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一. 主语与动词一致

1. The relationship between corpulence and disease remain controversial, al

though statistics clearly associate a reduced life expectancy with chronic o


A) remain controversial, although statistics clearly associate a reduced lif

e expectancy with

B) remain controversial, although statistics clearly associates a reduced li

fe expectancy with

C) remain controversial, although statistics clearly associates reduced life

expectancy to

D) remains controversial, although statistics clearly associate a reduced li

fe expectancy with

E) remains controversial, although statistics clearly associates reduced lif

e expectancy to

2. Puritan fanatics brought to civil and military affairs a coolness of judg

ment and mutability of purpose that some writers have though inconsistent wi

th their religious zeal, but which was in fact a natural outgrowth of it.

A) but which was in fact a natural outgrowth of it

B) but which were in fact a natural outgrowth of it

C) but which were in fact natural outgrowths of it

D) but it was in fact a natural outgrowth of them

E) which was in fact a natural outgrowth of it

3.Out of America’s fascination with all things antique have grown a market

for bygone styles of furniture and fixtures that are bringing back the chais

e lounge, the overstuffed sofa, and the claw-footed bathtub.

A) all things antique have grown a market for bygone styles of furniture and

fixtures that are bringing

B) things antique has grown a market for bygone styles of furniture and fixt

ures that is bringing

C) things that are antique has grown a market for bygone styles of furniture

and fixtures that bring

D) antique things have grown a market for bygone styles of furniture and fix

tures that are bringing

E) antique things has grown a market for bygone styles of furniture and fixt

ures that bring

4.Byron possessed powers of observation that would have made him a great ant

hropologist and that makes his letters as a group the rival of the best nove

ls of the time.

A) makes his letters as a group the rival of

B) makes his letter as a group one to rival

C) makes his letters a group rivaling

D) make his letters as a group the rival of

E) make his letters a group which is the rival of

5.Since 1981, when the farm depression began, the number of acres overseen b

y professional farm-management companies have grown from 48 million to nearl

y 59 million, an area that is about Colorado’s size. (O.P. 297)

A) have grown from 48 million to nearly 59 million, an area that is about Co

lorado’s size

B) have grown from 48 million to nearly 59 million, about the size of Colora do

C) has grown from 48 million to nearly 59 million, an area about the size of


D) has grown from 48 million up to nearly 59 million , an area about the siz

e of Colorado’s

E) has grown from 48 million up to nearly 59 million, about Colorado’s size

6. Each of Hemingway’s wives-Hadley Richardson, Pauline Pfeiffer, Martha Ge

lhorn, and Mary Welsh-were strong and interesting women, very different from

the often pallid women who populate his novels. (O.P.300)

A) Each of Hemingway’s wives-Hadley Richardson, Pauline Pfeiffer, Martha Ge

lhorn, and Mary Welsh-were strong and interesting women,

B) Hadley Richardson, Pauline Pfeiffer, Martha Gklhorn, and Mary Welsh-each

of them Hemingway’s wives-were strong and interesting women

C) Hemingway’s wives-Hadley Richardson, Pauline Pfeiffer, Martha Gelhorn, a

nd Mary Welsh-were all strong and interesting women.

D) Strong and interesting women-Hadley Richardson, Pauline Pfeiffer, Martha

Gelhorn, and Mary Welsh-each a wife of Hemingway, was

E) Strong and interesting women-Hadley Richardson, Pauline Pfeifferm Martha

Gelhorn, and Mary Welsh-every one of Hemingway’s wives were

7. One of every two new businesses fail within two years. (O.P. 302)

A) fail

B) fails

C) should fail

D) may have failed

E) has failed

8. A Labor Department study states that the numbers of women employed outsid

e the home grew by more than a thirty-five percent increase in the past deca

de and accounted for more than sixty-two percent of the total growth in the

civilian work force.( O.P.311)

A) numbers of women employed outside the home grew by more than a thirty-fiv

e percent increase

B) numbers of women employed outside the home grew more than thirty-five per


C) numbers of women employed outside the home were raised by more than thirt

y-five percent

D) number of women employed outside the home increased by more than thirty-f

ive percent

E) number of women employed outside the home was raised by more than a thirt

y-five percent increase

9. What was as remarkable as the development of the compact disc has been th

e use of the new technology to revitalize, in better sound than was ever bef

ore possible, some of the classic recorded performances of the pre-LPP era.

(O.P 312)

A) What was as remarkable as the development of the compact disc

B) The thing that was as remarkable as developing the compact disc

C) No less remarkable than the development of the compact disc

D) Developing the compact disc has been none the less remarkable than

E) Development of the compact disc has been no less remarkable as

10. While some academicians believe that business ethics should be integrate

d into every business course, others say that students will take ethics seri

ously only if it would be taught as a separately required course. (O.P. 313)

A) only if it would be taught as a separately required course

B) only if it is taught as a separate, required course

C) if it is taught only as a course required separately

D) if it was taught only as a separate and required course

E) if it would only be taught as a required course, separately

11. Credit cards are now accepted in exchange for many goods ad services aro

und the world and in some countries, like the Americans, is used even more w

idely than cash.( Z.P.92)

A) like the Americans, is used even more widely than

B) like that of America, is used even more widely than’

C) as in America, are sued even more widely than

D) such as America, are used even more widely than

E) such as America, are used even more widely as

12. One of every two new businesses fail within two years.(Z.P.102)

A) fail

B) fails

C) should fail

D) may have failed

E) has failed

13. The great difference in interpretation between him and his immediate pre

decessor of the role of Anthony were the subject of last week’s column by t

he well-known drama critic. (Z.P. 103)

A) between him and his immediate predecessor of the role of Anthony were

B) between him and his immediate predecessor of the role of Anthony were

C) between he and his immediate predecessor of the role of Anthony were

D) among him and his immediate predecessor of the role of Anthony was

E) among him and his immediate predecessor of the role of Anthony were

14. The rise in the Commerce Department’s index of leading economic indicat

ors suggest that the economy should continue its expansion into the coming m

onths, but that the mixed performance of the index’s individual components

indicates that economic growth will proceed at a more moderate pace than in

the first quarter of this year. (Z.P.155)

A) suggest that the economy should continue its expansion into the coming mo

nths, but that

B) suggest that the economy is to continue expansion in the coming months bu t

C) suggests that the economy will continue its expanding in the coming month

s, but that

D) suggests that the economy is continuing to expand into the coming months,

but that

E) suggests that the economy will continue to expand in the coming months, b ut


D 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.C 6.C 7.B 8.D 9.C 10.B 11.D 12.B 13.B 14.E

二、 动词时态

1. Europeans have long known that eating quail sometimes makes the eater ill

, but only recently has it been established that the illness is caused by a

toxin present in the quail’s body only under certain conditions.

