重大过控中翻译 第五章 ...

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ProcsseCo tnrololleCge fo utAmotaon iChnogiqng Uinverity


Aalnsisyof SingleLoo SpystemsOutinel PD AI

ontrClolrePIsc onrtollr,ePD con rolterl,PID octrnolerl P-cotnorlel,

rGneera SISlO ysteS

Trmansefrfuctionn itwhpr ceossm dol Siegan transmlitetr C notrlleor cAtauotr( oncrot lavlvse) Cosle-Ldoop Sven


eexmpaesl Ch ice of ooctnrolelrs2

Analysiso f ingSe Lool SpstemsyCloes-dLoo prTnsfar eFucntinosA

ge ernal ISS sOysem:t

tirsrd-taenk hatee rreviited s来再察搅观加拌热器模型The hateb alace isn eprrseetedn sa热 平衡方Wher程 Tei= i(Tt is)t hei net ltemprateru e入口TH =TH()t s sietma oil cetmeparure t汽蒸线圈的温度Q is th felwo are 流量


e Ui shet voealr leaht tran.s cef. o热递传系, A is 数hte eha trantfer asera加面热,

sifl ud dinsiey, t流体密度Cp i the hsea ctapcaity 热,量

T容i the soulet ttmperatuere iwht th ineitia

Vlis het voulme(体积)of teh vsesel

oncidtino s Ti(0 )=T ,s初始条是T(0)=件Ts 3


Anaysis ofl SnglieL opoSyste msColsed-ooLpTran ser FufntcinosT e

stirherdt-nk aheaer revtiites:dwerheAfet rLplaae trcnsfaomrNwo pis th e pocess triemc nostntaKdand K pare tsaeyds ttaeg ias4n

nalysis Ao fingSe Loopl SstemsyCosel-Ldoo pTrnsafe FurcniotnsA

ge enarl SIO syStem

Tesmperaute T is basrde no1 inl.e Tti a,dn 2.ja kctete mpeatrrueTH 套管 温度TH

Anaysis lo finSlge LoopSys tmesClosed-Lop oTansrfre FuntcinosA gnerela SIS sOstym

Steae tempermaurt TeH s ihcsoen ast e hmainupaltde varailb(e被控变)量

1 .Bceuae ofst h pehsiycalintuit ion al,os ud et

o2.Hav inga h ighrep orescsg an cimoarpd eo tTRieindemr(醒提:Bo)th HTa n diTare th enpiut tso tehpr oecs,s ub not netcesarisy tlh ieputs tnot e syshem THt和i是T过程输入的但,不一定统输系入6

Analysis of Sinle gooLp ysStmseloCedsL-op ToansrferFun ciots An

genear SlSOI ysstm

Syestm euotup ts T,ic alel dhe ctntroolled arvibal Ce Sytem npui tsiR, cal ed ltehs et oiptn,or ht erfereecnThe oethr afeeftcig nhe rtespose are ncosindree asd laod(扰动) (e..,g ht inleet tepmeratuerTi )Rmindee: Inrptus emna difsfeertn tihnsgfor pr ceso,sa d thne coseldl-opos ysetm7

Anaylsi sfoS inleg oLop SytsemClosed-sLop Tronaser Funcfitnso A

genealrSI SOs ytse

Tmhe tansferr fnucitnosf ro het ystsm aereG pfr theo pocerss(p lnat)GL or fhe ltod (daiturbsacen动扰)Gc

fro he ctonrotllreGm for theme ausrng dieice(v测量仪)器 w,ih tthestead ysatet aign KmGaf roth eac tatoru执(器)行 eRminde:rIntrduciongKm o n Rfrosum min gpu(总)结w ih thtes aemun tsi8

Aanlsiy so fingle SLoop ysStesmlosCd-eoopLT arnserfF uctinns oDer ivingteh singleloop t rnsafre uncfiontAt hte suminmg poit:n在和求点Fo rte phrcoess

S:ustbtituing E nit o, wCe ave:h 用C代E,取有R erarnaigng(重) 排ht eeqatuio naoveb:



nlysaisof Sinle gLop Syotsemslosed-CoLopT arsfernF nctiunso erDvinigthe ingse lolpo tarsnfrefu ction

Tnh cehraaceristticpo ynomiall(征多项式)

特The trem belwo(面下程方的业专语)术 s iacled thle openl-oopfu nciontThet em rs cialld theefo wrradl opo ratnfsrefun ctino(前通向传递道 函)数GF=LGGcGa10p

Anlysia so SfngielL opo ystSesmAGe enal rISSO SstyemTe hsytsemf uctionn C Gs=R + pGloaLd. 1heT s1 ttem acrocuns tfr tho seetp onit cahneg ca,llde hetc mmaod nrtakc uncftoi(?) 2.nThe 2nd etm acrocnt uorf te hffect efo cahng inedist ruance Rbmeindr:eTehsim ltunaoesuc anghse of btohR adn Lis no ttkea nino tccoaunti n thed eirvaitno bovea以(没有上考R虑 and L 时改同)


