Listen This Way Unit1-6答案 - 图文

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Unit 1

Part Ⅰ

Here are some short conversations on the phone. Please listen. Pay special attention to telephone numbers and addresses. Supply the missing words. 1. Woman: Hello. Man: Hello. I want the County Hospital. Woman: That's 38911. Man: Thank you. 2. Woman: Hello. Girl: The railway station, please. Woman: 42661. Girl: What? Woman: I said 42661. Girl: OK. Thank you. 3. Woman: My husband's broken his leg. Man: What's your phone number? Woman: Call just 82886. The address is 149 Modern Road. Man: The ambulance will be there in a few minutes. 4. Woman: Hello, I'd like a taxi . Man: Yes? What is the address? Woman: 179 Heath Road, Hamstit. Man: Oh, OK. The taxi will be there in 5 minutes. Woman: Thank you. 5. Man 1: Hello, I want a cab. Man 2: OK. What address is it? Man 1: 1120 East 32nd Street. Man 2: Right. The cab will be there in a few mintues. top Part Ⅱ

In this section you are going to hear some recordings that the telephone company uses to tell you why your call did not go through. Listen carefully and write down all the telephone numbers you hear and the reasons why the calls did not go through. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Telephone number 3582818 4912386 5240034/7828249 2650325 3587202 Reasons disconnected temporarily out of order number changed temporarily disconnected changed to an unpublished number In this section you are going to hear some recorded phone calls for Mr. Turner. Notes 1.retire, job 1. Messages Jeremy From: Message: Harold Scott is retiring at the end of the month. There will be a job going for him. 2.Asap (as soon as 2. From: Thompson possible) Message: Get in touch with him as soon as possibe. 3.FNB (First National Bank), afternoon 3. Mary Roberts from the First National Bank From: Message: Call her at 7721852 before 12:30 or between 2 and 5 this afternoon. 4.cancel, 4. From: Brown lunch, reschedule He apologises but must cancel tomorrow's Message: lunch appointment because he is going to be out of town. Call him at 7439821 to reschedule. top Part Ⅲ

First listen to some sentences taken from the phone call. Supply the missing words. 1. Just one moment, I'll put you through. 2. You've got the wrong extension. 3. Can you connect me back through the switchboard please? 4. You expressed an interest in out laboratory measuring equipment. 5. I'm going to be in your area next month and I though I might like to call in and see you. 6. Didn't you get the literature I sent you? 7. I'll just see if I can find my diary. 8. Is that convenient for you? 9. I'll write to you to confirm the arrangements just to make sure we've got everything right. Now listen to the whole phone call. While listening for the first time, add more key words if you can in the left-hand column. After the second listening, answer the questions about the call in the right-hand column with the help of the notes. Notes Questions 1. How many speakers are there in the Dr. Henderson conversation? Circle the correct number. wrong a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. 6 extension Perez, France 2. Who are they? Tick their names or jobs. Bill Anderson Bill Henderson trade fair, Telephonist Secretary Berlin, last Sylvia Perez Sylvia perex Peter Henderson Peter Anderson month lab measuring 3. What's the misunderstanding between the equipment telephonist and the caller? Fill in the blanks. call in, next The telephonist mistook Dr. Henderson for Mr. Anderson, thus put the caller through the month wrong extension. Tues, 10 Apr, 4. What's the misunderstanding between Perez and Apr. 11, 10:00 Dr. Henderson? Fill in the blanks. When arranging the appointment, the time suggested next day, 11:00 after lunch Wed, 2:15 2:50 Mrs not Miss by Perez was Tuesday 10th April, at 11 o'clock, but Dr. Henderson thought it was Wednesday 11th April, at 10 o'clock.The time suggested by Dr. Henderson later was Thursday 12th April, but Perez thought it was Wednesday 11th April.The exact hour suggested by Perez was 2:15, but Dr. Henderson thought it was 2:50. top Part Ⅳ 答案与课本不匹配,不提供答案。 Part Ⅴ

