生活大爆炸 经典台词

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《生活大爆炸》 经典台词赏析


Raj: I don’t like bugs, okay? They freak me out.

Sheldon: Interesting. You’re afraid of insects and women. Ladybugs must render you catatonic.



catatonic直译是“紧张性精神病”,freak sb. out是美俚,是口语中很常见的表达,除了表示把某人吓得半死,也可以表达某事使人情绪波动、失去镇静、行为反常的状态,如:

You’d better sit down, this news will freak you out. 你最好坐下,这个消息会使你晕倒的。

Going to a funeral naturally makes you freak out about your future. 参加葬礼一般都会让你对未来感到崩溃。 (2)

Penny:Sheldon,come back.You’re losing me. 佩妮:谢尔顿,打住,你把我绕晕了。

这是一句非常地道的口语表达。lose的常用意思为”失去、遗失”,常用形式是lost,也可表示“失落”。而在“You’re losing me.”里lose的意思则为”使人跟不上、不明白”,相当于confuse。“跟得上、明白”还可以用with表示,Do you understand me?是比较中式英语的表达。地道的表达是Are you with me?


Sheldon:Worst Renaissance Fair ever.

Leonard:Please let it go,Sheldon.You’re nitpicking. Sheldon:史上最烂的文艺复兴集会。


Fair除了作形容词意为“公平”,还可作名词“集会、市集”,如小说《名利场》(Vanity Fair)。形容词最高级+(名词+)ever则是一个很常用的表达,意为“史上最xx的xx”,如:

If two heads are better than one, the collective brainstorming of an entire group

can be the best ever.

如果两个头脑比一个强,那么整个团队的集体头脑风暴就能成为最佳的方式。 Let it go是常用用法,字面意思为“就让他去吧。”引申义为“别管了,到此为止吧”。还有一种常见句:let it be。意为“顺其自然”。这也是约翰·列侬的一首有名的歌。Nitpick是美国俚语,nit(幼虫,没用的人)和pick(挑选)连在一起即“找茬儿,挑刺”。


Sheldon’s mother: Well, putting aside the pig Latin, it’s a good thing that you two decided to end the relationship, so I didn’t have to end it for you.


Sheldon: Amy, after consideration, I believe we may have acted rashly. I propose we resume our relationship and attempt to resolve our differences.


Amy: I’ll agree to that only if you’ll stipulate that 80% of our difficulties were caused by you.

Amy:除非你认可我俩之间80%的障碍都是你造成的。 Sheldon: I’ll go as high as 40. Sheldon:我只认可占40%。 Amy: Sixty-five. Amy:你占65%。

Sheldon: Done. You understand that moving forward, we deal with the fact that my mother does not approve of you?

Sheldon:成交,但你要明白要是复合,我们得面对我妈并不认可你的现实。 Amy: I do. I find being cast in the role of bad girl oddly titillating. Amy:我明白,我发现扮演个坏女孩的角色,竟让我很兴奋。

Sheldon母那句pig Latin意为“白痴拉丁语”,俚语里也可以作形容词用,表示白痴、无谓。Sheldon和Amy这段对话让人蛋疼,这是买东西时讨价还价的标准表达!另外Sheldon复合宣言里的用词小编表示只有写论文的时候才用得上!!I’ll go as high as 40.是还价必杀经典句,当你想买一裤子,店主开价200,你心目中只能接受120时,就可以说I’ll go as high as 120或I’ll go no more than 120. Done意指“成事、成交”,交易成功的用语。oddly表示“出

奇地”,titillating表示“使人感到兴奋、刺激”,approve of sb./sth.指“赞同、认可某人、某事”,如:

Certainly, I approve of political opinions, but there are people who do not know where to stop.

政治上的见解我当然全都赞同,但有些人确也太没止境了。 I sincerely hope that you approve of my resignation. 真诚的希望你能批准我辞职。


Sheldon:Are you going to have another one of your hissy fits? Sheldon:你的怪脾气又要发作了吗?

