android6.0 power显示(亮度等)深入分析(二)DisplayManagerServic

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android6.0 power显示(亮度等)深入分


一、DisplayManagerService注册localDisplay的适配层 我们先来看构造函数:

[cpp] view plain copy 在CODE上查看代码片派生到我的代码片 public DisplayManagerService(Context context) { super(context);

mContext = context;

mHandler = new DisplayManagerHandler(DisplayThread.get().getLooper());//消息处理 mUiHandler = UiThread.getHandler();

mDisplayAdapterListener = new DisplayAdapterListener();//display适配层监视器

mSingleDisplayDemoMode = SystemProperties.getBoolean(\false);

PowerManager pm = (PowerManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE);

mGlobalDisplayBrightness = pm.getDefaultScreenBrightnessSetting();//成员变量屏幕亮度 }


[cpp] view plain copy 在CODE上查看代码片派生到我的代码片 @Override

public void onStart() {


publishBinderService(Context.DISPLAY_SERVICE, new BinderService(), true /*allowIsolated*/);

publishLocalService(DisplayManagerInternal.class, new LocalService()); }

我们看消息处理,就是调用了registerDefaultDisplayAdapter函数: [cpp] view plain copy 在CODE上查看代码片派生到我的代码片 @Override

public void handleMessage(Message msg) { switch (msg.what) {

case MSG_REGISTER_DEFAULT_DISPLAY_ADAPTER: registerDefaultDisplayAdapter(); break;


[cpp] view plain copy 在CODE上查看代码片派生到我的代码片 private void registerDefaultDisplayAdapter() { // Register default display adapter. synchronized (mSyncRoot) {

registerDisplayAdapterLocked(new LocalDisplayAdapter(

mSyncRoot, mContext, mHandler, mDisplayAdapterListener)); } }


[cpp] view plain copy 在CODE上查看代码片派生到我的代码片 private void registerDisplayAdapterLocked(DisplayAdapter adapter) { mDisplayAdapters.add(adapter); adapter.registerLocked(); }


二、LocalDisplayAdapter & LocalDisplayDevice

LocalDisplayAdapter构造函数调用了父类的,而父类也就是保存了变量 [cpp] view plain copy 在CODE上查看代码片派生到我的代码片

public LocalDisplayAdapter(DisplayManagerService.SyncRoot syncRoot, Context context, Handler handler, Listener listener) { super(syncRoot, context, handler, listener, TAG); }


[cpp] view plain copy 在CODE上查看代码片派生到我的代码片 public void registerLocked() { super.registerLocked();

mHotplugReceiver = new HotplugDisplayEventReceiver(getHandler().getLooper());

for (int builtInDisplayId : BUILT_IN_DISPLAY_IDS_TO_SCAN) { tryConnectDisplayLocked(builtInDisplayId); } }


[cpp] view plain copy 在CODE上查看代码片派生到我的代码片 private void tryConnectDisplayLocked(int builtInDisplayId) {

IBinder displayToken = SurfaceControl.getBuiltInDisplay(builtInDisplayId); if (displayToken != null) {

SurfaceControl.PhysicalDisplayInfo[] configs =

SurfaceControl.getDisplayConfigs(displayToken); if (configs == null) {

// There are no valid configs for this device, so we can't use it Slog.w(TAG, \ builtInDisplayId); return;


int activeConfig = SurfaceControl.getActiveConfig(displayToken); if (activeConfig < 0) {

// There is no active config, and for now we don't have the // policy to set one.

Slog.w(TAG, \ builtInDisplayId); return; }

LocalDisplayDevice device = mDevices.get(builtInDisplayId); if (device == null) {

// Display was added.

device = new LocalDisplayDevice(displayToken, builtInDisplayId, configs, activeConfig);

mDevices.put(builtInDisplayId, device);

sendDisplayDeviceEventLocked(device, DISPLAY_DEVICE_EVENT_ADDED); } else if (device.updatePhysicalDisplayInfoLocked(configs, activeConfig)) { // Display properties changed.

sendDisplayDeviceEventLocked(device, DISPLAY_DEVICE_EVENT_CHANGED); } } else {

// The display is no longer available. Ignore the attempt to add it. // If it was connected but has already been disconnected, we'll get a // disconnect event that will remove it from mDevices. } }

