2. 赴美签证DS-160表 - 范例及填写说明 - 图文

更新时间:2024-01-10 06:33:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载



一、赴美签证 步骤

第一步:购买预付费的加密电话卡(即交纳签证预约费)。 您可以在中信银行或登录签证信息中心网站在线购买。

第二步:电话预约签证。 致电美国驻华大使馆及总领事馆签证预约服务话务中心,以确定签证面谈时间。从中国国内的任何地方致电签证话务中心均可拨打电话 4008-872-333,

第三步:交纳签证费。 支付900多元人民币的非移民签证申请费,并保存好申请费收据。可以在中信银行及其分支机构支付。中信银行将开具申请费两联收据(一联为白色,一联为浅褐色),请妥善保存两联收据并于面谈当天出示。支付200美金SEVIS费,并保存好收据。 SEVIS费仅适用于学生和交流访问学者。


第五步:填写申请表格。 所有申请人都需要在美国大使馆网站完整填写DS-160表格。

第六步:准时到领事馆面谈(面签)。 二、填DS-160表格








5、如果您的名字由两个汉字组成,您名字的两个字之间必须空格。 6、如果您以前去过美国,请在指定地方填写您以前的签证号码(以前签证右下方,红色的8位数字)。



Select Tooltip Language选择提示语言 中文(简体)(chinese simplified) Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application (DS-160) 在线非移民签证申请表格 How to Apply for a U.S. Nonimmigrant Visa 如何申请美国非移民签证 Welcome! On this website, you can apply for a U.S. nonimmigrant visa. Filling out the application on our site is the first step in the process. After you submit your application, you can move on to the next steps, such as signing up for an interview. 欢迎您进行网上申请!您可以通过本网页提交美国非移民签证申请。在我们的网站上填写申请表是申请过程中的第一项步骤。您提交申请以后,就可以进行诸如登记参加面谈等其后的步骤了。 What You Need to Apply申请签证需要什么 Before starting your application, please make sure you have the following: 着手申请以前,请做好以下准备: 1、An Internet browser that supports 128-bit encryption, and has JavaScript enabled. Currently, we support Internet Explorer version 6.0 and higher, and Mozilla Firefox version 2.0 or higher. 1、可以支持128比特加密、能运行JavaScript的互联网浏览器。我们目前可以支持6.0版以及更新的Internet Explorer和 2.0版以及更新的Mozilla Firefox浏览器。 2、Your passport and any previous U.S. visas you have had. 2、您的护照以及以往获得的美国签证。 3、Documentation about your travel plans. 3、有关您旅行计划的文件。 For a specific list of documentation that you may need to help you complete the application please see travel.state.gov's Frequently Asked Questions for the Online DS-160 Nonimmigrant Visa Application page.

When you fill out the application, please make sure to have your passport, information about other U.S. visas you have had, if any, and any other documents relevant to your intended travel to the United States ready. You will need information in those documents as you fill out the application. 请在开始申请程序前准备好您的护照、之前的签证信息(如适用)以及任何与您美国之行有关的文件准备好,以备不时之需。如果您不确信您申请美国签证所需文件,请登陆美国国务院网站查看不同签证类别及其所需文件。 2

如欲索取申请过程中可能需要的文件清单,请浏览“DS-160非移民签证网上申请表常见问题”页面。 If you are unsure what type of visa you need or want more information about a particular visa please see travel.state.gov's Types of Visas for Temporary Visitors page. 如果您不知道自己需要什么类型的签证或希望索取某类签证的更多信息,请浏览“短期旅行者签证类型” 页面。 Location 地点 Select the location where you will be applying for your visa. 请选择你要申请签证的地点。 CHINA,SHENYANG Download times may vary depending on how fast your Internet connection is. Please be patient. 下载材料的时间会因为您所用网络的网速而快慢不一。请保持耐心。

Region 地区 SELECT ONE CHINA, SHENYANG Select a tooltip language 选择提示语言 中文(简体)(chinese simplified) Most of this application has been translated. To see the translation, point your mouse over any sentence on the page. 本申请表的内容大多都已经翻译成中文。如欲阅读译文,请把鼠标放在您需要翻译的任何句子上。 This visa application will ask you to upload a digital photo of yourself. 填写本申请表时,您需要把自己的数码近照上载到表中。 Can Other People Assist Me with my Visa Application? 我的签证申请可由别人帮助填写吗? Yes, you can get assistance from other people. Be aware, however, that under U.S. law (22 C.F.R. 41.103) you must electronically sign and submit your own application unless you qualify for an exemption. This means that you (the applicant) must click the \application out. If someone else clicks the button instead of you, your application may not be accepted. 可以。您可以请别人协助填写。但请注意,根据美国有关法律(《美国联邦法规汇编》第22卷41.103条款),申请必须有您

Common errors: Please be sure you review your application in order to avoid common errors in the following requested information areas: Visa type requested; Current home address; Prior travel to the U.S.; All travel to other countries in the past 5 years; and Name of person and (if applicable) organization preparing the DS-160 application on your behalf. 常见错误:请务必检查填写的内容以避免下列几方面的常见错误: 申请签证类别; 3