Leonerd:Hissy fits?I have hissy fits? Leonerd:怪脾气?我脾气很怪吗? Sheldon:Yes, and I have a theory why. Because of your lactose intolerance, you switched over to soy milk. I think your morning Cocoa Puffs are turning you into a hysterical woman.


hissy fits表示“忽冷忽热的脾气”。lactose intolerance乳糖不耐症,intolerance表示不宽容、狭隘,尤指对别人的意见不接纳,是tolerance宽容的反义词。TBBT也有一个很抵死的台词和tolerate有关(图):

switch和turn都是“转换、转变”的意思。turn sb. into sth.是常用表达,意为将x转变成y。hysterical是“歇斯底里的”,“歇斯底里”其实就是hysteric(歇斯底里症、精神异常兴奋)的音译。


Penny:God, you know, four years I lived with him. Four years?that’s like as long as high school!

Penny:老天呀,要知道我和他同居了四年。四年??那可是和高中一样长啊! Sheldon:It took you four years to get through high school? Sheldon:你用了四年才读完高中?

get through这个词组在英语中很常用,意思也很多,在这里表示完成高中学习。还可以表示“通过;到达;做完;接通电话”。如:

If more supplies do not get through,thousands of refugees will die.如果没有更多的物资送到,上千名难民将会死亡。

The operator finally got me through.接线员最终给我接通了电话。

John has got through the examination.约翰已经通过考试了。 (7)

Sheldon:You’re not done with her, are you? Sheldon:你和她还有戏的,是不是?

Leonard:Our babies will be smart and beautiful. Leonard:我们的孩子一定会又聪明又漂亮。 Sheldon:Not to mention imaginary. Sheldon:更别提那丰富的想象力了。

done with表示“完毕、结束、够了”,在口语中常常表示对某人某事受够了。如:

I am done with empty hope.我受够了希望落空(的滋味)了。


Sheldon:I can’t believe he fired me. Sheldon:我不敢相信他开除我了。

Leonard:Well, you did call him a glorified high school science teacher whose last successful experiment was lighting his own farts.


Sheldon:In my defense, I prefaced that by saying, “with all due respect.”


In my defense的直接意思是“我要为自己辩解的是”,而with all due respect则表示“恕我直言、冒昧地说”,一般用在严肃正式的场合中,(这里又体现了Sheldon的说话风格真心不一般??)


Leonard:Well, the key to acquiring proficiency in any task is repetition. Leonard:哦,果然精通一门技术的要诀在于熟能生巧

Sheldon:With certain obvious exceptions. Suicide, for example. Sheldon:还有一些显而易见的例外。比如自杀。



Leonard:Do you have a drink that will make him less obnoxious? Leonard:你有能让他不那么讨厌的酒吗? Penny:Drinks do not work that way. Penny:酒不是这样发挥作用的。



Leonard:I’m sorry, are you suggesting that if we let Penny stay we might succumb to cannibalism?


Sheldon:No one ever thinks it’ll happen until it does. Sheldon:事情没发生的时候谁都不会信。

Leonard:Penny, if you promise not to chew the flesh off our bones while we sleep, you can stay.


succumb to表示“屈服于”,cannibalism是名词,表示“食人或指代残忍的行为,”汉尼拔“就是cannibal的译音。


Sheldon:You’re a lucky man, Leonard. Sheldon:Leonard,你真幸运。 Leonard:How so?

Leonard:为什么这么说? Sheldon:You’re talking to one of the three men in the western hemisphere capable of following that train of thought.


Leonard:Well, what do you think? Leonard:那么,你认为呢?

Sheldon:I said I could follow it. I didn’t say I care. Sheldon:我只是说我跟得上,不代表我在乎。

hemisphere半球;capable of doing sth表示能够做某事;train of thought是固定短语,直译是”思想的火车“,指代”思绪、思路“。follow除了表示跟随,还有明白、弄懂的意思。如:Can you follow me?


