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第一节 (共12小题;每小题1分,共12分) 略


第一节 单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分)


21. He told me he ______ for America tomorrow.

A. was leaving C. has left A. that C. what

B. left D. leaves B. how D. when

22. He is amazedby______ what he saw in China.

23. During the Spring Festival, the railway transport companyusually

provides______trainsbecausethere are so many people.

A. extra C. optional A. Unless C. Since A. over C. across A. more C. many -______ right.

B. major D. various B. When D. Though B. among D. through B. much D. most

24 ______he had great difficulty walking,he carried on.

25. The pathfollows the river and thengoes______the woods.

26. Facebookhas______more usersthan the population of China.

27. -Does she want to sell the house and move to London?


A. Eventually C. Actually

-I______it for you at once. A. get C. am getting A. that C. which up on time.

B. Exactly D. Uniquely

28. -Where is the dictionary, Tina?

B. got D. will get B. when D. where

29. He could remember a time______ he worked likethat himself.

30. She apologized to her son because she didn't go to schoolto ______ him

A. turn C. wake

B. break D. pick

31. Wang Guozhen?s poems are full of thoughts about lifeand optimistic

attitude, ______ make him famous.

A. that C. which year.

A. where C. which

bicycling and walking.

A. have been taken C. were taken A. come C. will come car for you.

A. have had C. had

B. had had D. have B. will be taken D. had been taken B. came D. has come B. who D. when B. why D. where

32. The number of people in the US ______bike to workrose by 60% last

33. In recent years, many steps______ by Chinese governmentto support

34. Beijing?s new ban on smoking indoors______ into effect on June 1,2015.

35. Sorry, I have no money now. If I ______ money, I would certainly by the


第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)


A Goodbye Kiss

Tony stood up and knocked into the table after the meeting had come to an end, spilling his coffee over his notes. \令人尴尬的)! I am getting so clumsy in my old age.”

Everyone present had a good laugh, and soon we were all ______ (36) Tony began, “My Dad was a ______(37), and he loved the sea. He stories of our most embarrassing moments. It came around to Tony

worked hard and would stay out ______ (38) he caught enough to ______(39) the family. Not just enough for our family, but also ______ (40) his Mom and Dad and the other kids.”He said, “I wish you could have met my Dad. He was a big man, and he was ______(41) from pulling the nets and fighting the seas for his catch. When you got close to him, he smelled the ______.(42).”

Tony ?s voice dropped a bit. “When the weather was bad he would drive me to school. He would ______ (43) right up in front and lean over and give me a big ______(44) on the cheek and tell me to be a good boy. It was so embarrassing for me. Here, I was twelve years old, and my Dad would lean over and kiss me goodbye!”

He went on, “I remember the day I thought I was too ______(45) for a good-bye kiss. When we got to the school, he had his ______(46) big smile. He started to lean toward me, but I put my ______(47) up and said, ?No, Dad.? It was the ______(48) time I had ever talked to him that way, and he had this ______(49) look on his face.My Dad ______(50) at me for the longest time, and his eyes started to ______(51) up. I had never seen him cry. He turned and looked out of the windshield. ?You?re right,? he said. ?You are a big boy...a man. I won?t kiss you anymore.?”

For the moment, the tears began to well up in Tony?s eyes. “It wasn?t Tony spoke again. “Guys, you don?t know what I would give to have my long after that when my Dad went to sea and never ______ (52) back.” Dad give me just one more kiss on the ______ (53)…to feel his rough old face and to smell the ocean on him. I ______(54) I had been a man then. If I had been a man, I would ______(55) have told my Dad I was too old for a good-bye kiss.”



36. A. reading 37. A. farmer B. telling

C. writing

D. recording D. fisherman B. businessman C. salesman 38. A. until 39. A. escape 40. A. about 41. A. strong 42. A. air 43. A. pull 44. A. smile 45. A. late 46. A. active 47. A. bag 48. A. bad 49. A. pleased 50. A. shouted 51. A. tear 52. A. came 53. A. hair 54. A. think 55. A. always

B. unless B. change B. to B. short B. ocean B. walk B. hit B. old B. usual B. tent B. last B. excited B. looked B. grow B. walked B. mouth B. believe B. still

C. since C. feed C. for C. gentle C. smoke C. drop C. fist C. tall C. sorry C. head C. first

C. disappointed C. pointed C. light C. paid C. cheek C. wish C. ever


D. though D. save D. on D. weak D. love D. speed D. kiss D. eager D. dangerous D. hand D. great D. surprised D. laughed D. clear D. looked D. foot D. imagine D. never

第三部分: 阅读理解 (共两节,40分)




A flock of wild ducks were flying in formation, heading south for the

winter. They formed a beautiful V in the sky, and were admired by everyone who saw them from below.

