Module 3 The Violence of Nature教案

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Module 3 The Violence of Nature

Ⅰ. 单元教学目标

技能目标Skill Goals Talk about the violent natural disasters. Learn to use the Indirect Speech and learn to use the Past Perfect Passive. Write about a natural disaster. Write a passage using everyday English that indicate the good or bad things to happen. Learn to give definitions of a word with Attribute Clause. Ⅱ. 目标语言

功词义释义(Giving definitions) 能A flood is a lot of water in an area which is usually dry. 句暗示下文内容的描述词 式 luckily, fortunately, thankfully, hopefully, unfortunately, badly. 1. 四会词汇 disaster, flood, hurricane, lightening, thunderstorm, tornado, column, experience, cause, current, furniture, bury, feather, fur, occur, 词 violent, wave, strike, cemetery, rotating, coffin, previous, eruption, ruin, ash, lava, tidal, volcano, possibility, earthquake, terrifying, luckily, thankfully, hopefully, sadly, fortunately, warning, worldwide, active, damage. 汇 2. 认读词汇 latitude, tropical, equator. 3. 词组 per hour, pick up, put…down, take off, on average, tropical storms, in a population of, tiny island, tidal wave, pour down, set fire, volcanic eruption, take place, move from side to side, be windy, be situated in, Central China, in all, lose one’s life, do the most damage, a total of, affected areas, push…out of, fall down, medical care,

drinking water, flow over, manage to do, be homeless, end up. The Past Perfect Passive Sb had done sth. Sth had been done. 结 Indirect Speech 1. Statements “I’m still working because there is a lot to do.” he said. He said that he was still working because there was a lot to do. 2. Questions “Does this mean that the danger is over?” he asked. 构 He asked if this meant that the danger was over. “When will people be able to return home?” asked he. He asked when people would be able to return home. 重 点 句 1. They can destroy houses, but leave the furniture inside exactly where it was. 2. On average, there are 800 tornadoes in the US each year, causing about 80 deaths and 1,500 injuries. 3. By the time it ended, more than 700 people had been killed and 2,700 had been injured. 4. The disaster killed 6,000 people in a population of 37,000 and destroyed 3,600 buildings. 5. When the lava reached the sea, there was the possibility of a huge tidal wave which could flood half the island. 子 6. Fires caused by the California Earthquake did the most damage.

7. The earthquake has left tens of thousands of people homeless. 8. My family had just finished breakfast when the house started shaking and we heard a loud noise. 9. At night it is very cold in the region with temperatures falling

below zero. 10. This is not the first time there are floods in Conway.

Ⅲ. 教材分析与教材重组


本单元以“自然灾害”(The violence of nature)为话题, 旨在通过单元教学, 让学生运用书中的Useful expressions 编对话,描述人物,事件和人物的感情,了解人们在自然灾害中的经历、感受,提高学生的自我保护意识;培养学生对定语从句的运用能力,词汇部分训练学生在语境中理解词汇的能力,学习对词语进行解释,以及如何运用useful expressions暗示之后的语言内容。

本单元的话题是“自然灾害”,其中包括“龙卷风”、“飓风”、 “火山爆发”、 “地震”、 “洪水”等。


1.2阅读与词汇部分(Reading &Vocabulary) 包括两方面的训练。词汇部分训练学生在语境中理解词汇的能力。阅读部分是三篇有关龙卷风和飓风的文章。文章中解释了什么是龙卷风和飓风,并对其对人们带来的危害进行了描述。教材还设计了相应的问题,旨在培养学生学会通过阅读获取材料中的细节要点,同时让学生了解自然灾害的危害。


1.4 听力部分(Listening)是一段有关火山爆发的对话。在听对话前,设计了一段材料,以便学生了解有关火山的词汇以及其间的关系。另外,设计的听前回答问题帮助学生了解相关知识,为听力部分做准备。听力之后的回答问题的练习旨在训练学生获取听力材料中的具体细节,同时让学生们了解人们在自然灾害中的经理和感受。

1.5 口语部分(Speaking)主要描述事件和人物的经历与感受。教材设计了一个采访对话,通过一些问题启发学生组织对话内容.

