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 30. join: 加入
  1) join + 团体,组织,区别于take part in + 活动
  Come and join us! 来加入到我们中来!(团体)
  He joined an English club last term. 他上个学期参加一个英语俱乐部。(团体)
   Did you take part in the sports meeting last week? 你参加了上周的运动会了吗?(活动)
  2) join in :参加活动 join sb in doing sth: 和某人一起参加某项活动
  Will you join me in playing the game? 你将和我一起玩游戏吗?
  3) join为短暂性动词,跟一段时间连用时用be in
  eg. 林和参军两年了。
  Lin He joined the army two years ago. Lin He has been in the army for
two years.
  31.fun, funny
   1). fun: 乐趣,名词:供娱乐用的,形容词 Have fun! 玩得开心。 Just for fun. 开玩笑。
   What fun it is ! 多么有趣啊。 It’s fun to do sth. 做某事很有乐趣
   2). funny: 搞笑的,滑稽的:I heard such a funny joke last night.
  32. interest, interesting, interested
   1). interest: 趣味,兴趣,嗜好(名词),激起…的兴趣(动词)
   Eating seems to be his only interest in life. 吃似乎是他生活中唯一的爱好。
  All the subjects don’t interest him at all. 所有的学科都无法激起他的兴趣。
   2). interesting: 有趣的,修饰事物的特征: The TV play is very interesting.
   3). interested: 令人感兴趣的. be interested in对…感到兴趣: I am interested in the
TV play. 我对电视剧很感兴趣。
  33. boring, bored
   1). boring: 令人厌烦的 This is a boring meeting. 真是个无聊的会议。He is a boring
man. 他是个让人烦的人。
   2). bored: 厌倦的,无聊的 I feel bored at the boring TV play. 我对这么无聊的电视剧厌烦。
  35. relaxing, relaxed
   1). relax: 放松,动词 Don’t worry about it, just try to relax. 不要担心,放松点。
   2). relaxing: 令人放松的,主动意义I think dancing is a good relaxing way.
   3). relaxed: 感到放松,He is relaxed when he returns from his vacation.

评论人:滴答猪 评论日期:2006-4-13 19:13

评论人:走向世界 评论日期:2006-4-13 22:09


评论人:走向世界 评论日期:2006-4-14 0:34
  35. every day, everyday
   1) every day: 每天,副词 I walk to school every day. 我每天走路去上学。
   2) everyday: 每天的,日常的,形容词 This is an everyday dress. 这是一套便服。
  36. everyone, every one
   1).everyone: 每个人 Everyone in the class passed the exam.
这次考试班上每个人都过了。Everyone is here. 每个人都在这儿。
  2). Every one :每个人,或东西,后可能of 短语: I know every one of them.
我认识他们中的每一个人。His books are wonderful. I have read every one of
  37. sale, sell
   1). sell: 动词,卖He sold the old bike to me. 他把旧自行车卖给我。
   2). sale:名词,销售,大减价促销 The shoes shop is having a sale this week.
  They sell the clothes at a discount of 30%. Clothing sale are Real Mall.
30% discount.