One day, Wally, one of the wild ducks in the formation, found

something on the ground. It was a barnyard with a flock of tame ducks who lived on the farm. They were waddling around (蹒跚行走) on the ground, quacking merrily and eating corn that was thrown on the ground for them every day. Wally liked what he saw. “It sure would be nice to have some of that corn,\d all this flying is very tiring. I?d like to just waddle around for a while.”

So after thinking it over a while, Wally left the formation of wild ducks,

made a sharp dive, and headed for the barnyard. He landed among the tame ducks, and began to waddle around and quack merrily. He also started eating corn. The formation of wild ducks continued their journey South, but Wally didn't care. “I?ll rejoin them when they come back North in a few months,” he said to himself.

Several months went by and sure enough, Wally looked up and spotted

the flock of wild ducks in formation, heading north. They looked beautiful up there. And Wally was tired of the barnyard. It was muddy and everywhere he waddled, there was nothing but duck doo. “It's time to leave.” said Wally.

So Wally flapped his wings hard and tried to get to the air. But he had

gained some weight from all his corn-eating, and he hadn't exercised his wings much either. He finally got off the ground, but he was flying too low and slammed into the side of the barn. He fell to the ground with a thud and said to himself, “Oh, well, I'll just wait until they fly south in a few months. Then I?ll


rejoin them and become a wild duck again.”

When the flock flew overhead once more, Wally again tried to lift

himself out of the barnyard. But he simply didn't have the strength. Every winter and every spring, he saw his wild duck friends flying overhead, and they would call out to him. But his tries to leave were all for nothing.

Eventually Wally no longer paid any attention to the wild ducks flying

overhead. He hardly even noticed them. He had, after all, become a barnyard duck.


56. Wally left his friends because he ______.

A. was too hungry B. was too tired to fly C. liked the tame ducks

D. was interested in what he saw

57. What happened to Wally in the barnyard?

A. He was satisfied with the barnyard. B. He became fatter and fatter. C. He didn?t notice the wild ducks. D. He often practiced flying.

58. After Wally failed to join the wild ducks, he ______.

A. stayed in the barnyard B. searched for the reasons C. continued to try flying

D. exercised to increase his strength

59. What can we learn from the story?

A. Easier said than done. B. Don?t give in to your life. C. Value what you have. D. We should face the reality.



The National Trade Association for the Broadway Theatre Industry

For information on Broadway shows playing in New York City, touring North America and touring internationally visit Broadway.org, the Broadway League's official on-line headquarters for Broadway information. Get tickets at all price points to current and upcoming shows direct from the theatres? official ticketing offices.

Starsin the Alley

Wednesday, July 22, 2015 10:30am-12:30pm Rain or shine!

Hosted by Darren Criss

Stars in the Alley is a FREE outdoor concert

held in the heart of the Theatre District that celebrates the end of the 2014 - 2015 Broadway season and adds to the festivities leading up to the 2015 Tony Awards. The event in Shubert

Alley, west of Seventh Avenue between 44th & 45th Streets, will consist of performances from this season as well as numbers from current long-running shows.

Get more info at Broadway. Org

The National High School Musical Theatre Awards The seventh annual National High School Musical Theatre Awards will take place onMonday, July 29, 2015 at the Minskoff

Theatre on Broadway. The program will also include a week-long theatre intensive in New York City beginning on Friday, July 24 and running through Thursday, July 30, 2015. For more information on the program, visitNHSMTA.com.


Kids and Teens Go Free!

On Kids? Night on Broadway, a kid age 6-18

gets a free ticket to a participating Broadway show in NYC when accompanied by a full-paying adult. Kids' Night 2015 took place in

NYC in January 9-15. Other dates in cities across the US. Visit KidsNightonBroadway.com for more info. Broadway Week

The Broadway League and NYC&Co invite you to experience Broadway Week in New York City! Participating Broadway shows

offer 2-for-1 ticket deals for selected performances. Visit NYC&Co for information on the next scheduled promotion.