1.6功能部分(Giving a definition)设计了三个例句,让学生模仿例句用定语从句进行词意释疑。


1.8日常用语(Everyday English)提供了一些有暗示下文内容功能的词语。练习一通过学生回答问题以训练他们的自主学习探究的学习方法。练习二进行操练以帮助学生巩固积累语言知识。

1.9文化部分(Cultural corner)是一篇有关地震的阅读材料,讲述了中国和美国的两次最严重的地震。文章之后设计了三个问题。前两个问题旨在培养学生阅读文章获取信息的能力。第三个问题旨在培养学生理解文章深层意思的能力。另外,教材设计了两个讨论问题以提高学生思考问题,解决问题的能力,同时培养学生思维条理性以及语言表达的逻辑性。


2.1 从话题内容上分析,将Introduction, Function, Reading 中的Vocabulary 整合在一起,设计成一堂词汇“口语课”。

2.2把Listening 和Workbook 中的Listening整合在一起,上一节“听力课”。 2.3将27页的Speaking和课后Listening and Speaking中的activity17整合在一起放在post-listening中。

2.4 将Reading 与Cultural Corner 中的Reading 整合在一起,上一节“阅读课”。


2.6将Everyday English 与Workbook 中的Reading 整合在一起,上一节“阅读课”。

2.7 将Writing 与Workbook 中的Writing 整合在一起,上一节“写作课”。 3.课型设计与课时分配(经教材分析,根据学情,本单元可以用六课时完成)

1st period: Speaking 2nd period: Listening

3rd period: Reading 4th period: Grammar 5th period: Reading 6th period: Writing Ⅳ. 分课时教案

The First Period Speaking

Teaching goals 教学目标 1.Target language 目标语言 a. 重点词汇和短语


furoccur,tropical,luckily,thankfully,hopefully,dadly,fortunately,violent,equator b. 重点句型

sth. is ...that/which... 2. Ability goals能力目标 a. Revise the Attributive Clause.

b. Using the Attributive Clause to explain words. 3. Learning ability goals 学能目标

Improve the students' ability to give definition of words. Teaching important points 教学重点

Learn how to definite words, using the Attributive Clause. Teaching difficulties教学难点

Using the Attributive Clause to define a word. Teaching aids 教具准备 A projector& a computer.

Teaching procedures &ways 教学过程与方式

Step 1 Warming up

(Remind the students of the tsunami in 2004 with a picture and talk about it.) T: As we know, at the end of last year, a massive earthquake sent tsunami smashing into Indian Ocean coastlines. Many heavily populated disasters from it.

(Ask the students to talk about the pictures in coast areas, such as Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Thailand, India, Malaysia and East Africa was destroyed by the monster waves, causing millions of deaths. We human beings saw the violence of natural disasters from it.

(Ask the students t6o talk about the pictures in Introduction, page 21.)

T: Now, please turn to page 21. Here are some pictures of disasters. What can you see from the pictures?

S: From the first picture, I can see a truck trapped in the floods. T: Good! How about picture2?

T: Now, please look at the pictures on the screen. What can you see from the pictures? S: From the first picture, I can see many houses are trapped in the flood. T: Good! How about picture2?

S: It looks like a strong wind blowing the trees. T: Well done. And the last picture? S: It’s wind.

T: Not bad. It is called tornado, which can cause damage to people and villages. Well, do you know what a flood is, what a hurricane is and what a tornado is? If not, let’s come to page 21 to find out the definitions. Step 2 Speaking (Part 1, Page 21)

(Get the students to match the words in the box with the definitions below .Then ask individuals to show their answers.)

T: Now, you please match the words with the definition below. And tell me what they are. Make sure to give whole sentences.

