英语词汇突破 词形转换类单句语法填空必修三

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英语词汇突破 词形转换类单句语法填空

人教 必修三各单元

Unit 1 Festivals around the world


1.On________(arrive) in France on March 27,2014,President Xi Jinping was warmly welcomed by the people there.

答案: arriving

2.There is no doubt that he can solve the problem________(independence). 答案: independently

3.My son often breaks my coffee cup,so he usually________(apology) to me. 答案: apologizes

4.My father told me he didn’t have much________(believe) in doctors of traditional Chinese medicine.

答案: belief

5.No one is to see the document without the________(permit) of the writer of the report.

答案: permission

6.To get the job done,one should be________(energy) and hardworking. 答案: energetic

7.Either the judge or the lawyers________(be) wrong on the case at that moment.

答案: were

8.Our government’s plan to fight against air pollution will focus on________(gather) information and handling PM 2.5.

答案: gathering

9.I’ll go________(hunt) with the old hunter this afternoon. 答案: hunting

10.They held a party to celebrate their success and the________(celebrate) lasted about two hours.

答案: celebration

Unit 2 Healthy eating


1.As they entered the big city for the first time from a remote village,they were full of____________(curious) about many things.

答案: curiosity

2.If you just spend time________(balance) advantages and disadvantages,you may get nothing in the end.

答案: balancing

3.She can’t help________(clean) the house because she’s busy making a cake in the kitchen.

答案: (to) clean

4.You’d better take into account your own________(strength) and weaknesses before choosing a major.

答案: strengths

5.—Have you moved into your new house? —Not yet.I’ve no time to get it________(finish). 答案: finished

6.When I couldn’t understand what the local people said,I realized that my English was________(limit).

答案: limited

7.The________(combine) of the two companies made them even more competitive.

答案: combination

8.Doing exercise is________(benefit) to your health. 答案: beneficial

9.This kind of grass is________(poison),so keep your sheep off. 答案: poisonous

10.I came__________(consult) you about the side-effect of this medicine. 答案: to consult

Unit 3The Million Pound Bank Note


1.Finally he lost his________(patient) and started to yell at his mother. 答案: patience

2.It would be________(believe) that such an honest fellow should have betrayed his friends.

答案: unbelievable

3.Born into a family with three brothers,David was brought up________________(value) the sense of sharing.

答案: to value

4.I found Jane ________(seat) at the desk,doing her homework carefully. 答案: seated

5.Stop________(scream),we can hear you clearly. 答案: screaming

6.I think it’s time we________(seek) legal advice. 答案: sought

7.As is known,________(stare) at others is impolite. 答案: staring

8.The________(poison) water led to the death of many fish. 答案: poisonous

Unit 4

Astronomy:the science of the stars


1.People hope that measures will be taken to prevent house prices


答案: rising

2.She tapped him________(gentle) on the shoulder. 答案: gently

3.The________(presence) situation cannot be allowed to continue. 答案: present

4.Like his brother,she likes music very much,but________(like) him,she is much more careful in her studies.

答案: unlike

5.We can’t________without water.That means our________depends on water.(exist)

答案: exist;existence

6.Drinking a little wine is________to your health,but smoking has a________effect on you.(harm)

答案: harmless;harmful

7.Seeing the________scene,the girl trembled________as she was afraid of________.(violent)

答案: violent;violently;violence

8.I often read of incidents of misunderstanding or conflict.I’m left________(puzzle).

答案: puzzled

Unit 5 Canada—“The True North”


1.I hope the government will take more strict________(measure) against the smog that affected several big cities last winter.

答案: measures

2.At the meeting,all the people were deeply________(impress) with her brilliant report.

答案: impressed

3.The questionnaire takes________(approximate) ten to fifteen minutes to complete and can be used along with the assessment interview.

答案: approximately

4.The small village________(surround) by the mountains looks beautiful. 答案: surrounded

5.A________(mix) of things consists of several different things together. 答案: mixture

6.The color black is________(tradition) associated with mourning. 答案: traditionally

7.It is said that the________businessman got his________from oil.(wealth) 答案: wealthy;wealth

8.He looked________when he saw the________design.(please) 答案: pleased;pleasing