You are going to hear a conversation on the phone (preferably only one time). After that some questions will be asked. Find the right answers as quickly as possible according to the notes you have taken while listening. 1. Smith Catherine Sue Sandy Carol Clara Carl Simon 2. in the office at home in a telephone booth at a restaurant in a taxi in a department store 3. 2 3 4 5 4. two months half a year one year two years three years 5. When were you born? Where do you live? Are you married? Have you got any children? How many people are there in your family? Where did you go to school? What is your present job? What is your educational background? why do you want to leave your present job? How much are you paid in your present job? Why are you interested in the new job? How much do you expect to be paid in the new job? How do you intend to get to work? How long do you intend to stay at the job? Unit 2

Part Ⅰ

Here are some short conversations on the phone. Please listen and supply the missing words. 1. Man: Hello. Operator: I have a collect call from Calvin Leon. Will you accept the charges? Man: Sure. Put him on. 2. Operator: Operator. Woman: Operator, I'm trying to call 7982294. Operator: That number is outside this zone. It's a dollar forty-five for three minutes. Woman: All right. I'll put in the coins. 3. Operator: Overseas Operator. Which country? Man: Italy. Operator: Yes, go ahead. Man: I'd like to book a call to Venice, Italy. Operator: For which date and time? Man: August nineteenth at ten a.m. Operator: What's your name and phone number. Man: Robert Smith 6643639. The number in Venice is 8211083. Operator: We'll call you when your call is ready to go through. 4. Woman: Hello. Operator: Hello.I have a person-to-person call for Mr. Hawkins from Carey Jones. Woman: There's no Hawkins here. What number are you dialling? Operator: I'm trying to reach William Hawkins at 6099525.

Woman: That's our number, but you've made a mistake. Operator: Sorry for disturbing you. top Part Ⅱ

In this section you are going to hear several calls that are answered by machines. Listen to the recorded messages. Write down the reasons why each call is being answered by a machine instead of a person and the actions you decide to take. Write \later\ Receiver Reasons Actions W/C C L/C W/C L/C Transit Authority all lines are busy Call for Action volunteers not on duty Charlie Pioneer Travel steve person not at home all agents busy person can't come to the phone You are going to hear some recorded phone calls. The first three calls are for Mr. Hamilton, and the last one is for Mr. Dobson. 1. First listen to some names: Rebecca Evans Ted Paola Andreotti 2. Now listen to the calls. While listening for the first time, add more key words if you can in the left-hand column. After the second listening, complete the messages in the right-hand column with the help of the notes. Notes 1. no bed, but blue 1. From: Ted Messages He couldn't get the red ones, but there Message: are plenty of blue. You can see them any time. 2. S&W(Smith and Wheeles), sale of 2. From: Mr. Evans of Smith and Wheeler There are a few details regarding the Message: sale of your property that need property, contact asap discussion. Contact him as soon as possible. 3. remember promise 3. From: Rebecca Message: Remember your promise. 4. mix-up, product labelling, Italian market, clear up 4. From: Paola Andreotti from Rome Call her at 002 5589847 before Message: tomorrow evening to clear up a mix-up about the labelling of proudct number 15437 B — the one for the Italian market. top Part Ⅲ

You are going to hear the conversation again. Answer the following questions with the help of the notes. 1. Where did the conversation take place? It took place in the street. 2. When did the conversation take place? It took place in the morning. 3. How old are the speakers? They are probably of high school age. 4. What is their relationship? They are friends. 5. What did they plan to do? They planned to have lunch together. 6. Why one of them had to make a phone call? Because she wanted to tell her cousin that she would be late. 7. Why couldn't the call get through the first two times? Because she dialled the wrong exchange.She dialled 477 instead of 447. 8. Why couldn't the call get through the third time? Because the number was busy. 9. What is her attitude toward being on time for appointments? She thinks that being on time is very important. Now try this: listen to a more authentic version of the conversation and decide whether the statements after the conversation are True or False . 1 F 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 T 6 F 7 F 8 F 9 T 10 F top Part Ⅳ