的电子签名并由您自己递交,除非您有资格申请例外。换言之,即使您的申请表是由他人代为填写的,点击“签署申请表”按键的必须是您本人(申请人)。如果这个按键由别人点击,而不是您本人,您的申请可能被拒收。 Electronically submitting your DS-160 online application is only the first step in the visa application process. Once you have electronically submitted your DS-160 online application, you must contact the embassy or consulate at which you wish to apply to confirm whether you need to be interviewed by a consular officer, and to schedule an interview. You can find a list of U.S. embassies and consulates here, with links to their websites where you can find information about scheduling a visa interview appointment. If the embassy or consulate at which you apply informs that you must have a visa interview, the visa application process cannot be completed until you appear for an interview with a consular officer. 以电子手段在网上递交您的DS-160申请表只是签证申请手续的第一步。您完成该步骤后,还必须与受理您的签证申请的美国大使馆或领事馆接洽,以确认您是否需要与领事官面谈并确定面谈时间。您可以点击下方链接找到美国使/领馆的网页:'请点击此处'您可从中得到有关安排签证申请面谈的信息。如果为您办理签证的使馆或领馆告知您必须面谈,则您的签证申请手续一定要在您本人与领事官面谈后才能完成。 Start Application 开始填写申请表 目前家庭住址; 以往的美国之行; 过去5年中所有的国外旅行; (如系他人代为填写)帮您填写本申请表的人和组织的名称。 Getting Started 现在开始 NOTE: If you stop working on this application for more than 20 minutes, your session will expire and you will have to start over, unless you have recorded your Application ID Number or have saved your application to a file on your computer. 请注意:您在填写申请时如果超过20分钟不触动键盘或鼠标,您的电脑与服务器的连接将会自动终断;除非您预先记下了申请编号或在自己电脑中进行保存,否则将重新填写。 Electronically submitting your DS-160 online application is only the first step in the visa application process. Once you have electronically submitted your DS-160 online application, you must contact the embassy or consulate at which you wish to apply to confirm whether you need to be interviewed by a consular officer, and to schedule an interview. You can find a list of U.S. embassies and consulates here,with links to their websites where you can find information about scheduling a visa interview appointment. If the embassy or consulate at which you apply informs that you must have a visa interview, the visa application process cannot be completed until you appear for an interview with a consular officer. 在网上递交电子版DS-160表格仅是申请签证手续的第一步。您在网上提交电子版DS-160表格后,还必须与您选择申办签证的大使馆或领事馆接洽,确认是否需要与领事官面谈以及约定面谈日期。如欲查看美国大使馆和领事馆的列表,请点击此处。列表上还有各使、领馆


网站的链接,您可从中得到相关签证申请面谈安排的信息。如果为您办理签证的使馆或领馆告知您必须面谈,则您的签证申请手续一定要在您本人与领事官面谈后才能完成。 How to Complete the Application: 如何填写申请表格: 1.When you are ready, click on the button labeled “Start a New Application” below. 1.您一旦准备就绪,就可以点击下面标有“开始填写申请表”字样的按钮了。 2.Write down the Application ID displayed on the top right-hand corner of the page. If you need to close the browser before submitting your application, you will need this Application ID to continue your application. 2.记下本页右上角的申请编号。如果您需要提交申请表之前关闭 浏览器,您就需要凭本申请编号来续填申请表。 3.Follow the instructions on each page. Make sure you answer all the questions—if you do not, your application may not be accepted. 3.请按照每页上的指示填写。请务必回答所有问题,否则您的申请可能被拒收。 4.Your answers must be in English and must use the English alphabet. That means you cannot use letters like ?, é, ü, or ?. For example, instead of writing “S?o Paulo,” write “Sao Paulo.” There is only one exception to this rule, which is when you are asked to provide your full name in your native alphabet; then you can use non-English characters. 4.您的回答都必须用英文、以英文字母填写,不得使用非英语字母,如?, é, ü, ? 等。所以,“圣保罗”应写成“Sao Paulo”,而不能写成“S?o Paulo”。但表格中要求您用本国文字填写您的全名时,本条规定不适用,您可以用非英文字符填写。 5.When you are finished answering all the questions, the program will let you check your answers to make sure they are correct. Please re-read them carefully so you do not make mistakes. 5.您回答完所有问题后,电脑会要求您检查自己的回答,以确保答案的正确性。请务必认 真检查,避免出错。 6.Click on the “Sign Application” button to sign your application electronically. 6.请点击“签署申请表”按钮,完成电子签名程序。 7.Once you have checked your answers, you can submit your application. When you do, you will see a confirmation page on your screen with a barcode. 7.您检查核对完各项回答以后,就可以提交申请了。申请发送出去以后,您的屏幕上会自动生成带有条形码的确认页。 If you do not plan to complete your application within the next 30 days, you should save your application to your computer. To do this, please click the “Save” button at the bottom of the last page you have completed, and follow the instructions. When you are ready to complete your application, you may reload your application into the system by clicking the “Upload a Previous Application” button under “Option B: Upload a Previously Saved Application Using a File” below and following the instructions. NOTE: Only save your application onto a computer that cannot be accessed by anyone who does not have your permission to see or record your personal data. If you save your application onto the hard drive of a shared or public computer, such as a computer in a cyber café or library, other users could find and open your application form. 如果您不准备在30天内把申请表填完,就应该把未完成的申请表保存在自己的电脑中,做法是,在未完成申请表最后一页的最下端点击“保存”按键,然后按照要求一一完成保存手续。当您继续填写表格时,可以点击下面的“选项B:使用文件上载以前保存的申请表”,所列的“上载未完成的申请表”,把已经填写过的表格调出,然后按照要求 走完每一步。请注意,您的申请表格一定要保存在别人未经您的同意无法随便进入阅读或抄写您的个人信息