Analsis oyf ingSelLoo SypsetmsonsCidering teh fllooiwg nwot asescaCes1: Se vrongi rpboem(l服问题伺)Canhes gni es poitn wtith on ditsubancr (L=e0) rsuels ti Cn =Gsp TRhs iocldu prfectle tyrcka thes t poenti(完能全应输反)入: C= R

Csae2: Re uglatro prbleo(m节器调问)题Cahngs inedis urbtnae cwthi a fxei(d固定)的s tepo it (R=0)n

C= G lodaLTis chuol dpefertclyr jeet(c除去)t hed sturbaicne:C =0

eRmndei: wrea erw oringk wthi evidtioanv raailesb(偏差量变)12


layss of Siigln eLoop ySsemsCtosnierdtionsaof C ohoinsgV raiabel shCoice T osh e Tohe s Tho seof conrtloldev riablaes(控变量)受那些取决于这个题问

hatt raed ctitaedby th perblomet at haern t oslf-regulatieng那些无自法调节动that ma excyee dqeuimepn ort proecss ocsnraitts

n些那能可过设备超工艺约束或 hTosethat my ntericat wti hthero varialeb 些那其受变他量扰干13

nalAsiy sf oSnileg oopL ystemSsConsiedatronsiof Cho siog Vnriablea shCoice Toheso fmnipaluatdevar iales(b纵变操)量tah thave ad iectre fefct noth eprcoss(直接影e响 程)过 ,epsceiall thye utput variable. oTose

thaht ahe a vlagr steeda styaetg ain.(God osesintiityv(高)感敏) T度ose Thhse

toathhav e o nedd atmei( uusalylnot saisfitde.(无延))迟tathhav eoni terancitn oithwoth r eonctro lolpos.与(其控制环他没有相互作)用

Remnderi:there miniagn(剩下) ones的 areta ke an(被当s作)lo d(干a扰) vaiablers i n SISaOs ytem asfertc oohing shtecont orleld nda mnapuliatdeva iralebs41

Aalynss oif iSnleg ooL SyptemsSsynteshis ofa Sinle LogpoS sytemT hestirerd-atkn heterar evsitide.ratsfen rufntioc niwt hits lemeet

n Ech

现a中:许实因素 多在传递中影响的 环安性、可靠性全 准确性、动、态性 成和。工本程 需要师合考综


Analyss ofi SnilegLoo pSy tsmseSytnehis sof aiSgln Leop oysSemt heTsitred-rtan khetarere vistie.dranstfr eufnciot nwti hit eslemnt

e Each1


naAysli ofsS ngiel oLp oyStsmseyntSehssi ofa SiglenLo o pysSetm heTtisred-ratk nehate revrsitediniu tonvecrison amnog rtasfen functiorn hyPicasl 递函传的物数理位单转化1


yslis of iSnlg eoop LSysetsmSnthyess(综合i) f ao inglSe Lop Soytem s Poressc mdeo l(.ei,. porecs siedntficiatoni别识)Transfref nuctino sar esuulalyde rviedb asd eon itheer 1. cSeitificno rneingeerng iprinipcles, ro2. aMingka set pontiex peirmnte adnfitintgt ehdat at o am doe制l造了一实组验拟 数据模合型Te hstrire-dtak nheatr hesa,

Assmiung假设( Kp =0)8.5 C/ oo

C =p2 0in



sysio fSin gelLo op SstymsSeythenss iofa Singl e oLpoS yset migSnlatranmsitte(信r号发射器)The ratnsduecr isplace dfar odnwsrtam, eo wrel inlulsaedt Th.e repossenis sl w,ot hen传该器尽可能感地放在游下或好绝缘,的地方,应较慢响

w:ehe rm Ksi hetm eausrmeentg ainof the tra sduncr 传感e器量度增益的 mi st hetim e oncstna tfoth ed viceet ds iccoanustfo trrnspoart lga 传输迟延91

Aalnsis yfo Singl eLop SosytmseSynthsieso a Sfnilge LopoS ytsme Sinalg

tarnsittemrWah yot useeis otnalway shatw i oscucrirg necaubseo f ht tranesdceur


An0aysilso f Snilg eoLo pystemSsySnhetis综合 of as Sngie Loopl ystSme Sgnial


A thrmeocople(热电偶u t)ypcialylh sathe r eolsutoin辨率 of 0分0. 5vm/C A 0TD(电阻式温R度测检器 )hsabett e resorltiuo annd repsnse tomi

eRmindee:rt hs iisto o malsl acanhe ign utoutpfor 21-bitA-D con evrert Tshe trnsaucder utoutp hould hsaev -01v o r4- 20mA Hre wee imspifly简化Km as I ts slopeio f calaibraitn couver坡校正曲斜,线o btiainng到得 nipra ticecby

1. Th leaet sqsaue最小r乘 二fiting,tif t he cuvr ie linears2. The tnaent切g at o线eprtangi opit操作点n,if t eh cruveis nonl inaer2