A) Europeans have long known that eating quail sometimes makes

B) Europeans have long known quail eating is sometimes able to make

C) Eating quail has long been known to Europeans to sometimes make

D) It has long been known to Europeans that quail eating will sometimes make

E) It has long been known to Europeans that quail, when it is eaten, has som

etimes made

2. Interest rates on mortgages have declined steadily during the first six

months of this year but virtually remained unchanged during the next three m


A) have declined steadily during the first six months of this year but virtu

ally remained unchanged

B) declined steadily during the first six months of this year but virtually

remain unchanged

C) steadily declined during the first six months of this year but remain vir

tually unchanged

D) declined steadily during the first six months of this but have remained v

irtually unchanging’

E) declined steadily during the first six months of this year but have remai

ned virtually unchanged

3. Although the Supreme Court ruled as long ago as 1880 that Blacks could n

ot be excluded outright from jury service, nearly a century has been necessa

ry to develop and enforce the principle that all juries must be drawn from “

a fair cross section of the community”

A) has been necessary to develop and enforce the principle that all juries

must be

B) was necessary for developing and enforcing the principle that all jurie

s must be

C) was to be necessary in developing and enforcing the principle of all fur

ies to be

D) is necessary to develop and enforce the principle that all juries must b e

E) will be necessary for developing and enforcing the principle

4.Some buildings that were destroyed and heavily damaged in the earthquake l

ast year were constructed in violation of the city’s building code.

A) Some buildings that were destroyed and heavily damaged in the earthquake

last year were

B) Some buildings that were destroyed or heavily damaged in the earthquake l

ast year had been

C) Some buildings that the earthquake destroyed and heavily damaged last yea

r have been

D) Last year the earthquake destroyed or heavily damaged some buildings that

have been

E) Last year some of the buildings that were destroyed or heavily damaged in

the earthquake had been

5. by the time peace and happiness will have come to the planet, many lives

will be wasted.

A) will have come to the planet, many lives will be wasted

B) come to the planet, many lives will have been wasted

C) will have come to the planet, many lives will have been wasted

D) shall have come to the planet, many lives shall be wasted’

E) would have come to the planet, many lives would have been wasted

6. the books of W.E.B. DuBois before World War I constituted as fundamental

a challenge to the accepted ideas of race relations that, two generations la

ter will be true of the writings of the radical writers of the 1960’s.

A) that, two generations later will be true of

B) that, two generations later, would be true of

C) as, two generations later , would be true of

D) as, two generations later, would

E) just in the way that, two generations later, did

7.While everyone continues to hope for their survival, it is unlikely that t

he astronauts could have made it back to the shelter before the power plant


A) could have made it back to the shelter before the power plant exploded

B) were making it back to the shelter before the power plant exploded

C) were able to make it back to the shelter before the power plant explodes

D) have been able to make it back to the shelter before the power plant will


E) could have made it back to the shelter before the power plant would have

destroyed them

8.parliament did not accord full refugee benefits to twelve of the recent im

migrants because it believed that to do it rewards them for entering the cou

ntry illegally.

A) to do it rewards

B) doing it rewards

C) to do this would reward

D) doing so would reward

E) to do it would reward

9.for many people, household labor remains demanding even if able to afford

household appliances their grandparents would find a miracle.

A) even if able to afford household appliances their grandparents would find

a miracle

B) despite being able to afford household appliances their grandparents woul

d find a miracle

C) even if they can afford household appliances their grandparents would hav

e found miraculous

D) although they could afford household appliances their grandparents would

find miraculous

E) even if they are able to afford household appliances which would have bee

n a miracle to their grandparents

10. a huge flying reptile that died out with the dinosaurs some 65 million y

ears ago , the Quetzalcoatlus had a wingspan of 36 feet, believed to be the

largest flying creature the word has ever seen.

A) believed to be

B) and that is believed to be

C) and it is believed to have been

D) which was, it is believed,

E) which is believed to be

11. In virtually all types of tissue in every animal species, dioxin induces

the production of enzymes that are the organism’s trying to metabolize, or

render harmless, the chemical that is irritating it. (O.P.298)

A) trying to metabolize, or render harmless, the chemical that is irritating it

B) trying that it metabolize, or render harmless, the chemical irritant

C) attempt to try to metabolize, or render harmless such a chemical irritant

D) attempt to try and metabolize, or render harmless, the chemical irritatin g it

E) attempt to metabolize, or render harmless, the chemical irritant

12. Native American burial sites dating back 5000 years indicate that the re

sidents of Maine at that time were part of a widespread culture of Algonquia

n-speaking people.( O.P.300)

A) were part of a widespread culture of Algonquian-speaking people

B) had been part of a widespread culture of people who were Algonquian-speak ing

C) were people who were part of a widespread culture that was Algonquian-spe


D) had been people who were part of a widespread culture that was Algonquian


E) were a people which had been part of a widespread, Algonquian-speaking cu


13.A recent study has found that within the past few years, many doctors had

elected early retirement rather than face the threats of lawsuits and the r

ising costs of malpractice insurance.(O.P.330)

A) had elected early retirement rather than face

B) had elected early retirement instead of facing

C) have elected retiring early instead of facing

D) have elected to retire early rather than facing

E) have elected to retire early rather than face

14. Opening with tributes to jazz-age divas like Bessie Smith and closing wi

th Koko Taylor’s electrified gravel-and thunder songs, the program will tra

ce the blues’ vigorous matriarchal line over more than 50 years. (Z.P.91)

