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Modules 1—2 (一)

一、1. 同意,赞同 2. 数以百万计的 3. 向下看 4. 玩得很开心 5. 充足的

6. on top of 7. in one’s opinion 8. take a vacation 9. lay the table 10. wash the dishes

二、11—15 BCDAA 16—20 BCCBB 三、21—25 CBCAD 26—30 BABDB 四、31—35 BBBAD 五、36—40 BACDF

六、41. natural 42. replied 43. distance 44. first 45. founded 46. reviews 47. grades 48. grow 49. following 50. flag 51. friends 52. seen 53. tired 54. bought 55. and 七、Spring Festival is the most important holiday in China. It is the time for a family to get together. Before Spring Festival, everyone is buying presents and cleaning houses. My father and I went to buy New Year’s Pictures yesterday. We are going to do some Spring Festival shopping tomorrow. Children will get red packets.

On the first day of the New Year, all the people, old and young, put on new clothes and visit relatives and friends and wish each other good luck in the New Year. We are all very happy on that day.

Modules 3—4 (二)

一、1. 放弃 2. 停止做某事 3. 那时候 4. 出去 5. 上交

6. take care of 7. manage to do something 8. text message 9. come true 10. tidy up

二、11—15 DCADB 16—20 BCCBA 三、21—25 CDCAB 26—30 DBCAD 四、31—35 CBDCA 五、36—40 BAEDC

六、41. himself 42. Canadian 43. wounded 44. rang 45. passengers 46. useful 47. war 48. attend 49. anybody 50. shut

51. was 52. made 53. best 54. foreigner 55. helping 七、56. take off 57. famous heroes 58. wounded soldier 59. make sure 60. on business


八、 If my parents are away, I will feel excited.

Though I am 15 years old, they manage every thing of my life for me. I am really bored with them. I only want to stay alone and make my own decisions. I can wake up on time, so I won’t be late for school. I can wash clothes, so I don’t have to wear dirty clothes to school. I will shut the door when I’m in and lock it when I go out, so I will be safe. I can clean the floor, so my parents will find my house is clean as usual.

But I can’t even make simple food for me. That won’t be a big problem. I can buy something outside.

Although I will miss my parents if they are away, I think I can look after myself very well.

Modules 5—6 (三)

一、1. 发现,查明 2. 谈论关于 3. 拜访(某人的家) 4. 代替,而不是

5. 犯错 6. against the rule 7. in trouble 8. make a noise 9. pocket money 10. do some housework 二、11—15 BCABA 16—20 BCDBA 三、21—25 BCBDC 26—30 BACDC 四、31—35 BBADC

五、36. wheels 37. missing 38. rules 39. going 40. least

41. control 42. dug 43. whole 44. honest 45. exam 46. probably 47. building 48. Although 49. worn 50. popular 六、51. Yes. They are.

52. 20 years ago. 53. 50,000 words.

54. Because they are faster and cheaper than using a keyboard.

55. People need to teach it to remember the way they speak by reading lists of words slowly

into the machine.



Do watch your teacher carefully. Write your answers on the blackboard. Keep the lab clean.

Put everything back in the cupboard after experiments. Don’t knock into anything in the lab. Don’t smoke.


Don’t talk loudly or quarrel with one another. Take care of everything in the lab.

Don’t leave your books or anything else in the lab.




1. The Grand Canyon is one of the wonders of the natural world. 2. Today is May 18th, Thursday.

3. I want to go to the History Museum by bike. 4. Don’t play football. 5. E-books look like real books.


6. Who’s that girl under the tree? 7. Where were you born?

8. When did Alice begin playing ping-pong? 9. What’s the player famous for? 10. Thanks for helping me. 第三大题。对话理解。

A部分。请听五组短对话和五个问题,选择正确的答案。对话和问题读两遍。 11. M: Are you good at English, Rose?

W: Oh, sorry. I’m weak at it. I’m good at math. Question, what subject is Rose good at? 12. M: Did you travel by air?

W: No. I took a bus there.

Question, how did the woman go there? 13. M: It’s cloudy today, isn’t it?

W: No, it isn’t. It’s sunny.

Question, what’s the weather like today? 14. M: What can I do for you,madam?

W: I’d like a T- shirt for my daughter. Question, where are the two speakers?

15. M: How many public holidays do you have in China?

W: Er… let me see. New Year’s Day, the Spring Festival, May Day and National Day…


Question, how many public holidays did they talk about?

B部分。请听第一段长对话,根据对话内容回答第16至17小题。对话读两遍。 M: Are Hill and Sam both 12 years old?

W: Yes, they are. But Hill is a little taller than Sam.

C部分。请听第二段长对话,根据对话内容回答第18至20小题。对话读两遍。 M: Do you have any plans for this evening? W: No, not yet.

M: How about going out for dinner tonight? W: Great. Where would you like to go? M: Well, what about Sichuan food?

W: OK, but I don’t feel like having Sichuan food today. M: I don’t, either. It’s too hot. W: How do you like Italian food? M: I like it a lot.