The following short passage is about the videophones, supply the missing words while listening. Videophones are now available in British Columbia, Canada. For about $30 a month, you can see and hear the other person at the end of the telephone line and even call home and use the video camera to check up on the kids or valuables. A subscriber must have a touch-tone telephone, a standard telephone line and a television or computer to connect to the device, which can pan, tilt and zoom. If a VCR is attached, the videophone call can also be taped. But don't worry that the cameras will start rolling as soon as you pick up your videophone. Both parties must decide to activate the picture. So you can still make faces at your in-laws without them seeing. The videophone can also be activated from outside the home for those who want to check whether they've been robbed or if the kids are behaving. Subscribers dial home, punch in a secruity code and watch. The at-home videophone must be left on for this to happen. The device has been used by health care professionals to check up on patients, by grandparents who want to see their grandchildren and by companies for interviewing job candidates. The videophone technology isn't all new. Videophones were around 61 years ago when German engineers set up six booths in Berlin and Leipzig. People could make calls for only twice the cost of a voice-only conversation. AT&T also introduced videophones at the 1964 World Fair, but the idea never took off. top Part Ⅴ

Now you are going to hear some Access, Country and Area Code. Write down the numbers as quickly as possible. Country or Area China Beijing USA Washington D. C. United Kingdom Manchester Canada Toronto Australia Melbourne New Zealand Wellington Russia Moscow Japan Tokyo France Paris Germany Berlin Italy Venice Access Code 00 Country Code 86 Area Code 10 001 1 202 010 44 61 011 1 416 0011 61 3 00 64 4 810 7 095 001 81 3 19 33 1 00 49 30 00 39 41 You are going to hear some instructions on making IDD calls. With the help of the above table, write down the whole telephone number as quickly as possible. 00 86 10 4172258 (1) 001 1 202 4554325 (2) 19 44 61 5761068 (5) 0011 64 4 6562008 (3) 810 1 416 5463242 (4) top Unit 3

Part Ⅰ

You are going to hear five statements about temperature. Write down all the degrees in both Centigrade (°C) and Fahrenheit (°F). 1.The freezing point of water is 0 °C or 32 °F. 2.The boiling point of water is 100 °C or 212 °F. 3.The normal body temperature is 37 °C or 98.6 °F. 4.The temperture on a warm spring day is 15 °C or 59 °F. 5.The temperture on a hot summer's day is 35 °C or 95 °F. You are going to hear a report on weather around the world. Complete the following table. City New York Auckland Beijing Calcutta Honolulu Melbourne Mexico City Moscow Paris San Francisco Sao Paulo Country USA Time 7:10 a.m. Weather sunny Temperature (°C) 30 7 19 33 30 10 24 26 27 21 14 New Zealand 11:10 a.m. cloudy China India USA Australia Mexico Russia France USA Brazil 7:10 p.m. 4:40 p.m. 1:00 a.m. 9:10 p.m. 5:10 a.m. 2:10 p.m. 12:10 p.m. 3:10 a.m. 8:10 a.m. clear rainy windy clear rainy sunny clear cloudy rainy