(Allow the students some time to do the task. Collect the answers.) Suggested answers for Task 1:

A flood is a lot of water in an area which is usually dry.

A hurricane is a very strong wind or storm.

Lightening is the flash of light which occurs during a thunderstorm.

A thunderstorm is a lot of rain falling quickly, with loud noises and flashes of light. A tornado is a column of air that turns very quickly. (The underlined three sentences are shown on the screen.)

T: Now, let's pay attention to these three sentences on the screen. Please find out the common characteristics in all of them.) S: The sentences all give a definition of something.

T: Very good. Each sentence gives a definition of a word. Any other opinions? S: The Attributive Clause appears in each sentence.

T: Well done! That is right. When we give a definition of a word, the Attributive Clause is usually necessary and helpful. We'd better learn to use the structure “A is B that/which…”. Now let's come to Part 3 on page 22.

(Let the students match the words in the box with the sentences below and then check the sentences.)

T: Ok, we can see it is the same form as the one we did just now on page 21.You please give a definition of each word with a whole sentence, using the Attributive Clause if necessary. And you can also add some words to help you. Cooperate with your partners to work them out.

(After discussing for a while, collect the answers.) Suggested answers for Task 2:

To bury means to place in the ground or tomb. A disaster is a terrible event.

Feathers are something that you can see on a bird. Fur is the thing that you see on an animal. To occur means to describe(describing)

to happen. word the hottest parts of the earth, north

Tropical is a and south of

that we use to describe

the equator.

(Show the sentences on the screen and ask the students to focus on the underlined two sentences.)

T: Look at these two sentences: To bury means to place in the ground or tomb. To occur means to happen. What should you pay attention to? Ss: To bury and to occur.

T: Good. Verbs can not be used as Subject directly. We have to use \And have a look at the last sentence. There’re three different ways to express it. From it, we can know that the functions of the three forms are the same: attribute. But difference does exist. We’ll talk about it later. Now, please read the sentences altogether.

(Allow the students some time to read.) Step 3 Word study (Workbook Page 80)

(Ask the students to turn to page 80 and begin the task in vocabulary.)

T: Now, let’s come to the exercises on page 80. In activity 5, you should finish the short paragraph with the words given above, making sure that all the sentences have proper meanings.

(Choose one student to read out the answers and check them with the whole class. Then the students read the sentences together.) Keys for Task 3:

Volcano, eruption, ash, lava, tidal wave, flood. (Let the students do the task of activity6.)

T: In activity6, you’re asked to group the words according to the speeches of the words. Put them into three groups of Adjectives, Verbs and Nouns. Some words can go in two groups.

(Choose volunteers to present the answers orally.) Suggested answers for Task 4: Adjectives: tropical, violent.

Verbs: bury, destroy, flood, kill, rain, wind.

Nouns: disaster, equator, feather, flood, injury, rain, storm, tornado, wind. (Do task in activity7.)

T: These words can help us finish the sentences in activity7. Please complete the sentences with proper words from activity6 in the correct form. (Let volunteers to read out the answers.) Keys for Task 5:

Violent, buried, killed, injuries, tropical. (Do task in activity 8.)

T: Let’s take a look at activity 8. Match the two parts to make complete sentences with correct meanings.

(A few minutes for the students to do the task, and check the answers.) Keys for Task 6:

There was a violent thunderstorm in my town last week. I saw a flash of lightening in the sky.

The lightening struck several houses in the center of the town. The houses caught fire immediately. It took all night to put the fires out. Fortunately, no one was killed or injured.

(Lead in the next content of this unit by revising what we have learnt.) T: Ok, what have we learnt up to now?

Ss: We have learnt how to give a definition of a word and done some exercises about the words.

T: That’s good. What are these words and exercises about? Ss: Some disasters.

T: Right. All of the words are related to natural violence/disasters. (Talk about natural disasters.)

T: Can you list out the names of some natural disasters?