A) the program will trace

B) the program shall trace

C) there will be a program tracing

D) it it’s a program that traces

E) it will be a program tracing

15. In a period of time when women typically have had a narrow range of choi

ces, Mary Baker Eddy became a distinguished writer and the founder, architec

t, and builder of a growing church. (Z.P. 102)

A) In a period of time when women typically have

B) During a time in which typically women have

C) Typically, during a time when women

D) At a time when women typically

E) Typically in a time in which women

16. During the nineteenth century Emily Eden and Fanny Parks journeyed throu

ghout India, sketching and keeping journals forming the basis of news report

s about the princely states where they had visited. (Z.P.106)

A) forming the basis of news reports about the princely states where they ha d

B) that were forming the basis of news reports about the princely states

C) to form the basis of news reports about the princely states which they ha ve

D) which had formed the basis of news reports about the princely states wher

e they had

E) that formed the basis of news reports about the princely stats they

17. Even though its per capita food supply hardly increased during two decad

es, stringent rationing and planned distribution have allowed the People’s

Republic of China to ensure nutritional levels of 2000 calories per person p

er day for its population. ( Z.P.109)

A) Even though its per capita food supply hardly increased during

B) Even though its per capita food supply has hardly increased in

C) Despite its per capita food supply hardly increasing over

D) Despite there being hardly any increase in its per capita food supply dur ing

E) Although there is hardly any increase in per capita food supply for

18. Since the past twenty years, thousands of magnificent United States elms

have been killed by infestations of the tiny European bark beetle. (Z.P.117 )

A) Since the past twenty years

B) Since twenty years have passed

C) During the past twenty years

D) Twenty years ago

E) After twenty years

19. Developing nations in various parts of the world have amassed $700 billi

on in debts; at stake, should a significant number of these debts be repudia

ted, is the solvency of some of the world’s largest multinational banks. (


A) should a significant number of these debts be repudiated, is

B) should a significant number of these debts be repudiated, are

C) should they repudiate a significant number of these debts, are

D) if there is a repudiation of a significant number of these debts, would b e

E) if a significant number of these debts will be repudiated, is

20. During the summer of 1981, when it looked like parts of new York and new

Jersey were going to run short of water, many businesses and homes were aff

ected by the stringent restrictions on the use of water. (Z.P.132)

A) it looked like parts of new York and new Jersey were going to run

B) it looked as if parts of New York and New Jersey would have run

C) it appearances that parts of New York and New Jersey would run

D) appearances were that parts of New York and New Jersey would run

E) it was the appearance that parts of New York and New Jersey would running

21. The political masters of the health care system have not listened to pro

fessional health planners because it has not been profitable for them to do

that thing. (Z.P.133)

A) has not been profitable for them to do that thing

B) has not been profitable for them to do so

C) has been unprofitable for them to do that thing

D) has been unprofitable for them to do so

E) doing so had not been profitable for them

22. Few baskets made by Southern California Indians would have survived to t

he present had it not been for enthusiastic collectors at the turn of the ce

ntury. (Z.P.134)

A) had it not been for

B) unless there had been

C) without the fact that there were

D) were it not due to

E) except that there were

23. Some buildings that were destroyed and heavily damaged in the earthquake

last year were constructed in violation of the city’s building code. (Z.P.


A) Some buildings that were destroyed and heavily damaged in the earthquake

last year were

B) Some buildings that were destroyed or heavily damaged in the earthquake l

ast year had been

C) Some buildings that the earthquake destroyed and heavily damaged last yea

r have been

D) Last year the earthquake destroyed or heavily damaged some buildings that

have been

E) Last year some of the buildings that were destroyed or heavily damaged in

the earthquake had been


1.A know后面的that 从句说明know的内容,that一般是不省的。注意动词一般现在时的


2.E during the first six months of this year(在今年的头6个月里)是明确的过去

时间, 其所修饰的动词应用一般过去时,而during the next three months 所修饰的

动词则可以用现在完成时, 表示一个过去开始的但持续到将来的动作。

3.A 4.B 5.B 6.D 7.A

8.D 同一个行为,同一具主语,一般应用do so,而不用do it或do this

9.C 10.C 11.E 12.A 13.E 14.A 15.D 16.E 17. B 18.C 19.A 20.C 21.B

22.A 23.B


1. Assigning additional work to an already overburdened worker, one made of

ten by inept managers, it increases the risk that the worker will become tot

ally alienated and cease being productive altogether.

A) one made often by inept managers, it increases the risk

B) one often made by inept managers, increases the risk

C) a mistake often made by inept managers, the risk rises

D) a mistake often made by inept managers, increases the risk

E) which is often done by inept managers, the risk is increased that

2. Japan received huge sums of capital from the United States after the Seco

nd World War, using it to help build a modern industrial system.

A) Japan received huge sums of capital from the United States after the Seco

nd World War, using it to help build

B) Japan received huge sums of capital from the United States after the Seco

nd World War and used it to help in building

C) Japan used the huge sums of capital it received from the United States af

ter the Second World War to help build

D) Japan’s huge sums of capital received from the United States after the S

econd World War were used to help it in building

E) Receiving huge sums of capital from the United States after the Second Wo

rld War, Japan used it to help build

3. Elizabeth I was a student of classical languages, and it was her who insi

sted that Greek and Latin were spoken at court.

A) it was her who insisted that Greek and Latin were spoken at court

B) it was she that insisted on the speaking of Greek and Latin at court

C) it was she who insisted that Greek and Latin be spoken at court

D) she insisted that, at court, Greek and Latin were spoken

E) she had insisted that Greek and Latin were to be spoken at court

4. Whoever objects to me going to the convention ought to state his positio

n promptly.

