the seaside this afternoon, Nor /Neither will I ______________. 我也不去。(时态) 我也不去。(时态) 。(时态 4. --- Tom is good at playing football, but he doesn’t like basketball at all. So it is with Jack. / It’s the same with Jack. --- ____________________________ 杰克也是如此。(多种情况) 。(多种情况 杰克也是如此。(多种情况)

拓展: 拓展: So + sb. + 助动词 情态动词 系动词 助动词/ 情态动词/ 的确是,确实是” “的确是,确实是” 1. ---Tom is a top student in his class. --- So he is. 2. --- Mary has finished all her homework in thirty minutes. --- Yes, so she has.

12. --- How are you doing? --- I’m fine. Similar structures: How are you? How is everything? How is everything going on? How are you getting on (with your work….)? How is it going?

13. divide sth. into… 把一个整体分成几个部分 separate…from… 把原本各自独立但在一起 的东西分开 e.g. 1) When in discussion, it’s a good way to divide ________ the whole clas

s _______ several into groups. separated from 2) Asia is ________ _______ Africa by the Suez Canal.

14. take part in sth. 对照: 对照: attend join join in sth. join sb. in doing sth. 和… 一起干 一起干… take part all 1) You’d better __________in kinds of social activities. It will do you good. joined 2) It’s about 15 years since he _____ the army. (时态 时态) 时态 join in 3)Will you _______ the game? ) join in 4) Why not _______ us _____ the discussion? attend 5) We need to _______ an important lecture/ meeting tomorrow.

辨析attend, take part in, join, join in 辨析1)join加入组织,团体,党派等,成为其中的一员。 ) 加入组织, 加入组织 团体,党派等,成为其中的一员。 join也可以加人,表示和某人一起参加某活动。 也可以加人,表示和某人一起参加某活动。 也可以加人 即join sb. in (doing) sth. 2)join in 则是加入一种具体活动,后面接的宾语一般 则是加入一种具体活动, ) 是表示竞赛、娱乐、游戏等活动的名词或V-ing。 是表示竞赛、娱乐、游戏等活动的名词或 。 3) attend 则是加入会议,上课,婚礼,葬礼等 则是加入会议,上课,婚礼, ) 4)take part in意为“参加,参与(某事物或某活动, 意为“ ) 意为 参加,参与(某事物或某活动, 如movement, revolution, meeting, conference, conversation, war,social practice等)”,主要指参 , 等 加会议或群众性活动等, 加会议或群众性活动等,着重说明句子主语参加该 项活动并在活动中发挥作用。 项活动并在活动中发挥作用。

