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Unit 1

in this/that field

1. field n.[C]田;领域;牧场;战场;运动场[fi:ld]

短语:adj.+field : green field绿色的田地 flying field飞机场 landing field 着陆场 n.+ field : corn field玉米田 rice field水稻田 oil field 油田 例句:(1)Many farmers are working in the fields. (2)He is famous in his own field.

(3)Children went on a picnic and played in a field.

picksome apples or oranges 2. pick v. 摘[p?k]

pick up捡起 pick flowers摘花 pick fruit摘果子 pick mushrooms采蘑菇 (1) You should not pick any of the flowers in the park. (2) He bent to the ground to pick up the pen.


3. grass n.[U] 草[grɑ:s]

相关词:flower leaf ( 复数leaves) (1) We play football on the grass.

(2) The horses are eating grass on the grassland.

feedthe animals

4. feed v. 饲养,喂养 [fi:d]

过去式fed 过去分词fed 现在分词feeding 第三人称单数feeds feed the chickens and ducks喂鸡和鸭feed the pigs喂猪 feed the horse 喂马

(1) Will you feed my cat for me?

(2) Sheep feed on grass.羊以草为食物。

give it to the cows and sheep 5. give v. 给 [g?v]

过去式give 过去分词given现在分词 giving第三人称单数 gives give sb. sth. = give sth.to sb. (1) He gives me some books. (2) I give my pen to her.

6. cow n.[C] 奶牛;母牛 [ka?]

buy a cow买牛 sell a cow卖牛milk a cow挤牛奶 raise a cow养牛 ox牛(统称) bull公牛

7. sheep n. [C] 绵羊 [?i:p]

sell sheep卖羊 raise sheep养羊 lamb羔羊 goat 山羊

anyother animals

8. other adj. 其他;别的pron.+n.[C]/[U]其他的人(或事) [??e?(r)] (1) My other sister is a doctor. (adj.)

(2) He raised one hand and then the other. (pron.) the other 二者中的另一个

another 三者或三者以上的另一个

a few goats

9. few adj.极少;几乎没有,在句子中表示否定[fju:] a few 几(个、条……)在句子中表示肯定 (1) He has few friends, he feels lonely. (2) There are a few eggs in the basket.

10. goat n.[C] 山羊[g??t] keep goats = raise goats 养羊 A few goats are eating grass.

some geese

11. goose n. (geese) 鹅[gu:s][gi:s]

相关词:duck鸭子 chicken鸡 rooster/cock公鸡 hen母鸡 类比:foot-feet tooth-teeth

on the river

12.river n. 河;江[?r?v?(r)]

相关词:lake湖 sea海 stream溪

cross a river过河 swim in the river 在河里游泳

large river大河 long river长河 small river小河 wide river宽河 narrow river窄河 along the river沿河 on the river在河上 (1) Fish swim in the river. (2) We walked along the river.


On the farm 在农场上 In the field 在田地里 On the river在河上 Fruit trees果树 Cut grass割草

Feed the animals给动物喂食 Grow flowers 种花

Grow vegetables种蔬菜

Give something to somebody把某物给某人 Plant trees栽树

Look lovely 看上去很可爱