然后再去查找这个LocalDisplayDevice,如果是找到了需要更新下configs,没找到需要新建一个LocalDisplayDevice。最后都调用了sendDisplayDeviceEventLocked函数。 我们再来看LocalDisplayDevice,如果传入的是BUILT_IN_DISPLAY_ID_MAIN就是背光的,我们获取背光的Light,保存在mBackLight变量。

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public LocalDisplayDevice(IBinder displayToken, int builtInDisplayId,

SurfaceControl.PhysicalDisplayInfo[] physicalDisplayInfos, int activeDisplayInfo) { super(LocalDisplayAdapter.this, displayToken, UNIQUE_ID_PREFIX + builtInDisplayId); mBuiltInDisplayId = builtInDisplayId;

updatePhysicalDisplayInfoLocked(physicalDisplayInfos, activeDisplayInfo); if (mBuiltInDisplayId == SurfaceControl.BUILT_IN_DISPLAY_ID_MAIN) { LightsManager lights = LocalServices.getService(LightsManager.class); mBacklight = lights.getLight(LightsManager.LIGHT_ID_BACKLIGHT); } else {

mBacklight = null; } }


[cpp] view plain copy 在CODE上查看代码片派生到我的代码片 protected final void sendDisplayDeviceEventLocked( final DisplayDevice device, final int event) { Runnable() { @Override

public void run() {

mListener.onDisplayDeviceEvent(device, event); } }); }


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private final class DisplayAdapterListener implements DisplayAdapter.Listener { @Override

public void onDisplayDeviceEvent(DisplayDevice device, int event) { switch (event) {

case DisplayAdapter.DISPLAY_DEVICE_EVENT_ADDED: handleDisplayDeviceAdded(device); break;

case DisplayAdapter.DISPLAY_DEVICE_EVENT_CHANGED: handleDisplayDeviceChanged(device); break;

case DisplayAdapter.DISPLAY_DEVICE_EVENT_REMOVED: handleDisplayDeviceRemoved(device); break; } }


public void onTraversalRequested() { synchronized (mSyncRoot) {

scheduleTraversalLocked(false); } } }

我们先来看看handleDisplayDeviceAdded,最后将device保存在了mDisplayDevices中。 [cpp] view plain copy 在CODE上查看代码片派生到我的代码片 private void handleDisplayDeviceAdded(DisplayDevice device) { synchronized (mSyncRoot) {


} }

private void handleDisplayDeviceAddedLocked(DisplayDevice device) { DisplayDeviceInfo info = device.getDisplayDeviceInfoLocked(); if (mDisplayDevices.contains(device)) {

Slog.w(TAG, \ return; }

Slog.i(TAG, \ device.mDebugLastLoggedDeviceInfo = info;

mDisplayDevices.add(device); addLogicalDisplayLocked(device);

Runnable work = updateDisplayStateLocked(device); if (work != null) {; }

scheduleTraversalLocked(false); }



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public void initPowerManagement(final DisplayPowerCallbacks callbacks, Handler handler, SensorManager sensorManager) { synchronized (mSyncRoot) {

DisplayBlanker blanker = new DisplayBlanker() { @Override

public void requestDisplayState(int state, int brightness) { // The order of operations is important for legacy reasons. if (state == Display.STATE_OFF) {

requestGlobalDisplayStateInternal(state, brightness); }


if (state != Display.STATE_OFF) {

requestGlobalDisplayStateInternal(state, brightness); } } };

mDisplayPowerController = new DisplayPowerController(

mContext, callbacks, handler, sensorManager, blanker); } }


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private void requestGlobalDisplayStateInternal(int state, int brightness) { if (state == Display.STATE_UNKNOWN) { state = Display.STATE_ON; }

if (state == Display.STATE_OFF) {

brightness = PowerManager.BRIGHTNESS_OFF; } else if (brightness < 0) {

brightness = PowerManager.BRIGHTNESS_DEFAULT; } else if (brightness > PowerManager.BRIGHTNESS_ON) { brightness = PowerManager.BRIGHTNESS_ON; }

synchronized (mTempDisplayStateWorkQueue) { try {

// Update the display state within the lock.