的电脑里。如果您把自己的申请表保存在多人共用的电脑里,如网吧或图书馆的电脑里,使用该电脑的其他人可以找到并打开您的申请表格。 If you have previously submitted a DS-160 application, you may use that information to complete a new application. You will need the Application ID from your previously submitted application to do this. To access previously submitted application information, click the “Retrieve Application” button under “Option C: Retrieve Application Using an Application ID” below and follow the instructions. If you use this option to complete a new application please make sure to carefully review to ensure that all information is current and correct. 如果您以前曾经递交过DS-160申请表,您可以使用表格中的信息填写新的申请。您需要用以前递交的申请编号才能把旧表调出。如欲调出已经递交的旧表,请点击下面的“选项C:使用申请编号调取已存申请表”,所列的“调取已存申请表”,然后按照要求 走完每一步。如果您以这种方法填写新的申请表,请务必仔细检查各项回答,以确保所有信息都是最新信息并且准确无误。 Further instructions on how to complete the application are found on the Welcome page. More information on the DS-160 can be found on travel.state.gov’s Frequently Asked Questions for the Online DS-160 Nonimmigrant Visa Application page. 关如何填写申请表的进一步信息可点击:欢迎页面。有关DS-160表的更多信息可点击:DS-160非移民签证网上申请表常见问题页面。 This application will ask you to upload a digital photo of yourself. You must, however, use a digital photo that the computer system can process. If you would like, you can test your photo now to make sure the computer can process it—just click the “Test Photo” button below. 填写本申请表时,您需要上载本人的数码照片。您必须使用电脑系统可以处理的数码照片。如您愿意,您现在就可以用准备上载的照片做个测试,看其是否可以在您电脑上进行处理。请点击下方 “测试照片”按键。 Click the button below to test your photo: 请点击下方按键开始测试您的照片: Test Photo Click here to review the photo standards guide 请点击此处再次浏览相关照片标准指南 测试照片' Select an option from one of the boxes below. 请在下面的格子里选择一项。

Option A - Start a New Online Application 选项A:开始填写新的网上申请

To start your application, click the button below: 如需开始填写,请点击下方按键。 Start a New Application 开始新的申请 Option B - Upload a Previously Saved Application Using a File 选项B:使用文件上载以前保存的申请表 To continue an application you have already started that is saved on your computer, or to start a new application using data you have already entered and saved on your computer to complete a new application, click the button below: 如欲继续填写已经存入电脑的申请表或者用您已经存入电脑的信息填写新的表格,请点击下方按键: Upload a Previous Application 上载以前存入的申请 Option C - Retrieve Application Using an Application ID



To continue an application you have already started and would like to continue; to view your confirmation page for an application you have completed; to correct an error on a completed application after a consular officer has reopened and unlocked your application; or to start a new application using data you have already entered to complete a new application, click the button below: 如欲继续填写尚未完成的申请;如欲检查您已经填写完毕的申请表的确认页;如欲修改已经递交但被领事官解锁的申请表;如欲用填写新的申请表时已经存入电脑的信息填写另一份新的申请表,请点击下方按键: Retrieve Application 调取申请表 Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application (DS-160) 在线非移民签证申请表格 Your Application ID is: AA001TUYS5 Application Information 申请表相关信息 Please record your Application ID in a safe 您的申请编号是:AA001TUYS5 and secure place. Date 12-AUG-2011 日期:26-08-2011 请把您的申请编号记下并保存在安全可靠的地方。 If there are technical issues with the system, or you want to complete your application some other time, you can save your work and later, start where you left off. In order to access your application later, however, you will need: (1) your Application ID, and (2) the answer to the security question that you will choose on this page. To choose a security question, pick the one you like the best from the dropdown list, type your answer to that question in the box below, and click “Continue.” Remember: In order to access your application later, you will need to know the answer exactly as you wrote it on this page. You can also use your Application ID and security question to retrieve your Confirmation Page after you have submitted your application, or to use your previously provided application information to complete a new application at a later date. 如果您遇到涉及系统的技术问题或希望日后再把表格填完,您可以把未完成的表格保存在系统里,留待日后继续填写。不过,续填申请表时,您将需要:(1)键入您的申请编号;(2) 回答安全问题。这个问题将由您自己在此页面上选定。 选择安全问题时,请打开下拉列表并选择您最喜欢的预设问题,然后在下面的空格里键入您的答案,再点击 “继续”即可。请记住:您日后要严格按照您此处的答案回答安全问题才能续填申请表。 您在递交申请以后,还可以用申请编号和安全问题调出您的确认单,或者日后调出您在申请表中的相关信息用以填写新的申请表。 Electronically submitting your DS-160 online 在网上提交电子版DS-160申请表仅是签证申


application is only the first step in the visa application process. Once you have electronically submitted your DS-160 online application, you must contact the embassy or consulate at which you wish to apply to confirm whether you need to be interviewed by a consular officer, and to schedule an interview. You can find a list of U.S. embassies and consulates here , with links to their websites where you can find information about scheduling a visa interview appointment. If the embassy or consulate at which you apply informs that you must have a visa interview, the visa application process cannot be completed until you appear for an interview with a consular officer. 请手续的第一步。您在网上提交了电子版DS-160申请表后,还必须与您选择办理签证的大使馆或领事馆接洽,确认是否需要与领事官面谈以及约定面谈日期。您可以在此查看美国大使馆和领事馆列表,列表上还有各使、领馆网站的链接,您可从中得到有关安排签证申请面谈的信息。如果为您办理签证的使馆或领馆告知您必须面谈,则您的签证申请手续一定要在您本人与领事官面谈后才能完成。 Security Question安全问题 What is the given name of your mother's mother? 你姥姥姓啥? Answer回答 WANG Continue继续 Cancel取消 Personal Information 1 个人信息1