W: Me, too. And I know a good Italian restaurant nearby. M: Good! Let’s go. 第四大题。语篇理解。


Hi, everyone. Today I’ll tell you something about the Great Wall in class. The Great Wall of China is very famous all over the world. It’s about 6,000 kilometers long, 4-5 meters wide and 6-7 meters high. It took millions of men hundreds of years to build it. When you look at the Great Wall, many questions may come into your mind. How did the Chinese people build it without any modern machines?

Today the Great Wall has become a place of interest. People from all over the world go to visit it every day.


Hello, boys and girls. Here’s some information about our trip to the town of Zhongmiao. We’ll go there by bus. It’s a long trip. It’s over three hours. So we have to start early. The bus will wait for you at the school gate at 8:00 tomorrow morning. We’ll take sandwiches for lunch with us and we will eat together in a park. After that we will walk around the old market. You can buy all your presents there. We will meet at the place where our bus stops. If you are lost, please give me a call. My mobile phone number is 13736986520. Any questions? OK. See you




一、1—5 BBACB 二、6—10 ACACC 三、11—15 BCACB

16—20 CABAC 四、21—25 BCBCC

26. bus 27. gate 28. 8/eight 29. sandwiches 30. market 五、31—35 CDBAC 36—40 BDABD 41—45 DACAB 六、46—50 CABAB 51—55 CCAAD

七、56—60 ABDBC 61—65 BBADC 66—70 BACDB 八、71—75 CDAFB

九、76. eastern 77. twelfth 78. has chosen 79. simple 80. habits 81. silent 82. flags 83. tools 84. burnt/burned 85. digging 十、86. because of

87. F

88. 每个人都太害怕不敢进入房间。 89. Luckily, someone saved us.

90. He held his mother's right hand tightly for the rest of the day.

十一、As teenagers, we should always keep safety in mind. But how can we keep safe? Here are some of my suggestions. First, we should be careful when we make friends, especially on line. Second, if we are in danger, we must call the police for help in time so that we can keep ourselves safe. Also, we ought to eat healthily and safely. Eating food that goes bad will do harm to our health. Last but not least, summer is coming, and we must remember it’s dangerous to swim in the river.

In short, safety must come first!

Modules 7—8(四)

一、1. 寻找 2. 作为回报 3. 代表 4. 跳高 5. 创立,设立

6. make a list 7. by the way 8. pay for 9. face the truth 10. at the same time 二、11—15 BADCD 16—20 BACDA 三、21—25 CADCA 26—30 BACBC 四、31—35 CCDBC 36—40 BCBCA


五、41. reviews 42. southern 43. kicked 44. to work 45. chosen

46. alive 47. everyday 48. noon 49. suffer 50. method 六、

Let’s Do Sports

I think it’s very important for everyone to do sports. I like sports because they’re not only good for my health but also good for my study. My favorite sport is swimming. Whenever I am free, I will have a swim with my friends or my parents in the swimming pool. After swimming, I usually feel happy and relaxed. What’s more, I can put more energy into my study. So let’s do sports, and we will become stronger and stronger.

Modules 9—10 (五)

一、1. 张贴,挂 2. 一次,每次 3. 根据,按照 4. 躺在阳光下

5. 因……而闻名 6. in the future 7. look through 8. as a result 9. keep a diary 10. take the plane

二、11—15 ACBBD 16—20 CADBC 三、21—25 CCBAD 26—30 BDBAC 四、31—35 ACADB 五、36—40 DCBEA

六、41. properly 42. direction 43. central 44. height 45. scissors 46. website 47.s ingle 48. replace 49. hate 50. lazy 七、51. It is famous for its wool production and seashore tour.

52. Because the climate there is warm and comfortable.


53. In Sydney Opera House. 54. The skin screen.

55. A country riding on the back of sheep. 八、

There was no hamburger in the world before. People ate bread, meat and vegetables. One day a European put several pieces of meat and some fresh vegetables between two pieces of bread. He ate it and it tasted delicious. So this kind of food was invented in this way. Later a man from the city of Hamburg in Germany brought it to America. And soon it became a kind of popular American food. Now many people, especially young people, like hamburgers very much.

Modules 11—12 (六)

一、1. 在右边 2. 一群 3. 许多,很多 4. 希望 5. 扔掉,丢弃

6. fly kites/a kite 7. at the back 8. give prizes to sb. 9. ride a bike 10. save energy

二、11—15 ABCAD 16—20 BABCD 三、21—25 ADBDA 26—30 DCBAB 四、31—35 DBAAC 五、36—40 DBECA

六、41. feeling 42. difficulty 43. winner 44. factories 45. recycled

46. add 47. menu 48. bottle 49. used 50. step 七、As a student, what can we do to protect our environment? Well, we can’t throw rubbish here and there. If possible, we should walk or ride a bike instead of taking a taxi or a car, because cars and the taxi make a lot of pollution. Don’t waste water or electricity and try to use fewer school things. Always use reusable things so that we can reduce waste. Also, we should care for flowers and trees and take an active part in planting trees. I believe if everyone protects our environment, it will become better.


