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( D )1. – Hello, may I speak to Dr. Bush? --_________________.

A. Yes, I’m Bush B. Yes, it’s me

C. Here is Bush D. Speaking

( b )2. –The phone is ringing.

-- Who could _____ be? It is already midnight. A. he B. it C. this D. that ( c )3.-Are you satisfied with her work,sir? -Not at all. It couldn't be any _______.

A. better B. best C. worse D. worst ( D )4.-Let me help you with your suitcase. -________.

A. You're very nice B. Yes,you're so helpful C. No,I can do D. It's very kind of you ( d)5. – Hello, can I speak to George? -- Hold on, please, George, ___________.

A. your father’s call B. someone is looking for you C. a message for you D. you are wanted on the phone

( A )6.– Shall we go to the cinema tonight? --_________, but my hands are full.

A. I’d love to B. I’d love the idea C. I’d love it D. I’d love to do

( d )7. – Thank you for coming to meet me. --___________.

A. I’m fine B. My duty C. Nice to meet you D. My pleasure ( B ) 8. ----Hello, this is Linda speaking. May I speak to Jim? ----Yes, ____.

A. it is B speaking C I am Jim D that’s






提示:Jane和Michael商量周末去野餐 ot forPicnic。他们讨论discuss要去什么地方,带些什么。Michael建议邀请inviteJohn和他的女朋友参加。最后他们决定decide星期六早上8点出发。

Jane:How do you like the idea of having a picnic this Saturday?

Michael:Wonderful. But_where shall we go/where shall we have the picnic____? Jane:What about going to the Western Hills?It's quite cool there.

Michael:That's a good idea. _Shall we invite john and his girlfriend ___________to go with us?

Jane:OK. And we can ask them to prepare some drinks. Michael:_what shoul I do/can I help/can I do something_?

Jane:You'd better buy最好做甘事(had better do sth.) some fruit,and sandwiches. Michael:_what do you like/what would you like_____? Jane:I like oranges,watermelons,grapes,and bananas.

Michael:when shall we start off/setout/when shall me leave for the picnic._ ____? Jane:How about 8 in the morning?We can get there in an hour and a half. Michael:OK. I'll call John and tell him about our plan.

五 补全对话(共5句;每句满分为3分,共15分)

提示: Michael 突然牙痛,于是到药房买药。药剂师为他检查后推荐了一种药,要他记住每四小时服一粒(pill)。同时叮嘱他如果两天后不见好的话,一定要去医院。 Pharmacist: Good morning. What can I do for you?

Michael: ______I have a toothache____. What medicines do you think I should take? Pharmacist: Let me have a look at your teeth, please. …Oh, it’s nothing serious. You can try this. It’s quite effective. Michael: __How much is it_________? Pharmacist: It costs only $8.99 a bottle.



Michael: OK. One bottle, please.

Pharmacist: Remember to ___take one pill every four hours__________. Michael: Sure, I will.

Pharmacist: __If the toothache still hurts in two days/If you are not better in two

days /If the meciding not works_in two days_____, you’d better go and see the doctor. 69

Michael: OK. Thank you for your advice. And there is a 10 dollar bill.

Pharmacist: Thank you, sir. _____Here is the change___, $ 1.01. Hope you’ll be fine soon. Bye. Michael: Bye.

五 补全对话(共5句;每句满分为3分,共15分)

提示:Mary在一家电器店买了一台录音机,回去后发现机器不转,便拿来要求退货。店员请她指出问题,并表示愿意替她修理。经检查发现是电源未接通。 (S= shop assistant M=Mary)

S: Morning, _What can I do for you/Can I help you____, miss?

M: Uh, I’d like to return this tape recorder and get my money back.

S: _What’s the problem with the recorder/what happen to it/what’s wrong with it__? M: It doesn’t work.

S: I’m very sorry, but we can repair it for you____.

M: I got this recorder only yesterday. Are you sure it won’t wrong again? S: The service department in our store is quite good at that sort of thing. Can you show me ____what the trouble is.

M: It simply doesn’t work. You see, none of the button work. Try it yourself. S: OK. Let me see. Oh, _the power is off/you didn’t turn on the power___, miss. Now it works very well.



五 补全对话 (共5句;每句满分3分,共15分)


( Shop Assistant= S; Customer= C)

S: Good morning, madam. _What can I do for you?Can I help you______ ? C: Yes. You see, I’m looking for a T-shirt for my son. S: We have a large variety of T-shirts. What about this one? C: Oh, I like it. __Do you have size 8/Have you got size 8____? S: Let me see… Size 4, 6 …Yes, we have size 8. Here you are.

C: Um, but I don’t really like the color. __Do you get/have other colours____? S: Yes, we always have pink, orange, black, blue and… C: Good, I think blue is nice. ____How much is it_____? S: It’s $ 50.

C: Oh, really? I’m afraid ___It is too expensive (for me)__ _. I’ll have to think about it.

五 补全对话 (共5句;每句满分3分,共15分)

提示:小李在巴黎旅游是迷了路,非常着急,而他又看不懂手里的法语版地图。一个巴黎人告诉他应沿着那条路走,到第三个红绿灯后向右转。 (Xiao Li= L; Parisian= P)



P: Can I help you?

L: Yes, please. I should be back to my hotel before dinner time, but _I am lost/I got lost./I can’t find my way back__. The map is in French, but I only speak English. P: Don’t worry. ____What is the name of _your hotel/the hotel./where do you live_______? L: Riverside Hotel.

P: OK. Go straight ahead until the third traffic lights._(Then) turn right.__ __ _. The hotel is at the end of the street. You won’t miss it. L: ___How long can I get there?how long will it take_____? P: About 20 minutes. L: OK. Thanks a lot.

P: _____you’re welcome.It’s my pleasure.That’s all right._____________.


提示:Jack 去图书馆借书,但没有借书证(library card)。图书管理员Linda为他办理了借书证,并告诉他每本书可借两个星期,如果需要,可以续借。

Linda: Good morning, __can I help you__? Jack: Yes, I want to borrow a book. Linda: ___Do you have a library card_?

Jack: No, I don’t have one now. __Can I apply for one/how can I get one__? Linda: Well, please fill in this form first.

Jack: OK. (A few minutes later.) Here’s the completed form,

Linda: Thanks. The card will be ready in thirty minutes, and you can take it later. Jack: Thank you. By the way, _How long can I keep the books__?

Linda: Well, two weeks. But then, you can renew the book if you still need it. Jack: I see. Thanks a lot.

Linda: _You are welcom./It’s my pleasure_.

五 补全对话(共5句;每句满分为3分,共15分。)