Part Ⅱ

You are going to hear a weather report. Write down every word as a dictation. It will be read three times. In the first reading, you will hear the whole report from beginning to end. In the second reading, you will hear a pause after each sentence or just part of a sentence. During the pause, you must write down what you have just heard as quickly as possible. You can check what you have written with the third reading. Now the weather report. It'll be mainly clear. In the day the high will be 15 degrees. At six o'clock the temperature was 8 degrees, the humidity 46 percent. Tomorrow's forecast is not very promising. We can expect cloudy, cold, windy weather. The temperature will drop to 5 degrees in the morning. It'll get warmer in the afternoon with a high temperature of 10 degrees. In the evening there's a good chance that we'll get some rain or snow. The temperature in the evening will drop to 0 degrees. You are going to hear a National Weather Service forecast for the Chicago, Illinois area. Pay special attention to the temperatures. Fill in the following chart with information about temperatures from the report. Note that where there is a dash(—), there is nothing to write. All the time periods mentioned in the report have been filled in for you. Time 10:00 p.m. Temperature(°F) Lakefront:76 Midway: 76 O'Hare:74 Lows Tonight Tomorrow Tomorrow night Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Highs ______ upper 80s ______ around 90 90 to 95 lower 70s ______ middle 60s ______ upper 60s Now try this: listen to a more authentic version of the weather report. Pay more attention to the other features of the weather. Take notes on the chart below. Note that where there is a dash (—),there is nothing to write. Time 10:00 p.m. Tonight Weather Description ______ cloudy, widely scattered showers sunny, warm Tomorrow Tomorrow night Humidity 66% Wind calm Barometric Pressure 30.08 and rising ______ ______ light and variable south winds, ______ five to ten miles per hour ______ humid ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ fair ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ top Tuesday sunny, hot Wednesday fair Thursday fair Friday cloudy, thunderstorms Part Ⅲ

You are going to hear the conversation again. Answer the following questions with the help of the notes. 1. Where does the conversation take place? It takes place at a bus stop. 2. What time of the day is it? It is late afternoon or early evening. 3. What season of the year is it? It is in the winter. 4. What is the relationship between the speakers? They are strangers. 5. How long has the woman been waiting? She has been waiting for ten minutes or so. 6. What did the weathermen say that morning? They said that there would be light rain. 7. Where did the man work? He worked in a travel agency. 8. What is their opinion of weather reports? They don't believe the reports. Now try this: listen to a more authentic version of the conversation and decide whether the statements after the conversation are True or False. 1 2 T F 3 T 4 F 5 T 6 F 7 F 8 9 F F 10 F top

Part Ⅳ答案与课本不匹配 Part Ⅴ

You are going to hear a weather forecast on the radio for England and Scotland. Fill in as much information as possible. Place Weather Description Southeast of English dry with some sunshine in the afternoon Southwest of English North of English and Scotland sunny in the morning, cloudy with some rain in the atternoon cold and windy Northeast of Scotland snow in the evening You are going to hear a weather forecast for the UK. Write down all the words that the weatherman uses to describe weather. Southwest Around London & Southeast Midlands North Wales South Wales Northeast Scotland Northern Ireland cool, warm, sunshine dry, cloudy cloudy, showers fog patches windy cloudy, rain, heavy rain sleet, snow rain, very cold top

Unit 4

Part Ⅰ

You are going to hear eight short dialogues concering time. As you listen, choose from the following the clock which gives the time at which each dialogue takes place and write the number. 6 1 8 2 4 7 3 5 We can use a clock or a watch to mark the passing of time. But what time is it now? Clocks in different parts of the world do not show the same time at the same time. 1. When it is 7 a.m. Monday in Tokyo, it is 5 p.m. Sunday in New York and 6 a.m. Monday in Hong Kong. 2. When it is 4 p.m. Friday in Melbourne, it is 11 p.m. Thursday in Dennver and 9 a.m. Friday in Baghdad. 3. When it is 3 p.m. Tuesday in Singapore, it is 3 a.m. Tuesday in Miami and 10 p.m. Monday in Honolulu. 4. When it is 8 p.m. Friday in Mexico City, it is 12 noon Saturday in Guam and 3 a.m. Saturday in Rome. 5. When it is 1 a.m Wednesday in London, it is 9 a.m Wednesday in Shanghai and 9 p.m.Tuesday in Santiago. top Part Ⅱ

You are going to hear an announcement made on a plane during landing. Write down every word as a dication. It will be read three times. In the first reading, you will hear the whole announcement from beginning to end. In the second reading, you will hear a pause after each sentence or just part of a sentence. During the pause, you must write down what you have just heard as quickly as possible. You can check what you have written with the third reading. Ladies and gentlemen. May we kindly ask you to remain seated until the aircraft has reached its final position. The temperature there in London is 15°C or 59°F. The eaxct local time is 11:35. Captain Smith and his crew would like to say goodbye to you. We hope you enjoyed your flight. Thank you.