Ss: Thunderstorm, flood, hurricane, tornado, volcanic eruption, earthquake, drought. (The teacher shows some pictures of natural disasters on the screen. Draw the students’ attention to pictures of tsunami and fault.)






T: Here are some disasters you have put forward. Look at the last two pictures, what are they about? S: It looks like a typhoon.

T: Not bad. Actually it’s a tsunami. And the great damage was caused by a violent earthquake. It affected so many heavily populated coastal areas. How about the other picture? S: Drought.

T: Have you ever experienced one of the disasters on the screen? S: Yes, I’ve been in an earthquake. T: Can you describe it?

S: Ok. I was sleeping in my bedroom when a strange noise woke me up. It sounded like a train was passing under our house. It was too late for me to rush out of the house. Everything began to shake and some things fell down. But luckily, it only lasted a few seconds.

(The teacher asks another student.) T: Have you ever experienced a hurricane? S: No, I haven’t.



Teaching aids 教具准备 A projector and a computer

Teaching procedures& ways 教学过程与方式 Step 1 Revision

(Check the students’ dialogue. Choose several groups to present their dialogues.) Step 2 Pre-reading

(Tell the students what they’ll learn in this period.)

T: In the first period we talked about some disasters. Today we’ll learn more about tornadoes, hurricanes and earthquakes by reading passages. Step 3 Reading (Ⅰ)

(Ask the students to turn to page 23 to search the first paragraphs of the first two passages for the definitions of a tornado and a hurricane.)

T: Turn to page 23. Here are passages about hurricanes and tornadoes. Please read the first paragraphs of the first two passages to find out the definitions.

(Allow the students some time to do the Task and let them read the sentences aloud together.) Keys for Task 1:

A tornado is a rotating column of air from a thunderstorm to the ground.

Hurricanes are strong tropical storms, and they usually occur in the southern Atlantic Ocean, the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico.

(Second reading for the students to find out the specific information about the questions on page 22 by scanning the passages.)

T: This time, please scan the passages to answer the questions on page 22. You can discuss with your partners.

(A few minutes for the students to do the task. Then ask the volunteers to show their answers orally and check them with the whole class. At the same time, help the students to understand some difficult sentences.) T: Are you done? Ss: Yes.

T: The first four questions are about the first passage “What is a tornado?” Look at the

first question. How strong are tornado winds?

S: The most violent have winds of more than 400 kilometres per hour.

T: Wonderful! The most violent tornado winds can reach over 400 kilometres per hour. What about the second one?

S: They can destroy houses, but leave the furniture inside exactly where it was. T: That’s right. They can destroy houses or put them down in the next street or even in the nest town without destroying the furniture inside. And Question3? S: There are 800 tornadoes in the US each year.

T: Ok. On average, there are 800 tornadoes in the US each year, causing about 80 deaths and 1,500 injuries.

(Analyze the structure of the sentence above.) T: What is the function of the word “causing”? S: The Present Participle is used as Adverbial of Result. T: Well done.

(Let the students read out the sentence.)

T: Let’s come to the next question. How many people died in the worst tornado of all time?

S: More than 700 people died.

T: Good. By the time it ended, more than 700 people had been killed and 2,700 had been injured. The rest of four questions deal with the last two passages about “hurricane”. Question1: What happens at sea during a hurricane? S: Huge waves, heavy rain and floods happen.

T: Right. Hurricanes often occur near the ocean. When a hurricane comes, there are violent winds of 120 kilometres per hour or more, which cause huge waves, heavy rain and floods. When was the worst hurricane of all time?

S: The worst hurricane disaster of all time occurred on the 8th September 1900 in Galveston, Texas.

T: Very good. Was the actor Charles Coghlan killed in it? S: No, he wasn’t. He died a year before the hurricane struck. T: Good. What happened to him after the hurricane?

S: His coffin was flown to the sea near his home.

T: Right. The cemetery where he was buried was destroyed by the hurricane and his coffin ended up in the sea (It was flown to the sea.). And it was found in the sea near his home in the east of Canada 8 years later.