Surnames 姓氏 Given Names名字


Full Name in Native Alphabet 全名(请用中文填写) 李 斯 Have you ever used other names (i.e., maiden, religious, No professional, alias, etc.)? 您是否曾经用过其它名字? (例如:婚前用名、宗教用名、职业用名、别名等) Do you have a telecode that represents your name? 您的名字有相应的电码吗? 查询网址:http://apps.chasedream.com/chinese-commercial-code/default.aspx Sex性别 Marital Status 婚姻状况 Date and Place of Birth 出生日期与出生地 Date of Birth 出生日期 City of Birth出生地城市 State/Province of Birth 出生地州名/省份 Place of Birth 出生地 30 MAY 1957 SHENYANG LIAONING CHINA 2621 2448 Does Not Apply/Technology Not Available .. 不适用/技术无法提供 Male Female MARRIED 已婚 NOTE: Data on this page must match the information as it is written in your passport. 注意:此页填写的数据必须和您护照上的信息一致。 Help: Surnames帮助:姓氏 Enter all surnames as listed in your passport. If only one name is listed in your passport, enter that Surname. 输入您护照上列出的所有姓氏。如果只有一个,请输入这一个。 Help: Given Names帮助:名字 If your passport does not include a given name, please enter 'FNU' in Given Names. 如果您的护照上不包括名字信息,请在名字栏内输入'FNU'。 Help: Other Names 帮助:曾用名 Other names used include your maiden name, religious name, professional name, or any other names which you are known by or have been known by in the past. 曾用名,包括你的婚前姓名,宗教的名字,职业名字,或是您过去曾经使用过的的任何其他名字。 Help: Telecode 帮助:电码 Telecodes are 4 digit code numbers that represent characters in some non-Roman alphabet names. 电码由4位数字组成,代表着一些非罗马字母拼写而成的名字的字体。 Help: Date of Birth 帮助:出生日期 If day or month is unknown, enter as shown in passport.若不知道日期或月份,请按护照所示填写。 Help: Place of Birth 帮助:出生地 Select the name that is currently in use for the place where you were born. 请选择您的出生地名字(此地名须是目前使用的地名)。 Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 75 minutes per response, including time required for searching existing data sources, gathering the necessary documentation, providing the information and/or documents required, and reviewing the final collection. You do not have to supply this information unless this collection displays a currently valid OMB control number. If you have comments on the accuracy of this burden estimate and/or


recommendations for reducing it, please send them to: A/ISS/DIR, Room 2400 SA-22, U.S. Department of State, Washington, DC 20522-2202 根据得到的反馈,收集该信息的平均时间估计在75分钟左右,这包括搜寻现有资料来源的时间、收集必要的文件、提供必要的信息和/或所需文件,以及复阅最后收集到的信息。您无需提供此信息,除非收集到的信息显示一个当前有效的'OMB'控制号码,如果您对这个估计的时间的准确性有所评论,并/或对如何缩短这个时间有建议,请将其发至:美国国务院 华盛顿特区20522-2202, A/ISS/DIR, SA-22 2400房间 INA Section 222(f) provides that the records of the Department of States and of diplomatic and consular offices of the United States pertaining to the issuance and refusal of visas or permits to enter the United States shall be considered confidential and shall be used only for the formulation, amendment, administration, or enforcement of the immigration, nationality, and other laws of the United States. Certified copies of such records may be made available to a court provided the court certifies that the information contained in such records is needed in a case pending before the court. 'INA条款222(f)规定,美国国务院, 外交领事办公室颁发和拒绝签证,或准许进入美国的记录为机密文件,只用于移民,国籍及其它美国法律的制定,修改,管理和执行。只有当法庭证明该记录所含信息为一案子在法庭开庭前所必须了解的信息时,才可提供有关记录的副本。 Back: Getting Started返回 Save保存 Next: Personal 2下一步 Marital Status 婚姻状况 MARRIED 已婚 COMMON LAW MARRIAGE事实婚姻(普通法婚姻) CIVIL UNION/DOMESTIC PARTNERSHIP 未婚同居 SINGLE 单身 WIDOWED 寡居 DIVORCED 离婚 LEGALLY SEPARATED 分居 OTHER 其它 Personal Information 2 个人信息2


Nationality国籍 CHINA Do you hold or have you held any nationality YES NO other than the one indicated above on nationality? 除了您上面填写的国籍外,您还拥有或曾拥有其它国籍吗? National Identification Number 身份证件号码 210106195703301115 U.S. Social Security Number 美国社会安全号 不适用的Does Not Apply U.S.TaxpayerID Number美国纳税人身份号码 不适用的Does Not Apply Back: Getting Started返回 Save保存 Next: Personal 2下一步 Help: Identification Numbers 帮助:身份证件号码 Your National ID Number is a unique number that your government provides. The U.S. Government provides unique numbers to those who seek employment (Social Security Number) or pay taxes (Taxpayer ID). 您的身份证号码是您的政府给予的一个独一无二的号码。美国政府为其就业的或者付税的都提供一个号码,就业的为“社会安全号”,付税的为'税号',这些号码都是独一无二的。 Address and Phone Information 地址和电话信息


Home Address 家庭地址 Street Address (Line 1) 街道地址(第一行) Street Address (Line 2) 街道地址(第二行) City 城市 State/Province 省份 Postal Zone/ZIP Code邮政编码 1 TAIYUANJIE SHENYANG LIAONING 110001 Is your Mailing Address the same as your Yes No Home Address? 您的邮寄地址同于您的家庭地址吗? Phone 电话 Primary Phone Number 首选电话号码 Secondary Phone Number 备用电话号码 Work Phone Number 工作电话号码 Email Address 电子邮箱 02423242526 Does Not Apply 不适用 02423242527 Lisi123@163.com Help: Phone 帮助:电话 You must provide a primary phone number. The primary phone number should be the phone number at which you are most likely to be reached; this could be a land line or a cellular/mobile number. If you have an additional land line or a cellular/mobile number please list that as your secondary phone number. 您必须提供一个首选电话号码。首选电话号码应是你最有可能接到的电话号码,这可以是一个固定电话或移动电话号码。如果你有一个备用的固定电话或移动电话号码,请列出您的第二个电话号码。 Back: Getting Started返回 Save保存 Next: Personal下一步