A) Whoever objects to me

B) Whomever objects to me

C) Whomever objects to my

D) Whoever objects to my

E) Whoever has an objection to me

5. The current administration, being worried over some foreign trade barrier

s being removed and our exports failing to increase as a result of deep cuts

in the value of the dollar, has formed a group to study ways to sharpen our

competitiveness. (O.P.314)

A) being worried over some foreign trade barriers being removed and our expo

rts failing

B) worrying over some foreign trade barriers being removed, also over the fa

ilure of our exports

C) worried about the removal of some foreign trade barriers and the failure

of our exports

D) in that they were worried about the removal of some foreign trade barrier

s and also about the failure of our exports

E) because of its worry concerning the removal of some foreign trade barrier

s, also concerning the failure of our exports

6.The cameras of the Voyager II spacecraft detected six small, previously un

seen moons circling Uranus, which doubles to twelve the number of satellites

now known as orbiting the distant planet.(O.P.329)

A) which doubles to twelve the number of satellites now known as orbiting

B) doubling to twelve the number of satellites now known to orbit

C) which doubles to twelve the number of satellites now known in orbit aroun d

D) doubling to twelve the number of satellites now known as orbiting

E) which doubles to twelve the number of satellites now known that orbit

7.As a babe emerges from the darkness of the womb with a rudimentary sense o

f vision, it would be rated about 20/500, or legally blind if it were an adu

lt with such vision.(O.P.329)

A) As a babe emerges from the darkness of the womb with a rudimentary sense

of vision, it would be rated about 20/500, or legally blind if it were an ad

ult with such vision.

B) A baby emerges from the darkness of the womb with a rudimentary sense of

vision that would be rated about 20/500, or legally blind as an adult.

C) As a baby emerges from the darkness of the womb, its rudimentary sense of

vision would be rated about 20/500; qualifying it to be legally blind if an


D) A baby emerges from the darkness of the womb with a rudimentary sense of

vision that would be rated about 20/500; an adult with such vision would be

deemed legally blind.

E) As a baby emerges from the darkness of the womb, its rudimentary sense of

vision, which would deemed legally blind for an adult, would be rated about


8. The Gorton-Dodd bill requires that a bank disclose to their customers how

long they will delay access to funds from deposited checks. (O.P. 325)

A) that a bank disclose to their customers how long they will delay access t

o funds from deposited checks

B) a bank to disclose to their customers how long they will delay access to

funds from a deposited check

C) that a bank disclose to its customers how long it will delay access to fu

nds from deposited checks

D) a bank that it should disclose to its customers how log it will delay acc

ess to funds from a deposited check

E) that bands disclose to customers how long access to funds from their depo

sited check is to be delayed

9. Several years ago the diet industry introduced a variety of appetite supp

ressants, but some of these drugs caused stomach disorders severe enough to

have them banned by the Food and Drug Administration. (O.P. 327)

A) stomach disorders severe enough to have them

B) stomach disorders that were severe enough so they were

C) stomach disorders of such severity so as to be

D) such severe stomach disorders that they were

E) such severe stomach disorders as to be

10. Joplin’s faith in his opera “ Tremonisha” was unshakable; in 1911 he

published the score at his own expense and decided on staging it himself. (Z


A) on staging it himself

B) that he himself would do the staging

C) to do the staging of the work by himself

D) that he himself would stage it

E) to stage the work himself

11. In cold-water habitats, certain invertebrates and fish convert starches

into complex carbohydrates called glycerols, in effect manufacturing its own


A) in effect manufacturing its own antifreeze

B) effectively manufacturing antifreeze of tits own

C) in effect manufacturing their own antifreeze

D) so that they manufacture their own antifreeze

E) thus the manufacture of its own antifreeze

12. The modernization program for the steel mill will cost approximately 51

million dollars, which it is hoped can be completed in the late 1980’s.(Z.P


A) The modernization program for the steel mill will cost approximately 51 m

illion dollars, which it is hoped can be completed in the late 1980’s

B) The modernization program for the steel mill, hopefully completed in the

late 1980’s will cost approximately 51 million dollars.

C) Modernizing the steel mill, hopefully to be completed in the late 1980’s

, will cost approximately 51 million dollars.

D) The program for modernizing the steel mill, which can, it is hoped, be co

mpleted in the late 1980’s and cost approximately 51 million dollars.

E) Modernizing the steel mill, a program that can, it is hoped, be completed

in the late 1980’s, will cost approximately 51 million dollars.

13. The actual votes cast by incumbents can provide voters with a more accur

ate picture of their attitudes than the speeches they make while campaigning

for reelection. (Z.P. 122)

A) their attitudes than the speeches they make

B) the attitudes of incumbents than the speeches they make

C) the attitudes of incumbents than do the speeches they make

D) the attitudes of incumbents than do the speeches

E) the attitudes of incumbents than the speeches

14. Although today it is cost-effective to make perfumes with synthetic ingr

edients, they used to make the classic fragrances from flowers only and othe

r natural essences. (Z.P.128)

A) they used to make the classic fragrances from flowers only

B) the classic fragrances used to be made only from flowers

C) the classic fragrances used to be made by them only from flowers

D) the classic fragrances used to be made from flowers only

E) only flowers used to make the classic fragrances

15. At the time of the Mexican agrarian revolution, the most radical faction

, that of Zapata and his followers, proposed a return to communal ownership

of land, to what had been a pre-Columbian form of ownership respected by the

Spaniards. (Z.P. 129)

A) land, to what had been a pre-Columbian form of ownership respected by the


B) land, a form of ownership of the pre-Columbians and respected by the Span


C) Land, respected by the Spaniards and a pre-Columbian form of ownership

D) Land in which a pre-Columbian form of ownership was respected by the Span


E) Land that had been a pre-Columbian form of ownership respected by the Spa


16. It appears from a study of the detailed grammar of the Hopi Indians that

their system of assigning tenses is very different from that of English or

other European languages. (Z.P.136)

A) It appears from a study of the detailed grammar of the Hopi Indians that

their system

B) It seems that study of the Hopi Indians indicates that their system

C) A detailed study of the grammar of the Hopi Indian language indicates tha

t its system

D) Detailed study of Hopi Indians reveals that their system

E) The Hopi Indians have a system

17. scientists have observed large concentrations of heavy-metal deposits i

n the upper twenty centimeters of Baltic Sea sediments, which are consistent

with the growth of industrial activity there. ( Z.P.160)

A) Baltic Sea sediments, which are consistent with the growth of industrial

activity there

B) Baltic Sea sediments, where the growth of industrial activity is consiste

nt with these findings

C) Baltic Sea sediments, findings consistent with its growth of industrial a


D) Sediments from the Baltic Sea, findings consistent with the growth of ind

ustrial activity in the area

E) Sediments from the Baltic Sea, consistent with the growth of industrial a

ctivity there

18. As a baby emerges from the darkness of the womb with a rudimentary sense

of vision, it would be rated about 20/500, or legally blind if it were an a

dult with such vision. (Z.P.168)

A) As a baby emerges from the darkness of the womb with a rudimentary sense

of vision, it would be rated about 20/500, or legally blind if it were an ad

ult with such vision

B) A baby emerges from the darkness of the womb with a rudimentary sense of

vision that would be rated about 20/500, or legally blind as an adult.

