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Unit 1 textbook n. speed n. ability n.

brain n. conversation n. aloud adv. pronunciation n. sentence n. patient adj. n. look up expression n. discover v. secret n. adj. fall in love with

grammar n. repeat v. note n. v. pal n. pattern n. physics n. chemistry n. partner n. pronounce v.

increase v. active adj. attention n. pay attention to connect v. connect … with

overnight adv. review v. & n.

knowledge n. wisely adv. memorize v.

born v. adj. be born with lifelong Unit2 lantern n. stranger n. relative n.

put on

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pound n. mooncake n. tradition n. whoever pron. folk adj. goddess n.

steal – stole – stolen lay – laid- laid v. lay out dessert n garden n. business n. end up admire v. tie n. v. haunted adj.

ghost n. trick n. treat n. v. spider n. Christmas n. fool n. v. adj. lie v.

novel n. eve n bookstore n. dead adj. business n. punish v. v. warn v. present n. adj. nobody pron. warmth n.

spread–spread–spread v. Macao Chiang Mai Halloween Father’s Day Mother’s Day

Easter Unit3

restroom n. stamp n. bookstore n. beside prep. postcard n.

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n. pardon interj. washroom n. bathroom n. normally adv. quick adj. rush v. & n. suggest v. suggest doing staff n. grape n. central adj. nearby adj. adv. pardon me mail v. n. east adj. adv. n. fascinating adj. convenient adj. inexpensive adj. uncrowded adj. mall n. clerk n. corner n.

polite-impolite adj.

politely adv. speaker n. request n. choice n. direction n. correct adj.; direct adj.

whom pron. address n. underground adj. parking lot course n. Italian adj. n. Unin4

humorous adj. silent adj. keep / be silent helpful-helpless adj. from time to time score n. & v. background n. interview v. n.

第 3 页 共 15 页

Asian adj. n. deal with deal – dealt –dealt be absent from … fail v.

examination n. shyness n. boarding school

dare v. dare to do crowd n. private adj. ton n. guard n. v. require v. European adj. n. British adj. speech n. ant n. public n. adj. in public insect n. influence v. & n. seldom adv. proud adj. be proud of absent adj.

leaf(leaves) n.

in person exactly adv. pride n. take pride in be proud of grandson n. general adj. n. introduction n.


material n. chopsticks n.

coin n. fork n. blouse n. sliver n. adj. glass n. cotton n.

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steel n. fair n.

environmental adj. grass n. leaf(leaves) n. postman n. traffic n. cap n. glove n.

international adj. produce v. product n. widely adv. process v. be known for … France

pack no matter local adj. even though brand n. avoid v. handbag n. mobile adj. everyday adj. boss n. Germany surface n.

competitor n. paint v. its adj. form n. clay n. balloon n. scissors n. (pl.) lively adj. celebration n. paper cutting fairy n. historical adj. heat n. polish v. complete v. Korea Switzerland San Francisco 第 5 页 共 15 页


heel n. electricity n.


–smelled/smelt-smelled/smelt saint n.

scoop n. national adj.

style n. trade n. v. project n. pleasure n. With pleasure. It’s my pleasure. zipper n. (= zip) daily adj. have a point website n. pioneer n. list v. n. mention v.

accidental adj. by accident nearly adv. ruler n. boil v.

remain v. smell n. v.

take place doubt n. v. without doubt fridge n. low adj.

somebody pron. translate v. lock v. earthquake n. sudden adj. all of a sudden biscuit n. cookie n. musical adj. instrument n. crispy adj. sour adj. by mistake

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customer n.

Canadian adj. n. divide v. divide ... into purpose n. basket n. popularity n. not only… but also the Olympics look up to hero n.

professional adj. Berlin NBA (National Association) CBA (China Association) Unit7

smoke v. n. safety n. pierce v.

part- time job license (= licence) safety n. flash n. v. tiny adj. earring n. cry v. & n. field n. hug n. & v. lift v. badly adv. talk back awful adj. teen n.

Basketball regret v.

regret doing poem n.

Basketball bedroom n.

community n. keep away from chance n.

make one’s own decision educate v.