You are going to hear a recorded phone call. While listening for the first time, add more key words if you can in the left-hand column. After the second listening, complete the messages in the right-hand column with the help of the notes. Notes Wang, Singapore Mrs. Cox, not back till Mon. assistant, Mr. Bax arrive late Sat. Mrs. Cox meet me? inform hotel telex, phone, confirm Message From: Mr. Wong from Singapore To: Mr. Box Message: 1. He will not be arriving in Melbourne until quite late this Saturday, at 1 a.m. local time. 2. He wants to know whether Mrs. Cox will still be able to meet him or not. 3. Inform the Royal Hotel that he'll be arriving very late. 4. Telex or phone him to confirm. top Part Ⅲ

You are going to hear some announcements made by Professor Williams at the final plenary session of an international conference on urban planning. The following vocabulary is used in the conversation. Guess the meaning when you hear these words in the announcements. Match them with their definitions. Write the correct number before each definition. While you listen don't forget to add more key words in the notes column. They will be very helpful for the next section. 1. session 2. urban 3. domestic 4. lodge 8 something that makes you think of a particular person, event, or action 5 those who are in charge and who decide when each person is allowed to speak at an official meeting or debate 1 a meeting or period of time used for a particular purpose or activity 10 fruitful, rewarding journeys by road 2 belonging to or relating to a town or a city 9 a large gathering of pepole who meet todiscuss the businedd of their organisation or political group 3 concerned with the running of a home and family 5. chairpepole 6 a large motor vehicle which carries passengers on long 6. coach 7. reprints 8. reminder 9. convention 7 a copy of a book which has been reprinted 10. productive 4 a small house at the entrance to the grounds of a large house, often used as the home of a gatekeeper or other servant Below are Professor Williams's notes for the announcements. Listen to his announcements agian and fill in the missing information. 1. Move final discussion of urban pollution to Room 201. 2. Domestic shelter session will be changed form Room 201 to Ronnm 304. 3. Return keys to porter's lodge before leave. 4. Return discussion records to session chairpeople by five o'oclock this afternoon. That's 17 hundred hours. 5. First coach for airport will be outside Kennedy Building at 3:30 p.m.That's 15:30 hours. 6. Second coach will be at 5:15 p.m. That's 17:15 hours. 7. Ask delegates to arrive at least five minutes before departure time. 8. Ask Drs Schapsinger, Garbeldi and Surinander to collect reprints from conference desk before leave. 9. Dr. Goldman (Chicago Institute) sixth Annual Convention of PES, in Oct. 1986, in Hawaii. Ask interested parties to leave names at conference desk. Now try this: Dr. Collins is at the conference, and has been attending the sessions on computer-aided building design. This moring he took notes of the discussion he attended. He is leaving the confference today and is booked on the 17:15 plane. He has always wanted to visit Hawaii.Listen to some more authentic version of the announcements and decided what Dr. Collins will do after he has heard the announcements. Tick all the possible answers. 1. Go to Room 201. √ 2. Go to Room 304. √ 3. Get the keys and return them to the conference desk. 4. Leave the keys in his room. √ 5. Hand in the notes he took during the morning discussion to the session chairpepole before 5 p.m. √ 6. Wait outside the Kennedy Building at 3:20 p.m. 7. Wait outside the Kennedy Building at 5:10 p.m. 8. Collect reprints from the conference desk. 9. Mark October 6th in his calendar. √ 10. Leave his name at the conference desk. top Part Ⅳ 答案与课本不匹配 Part Ⅴ