Penny:Leonard, I didn’t know you played the cello. Penny:Leonard,我都不知道你会拉大提琴。

Leonard:Yeah, my parents felt that naming me Leonard and putting me in Advanced Placement classes wasn’t getting me beaten up enough.


name sb.+名字 表示给某人取XXX的名字;get beaten up表示”被暴打一顿“。这是美国人常见的一个口头笑话,当名字起得不对劲或有某些异于常人的特质时,往往会在学校成为bully(欺负)的对象,或遭人排挤。 (14)

Sheldon:Ah, gravity, thou are a heartless bitch. Sheldon:啊,地心引力,汝乃无良之贱货。 thou是古英语,指代”你“。


Sheldon:You realize that scene was rife with scientific inaccuracy. Sheldon:你知道那场景里充斥着科学错误吧? Penny:Yes, I know, men can’t fly. Penny:是啊,我知道,人类不能飞。

Sheldon:No, no. Let’s assume that they can. Lois Lane is falling, accelerating at an initial of 32 feet per second. Superman swoops down to save her by reaching out two arms of steel. Miss Lane, who is now traveling at approximately 120 miles an hour, hits them and is immediately sliced into three equal pieces.

Sheldon:不,不,让我们假设人类可以。路易丝?莱恩以32英尺/秒平方的初始加速度急速坠落,超人突然下降,用钢铁般的手臂接住她。莱恩小姐此时大约速度在120英里/时,猛撞上超人的手臂后,她会马上被切成三等分。 Leonard:Unless Superman matches her speed and decelerates. Leonard:除非超人赶上她的速度并减速。 Sheldon:In what space, sir? In what space? She’s two feet above the ground. Frankly, if he really loved her, he’d let her hit the pavement. It’d be a more merciful death.

Sheldon:哪还有时间,先生? 哪有时间?她离地面只有两英尺。坦白讲,如果他真的爱她,就应该让她直接撞地。那会是种更仁慈的死法。

rife with表示充满、充斥着;swoops down俯冲;decelerate减速,反义词是accelerate加速。Frankly或者Frankly speaking,坦白讲。 (16)

I am truly sorry for what happened last night. I take full responsibility and I hope it won’t color your opinion of Leonard, who is not only a wonderful guy but also, I hear, a gentle and thorough lover. 我真的对昨晚发生的事情感到抱歉。我承担所有的责任,我希望它不会影响你对伦纳德的看法,他不仅是一个好男人,而且我听说,一个温柔而周密的爱人。 take full responsibility表示”负全部责任“,负责任也可以用shoulder responsibility表示。color your opinion表示”影响你的看法“,一般是指负面的影响。


At least now you can retrieve the black box from the twisted smoldering wreckage that was once your fantasy of dating her and analyze the data so that you don’t crash into geek mountain again.


retrieve找回,smolder,闷烧;crash intov. 闯入、撞到?上、猛坠;geek美俚,极客,表示智力超群,善于钻研但不懂与人交往的怪才。TBBT就是这样一部极客大杂烩的神剧。 (18)

There’s always the possibility that alcohol and poor judgment on her part might lead to a nice romantic evening.

酒精加上她一时糊涂总有机会让今晚成为浪漫之夜。 (19)

I thought she was a highly evolved creature of pure intellect, like me. But recent events indicate that she may be a slave to her baser urges. 我以为她如我一样是个高度进化的纯高智商物种。但最近的事件表明她也许不过是个屈服于低级欲望的生物。 (20)

There wouldn’t have been any ass kickings if that stupid death ray had worked.


ass kicking,打屁股,意指挨打。kick ass虽然略有不雅,但在美俚中很常见,表示打败、了不起的,不好惹的。如:

In addition, many soccer analysts believe that a soccer-loving America would, as President Obama might say, kick ass. 另外,很多足球分析家觉得一个喜欢足球的美国将会很了不起,正如奥巴马总统所说。

Providing kick ass services should be part of every business model. 提供出色的服务是每一种业务模式的组成部分。

(21) But if you did, you’d open yourself to peer-based mocking, such as, “hey, Leonard, how was your dinfast with Priya last night, Dinfast.”