60. If you want to get information on Broadway shows, you can visit______.

A. KidsNightonBroadway. com B. NYC&Co C. NHSMTA. com D. Broadway. Org

61. If you are free on July 27,2015, you can attend ______.

A. The National High School Musical Theatre Awards B. Kids Night on Broadway C. Broadway Week D. Stars in the Alley

62. The main purpose of the passage is to ______.

A. tell people how to get tickets for Broadway show B. advertise some shows of the Broadway League C. introduce the entertainments of New York D. inform people of the Broadway Week



Online Classes May Force Changes at Universities

Online classes are now taught by many top universities and offer everything from computer programing to the science of cooking. Many classes are either free or inexpensive, and are updated more quickly than regular college curricula(课程).That?s important to the millions of students who learn technical and other skills from Lynda.com. Co-founder Lynda Weinman said, “We can come to market very quickly and we can teach transient skills, so a lot of software is changing constantly and new software is being invented, and those sorts of things cannot easily make their way into college curriculum.” Instead of the professor lecturing to students, who then do research, study, and homework alone, many online classes flip that around, according to student and blogger John Haber, who said he was taking enough online classes to earn a four-year college degree in just one year.“They are watching the lectures at home as homework, recorded lectures, and when they get to class, they are having more active discussions, or interactions with the teachers or working on projects,” he explained. Experts say the new technology will have a “major impact” on colleges. And some predict future classes may be a blend of online lectures and professors helping students work through difficult problems in person. These would be welcome changes according to Georgetown University labor economist Tony Carnevale, who said school has to be less expensive and more focused on skills needed by employers. “It?s really quite clear that more and more people need post-secondary education and training and a lot of them are not getting it. And in cases where they do get it, it doesn?t lead to gainful employment. Or it leads to jobs where they don?t fully use their talents, and we don?t have enough money to buy our way out of this so the efficiency of post-secondary institutions is important now,” he said. College marketing expert Chris Cullen, of the Infinia company, said competition from online alternatives (可选择性), and concern about costs, will change universities. “The consumer demands that you tell me why, give me a reason, to believe that my money, my tuition money is best spent at your institution,\proposition?” Cullen said top schools with strong reputations (名誉) may expand in an online world, but less selective, less prestigious universities may struggle to attract students — and their tuition (学费)payments.


63. What is the main idea of Paragraph1?

A. Online classes are more important than college curricula. B. Online classes are becoming more and more popular. C. Regular college curricula have fallen behind. D. Online classes provide all kinds of classes.

64. Paragraph 2 tells us that ______.

A. students can learn the lectures before the class now B. there was no communication with teachers in the past C. professors don?t need to give lectures to students. D. online classes save your time and money

65. The underlined word “blend” in Paragraph 3 means ______.

A. activity B. method C. combination D. unit

66. From the last paragraph, we can infer that ______.

A. the universities will make changes in the future. B. online classes will take the place of the universities C. the universities must reduce the tuition to survive. D. students care about how their tuition is used



Can purpose keep You Alive?

In recent years, studies have suggested that having a sense of purpose helps you to live a longer and healthier life, even when looking across cultures and controlling for known predictors (预测因素) of longevity, like cigarette smoking. But these studies all had the same limitation: They focused on adults older than 60.

A recent study published in the journal Psychological Science explored whether the positive health effects of having a purpose in life also extend to younger adults. Researchers Patrick Hill and Nicholas Turiano examined the Midlife in the United States sample, a national study of health and well-being that started following over 7000 participants in 1994. The study periodically checked in with participants—who ranged in age from 20 to 75—to see how they were doing and feeling.

In order to measure purpose in life, Hill and Turiano looked at study participants? responses(反应)to the Ryff Scales of Psychological Well-Being(Ryff心理幸福感量化表), which asks questions like, “Some people wander aimlessly through life, but I am not one of them.”

The researchers looked at their answers in relation to other factors, like having positive relations with others or how they generally feel—and then examined their mortality data(死亡数据) from the National Death Index.

In fact, during the 14 years their study, 569 participants died, about nine percent of the sample—and, in analyzing the data, the researchers found that having a sense of purpose was a critical factor in determining who lived, for how long. The researchers concluded that greater purpose still predicted greater longevity in adulthood, all other things being equal.

Previously, there had been uncertainty whether purpose in life allowed longevity benefits after retirement, as old goals like raising a family or career advancement fell to the wayside. But Hill and Turiano found that the benefits of purpose are not conditional on retirement status.

But perhaps most importantly, they found that maintaining a strong purpose can be as important to young adults as it is to older people. “These findings suggest the importance of establishing a direction for life as early as possible,” they write. “Likewise, research has demonstrated that increasing goal commitment during college can have effects on well-being into middle adulthood.”