You are going to hear a radio announcer describing tonight's programms (preferably only one time). After that several questions will be asked. Find the right answers as quickly as possible according to the note you have taken while listening. 1. a. 1 2. a. 1 3. a. 1 4. a. Tueesday b. 2 b. 2 b. 2 b. Wednesday c. 3 c. 3 c. 3 c. Thrusday d. Friday d. Old People Talking d. Old People Talking 5. a. My Facourite b. Tommy Brain Show c. La Traviata Dicss 6. a. My Favourite Discs b. Tommy Brain Show c. La Traviata 7. a. Jenny lindley with her friends b. James Farmer with his friends c. Felicity Newcombe with her friends d. Joe Newland with his friends 8. a. Scotland 9. a. 11:00 10. a. 11:00 b. St.Paul b. 7:30 b. 7:30 c. Middle East c. 9:15 c. 9:15 d. Albert Hall d. 8:00 d. 9:00 top

Unit 5

Part Ⅰ

You are going to hear some comments by some experienced business travellers. Complete the dollowing sentence. 1. My advice would be: only take hand bagaage, not a large suitcase. 2. Well, I think it's essential to organise everything before you travel. 3. You know, it's a good idea to take plenty of office work to catch up on. 4. Well, you should take a walkman and plenty of reading matter. 5. I'd advise you to learn as much as you can about the customs of the people. 6. Well, I think it's important to arrive a day early to give yourself time to adjust and acclimatise. 7. Well, foreign customs are difficult to get used to: you should only do what you feel comfortable doing. 8. Well, my advice would be to be very careful about local food and drink. 9. Oh, one very important thing: don't get involved in a political discussion. 10.When you are abroad treat everyone you meet with respect. 11.An old friend once told me this: never forget that you're a foreigner. That's a piece of advice I've always remembered! top Part Ⅱ

You are going to hear some airport announcements. While you listen, tick all the names of places and airlines you hear on the tape. Milan British Airways Sabena Vienna Madrid New York Austrian Airlines Swissair Paris London Atlitalia Moscow Brussels Sydney Zurich Iberia Airlines of Spain

Now try this: listen some more authentic versions of the airport announcements. Complete the following chart. Note that there is a dash(—), there is nothing to write. Airlines Flight Destination Gate Delay Reason for Number Number Y or Delay N 1 Atlitalia A2291 2 Sabena 3 British Airways 4 British Airwayss 5 Iberia Airlines of Spain 6 Swissair SR805 __ Milan 6 8 __ __ N N Y Y __ __ __ a shortage of baggage handlers the late arrival of the incoming flight a mechanical fault top Delay time __ __ 35 minutes __ SN608 Brussels BA175 New York all flight IB551 ______ Madrid __ Y 2 hours Zurich Y 40 minutes Part Ⅲ

You are going to hear some sentences talen frome some conversations. Supply the missing words. 1. I would like to go on a business trip to London. 2. Most of the best airline rates just now are with a 21-day or a 30-day advance purchase. 3. Do you have a preference on airlines? 4. If you want a couple of days to think about it, we can hold the reservation until then. 5. Would you be paying by cash or credit card? 6. Do you need to see my passport? 7. Was there any bags you'd like checked this evening? 8. Your claim check is stapled in the back of your ticket jacket. You are going to hear two conversations. One is at the travel agent's where the traveller books a flight, and the other is at the airport where the traveller checks in for an internal flight. While listening for the first time, add more key words if you can in the left-hand column. After the second listening, fill in the gaps in the summaries in the right-hand column with the help of the notes. Summaries Conversation 1: It is September 10, and the traveller is at a agent. He wants to go on a business trip to London on September 29 and return on October 15. The only advance purchase available is a 7-day advance purchase, and the only rate available is $595 one-way or $1 190 round trip. The ticketing deadline is set for September 15 but he decides to payfor them immediately. Conversation 2: The time is in the evening, and the traveller is checking in for a flight to San Francisco. The clerk tells him that he is going to be travelling out on flight 317 and his seat is in the non-smoking area. The seat number is 17A next to the window. His flight will be departing out of Gate 22. Boarding time is 6:40 and the flight leaves at 7 o'clock. top Part Ⅳ 答案与课本不匹配 Part Ⅴ