C) As a baby emerges from the darkness of the womb, its rudimentary sense of

vision would be rated about 20/500; qualifying it to be legally blind if an


D) A baby emerges from the darkness of the womb with a rudimentary sense of

vision that would byrated about 20/500; an adult with such vision would be d

eemed legally blind.

E) As a baby emerges from the darkness of the womb, its rudimentary sense of

vision, which would be deemed legally blind for an adult, would be rated ab

out 20/500.


1.D 2.C

3.C B用that来指代人, 在GMAT English 里被视为错误。

4. D 5.D 6.E 7.D 8.C 9.D 10.E 11.C 12.E 13.C 14.B 15.A 16.C 17.D


四、 平行结构

在GMAT句子改错题里,还有一种韪也归于平行结构, 即句子前半部以某种方式构成,句


1. The root systems of most flowering perennials either become too crowded,

which results in loss of vigor, and spread too far outward, producing a bar

e center.

A) which results in loss of vigor, and spread

B) resulting in loss of vigor, or spreading

C) with the result of loss of vigor, or spreading

D) resulting in loss of vigor, or spread

E) with a resulting loss of vigor, and spread

2. The economic forces which may affect the new public offering of stock in

clude sudden downturns n the market, hedging and other investor strategies f

or preventing losses, loosening the interest rates in Washington, and fearin

g that the company may still be undercapitalized.

A) loosening the interest rates in Washington, and fearing that the company

may still be undercapitalized

B) loosening the interest rates in Washington, and a fear of the company sti

ll being undercapitalized

C) a loosening of the interest rates in Washington, and fearing that the com

pany may still be undercapitalized

D) a loosening of the interest rates in Washington, and a fear of the still

undercapitalized company

E) a loosening of the interest rates in Washington, and a fear that the comp

any may still be undercapitalized

3.the Puritan was composed of two different men; the one all self-abasement

and penitence; the other proud and inflexible.

A) the one all self-abasement and penitence

B) one of them all self-abasement and penitence

C) the one self-abasing and penitent

D) the one self-abasement and penitence

E) self-abasing and penitent

4.the financial crash of October 1987 demonstrated that the world’s capital

markets are integrated more closely than never before and events in one par

t of the global village may be transmitted to the rest of the village-almost


A) integrated more closely than never before and

B) closely integrated more than ever before so

C) more closely integrated as never before while

D) more closely integrated than ever before and that

E) more than ever before closely integrated as

5. The herbicide Oryzalin was still being produced in 1979, three years afte

r the wives of workers producing the chemical in Rensselaer, New York, were

found to have borne children with heart defects or miscarriages, and none of

their pregnancies was normal.

A) to have borne children with heart defects or miscarriages, and none of th

eir pregnancies was

B) to have had children born with heart defects or miscarriages, and none of

the pregnancies was

C) either to have had children with heart defects or miscarriages, without a

ny of their pregnancies being

D) either to have had miscarriages or to have borne children with heart defe

cts’ none of the pregnancies was

E) either to have had miscarriages or children born with heart defects, with

out and of their pregnancies being

6. To read of Abigail Adam’s lengthy separation from her family, her diffic

ult travels, and her constant battles with illness is to feel intensely how

harsh life was even for the so-called aristocracy of Revolutionary times.

A) To read of

B) Reading about

C) Having read about

D) Once one reads of

E) To have read of

7. Minimum wage legislation has been controversial since its inception: its

proponents argue that the people who are most economically vulnerable are sa

feguarded from being exploited, while other critics argue it leads to people

being unemployed.

A) the people who are most economically vulnerable are safeguarded from bein

g exploited, while other critics argue it leads to people being unemployed.

B) the people safeguarded from being exploited are the most economically vul

nerable, whereas the critics argue it leads to people being unemployed

C) it is safeguard so that the most economically vulnerable are not exploite

d, whereas the critics contend that it is a cause of unemployment

D) it safeguards the most economically vulnerable from exploitation, while i

ts critics contend that it is a cause of unemployment

E) it has safeguarded the people who are most economically vulnerable from b

eing exploited, while its critics contend that it leads to people being unem


8. Prompted by new evidence that the health risk posed by radon gas is far m

ore serious than was previously thought, property owners are being advised b

y authorities to test all dwellings below the third floor for radon gas and

to make repairs as needed.

A) property owners are being advised by authorities

B) property owners are advised by authorities that they should

C) authorities are advising property owners to

D) authorities are advising property owners they

E) authorities’ advice to property owners is they should

9.When Congress reconvenes, some newly elected members from rural states wil

l try and establish tighter restrictions for the amount of grain farmers are

to be allowed to grow and to encourage more aggressive sales of United Stat

es farm products.

A) and establish tighter restrictions for the amount of grain farmers are to

be allowed to grow and to encourage

B) and establish tighter restrictions on the amount of grain able to be grow

n by farmers and encouraging

C) establishing tighter restrictions for the amount of grain farmers are all

owed to grow and to encourage

D) to establish tighter restrictions on the amount of grain capable of being

grown by farmers and encouraging

E) to establish tighter restrictions on the amount of grain farmers will be

allowed to grow and to encourage

10. Manifestations of Islamic political militancy in the first period of rel

igious were the rise of the Wahhabs in Arabia, the Sanusi in Cyrenaica, the

Fulani in Nigeria, the Mahdi in the Sudan, and the victory of the Usuli “mu

jtahids” in Shiite Iran and Iraq.