How was?? ?怎么样? 这是一个十分简单而经典的问候句,举例:how was your day?你今天过得怎么样?


(22) Listen, I don’t want to be rude, but Priya’s gonna be calling any minute, so.


当你说的话可能会冒犯到别人时,就说I don’t want to be rude,或者no offence, 或者with all due respect


Sheldon: Scissors cuts paper, paper covers rock, rock crushes lizard, lizard poisons Spock, Spock smashes scissors, scissors decapitates lizard, lizard eats paper, paper disproves Spock, Spock vaporizes rock, and as it always has, rock crushes scissors.




S:”Amy pointed out that between the two of us,our genetic material has the potential of producing the first in a line of intellectually superior, benign overlords to guide humanity to a brighter tomorrow.”

“艾米指出通过我俩的结合我们的基因将会有机会制造出前所未有的智力超群 仁慈善良的君主带领人类走向光明未来”

intellectually: 理智地, 与智力(或思维)有关地;例如:

One should not be too severe on English novels; they are the only

relaxation of the intellectually unemployed.不要过分严格看待英国小说,它们只是一班失了业的知识分子(作出来)的聊以解闷的东西罢了。


SHELDON: In order to live long enough to fuse my consciousness with cybernetics, I need to change my diet.

为了把我的寿命延长到能把意识转移到人造大脑上,我要改变饮食 LEONARD: Wait. Cybernetics is robot stuff, right? 等等,人造大脑是机器人之类的吧 SHELDON: Correct. 没错

LEONARD: So you want to turn yourself into some sort of robot? 这么说你想把自己变成某种机器人 SHELDON: Essentially, yes. 本质上是这样

LEONARD: Okay, here’s my question. Didn’t you already do that? 我想问个问题。你不是已经变成机器人了吗 SHELDON: Flattering, but sadly, no.I’m also planning to begin an exercise regimen designed to strengthen my cardiovascular system, AKA jogging. 虽然我受宠若惊,可惜还没有。我还打算开始一种运动养生法,加强我的心血管系统,也就是慢跑。

LEONARD: Wait. Honey, have you ever run before? 等等,亲爱的,你以前跑过步吗 SHELDON: Certainly. I’ve run from bullies, dogs, angry chickens?and one particularly persistent P.E. teacher determined to bend me over and give me a scoliosis test.


cybernetics,控制论,是研究机器、生命、通讯等各类系统的调节和控制规律,即动态系统在变的环境条件下如何保持平衡状态或稳定状态的科学。 Diet,名词泛指饮食、食物,动词可以指“节食”。如:Balanced diet(均衡膳食)、light diet (易消化、清淡饮食 )等等。

sort of,指“有几分地;到某种程度”,也可写作“kind of”; Flatter在口语中很常用,指“奉承、谄媚、献殷勤”,其形容词形式Flattering, 指“谄媚的、讨好的”,如:

I feel flattered by your invitation.受到你的邀请,我感到受宠若惊。 Many flattering relatives fawned on the rich old man. 许多谄媚的亲戚都奉承那个老富翁。

Perhaps I’m flattering myself (and you) but I think almost everyone who reads blogs like this one is part of the elites. 也许我在奉承自己(和你)但我想任何读像这样的博客的人或多或少地都是精英。

exercise regimen,运动治疗形态、锻炼计划;AKA, 英文缩写词,意为“又叫做,亦称”,是英文“also known as”的缩写。bully,恶霸,欺凌者;scoliosis test,脊柱侧弯测试;persistent,坚持不懈的,锲而不舍的,如:

If you really can’t find any, at least the experience teaches you to be persistent in any situation. 如果你实在学不到什么东西,至少这种体验可以教给你在任何情况下都要坚持。


SHELDON: What I’m doing here is trying to determine when I’m going to die. A lot of people are working on that research.

我正在做的是想计算出我的死亡时间。很多人都在做这方面的研究 LEONARD: So what is all this? 那这些是什么 SHELDON: My family history factoring in longevity propensity for disease, et cetera.