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manage v. society n. educate v. get in the way of professional adj. enter v. support v. & n. choice n. Picasso Unit8 truck n. rabbit n. picnic n.

whose adj. & pron. attend v. valuable v adj. pink adj. n. picnic n. happening n. somebody pron. anybody pron. noise n.

policeman (policemen) n. wolf n. uneasy adj. laboratory n. outdoors adv. coat n. land v. sleepy adj. pocket n. alien n. suit n. express v. not only … but also circle n. v.

Britain n. (= Great Britain) mystery n. receive v. historian n. leader n. midsummer n. medical adj. purpose n. prevent v.

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energy n. position n. burial n.

honor v. (= honour) n. war n.

stick – stuck – stuck v. stick to … down adj. ancestor n. victory n. enemy n. period n. mystery n. hard- working adj. Stonehenge Unit9 prefer v. lyrics n. (pl.) Australian adj. n. electronic adj. suppose v. smooth adj. spare adj. case n. in that case

ending n. director n.

dialogue n.(=dialog) documentary n. drama n. plenty pron. plenty of shut v. (shut, shut) superhero n. once in while horror n. thriller n. intelligent adj. sense v. n. pain n. sadness n. moving adj. reflect v. perform v.

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amazing adj. pity n. total n. adj. in total master n. v. praise v. & n. national n. adj. recall v. wound n. painful adj. World War II Titanic (电影名) Unit10 custom n. bow v.

kiss v. & n. greet v. relaxed adj. value v. n. everyday adj. drop by

capital n. after all noon n. mad adj. get mad effort n. make an effort traffic n. passport n. clean… off somewhere adv. passport n. chalk n. blackboard n. northern n adj. coast n. season n. knock v. eastern adj. worth adj. take off

manner n. (pl.) empty adj.

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basic adj. exchange n. & v. go out of one’s way make ... feel at home exchange n. v. granddaughter n. teenage adj. behave v. except prep. conj. elbow n. gradually adv. get used to doing suggestion(s) n. Brazil Mexico

Cali (哥伦比亚城市) Lausanne (瑞士城市) Norway Unit11

the more … the more

rather adv. would rather drive v. lately adv. be friends with leave out friendship n. king n. power n. prime adj. minister n. prime minister banker n. fame n. pale adj. queen n. examine v nor conj. & adv. neither ... nor palace n. power n. wealth n.

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Colombia (南美洲国家) call in

to start with uncomfortable adj. grey adj lemon n. cancel v. weight n. shoulder n. goal n. let ... down coach n. kick v. kick sb off be hard on sb besides adv. teammate n. courage n. rather adv. rather than guy n. pull v. pull together relief n. nod v.

agreement n. fault n. disappoint v. Unit12

backpack n. by the time … oversleep v.

oversleep-overslept-overslept give ... a lift

ring – rang – rung v. miss v. unexpected adj. block n. in line with worker n. stare v. disbelief n. above adv. prep.

burn v. (burnt, burned /;burnt, burned) burning adj. alive adj.

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take off airport n. till conj. & prep. west adv. adj. n. lady n. officer n. believable adj. embarrassing adj. cream n. workday n. boss n. pie n. show up course n. bean n. market n. costume n. embarrassed adj. by the end of … fool n. v. costume n. costume party announce v. spaghetti n. hoax(es) n. sell out discovery n.

disappear v. New Zealand Italy Mars Unit13 litter v. n. bottom n.

fisherman(fishmen) coal n. public adj. n. ugly adj. advantage n. cost-cost- coat v. wooden adj. plastic adj. n. takeaway n. bin n.

make a difference shark n.

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n. n. fin n cut off method n. cruel adj. harmful adj. be harmful to at the top of scientific adj. take part in … industry n. chain n. ecosystem n. low adj. industry n. law n. turn off reusable adj. afford v. transportation n. recycle v. napkin n. upside down gate n.

bottle n. pay for take action transportation recycle v. gate n. bottle n. iron n. work n. president n. inspiration n. metal n. creativity n.

WildAid WWF

(World Wide Nature) Unit14

Survey n. standard n. 第 14 页 共 15 页



row n.

in a row keyboard n. instruction n. double v. adj. none pron. task n. ahead adv. responsible adj. be responsible for shall v. overcome v. make a mess graduate v. keep one’s cool ours pron. senior adj.

senior high (school) text n. level n. degree n. manager n. believe in gentleman n. graduation n. ceremony n. congratulate v. thirsty adj.

separate wing n.

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adj. v.