Passport Information 护照信息


Help: Passport/Travel Document Number Enter the information on the travel document you will be using when traveling to the U.S. Your travel document should be a valid, unexpired passport or other valid, unexpired documentation that is sufficient to establish your identity and nationality. 帮助:请输入您去美国时将使用的旅行证件信息。您的旅行证件必须是有效的、未过期的护照或者其它有效文件,其足以证明您的身份和国籍。 Passport/Travel Document Type 护照/旅行证件种类 - Select one - 选择其一 REGULAR 定期 REGULAR 定期 OFFICIAL 公务 DIPLOMATIC 外交 OTHER 其它 G53431000 Does Not Apply 不适用 Passport/Travel Document Number 护照/旅行证件号码 Passport Book Number 护照本编号 Country/Authority that Issued Passport/Travel CHINA Document 颁发护照/旅行证件的国家/机构 Where was the Passport/Travel Document Issued? 护照签发地 City 城市 SHENYANG State/Province *If shown on passport 州/省份 LIAONING 如果护照上显示 Country 国家 Issuance Date 签发日期 Expiration Date 失效日期 CHINA 03 AUG 2011 02 AUG 2021 Have you ever lost a passport or had one No stolen? 您的护照是否曾遗失或者被盗? Enter the information on the travel document you will be using when traveling to the U.S. Your travel document should be a valid, unexpired passport or other valid, unexpired documentation that is sufficient to establish your identity and nationality. 请输入您去美国时将使用的旅行证件信息。您的旅行证件必须是有效的、未过期的护照或者其它有效文件,其足以证明您的身份和国籍。 The Passport Book Number is commonly called the inventory control number. You may or may not have a Passport Book Number on your passport. The location of the Passport Book Number on your passport may vary depending on the country that issued your passport. Please contact your passport issuing authority if you are unable to determine whether or not your passport contains a Passport Book Number. 护照本编号通常称为清单控制号码。您的护照可能有,也可能没有护照本编号。护照本编号在护照上的位置根据签发国家会有所不同。如果您不能确定您的护照上是否有护照本编号,请联系您护照的签发机关。 Help: Expiration Date In most cases your passport/Travel Document must have at least six months of validity beyond the date of your visa application and/or your arrival in the United States. 通常情况下,您的护照/旅行证件有效期必须距您签证申请和/或抵达美国的日期至少要长出六个月。


Travel Information 旅行信息


NOTE: Provide the following information concerning your travel plans. 注意: 请提供以下有关您旅行计划的信息 Provide the following information: 请提供以下信息: Purpose of Trip to the U.S. 赴美访问目的 Specify 具体说明 Have you made specific travel plans? 您是否已经制定了详细的旅行计划? Intended Date of Arrival 计划达到日期 Intended Length of Stay in U.S. 计划在美停留时间 Street Address (Line 1) Street Address (Line 2) *Optional City State TEMP. BUSINESS PLEASURE VISITOR(B) 临时商务及旅游 B2 商务/个人访问(B1/B2) No Yes No 15 OCT 2011 20 DAYS 222 South. Mountain View Ave. Pomona CALIFORNIA Address Where You Will Stay in the U.S. 在美停留期间的住址 ZIP Code (if known) (e.g., 12345 or 91888 12345-1234) Person/Entity Paying for Your Trip 支付您旅Self 行费用的个人或组织名称 -Select One- Self U.S. Petitioner Other Person Other Company/Organization .. Travel Companions Information 随行人员信息 NOTE: Provide the following travel companion information. 注意:请提供以下随行人员信息。 Persons traveling with you 与您同行的人 Are there other persons traveling with you? 是否有人与您同行? No Help: Traveling with Others 与其他人同行 You should answer Yes to this question if you are traveling with family, as part of an organized tour, or as part of a performing group or athletic team. You do not need to list individuals who are traveling with you for the purposes of employment with the same employer. 如果您是与家人同行,或作为旅行团组的一部分,或一表演/体育团组的一部分,您对这个问题的回答应该“是”。这些和您一起旅行的人员是赴美为同一雇主工作,您不用列举他们的名字。 Previous U.S. Travel Information 以往赴美旅行信息 17

NOTE: Provide the following previous U.S. travel information. Provide complete and accurate information to all questions that require an explanation. 注意:请提供下面关于以前赴美旅行的信息。对于所有要求解释的问题,请提供完整、准确的信息。 Have you ever been in the U.S.? 您是否曾经在美国停留过? Have you ever been issued a U.S. Visa? 您是否曾经获得过美国签证? No Yes No No Yes No Have you ever been refused a U.S. Visa, been No Yes No refused admission to the United States, or withdrawn your application for admission at the port of entry? 您被拒签过吗? 或在入境口岸被拒入境,或被撤销入境申请? Has anyone ever filed an immigrant petition on No Yes No your behalf with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services? 曾有人在公民及移民服务局为您申请过移民吗?


U.S. Point of Contact Information 美国联系人信息

Contact Person or Organization in the United States 在美国的联系人或组织 Help: Contact 联络人


Your U.S. Point of Contact can be any individual in the U.S. who knows you and can verify, if necessary, your identity. If you do not personally know anyone in the U.S., you may enter the name of the store, company, or organization you plan to visit during your trip. 您的美国联络人可以是任何在美国的个人。他/她认识您,如有需要,并可以证明您的身份。如果您在美国没有认识的人,您可以输入您此行将要访问的商店、公司或者组织的名称。 Contact Person or Organization in the United States 在美国的联系人或组织 Contact Person 联系人 Surnames 姓 Given Names 名 RELATIVE 联系人关系 .Do Not Know Lee Cort SPOUSE 配偶 FRIEND 朋友 BUSINESS ASSOCIATE 商务伙伴 EMPLOYER 雇主 SCHOOL OFFICIAL学校官员 OTHER 其他 FRIEND 朋友 Do Not Know 222 South. Mountain View Ave. POMONA CALIFORNIA 91000 6265555858 cort@yahoo.com Relationship to You 与您的关系 Organization Name 组织名称 U.S. Street Address (Line 1) 美国地址1: U.S. Street Address (Line 2) *Optional 美国地址2 (可选) City 城市 State 洲 ZIP Code (if known) 邮政编码 Phone Number 电话号码 Email Address 电子邮箱 Family Information: Relatives家庭信息:亲属