(Show the suggested answers on the screen one by one when the students answer the questions.)

Suggested answers for Task 2:

1. The most violent have winds of more than 400 kilometres per hour. 2. They can destroy houses, but leave the furniture inside exactly where it was. 3. On average, there are 800 tornadoes in the US each year, causing about 80 deaths and 1,500 injuries.

(Analyze the structure of the sentence.) T: What is the function of the word “causing”? S: The Present Participle is used as attribute.

T: Well done. So we can rewrite the sentence with the Attributive Clause like this: There are 800 tornadoes in the US each year which cause about 80 deaths and 1,500 injuries.

(Let the students read it out.)

4. More than 700 people died. (By the time it ended, more than 700 people had been killed and 2,700 had been injured.)

5. When a hurricane comes, there are violent winds of 120 kilometres per hour or more, which cause /causing huge waves, heavy rain and floods.

6. The worst hurricane disaster of all time occurred on the 8th September 1900 in Galveston, Texas.

7. No, he didn’t. He died a year before the hurricane struck.

The cemetery where he was buried was destroyed by the hurricane and his coffin ended up in the sea. (It was flown to the sea.) And it was found in the sea near his home in the east of Canada 8 years later.

(The third reading to let the students focus on the verbs used when talking about disasters’ happening.)

T: Now, you please scan the passages once again to find out verbs that are used when we talk about a disaster happens. (After a while, check the answers.) T: Who have found out the verbs? S: Occur, hit and strike. T: Good. Any other word? S: Take place.

T: You’re right. Thank you. Step 4 Reading (Ⅱ)

(Come to the passage on page 29: Cultural Corner.)

(First reading to let the students work out which earthquakes are talked about by skimming the passage.)

T: Let’s come to page 29 “Earthquakes Around the Pacific”. Please read through the passage to find out which earthquakes are mentioned. (After a while, check the answer.) Suggested answer for Task 3:

The Chinese earthquake of the 1556 in Hua County in Shaanxi province. The California Earthquake of the 18th of April 1906 in the United States.

(Second reading to deal with the questions shown on the screen and deal with language points meanwhile.)

T: This time, you read the passage aloud to answer the questions on the screen. Questions for Task 4:

1. What is the situation of earthquakes in China? 2. What was the damage of Hua County Earthquake?

3. What was the most dangerous thing about the California Earthquake of 1906? 4. Is it possible that there could be another earthquake there? Suggested answers for Task 4:

1. China is situated in (is located in, lies) one of the most active earthquake regions in the world and there have been many terrible earthquakes.

The earthquake affected 8 provinces in Central China. It covered an area of 800

square kilometers. In some communities, 60 percent of the population were killed. In all, 830,000 people lost their lives.

2. The most dangerous thing about the California Earthquake of 1906 was fires caused by it, which did the most damage. The fires burned for 3 days, destroying a total of 25,000 buildings. About 500 people were killed in San Francisco and 250,000 were made homeless. In all of California, the earthquake and fires caused about 3,000 deaths.

3. Yes, it is. There is the San Andreas Fault there moving from time to time. One hundred years later, movements on the Fault continue to cause problems for the whole of California. Step 5 Post-reading

(Let the students discuss the second question in activity2.)

T: Now, let’s have a discussion. If you were in Hua County in 1556 and were in the earthquake, what would you do? How would you stay safe? Please discuss it in groups of 4.)

(After a while, the students present their thoughts. And then show a passage about dealing with an earthquake on the screen for the students to read.) Step 6 Homework


Read the passages to be familiar with the good sentences and useful expressions.


Listen to the radio for important information and instructions. Remember that aftershocks, sometimes large enough to cause damage in their own right, generally follow large quakes.


If you leave home, leave a message telling friends and family your location.

The Fourth Period Grammar

Teaching goals 教学目标 1. Target language 目标语言