A) Manifestations of Islamic political militancy in the first period of reli

gious were the rise of the Wahhabs in Arabia, the Sanusi in Cyrenaica, the F

ulani in Nigeria, the Mahdi in the Sudan, and

B) Manifestations of Islamic political militancy in the first period of reli

gious reformism were shown in the rise of the Wahhabis in Arabia, the Sanusi

in Cyrenaica, the Fulani in Nigeria, the Mahdi in the Suddaan, and also

C) In the first period of religious reformism, manifestations of Islamic pol

itical militancy were the rise of the Wahhabis in Arabia, of the Sanusi in C

yrenaica, the Fulani in Nigeriam the Mahdi in the Sudan, and

D) In the first period of religious reformism, manifestations of Islamic pol

itical militancywere shown in the rise of the Wahhabis in Arabia, the Sanusi

in Cyrenaica, the Fulani in Nigeria, the Mahdi in the Sudan, and

E) In the first period of religious reformism, Islamic political militancy w

as manifested in the rise of the Wahhabis in Arabia, the Sanusi in Cyrenaica

, the Fulani in Nigeria, and the Mahdi in the Sudan, and in

11. Some bat caves, like honeybee hives, have residents that take on differe

nt duties such as defending the entrance, acting as sentinels and to sound a

warning at the approach of danger, and scouting outside the cave for new fo

od and roosting sites. ( O.P.297)

A) acting as sentinels and to sound

B) acting as sentinels and sounding

C) to act as sentinels and sound’

D) to act as sentinels and to sound

E) to act as a sentinel sounding

12. Lacking information about energy use, people tend to overestimate the am

ount of energy used by equipment, such as lights, that are visible ad must b

e turned on and off and underestimate that used by unobtrusive equipment, su

ch as water heaters. (O.P.298)

A) equipment, such as lights, that are visible ad must be turned on and off

and underestimate that

B) equipment, such as lights that are visible and must be turned on and off

and underestimate it when

C) equipment, such as lights, that is visible and must be turned on and off

and underestimate it when

D) visible equipment, such as lights, that must be turned on and off and und

erestimate that

E) visible equipment, such as lights, that must be turned on and off and und

erestimate it when

13. The voluminous personal papers of Thomas Alva Edison reveal that his inv

entions typically sprang to life not in a flash of inspiration but evolved s

lowly from previous works.( O.P.301)

A) sprang to life not in a flash of inspiration but evolved slowly

B) sprang to life not in a flash of inspiration but were slowly evolved

C) did not spring to life in a flash of inspiration but evolved slowly

D) did not spring to life in a flash of inspiration but had slowly evolved

E) did not spring to life in a flash of inspiration but they were slowly evo


14. The end of the eighteenth century saw the emergence of prize-stock breed

ing, with individual bulls and cows receiving awards, fetching unprecedented

prices, and excited enormous interest whenever they were put on show. ( O.P

. 311)

A) excited

B) it excited

C) exciting

D) would excite

E) it had excited

15. The current administration, being worried over some foreign trade barrie

rs being removed and our exports failing to increase as a result of deep cut

s in the value of the dollar, has formed a group to study ways to sharpen ou

r competitiveness. (O.P.314)

F) being worried over some foreign trade barriers being removed and our expo

rts failing

G) worrying over some foreign trade barriers being removed, also over the fa

ilure of our exports

H) worried about the removal of some foreign trade barriers and the failure

of our exports

I) in that they were worried about the removal of some foreign trade barrier

s and also about the failure of our exports

J) because of its worry concerning the removal of some foreign trade barrier

s, also concerning the failure of our exports

16. The most common reasons for an employee’s unwillingness to accept a tra

nsfer are that mortgage rates are high, housing in the new location costs mo

re, and the difficulty of selling the old home.(O.P.315)

A) that mortgage rates are high, housing in the new location costs more, and

the difficulty of selling the old home

B) that mortgage rates are high, housing in the new location costs more, and

that it is difficult of sell the old home

C) high mortgage rates, the greater cost of housing in the new location, and

that the old home is difficult to sell

D) high mortgage rates, the greater cost of housing in the new location, and

it is difficult to sell the old home

E) high mortgage rates, the greater cost of housing in the new location, and

the difficulty of selling the old home

17. A study commissioned by the Department of Agriculture showed that if cal

ves exercise and associated with other calve, they will require less medicat

ion and gain weight quicker than do those raised in confinement. (O.P.323)

A) associated with other calve, they will require less medication and gain w

eight quicker than do

B) associated with other calves, they require less medication and gain weigh

t quicker than

C) associate with other calves, they required less medication and will gain

weight quicker than do

D) associate with other calves, they have required less medication and will

gain weight more quickly than do

E) associate with other calves, they require less medication and gain weight

more quickly than

18.Displays of the aurora borealis, or “ northern lights,” can heat the at

mosphere over the arctic enough to affect the trajectories of ballistic miss

iles, induce electric currents that can cause blackouts in some areas and co

rrosion in north-south pipelines.(O.P.328)

A) to affect the trajectories of ballistic missiles, induce

B) that the trajectories of ballistic missiles are affected, induce

C) that it affects the trajectories of ballistic missiles, induces

D) that the trajectories of ballistic missiles are affected and induces

E) to affect the trajectories of ballistic missiles and induce

19.Galileo was convinced that natural phenomena, as manifestations of the la

ws of physics, would appear the same to someone on the deck of a ship moving

smoothly and uniformly through the water as a person standing on land.(O.P.


A) water as a

B) water as to a

C) water; just as it would to a

D) water, as it would to the

E) water; just as to the

20. Geologists believe that the warning signs for a major earthquake may inc

lude sudden fluctuation in local seismic activity, tilting and other deforma

tions of the Earth’s crust , changing the measured strain across a fault zo

ne, and varying the electrical properties of underground rocks.