Contact Person or Organization in the United States 在美国的联系人或组织 Address and Phone Number of Point of Contact 联系人的地址和电话号码


NOTE: Please provide the following information concerning your biological parents. If you are adopted, please provide the following information on your adoptive parents. 注意:请提供以下有关您生身父母的信息。如果您是领养的,请提供下面有关您养父母的信息。 Father's Full Name and Date of Birth父亲的全名与出生日期 Surnames (e.g., Hernandez Garcia) Given Names (e.g., Juan Miguel) Date of Birth Is your father in the U.S.? 您父亲是否在美国? Surnames (e.g., Hernandez Garcia) Given Names (e.g., Juanita Miguel) Date of Birth Is your mother in the U.S.? 您母亲是否在美国? LI Do Not Know BA Do Not Know 01/JAN/1920 Do Not Know No Yes No Mother's Full Name and Date of Birth母亲的全名与出生日期 WANG Do Not Know MA Do Not Know 01/JAN/1922 Do Not Know No Yes No Do you have any immediate relatives, not No Yes No including parents, in the United States? 除父母以外,您在美国是否还有其他直系亲属? Do you have any other relatives in the United No Yes No


States? 您在美国是否还有其他亲属? Help: Immediate Relatives 直系亲属 Means fiancé/fiancée, spouse (husband/wife), child (son/daughter), or sibling (brother/sister). 指未婚夫/妻、配偶(丈夫/妻子)、子女(儿子/女儿)或者兄弟/姐妹。 Family Information: Relatives 家庭信息:亲属 NOTE: Please provide the following information concerning your biological parents. If you are adopted, please provide the following information on your adoptive parents. 注意:请提供以下有关您生身父母的信息。如果您是领养的,请提供下面有关您养父母的信息。 Do you have any immediate relatives, not No Yes No including parents, in the United States? 除父母以外,您在美国是否还有其他直系亲属? Do you have any other relatives in the United No Yes No States? 您在美国是否有其他亲属? Family Information: Spouse家庭信息:配偶 NOTE: Enter current spouse information. 注意: 输入当前配偶的信息. LIU 22

Spouse's Full Name (include Maiden Name) 配偶的全名(包含婚前用名) Spouse's Surnames配偶的姓氏

Spouse's Given Names配偶的名字 QI Spouse's Date of Birth 配偶的出生日期 17 -OCT -1958 Spouse's Nationality 配偶的国籍 CHINA Spouse's Place of Birth 配偶的出生地 City 城市 SHENYANG Do Not Know Country 国家 CHINA Spouse's Address 配偶地址 Same as Home Address Previous Work/Education/Training Information当前工作/教育/培训信息



NOTE: Provide your employment information for the last five years, if applicable. 注意:请提供以下关于您当前工作及教育的信息。 Primary Occupation 主要职业 Present Employer or School Name 当前工作单位或学校的名称 Street Address (Line 1) 街地址 Street Address (Line 2) *Optional City 城市 State/Province 洲/省 Postal Zone/ZIP Code 邮政编码 Phone Number 电话

Government政府 SHENYANG BUREAU OF SURVEYING AND MAPPING 1 TAIYUANJIE Does Not Apply SHENYANG LIAONING 110001 Does Not Apply 024-23242558 25

Present employer or school address: 目前工作单位或学校的地址

Country 国家 CHINA Monthly Income in Local Currency (if 5000 employed) 月收入(如果有工作)当地货币 Does Not Apply Briefly describe your duties: 简要描述您的工作职责 Were you previously employed? 您之前有工作吗? Employer Name 单位名称 Employer Street Address (Line 1) 地址 Employer Street Address (Line 2) Optional City 城市 State/Province 洲/省 .Postal Zone/ZIP Code 邮政编码 .Country 国家 Telephone Number 电话 Job Title 职位 Supervisor's Surname主管姓氏 Supervisor's Given Names主管名字 Employment Date From工作开始日期 Employment Date To 工作结束日期 Briefly describe your duties: 请简要描述您的工作职责: Senior Lecturer of Education Center,Shenyang Bureau Of Surueying And Mapping. Yes No Employer /Employment Information: 单位/工作信息 SHANYANG FACTORY 1 DONGTAJIE SHENYANG LIAONING Does Not Apply . 110043 Does Not Apply CHINA 024- 88484848 Engineer ZHANG SAN 01/FEB/1982 01/JUL/1989 Engineer,Responsible for quality control of metal materials MINING MACHINERY Have you attended any educational institutions Yes at a secondary level or above? 您是否在任何相当于中学水平或以上的教育机构里学习过? You must answer Yes to this question if you have ever attended, for any length of time, a high school/secondary school (or its equivalent in your country) or college, university, graduate school, a doctoral program, or a vocational program. 如果您曾上过高中/职业学校(或相当于本国这个程度的教育院校)、或大专、大学、研究生学校、博士项目或职业项目等,不管多长时间,您对这个问题均须回答“是”。 Provide the following information on the educational institution(s) you have attended. 请提供你所经历的教育机构的相关信息。 Name of Institution 学校名称 Street Address (Line 1) Street Address (Line 2) *Optional City State/Province 洲/省 Does Not Apply Postal Zone/ZIP Code 邮政编码 Country Course of Study

Northeastern University 3 WENHUALU SHENYANG LIAONING 110819 CHINA Metal Material 26