我家人的寿命长短疾病倾向等信息 LEONARD: Interesting. 有意思

SHELDON: Cause of death for Uncle Carl was KBB. 卡尔叔叔的死因是

LEONARD: What’s “KBB”? KBB是什么

SHELDON: “Killed by badger.” 被獾所杀

LEONARD: How’s that? 怎么回事 SHELDON: It was Thanksgiving. Uncle Carl said, “I think there’s a badger living in our chimney. Hand me that flashlight.” Those were the last words he ever spoke to us.


LEONARD: I don’t think you need to worry about death by badgers being hereditary.


SHELDON: Not true. The fight or flight instinct is coded genetically. Instead of fleeing, he chose to fight barehanded against a brawny member of the weasel family. Who’s to say that I don’t share that flawed DNA? 不对,战斗或逃跑的本能受基因控制。他没选择逃跑,反而赤手空拳跟鼬类动物中强壮的一员战斗。谁能肯定我没遗传这种有缺陷的基因? LEONARD: You can always get a badger and find out. 你反正可以找只獾来验证的

et cetera,缩写为很常见的etc.表示“等等”;longevity,寿命、生命、长寿;factoring in,表示“将?纳入?的因素”,如:

Factoring in taxes, upkeep and the opportunity cost of keeping money in a non-performing asset, an empty luxury home may be costing owners a lot

just by sitting there. 算上税、维修保养费用和把钱放在不良资产中带来的机会成本,一座空荡荡的豪华住宅仅仅闲置在那里,也可能让房主花销不菲。 Cause of death,死因;Interesting,原意为“有趣的”,口语中可以用作表示高贵冷艳的“有意思,愿闻其详”的意思。常用词hereditary,形容词,表“遗传的;世袭的;世代相传的”,词根为动词inherit,表示“经遗传而得(性格或特征)、继承(财产、家业等)”如:

We know that personality has an hereditary component. 我们知道个性具有遗传的部分。

She inherits her mother’s looks.她继承了她母亲的相貌。

1.The will has to be proved before we can inherit. 遗嘱要先公证,然后我们才能继承遗产。

instinct,本能;coded genetically一用语来自于基因的“genetically coded function (编码功能 ; 遗传编码功能)”;

barehanded,赤手空拳地;brawny,强壮的;肌肉结实的;fight against,与??战斗、搏斗,如:fight against corruption(打击贪污);flawed,形容词,有缺陷的;有瑕疵的;有裂纹的

1.Furthermore, some flawed ideas may ignite your curiosity and

imagination, both of which have the ability to change the dynamics of everything. 而且,有时一些有瑕疵的想法可能会点燃你的好奇心和想象力,这两者都能够带来彻头彻尾的改变。

just by sitting there. 算上税、维修保养费用和把钱放在不良资产中带来的机会成本,一座空荡荡的豪华住宅仅仅闲置在那里,也可能让房主花销不菲。 Cause of death,死因;Interesting,原意为“有趣的”,口语中可以用作表示高贵冷艳的“有意思,愿闻其详”的意思。常用词hereditary,形容词,表“遗传的;世袭的;世代相传的”,词根为动词inherit,表示“经遗传而得(性格或特征)、继承(财产、家业等)”如:

We know that personality has an hereditary component. 我们知道个性具有遗传的部分。

She inherits her mother’s looks.她继承了她母亲的相貌。

1.The will has to be proved before we can inherit. 遗嘱要先公证,然后我们才能继承遗产。

instinct,本能;coded genetically一用语来自于基因的“genetically coded function (编码功能 ; 遗传编码功能)”;

barehanded,赤手空拳地;brawny,强壮的;肌肉结实的;fight against,与??战斗、搏斗,如:fight against corruption(打击贪污);flawed,形容词,有缺陷的;有瑕疵的;有裂纹的

1.Furthermore, some flawed ideas may ignite your curiosity and

imagination, both of which have the ability to change the dynamics of everything. 而且,有时一些有瑕疵的想法可能会点燃你的好奇心和想象力,这两者都能够带来彻头彻尾的改变。

