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Unit1-1 在夜总会 At the Nightclub俚语地道说法

At the Nightclub 在夜总会

Neil brings his younger brother, John, to a nightclub for the first time. 尼尔带弟弟约翰第一次去夜总会。

Neil:What are you wearing that getup for? You really look geeky. 尼尔:你干嘛穿这套衣服?看上去太可笑了。 John:That tears it! Catch ya later.

约翰:我受不了你!我走了,回头见。 Neil:Okay,okay! Don't flip out. Look, we'll just hang here for a while... this is the best spot to pick up chicks.

尼尔:好,好,别生气了。瞧,我们就泡一会儿……找女人,这个地方是最好不过了。 John:What do I do if one gives me the eye? 约翰:要是有人向我抛媚眼,怎么办?

Neil:Get with the program! Just go up and dialogue her. No biggy!


John:No way, Jose! I'd chicken out. Don't you ever get scared of girls? 约翰:那怎么行!我没这个胆量.在女孩子面前,你就没害怕过?

Neil:Never? Okay, Tm getting you a drink... a vodka rocks. How does that sound? I guarantee it'll do the trick. Actually, maybe you should have it straight up. I think you need to get yourself faced. 尼尔:从来没有!好了,我给你弄杯喝的……伏特加加冰块,怎么样?我敢保证这对你有用。其实你应该光来点酒,什么都不用加。我觉得你应该先把自己灌醉。

John:Oh, great. I'll get totally plastered, walk right up to her then toss my cookies right on her foot. Do we have to stick around here?

约翰:噢,好极了。我先喝个烂醉,然后上去吐得她满脚都是。我们定得呆在这个地方吗? Neil:Mellow out! We're staying here all night. 尼尔:冷静点!我们要呆个晚上呢。

John:Hey, Neil...isn't that the girl who had mad crush on you? You know, the one you blew off in order to take out her roommate? I never saw anyone so teed off before. Man, has she ever gotten big!

约翰:嘿,尼尔……那不是爱你爱得死去活来的那个小妞吗?就是你为了想跟她的室友好,就把她给甩了的那个.我从没见过有人会气成那样。你这家伙是不是把她的肚子搞大了! Neil:She's a weight lifting buff. If she spots me here, my goose is cooked. Hey, she's coming this way! Yike! Let's get out of here!


John:Hold on! What was that about never being scared of a girl? 约翰:等等,你不是说从来都不怕女孩子的吗?

Neil:Only the kind that can't knock my Mock off. Come on, let's beat it! 尼尔:那是指不会揍我的女孩子。快点,我们走吧!

Unit1-2 在夜总会 At the Nightclub 标准英语的说法

At the Nightclub在夜总会

Neil brings his younger brother, John, to a nightclub for the first time. 尼尔带弟弟约翰第一次去夜总会。

Neil:What are you wearing that outfit for? You really look ridiculous. 尼尔:你干嘛穿这套衣服?看上去太可笑了。 John:That's all I can tolerate! See you later.


Neil:Okay, okey! Don't get upset. Look, we'll just pass time here for a while…this is the best spot to look for women.

尼尔:好,好,别生气了。瞧,我们就泡一会儿……找女人,这个地方是最好不过了。 John:What do 1 do if one flirts with me?


Neil:Get up-to-date! Just go up and talk to her. It's not a big problem! 尼尔:别老七了!上去和她打个招呼,没什么大不了的!

John:Absolutely not! I'd lose my courage. Don't you ever get scared of girls?


Neil:Never! Okey, I'm getting you a drink... a vodka with ice.How does that appeal to you? I guarantee it'll have a positive effect. Actually, maybe you should have it plain, without anything to dilute it. I think you need to get yourself intoxicated. 尼尔:从来没有!好了,我给你弄杯喝的……伏特加加冰块,怎么样?我敢保证这对你有用。其实你应该光来点酒,什么都不用加。我觉得你应该先把自己灌醉。

John:Oh, great. I'll get totally drunks walk right up to her then vomit right on her foot. Do we have to stay here?

约翰:噢,好极了。我先喝个烂醉,然后上去吐得她满脚都是。我们定得呆在这个地方吗? Neil:Calm down! We're staying here all night.


John:Hey, Neil... isn't that the girl who liked you romantically? You know, the one you abandoned in order to take out her roommate? I never saw anyone so angry before. Man, has she ever gotten big!

约翰:嘿,尼尔……那不是爱你爱得死去活来的那个小妞吗?就是你为了想跟她的室友好,就把她给甩了的那个.我从没见过有人会气成那样。你这家伙是不是把她的肚子搞大了! Neil:She's a weight lifting fanatic. If she finds me here, I'm dead. Hey, she's coming this way! Oh, no! Let's get out of here!


John:Wait! What was that about never being scared of a girl? 约翰:等等,你不是说从来都不怕女孩子的吗?

Neil:Only the kind that can't beat me up. Come on, let's leave! 尼尔:那是指不会揍我的女孩子。快点,我们走吧!