Date of Attendance From Date of Attendance To 01/ FEB/1978 01/ FEB/1982 ditional Work/Education/Training Information其他工作/教育/培训信息

NOTE: Provide the following work, education, or training related information. Provide complete and accurate information to all questions that require an explanation. 注意:请提供以下有关工作、学历或培训的信息。 对于所有要求解释的问题, 请提供完整、准确的信息。 Do you belong to a clan or tribe? 您是否属于一个宗族或者部落? No


Provide a List of Languages You Speak 请列出您所说语言的种类 CHINESE Have you traveled to any countries within the last five years? 最近五年里您是否去过其他国家? No Have you belonged to, contributed to, or worked for any professional, social, or charitable organization?您是否从属于任何一个专业的、社会或慈善组织?并为其做过贡献、或为其工作过?No Do you have any specialized skills or training, such as firearms, explosives, nuclear, biological, or chemical experience? 您是否具有特殊技能或接受过特殊培训,例如有关枪械、炸药、 核装置、 生物或化学方面的经验?No Have you ever served in the military? 您是否曾经在军队服役?No Have you ever served in, been a member of, or been involved with a paramilitary unit, vigilante unit, rebel group, guerrilla group, or insurgent organization? 你是否曾经服务于或参与过准军事性单位、治安团体、造反组织、游击队或暴动组织,或曾经是其成员之一?No Security and Background: Part 1 安全和背景: 第一部分

NOTE: Provide the following security and background information. Provide complete and accurate information to all questions that require an explanation. A visa may not be issued to persons who are within specific categories defined by law as inadmissible to the United States (except when a waiver is obtained in advance). Are any of the following applicable to you? While a YES answer does not automatically signify ineligibility for a visa, if you answer YES you may be required to personally appear before a consular officer. 注意:请提供以下安全与背景信息。对于所有要求解释的问题,请提供完整、准确的信息。对于那些属于法律特定范畴内不许入境的人员,我们不能颁发签证(提前获得豁免的申请人除外)。下列情况有适用于您的吗?如果您回答“是”,这并不意味着您就无资格获得签证,但是您可能需要与签证官员进行面谈。


Do you have a communicable disease of public health significance? (Communicable diseases of public significance include chancroid, gonorrhea, granuloma inguinale, infectious leprosy, lymphogranuloma venereum, infectious stage syphilis, active tuberculosis, and others diseases as determined by the Department of Health and Human Services.)从公共卫生意义上看,您是否患有传染性疾病?(这类疾病可包括软下疳、淋病、肉芽肿、腹股沟、传染性麻风病、淋巴肉芽肿、梅毒感染阶段、活动性肺结核等,及其它卫生和人类服务部规定的传染疾病)No Do you have a mental or physical disorder that poses or is likely to pose a threat to the safety or welfare of yourself or others? 您是否患有对其他人的人身安全及利益造成威胁的精神或身体疾病?No Are you or have you ever been a drug abuser or addict? 您是否或曾经滥用药物并上瘾?No Security and Background: Part 2 安全和背景: 第二部分


NOTE: Provide the following security and background information. Provide complete and accurate information to all questions that require an explanation. A visa may not be issued to persons who are within specific categories defined by law as inadmissible to the United States (except when a waiver is obtained in advance). Are any of the following applicable to you? While a YES answer does not automatically signify ineligibility for a visa, if you answer YES you may be required to personally appear before a consular officer. 注意:请提供以下安全与背景信息。对于所有要求解释的问题,请提供完整、准确的信息。属于法律规定的特定类别的申请者,即被认为不可进入美国的申请者可能无法获得签证(提前获得豁免的申请人除外)。下列情况是否适用于您?如果您回答“是”,并不直接意味着您无资格获得签证,但是您可能被要求与签证官员进行面谈。 Have you ever been arrested or convicted for any offense or crime, even though subject of a pardon, amnesty, or other similar action? 您是否曾经因违法或犯罪被捕或被判刑,即使后来您受到了宽恕、赦免或其它类似的裁决? No Have you ever violated, or engaged in a conspiracy to violate, any law relating to controlled substances? 您是否曾经违反或密谋违反有关管控物资方面的法律? No Are you coming to the United States to engage in prostitution or unlawful commercialized vice or have you been engaged in prostitution or procuring prostitutes within the past 10 years? 您是来美国从事卖淫或非法商业性交易吗?在过去十年中,您是否从事过卖淫或组织介绍过卖淫? No Have you ever been involved in, or do you seek to engage in, money laundering? 您是否曾经参与或意图从事洗钱活动? No Have you ever committed or conspired to commit a human trafficking offense in the United States or outside the United States? 您曾在美国或美国以外的地方犯有或密谋人口走私罪吗? No Have you ever knowingly aided, abetted, assisted or colluded with an individual who has committed, or conspired to commit a severe human trafficking offense in the United States or outside the United States? 你有没有故意资助,教唆,协助或勾结某个人,而这个人在美国或美国以外的地方曾犯有、或密谋了一严重的人口走私案? No Are you the spouse, son, or daughter of an individual who has committed or conspired to commit a human trafficking offense in the United States or outside the United States and have you within the last five years, knowingly benefited from the trafficking activities? 您是一曾在美国或美国以外犯有或密谋人口走私案犯的配偶或儿女吗?您在最近5年里是否从走私活动中获得过好处? No Security and Background: Part 3安全和背景: 第三部分 30