You are going to hear three recordings for three different airlines in Honolulu (preferably only one time). After that you are going to listen to several statements giving you detailed information about het friends. Write down the information that she needs according to the note you have taken while listening 1. Flight number: 41 Arrival Time: 12:05 a.m. Meet passengers at: Baggage Claim Area 14 For more information: 5235611 2. Flight number: 191 Arrival Time: 11:55 a.m. Flight number: 119 Arrival Time: 2:28 a.m. Flight number: 195 Arrival Time: 12:45 p.m. 3. Flight number: 830 Arrival Time: 8:30 a.m. Meet passengers at: Flight Arrivals Building 4. Airlines: United Airlines Arrival Time: 11:10 a.m From: San Francisco 5. Airlines: Pan American Flight number: 812 From: Sydney top

Unit 6

Part Ⅰ

You are going to hear some short conversations. Supply the missing words. Passenger: Excuse me, driver. Does this bus go past the exhibition center? 1. Driver: No, not this bus. You'll have to transfer downtown. Passenger: Which bus do I take from there? I believe it's the number eighty-eight bus. Driver: Driver: Yep. It sure will. Fifty cents. Exact change. Driver: Don't give it to me. Drop it in the box. Driver: It's $55. Agent: Sure. Your ticket is good for three weeks. Agent: Driver: No. Where are you going? I know where they are. Get in. Driver: This bus will take me to the Holiday Inn, won't it? 2. Passenger: How much is the fare? Passenger: Passenger: Here you are. How much is the fare to San Francisco via Los Angeles? 3. Customer: Can I get off in Los Angeles for a few days? Customer: 4. Passenger: Is this cab taken? To the Park Apartments. They're on 21st Street. Passenger: You are going to hear a tourist guide about Hong Kong's most exciting new shopping center. Write down every word as a dictation. It will be read three times. In the first reading, you will hear the whole passage from beginning to end. In the second reading, you wil hear a pause after each sentence or just part of a sentence. During the pause, you must write down what you have just heard as quickly as possible. You can check what you have written with the third reading. China Hong Kong city is Hong Kong's most exciting new shopping center. Fashion Avenue offers an exciting selection of designer fashions and accessories from around the world. It contains over 300 shops. We have 25 restaurants and chefs from east and west ready to serve you a fine selection of dishes. Or you can relax in our intimate bars or let your hair down at our first class night clubs and karaoke lounges. Beause of these reasons, China Hong Kong city is a \ top Part Ⅱ

You are going to hear some railway announcements. While you listen, tick all the names of places you hear on the tape. Bristol Parkway Keynsham Reading Bridgwater Leamington Spa Severn Beach Cardiff Didcot Exeter Filton Gloucester Hereford Nailsea Newport Oldfield Park Paddington London Bath Spa Plymouth Swindon Taunton Weston-super-Mare York Now listen to the announcements again. Complete the following chart. Note that where there is a dash(—), there is nothing to write. Destination Bath Spa Severn Beach Cardiff Swindon Gloucester Exeter and Plymouth Paddington London Platform Number 4 3 — 6 5 1 2 Time Stopover(s) Delay 15:15 15:17 15:20 15:25 15:29 11:31 11:10 Keynsham, Oldfield Park — Newport Bristol Parkway Filton, Bristol Parkway — Didcot, Reading — — 40 minutes late — — 15 minutes late —