A) changing the measured strain across a fault zone, and varying

B) changing measurements fo the strain across a fault zone, and varying

C) changing the strain as measured across a fault zone, and variations of

D) changes in the measured strain across a fault zone, and variations in

E) changes in measurements of the strain across a fault zone, and variations


21. Some analysts contend that true capitalism exists only when the ownershi

p of both property and the means of production is regarded as an inalienable

right of an individual’s, and it is not a license granted by government an

d revocable at whim. (O.P. 327)

A) is regarded as an inalienable right of an individual’s, and it is not

B) are regarded as individuals’ inalienable rights, and that it not be

C) is regarded as an individual’s inalienable right, not as

D) are regarded as an individual’s inalienable rights, not when they are

E) is regarded as the inalienable rights of an individual, not when it is

22. Europe’s travel industry is suffering as a result of a sluggish economy

, a stretch of bad weather, as well as the chilling effects of terrorist act

ivity that is persistent.( Z.P.91)

A) as well as the chilling effects of terrorist activity that is persistent

B) and the chilling effect of terrorist activity that is persistent

C) but persistent terrorist activity has had a chilling effect too

D) and the chilling effects of persistent terrorist activity

E) as well as the chilling effects of terrorist activity that persists

23. It is a special feature of cell aggregation if the developing nervous sy

stem that in most regions of the brain the cells not only adhere to one anot

her and also adopt some preferential orientation. (Z.P.100)

A) to one another and also adopt

B) one to the other, and also they adopt

C) one to the other , but also adopting

D) to one another but also adopt

E) to each other , also adopting

24. Among the reasons for the decline of New England agriculture in the last

three decades were the high cost of land , the pressure of housing and comm

ercial development, and basing a marketing and distribution system on import

ing produce from Florida and California.(Z.P.101)

A) basing a marketing and distribution system on importing produce from Flor

ida and California

B) basing a marketing and distribution system on the imported produce of Flo

rida and California

C) basing a system of marketing and distribution on the import of produce fr

om Florida and California

D) a marketing and distribution system based on importing produce from Flori

da and California

E) a marketing and distribution system importing produce from Florida and Ca

lifornia as its base

25. Satre believed each individual is responsible to choose one course of ac

tion over another one, that it is the choice that gives value to the act, an

d that nothing that is not acted upon has value. ( Z.P.107)

A) each individual is responsible to choose one course of action over anothe

r one

B) that each individual is responsible for choosing one course of action ove

r another

C) that each individual is responsible, choosing one course of action over t

he other

D) that each individual is responsible to choose one course of action over t

he other

E) each individual is responsible for choosing one course of action over oth

er ones

26. While he owner of a condominium apartment has free and clear title to th

e dwelling, owners of cooperative apartments have shares in a corporation th

at owns a building and leases apartments to them. ( Z.P.107)

A) While he owner of a condominium apartment has free and clear title to the


B) The owner of a condominium apartment has free and clear title to the dwel

ling, but

C) Whereas owners of condominium apartments have free and clear title to the

ir dwellings,

D) An owner of a condominium apartment has free and clear title to the dwell

ing, whereas

E) Condominium apartment owners have a title to their dwelling that is free

and clear, while

27. A fire in an enclose space burns with the aid of reflected radiation tha

t preheats the fuel, making ignition much easier and flames spreading mire q

uickly. (Z.P.111)

A) flames spreading

B) flames spreads

C) flames are caused to spread

D) causing flames to spread

E) causing spreading of the flames

28. Charlotte Perkins Gilman, a late nineteenth-century feminist, called for

urban apartment houses including child-care facilities and clustered suburb

an houses including communal eating and social facilities.(Z.P.115)

A) including communal eating and social facilities

B) that included child-care facilities, and for clustered suburban houses to

include communal eating and social facilities

C) with child-care facilities included and for clustered suburban houses to

include communal eating and social facilities

D) that included child-care facilities and for clustered suburban houses wit

h communal eating and social facilities

E) to include child-care facilities and for clustered suburban houses with c

ommunal eating and social facilities included

29. The lawyer for the defense charged that she suspected the police of havi

ng illegally taped her confidential conversation with her client and then us

ed the information obtained to find evidence supporting their murder charges

. (Z.P.118)

A) used the information obtained to find evidence supporting

B) used such information as they obtained to find evidence supporting

C) used the information they had obtained to find evidence that would suppor t

D) of using the information they had obtained to find evidence that would su


E) of using such information as they obtained to find evidence hat would be

supportive of

30.South Korea has witnessed the world’s most dramatic growth of Christian

congregations; church membership is expanding by 6.6 percent a year, fully t

wo-thirds of the growth coming from conversions rather than the population i

ncreasing. ( Z.P.123)

A) coming from conversions rather than the population increasing

B) coming from conversions rather than increases in the population

C) coming from conversions instead of the population increasing

D) Is from conversions instead of population increases

E) Is from conversions rather than increasing the population

31. The medieval scholar made almost no attempt to investigate the anatomy o

f plants, their mechanisms of growth, nor the ways where each was related t

o the other. (Z.P.127)

A) nor the ways where each was related to the other

B) nor how each was related to some other

C) or the way where one is related to the next

D) or the ways in which they are related to one another

E) or the ways that each related to some other

32. The major national leaders consulted consider solar power economically i

nfeasible at present but that it will be so in the future. (Z.P.130)

A) that it will be so

B) that it would be so

C) believe that it will be so

D) believe that it will be economically feasible

E) believe that economic feasibility will be achieved

33. Most bacterial populations grown in controlled conditions will quickly e

xpand to the limit of the food supply, produce toxic waste products that inh

ibit further growth, and reached an equilibrium state within a relatively sh

ort time. (Z.P.134)

A) produce toxic waste products that inhibit further growth, and reached an

equilibrium state within a relatively short time

B) will have produced toxic waste products that inhibit further growth and a

lso will reach an equilibrium state within a relatively short time

C) will then produce a toxic waste product that inhibit further growth and t

hus reached an equilibrium state in a very short time

D) produce toxic waste products that inhibit further growth, and reach equil


E) produce toxic waste products that inhibit further growth, and reach an eq

uilibrium state in a fairly prompt way

34. Many people mistakenly believe that the body’s nutritional requirements

remain the same irregardless of the quantity and form of other nutrients in

gested, physical activity and emotional state. (Z.P.135)

A) irregardless of the quantity and form of other nutrients ingested, physic

al activity and emotional state

B) irregardless of the other nutrients, physical activity and emotional stat e

C) regardless of the quantity of nutrients or physical exercise or emotional


D) regardless of the quantity or form of nutrients or physical exercise and

emotional statement

E) regardless of the quantity or form of other nutrients ingested, physical

activity or emotional state

35. It could be argued that the most significant virtue of a popular democra

cy is not the right to participate in the selection of leaders, but rather t

hat it affirms our importance in the scheme of things. (Z.P.137)

A) but rather that it affirms

B) but rather its affirmation of

C) but rather it’s affirmation in terms of

D) but instead of that, its affirming that

E) affirming rather

36. Henry Wadsworth Long fellow was a professor of Modern Languages at Harv

ard, at the same time also one of America’s greatest poets. (Z.P.140)

A) Harvard, at the same time also one of America’s greatest poets

B) Harvard, and at the same time was also one of America’s greatest poets.