Unit1-3 词汇

beat it (to) exp.跑掉,溜走

blow someone off (to) exp.抛弃某人,甩掉某人 buff n.爱好者,谜

catch someone or something later (to) exp.以后再见某人;以后再看某物 chicken out (to) exp.胆怯;畏缩;因胆小而放弃

dialogue someone (to) exp.和某人搭讪,和某人攀谈 do the trick (to) exp.有效果,起作用 flip (out) (to) exp.怒不可遏 geeky adj.傻乎乎的

get faced (to) exp.大醉,烂醉如泥

get with the program (to) 意识到;人时,时髦 getup n.衣着,服装

give someone the eye (to) 对某人抛媚眼 goose cooked (to have one's) 遭殃,完蛋 hang (to) v.消磨时间;打发时间 hold on (to) exp.等着

How does that sound? 你有兴趣吗?

knock somenone's block off (to) exp.打某人一巴掌 mad crush on someone (to have a) 迷恋某人 mellow out (to) 冷静下来 No biggy! 没问题

No way ,Jose! 绝对不行!

pick up chicks (to) 找女人,找艳遇 plasetered (to be) 喝得烂醉的 rocks (on the) 加冰的

spot someone (to) 找到某人,发现某人 stick around (to) 等待,逗留 straight up adv.纯的,不搀水的 teed off (to be) 生气,恼火 That tears it! 我受不了了! toss one's cookles (to) 呕吐 Yike! 呀!

Unit2-1 新邻居 The New Neighbors 俚语地道说法

The New Neighbors新邻居

Nancy and Tessa are talking about the new neighbors.


Nancy:Looks like you landed yourself some new neighbors!Okay, let's get down to brass tacks. What's the dirt on them? I mean, you did go over and break the ice already, didn't you?


Tessa:I'll say. I popped in on them right after the last stick of furniture was lugged into the house. I sized them up real fast. Take it from me, they're kind of off-the-wall. He's okay but as for her, the lights are on but nobody's home, I don't mean to put her down, but the lady's a trip! She's sort of a cold fish, too.


Nancy:Well,try to go easy on her. She was probably pretty crazed. I mean,moving is no picnic. Once they've had a chance to pull it together, I bet they do they look turn out to be real nice. All

right. Let's cut to the chase. What do they like?


Tessa:I have to admit it. She's a knockout. I'm telling you.She's got a figure that won't quit- She's stacked. And you should see him... a total hunk- He looks like your typical jock.

特萨:这我不得不承认,那女的长得可真是绝顶漂亮.一点儿也不骗你,那身材真棒,胸部丰满极了。还有那个男的,你也该看看……好健美,就像你说的那种标准运动员身材。 Nancy:You know, I'm starting to hate their guts. 南希:你知道吗,我开始讨厌他们了。

Unit2-2 新邻居 The New Neighbors 标准英语的说法

The New Neighbors新邻居

Nancy and Tessa are talking about the new neighbors.


Nancy:Looks like you found yourself some new neighbors! Okay, let's talk about the essentials. What's the inside information on them? I mean, you did go over and introduce yourself already, didn't you?


Tessa:Absolutely. I went over to visit without notice right after the last piece of furniture was brought into the house. I evaluated them real fast. Believe me, they're kind of different. He's okay but as for her, she's not very bright. 1 don't mean to criticize her, but the lady's rather strange! She's sort of unfriendly, too.


Nancy:Well, try to be tolerant of her. She was probably pretty agitated. I mean, moving is not easy. Once they've had a chance to get organized, I bet you discover that they're real nice. All right. Let's get to the most Important issue. What do they look like?


Tessa:I have to admit it. She's gorgeous. I'm telling you. She's got a figure that's fantastic. She's very big-breasted. And you should see him...a total masculine man. He looks like your typical athlete.

特萨:这我不得不承认,那女的长得可真是绝顶漂亮.一点儿也不骗你,那身材真棒,胸部丰满极了。还有那个男的,你也该看看……好健美,就像你说的那种标准运动员身材。 Nancy:You know, I'm starting to completely despise them. 南希:你知道吗,我开始讨厌他们了。

Unit2-3 词汇

break the ice (to) 主动攀谈;打破沉默

cold fish (to be a) 态度冷冰冰的人;不热情的人 crazed (to be) 忙的晕头转向

cut to the chase (to) 直奔主题;开门见山

dirt n.流言蜚语;丑闻

get down to brass tacks (to) 讨论实质性问题 get easy on someone (to) 对某人宽容

hate one's guts (to) 对某人恨之入骨;憎恶某人 hunk n.体魄健康、有阳刚气概的男子 I'll say 当然 Jock n.运动员

knockout (to be a) adj.美貌的;令人倾倒的 land oneself something (to) 经过努力而得到的 off-the-wall (to be) 古怪的

pinic (to be a) adj.轻松愉快的经历 pop in (to) 突然到来

pull it together (to) 整理,收拾;安排,就绪

put someone or something down (to) 责骂某人;贬低某人或某物 size someone or something up (to) 估计;评价 stacked (to be) 乳房丰满的 stick of furniture n.单件家具 Take it from me 相信我

...that won't quit 特别的;出色的

The lights are on but nobody's home 心不在焉 trip (to be a) 古怪,不对劲 turn out (to) 结果是

Unit3-1 在医院里 In the Hospital 俚语地道说法

In the Hospital


Our soap begins with Eric talking to the doctor.


Eric:Give it to me straight, doc. Is she gonna pull through? 艾力克:你就跟我直说了吧,医生,她能熬得过去吗?

Doctor:Well, it was touch and go in O.R. for a while. Your wife's a tough cookie. It's a good thing she's got a strong ticker. She 11 be back in full swing in no time. Just make sure she takes it easy. She finally came to just an hour ago. Why don't you go peek your head in. I think it'll lift her spirits


(Moments later, Eric visits his wife's room) (之后,艾力克来到妻子的病房)

Eric:Yoo hoo! I thought I'd stop by and check up on you. 艾力克:嗨!我来看看你怎么样了。

Monica:Hi there. So, do I look like death warmed over? 莫妮卡:嗨!你说,我是不是看上去快要死了? Eric:No, I don't think we'll have to pull the plug this time,