Now try this: listen to some more authentic versions of the announcements. After listening, answer the following questions with the help of the above chart. 1. You are going to Plymouth. When are you going to leave? Which platform do you want? I'm going to leave at 11:46 at platform 1. 2. You want to go to Oldfield Park. It is on the line to Bath Spa. Which train do you want? I want the 15:15 to Bath Spa. 3. You are waiting on platform 5. Is it possible for you to catch the train to Severn Beach? If not, what do you have to do? No. I have to change to platform 3. 4. You are standing on platform 5 waiting for the 15:29 to Gloucester. Someone asks you if he should take this train for Newport. What is your answer? Yes. But change at Bristol Parkway. 5. You are intending to travel to Cardiff on the 15:20. Will you be able to get there on time? Why? If you don't want to be too late what you should you do? No, because my train is delayed. I should take the 15:25 to Swindon at platform 6 and change at Bristol Parkway. 6. You are in a hurry to get to Bristol Parkway and you are waiting on platform 5 for the 15:29 train. Can you get there any earlier and if so, from which platform? Yes. The 15:25 to Swindon stops at Bristol Parkway. I should go to platform 6. 7. You are leaving for Didcot on the 11:10. Do you have to change anywhere and if so, where? No. top Part Ⅲ

You are going to hear the conversation again. Answer the following questions with the help of the notes. five Summary Mr.and Mrs. Bashford are planning to leave for London by 4:05 the train which leaves from platform 3. Now they are on the train. minutes But it is already 4:11, and the train is still waiting at the late 4:05 station. Mr.Bashford gets so angry that he shouts at a guard. to London To his surprise, the guard tells him that the train is not going strange to leave untill 4:25. He wonders why the 4:05 train should leave 20 minutes later without letting them know. And then, the guard question realizes that they have made a terrible mistake. Instead of going leave: to platform 5, they go to platform 4:25, so the train they are 4:25 — on is the 4:25 to not the 4:05 to London. Bristol important man, important friends platform 3/5 Now try this: listen to a more authentic version of the conversation. Pay more attention to its language. After listening answer the following questions by completing the sentences. 1. What is Mr. Bashford's first question about the train? When is this train going to leave? 2. What does Mrs. Bashford say when Mr. Bashford gets impatient? Well don't get impatient, darling. 3. What exectly does Mr. Bashford say when the guard repeats his question? Don't just repeat my question! Answer it. 4. What does the guard say when Mr. Bashford gets angry? Now keep calm, sir. Don't shout! 5. From which sentences can we see that Mr. Bashford is a very snobbish person? Now see here! I'm a very important man and I have some very important friends. One of them is the head of this railway and I'm going to tell him about this. 6. What does the guard say when Mr. Bashford says he is a very important person and that he is going to tell the head of the railway about all this? I don't care who you are, sir, or what you're going to do. 7. Mr. Bashford thinks the guard's last question is stupid. What does he say? Don't ask stupid questions. Of course I do! Why do you think I'm on this train? top Part Ⅳ 答案与课本不匹配 Part Ⅴ

You are going to hear two tapes, each made by a different bus company, in a different city, and for a different route (preferably only one time). While listening, fill in as much information as possible into the following two charts. Chart 1 Greyhound Schedule and Fare Information Leave Houston 11:00 a.m. 4:30 a.m. 6:30 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 4:15 p.m. 6:45 p.m. 9:15 p.m. 10:15 p.m. 11:15 p.m. Fares Beaumont: One-way $7.80 Port Arthur: One-way $8.45 New Orleans: One-way $33 Arrive New Orleans 12:55 p.m. 1:10 p.m. 3:45 p.m. 7:50 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 9:40 p.m. 12:58 a.m. 4:10 a.m. 8:25 a.m. 7:15 a.m. 6:25 a.m. Round trip $14.85 Round trip $16.10 Round trip $66 For additional information, call: 2221161 Chart 2 Trailways Departure time Travel time One way fare Round trip fare Pittsburgh Philadelphia Baltimore Washington D.C. 9:30 p.m. 10 hours $43 $86 3:40 a.m. 3 hours $20 $40 10:00 a.m. 8 hours $46 $92 4:10 p.m. 8.5 hours $43 $86 For further information, call 8613161 top