C) Harvard, at the same time as he was one of America’s greatest poets.

D) Harvard, at the same time that be had been one of America’s greatest poe ts.

E) Harvard, being one of America’s greatest poets at the same time.

37. In three centuries – from 1050 – several million tons of stone were qu

arried in France f for the building of eighty cathedrals, five hundred large

churches, and some tens of thousands of parish churches. ( Z.P.156)

A) for the building of eighty cathedrals, five hundred large churches, and s


B) in order that they might build eighty cathedrals, five hundred large chur

ches, and some

C) so as they might build eighty cathedrals, five hundred large churches, an

d some

D) so that there could be built eighty cathedrals, five hundred large church

es, and

E) such that they could build eighty cathedrals, five hundred large churches

, and

38. The end of the eighteenth century saw the emergence of prize-stock breed

ing, with individual bulls and cows receiving awards, fetching unprecedented

prices, and excited enormous interest whenever they were put on show. ( z.P


A) excited

B) it excited

C) exciting

D) would excite

E) it had excited

38. The current administration being worried over some foreign trade barrier

s being removed and our exports failing to increase as a result of deep cuts

in the value of the dollar, has formed a group to study ways to sharpen our

competitiveness. (Z.P.162)

A) being worried over some foreign trade barriers being removed and our expo

rts failing

B) worrying over some foreign trade barriers being removed, also over the fa

ilure of our exports

C) worried about the removal of some foreign trade barriers and the failure

of our exports

D) in that they were worried about the removal of some foreign trade barrier

s and also about the failure of our exports

E) because of its worry concerning the removal of some foreign trade barrier

s, also concerning the failure of our exports

39. From the earliest days of the tribe, kinship determined the way in which

the Ojibwa society organized its labor, provided access to its resources, a

nd defined rights and obligations involved in the distribution and consumpti

on of those resources. (Z.P.163)

A) and defined rights and obligations involved in the distribution and consu

mption of those resources

B) defining rights and obligations involved in their distribution and consum


C) and defined rights and obligations as they were involved in its distribut

ion and consumption

D) whose rights and obligations were defined in their distribution and consu


E) the distribution and consumption of them defined by rights and obligation s

40. The most common reasons for an employee’s unwillingness to accept a tra

nsfer are that mortgage rates are high, housing in the new location costs mo

re, ad the difficulty of selling the old home. (Z.P.165)

A) that mortgage rates are high, housing in the new location costs more, ad

the difficulty of selling the old home

B) that mortgage rates are high, housing in the new location costs more, and

that it is difficult to sell the old home

C) high mortgage rates, the greater cost of housing in the new location, and

that the old home is difficult to sell

D) high mortgage rates, the greater cost of housing in the new location, and

it is difficult to sell the old home

E) high mortgage rates, the greater cost of housing in the new location, and

the difficulty of selling the old home

41. Displays of the aurora borealis, or “northern lights,” can heat the at

mosphere over the arctic enough to affect the trajectories of ballistic miss

iles, induce electric currents that can cause blackouts In some areas and co

rrosion in north-south pipelines. ( Z.P.171)

A) to affect the trajectories of ballistic missiles, induce

B) that the trajectories of ballistic missiles are affected, induce

C) that it affects the trajectories of ballistic missiles, induces

D) that the trajectories of ballistic missiles are affected an induces

E) to affect the trajectories of ballistic missiles and induce

42. Geologists believe tat the warning signs for a major earthquake may incl

ude sudden fluctuations in local seismic activity, tilting and other deforma

tions of the Earth’s crust, changing the measured strain across a fault zon

e, and varying the electrical properties of underground rocks. (Z.P.173)

A) changing the measured strain across a fault zone, and varying

B) changing measurements of the strain across a fault zone, and varying

C) changing the strain as measured across a fault zone, and variations of

D) changes in the measured strain across a fault zone, and variations in

E) changes in measurements of the strain across a fault zone, and variations



1.D either…or, neither …nor, not only…but, and ,or,等都可视为并列信号,它


2.E 3.C 4.D 5.D 6.A 7.D 8.C 9.E 10.E 11.B 12.D 13.C 14.C 15.C 16. E

17.E 18.E 19.B 20. D 21.C 22.D 23.D 24. D 25. B 26.C 27.D 28.D

29. D 30.B 31.D 32.D 33.D 34.E 35.B 36.B 37.A 38.C 39.A 40.A 41. E

42. D

五、 不完整的分裂结构

1. There is no consensus on what role, if any , is played by acid rain in s

lowing the growth or damaging forests in the eastern United States.

A) slowing the growth or damaging

B) the damage or the slowing of the growth of

C) the damage to or the slowness of the growth of

D) damaged or slowed growth of

E) damaging or slowing the growth of

2. modernization has gone hand in hand and has offered incentives for such t

hings as personal initiative and ambition, hard work, and resourcefulness.

A) and has offered incentives for such things as personal initiative and amb

ition, hard work, and resourcefulness

B) with and has offered incentives for such things as personal initiative an

d ambition, hard work, and resourcefulness

C) with and has offered incentives for such things as personal initiative an

d ambition, hard work, and the ability to be resourceful

D) and has offered incentives such as personal initiative and ambition, hard

work, and resourcefulness

E) and is offering incentives for such things as personal initiative and amb

ition, hard work, and resourcefulness

3.Carbon-14 dating reveals that the megalithic monuments in Brittnay are nea

rly 2000 years as old as any of their supposed Mediterranean predecessors. (


A) as old as any of their supposed

B) older than any of their supposed

C) as old as their supposed

D) older than any of their supposedly

E) as old as their supposedly 4


1.E 2.B 3.B

六、 省略