NOTE: Provide the following security and background information. Provide complete and accurate information to all questions that require an explanation. A visa may not be issued to persons who are within specific categories defined by law as inadmissible to the United States (except when a waiver is obtained in advance). Are any of the following applicable to you? While a YES answer does not automatically signify ineligibility for a visa, if you answer YES you may be required to personally appear before a consular officer. 注意:请提供以下安全与背景信息。对于所有要求解释的问题,请提供完整、准确的信息。属于法律规定的特定类别的申请者,即被认为不可进入美国的申请者可能无法获得签证(提前获得豁免的申请人除外)。下列情况是否适用于您?如果您回答“是”,并不直接意味着您无资格获得签证,但是您可能被要求与签证官员进行面谈。 Do you seek to engage in espionage, sabotage, export control violations, or any other illegal activity while in the United States? 在美国期间,您是否意图从事间谍活动、阴谋破坏、违反出口管制条例或其他任何非法活动?No Do you seek to engage in terrorist activities while in the United States or have you ever engaged in terrorist activities? 在美国期间,您是否意图从事恐怖活动?或您是否曾经从事过恐怖活动?No Have you ever or do you intend to provide financial ass istance or other support to terrorists or terrorist organizations? 您是否曾经或计划为恐怖分子或恐怖组织提供经济或其它方面的支持?No Are you a member or representative of a terrorist organization? 您是否是一恐怖组织的成员或代表? No Have you ever ordered, incited, committed, assisted, or otherwise participated in genocide? 您是否曾经指使、煽动、从事、协助或参与了过种族灭绝大屠杀?No Have you ever committed, ordered, incited, assisted, or otherwise participated in torture? 您是否曾经从事、指使、煽动、协助或以其他方式参与了刑讯?No Have you committed, ordered, incited, assisted, or otherwise participated in extrajudicial killings, political killings, or other acts of violence? 您是否曾经从事、指使、煽动、协助或参与了法庭外的杀戮、政治谋杀或者其他暴力行为?No Have you ever engaged in the recruitment or the use of child soldiers? 你曾经从事过招募士兵或利用儿童士兵吗? No Have you, while serving as a government official, been responsible for or directly carried out, at any time, particularly severe violations of religious freedom? 在担任政府官员期间,您是否曾经负责或直接执行过严重违反宗教自由的行动?No


Have you ever been directly involved in the establishment or enforcement of population controls forcing a woman to undergo an abortion against her free choice or a man or a woman to undergo sterilization against his or her free will? 您曾经直接参与过制定或执行人口控制的规定,强迫妇女或男士违愿进行人流或绝育吗? No Have you ever been directly involved in the coercive transplantation of human organs or bodily tissue? 您是否直接参与过强迫人体器官及人体组织的移植? No Security and Background: Part 4 安全和背景: 第四部分

NOTE: Provide the following security and background information. Provide complete and accurate information to all questions that require an explanation. A visa may not be issued to persons who are within specific categories defined by law as inadmissible to the United States (except when a waiver is obtained in advance). Are any of the following applicable to you? While a YES answer does not automatically signify ineligibility for a visa, if you answer YES you may be required to personally appear before a consular officer. 注意:请提供以下安全与背景信息。对于所有要求解释的问题,请提供完整、准确的信息。属于法律规定的特定类别的申请者,即被认为不可进入美国的申请者可能无法获得签证(提前获得豁免的申请人除外)。下列情况是否适用于您?如果您回答“是”,并不直接意味着您无资格获得签证,但是您可能被要求与签证官员进行面谈。 Have you ever sought to obtain or assist others to obtain a visa, entry into the United States, or any other United States immigration benefit by fraud or willful misrepresentation or other unlawful means? 您是否曾经试图以欺骗或故意造假及其他非法手段为自己,或帮助他人获取美国签证,入境美国或获取任何其他移民福利?No Security and Background: Part 5 安全/背景: 第五部分


NOTE: Provide the following security and background information. Provide complete and accurate information to all questions that require an explanation. A visa may not be issued to persons who are within specific categories defined by law as inadmissible to the United States (except when a waiver is obtained in advance). Are any of the following applicable to you? While a YES answer does not automatically signify ineligibility for a visa, if you answer YES you may be required to personally appear before a consular officer. 注意:请提供以下安全与背景信息。对于所有要求解释的问题,请提供完整、准确的信息。属于法律规定的特定类别的申请者,即被认为不可进入美国的申请者可能无法获得签证(提前获得豁免的申请人除外)。下列情况是否适用于您?如果您回答“是”,并不直接意味着您无资格获得签证,但是您可能被要求与签证官员进行面谈。 Have you ever withheld custody of a U.S. citizen child outside the United States from a person granted legal custody by a U.S. court? 您是否曾经拒绝将一在美国境外的美籍儿童的监护权移交给一被美国法庭批准享有法定监护权的人? No Have you voted in the United States in violation of any law or regulation? 您是否违反了法律或规定在美国进行过投票选举?No Have you ever renounced United States citizenship for the purposes of avoiding taxation? 您是否曾为逃避交税而声明放弃美国公民身份? No Upload Photo 上传照片 Click on the Upload Your Photo button below to access our photo submission system. Once there you will be given instructions on how to supply an approved photo for your Visa application. After you have selected the photo to upload and the system verifies the photo is acceptable, you will return to “Confirm Photo” to continue the application process. 点击下面“上传照片”键进入提交照片系统。进入后您将看到如何为您签证申请提供一张合格照片的说明。当您选择了一张照片上传后,系统将确认是否能接受,然后您将返回到“确认照片”以继续您的表格填写程序。 Photo Quality Standards 照片的质量标准 In order to ensure the highest quality photos will be used in the final printed travel document, the Department of State has created a guide for you to use when creating and uploading your photos [see photo quality standards guide]. 为了确保高质量的照片将被用于最终印刷的旅行证件,美国政府建立了一个指导您创建和上传照片说明,详见[照片质量标准指南]。 Select Your Photo 选择您的照片 Click the \less in file size. 请点击“浏览”按钮,然后选择一个JPEG格式的图像(即JPG文件类型),其大小应该是240 KB或更小的文件。