// Note that we do not need to schedule traversals here although it // may happen as a side-effect of displays changing state. synchronized (mSyncRoot) {

if (mGlobalDisplayState == state

&& mGlobalDisplayBrightness == brightness) { return; // no change }

Trace.traceBegin(Trace.TRACE_TAG_POWER, \

+ Display.stateToString(state)

+ \ mGlobalDisplayState = state;

mGlobalDisplayBrightness = brightness;

applyGlobalDisplayStateLocked(mTempDisplayStateWorkQueue); }

// Setting the display power state can take hundreds of milliseconds // to complete so we defer the most expensive part of the work until // after we have exited the critical section to avoid blocking other // threads for a long time.

for (int i = 0; i < mTempDisplayStateWorkQueue.size(); i++) { mTempDisplayStateWorkQueue.get(i).run();


Trace.traceEnd(Trace.TRACE_TAG_POWER); } finally {

mTempDisplayStateWorkQueue.clear(); } } }


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private void applyGlobalDisplayStateLocked(List workQueue) { final int count = mDisplayDevices.size(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {

DisplayDevice device = mDisplayDevices.get(i);

Runnable runnable = updateDisplayStateLocked(device); if (runnable != null) {

workQueue.add(runnable); } } }


[cpp] view plain copy 在CODE上查看代码片派生到我的代码片 private Runnable updateDisplayStateLocked(DisplayDevice device) {

// Blank or unblank the display immediately to match the state requested // by the display power controller (if known).

DisplayDeviceInfo info = device.getDisplayDeviceInfoLocked();

if ((info.flags & DisplayDeviceInfo.FLAG_NEVER_BLANK) == 0) { return device.requestDisplayStateLocked(mGlobalDisplayState, mGlobalDisplayBrightness); }

return null; }

我们再来看看LocalDisplayDevice的requestDisplayStateLocked函数 [cpp] view plain copy 在CODE上查看代码片派生到我的代码片

public Runnable requestDisplayStateLocked(final int state, final int brightness) { // Assume that the brightness is off if the display is being turned off.

assert state != Display.STATE_OFF || brightness == PowerManager.BRIGHTNESS_OFF;

final boolean stateChanged = (mState != state);

final boolean brightnessChanged = (mBrightness != brightness) && mBacklight != null; if (stateChanged || brightnessChanged) { final int displayId = mBuiltInDisplayId;

final IBinder token = getDisplayTokenLocked();

final int oldState = mState;

if (stateChanged) {

mState = state;// 状态

updateDeviceInfoLocked(); }

if (brightnessChanged) {

mBrightness = brightness;//保存亮度 }

// Defer actually setting the display state until after we have exited // the critical section since it can take hundreds of milliseconds // to complete.

return new Runnable() { @Override

public void run() {

// Exit a suspended state before making any changes. int currentState = oldState;

if (Display.isSuspendedState(oldState)

|| oldState == Display.STATE_UNKNOWN) { if (!Display.isSuspendedState(state)) { setDisplayState(state); currentState = state;

} else if (state == Display.STATE_DOZE_SUSPEND

|| oldState == Display.STATE_DOZE_SUSPEND) { setDisplayState(Display.STATE_DOZE); currentState = Display.STATE_DOZE; } else {

return; // old state and new state is off } }

// Apply brightness changes given that we are in a non-suspended state. if (brightnessChanged) {

setDisplayBrightness(brightness);//设置亮度 }

// Enter the final desired state, possibly suspended. if (state != currentState) { setDisplayState(state); } }

private void setDisplayState(int state) { if (DEBUG) {

Slog.d(TAG, \ + \

+ \ }

Trace.traceBegin(Trace.TRACE_TAG_POWER, \ + \

+ \ try {

final int mode = getPowerModeForState(state);

SurfaceControl.setDisplayPowerMode(token, mode); } finally {

Trace.traceEnd(Trace.TRACE_TAG_POWER); } }

private void setDisplayBrightness(int brightness) { if (DEBUG) {

Slog.d(TAG, \

+ \ }

Trace.traceBegin(Trace.TRACE_TAG_POWER, \ + \ try {

mBacklight.setBrightness(brightness);//真正的设置背光 } finally {

Trace.traceEnd(Trace.TRACE_TAG_POWER); } } }; }

return null; }

上面函数返回一个Runnable放在workQueue,在Runnable 中会调用mBacklight.setBrightness设置背光。

之前是将Runnable接口都放在了mTempDisplayStateWorkQueue中,然后遍历调用了run函数。最后就调用到了LocalDisplayDevice的Runnable接口中设置背光了。 [cpp] view plain copy 在CODE上查看代码片派生到我的代码片 synchronized (mSyncRoot) {

if (mGlobalDisplayState == state

&& mGlobalDisplayBrightness == brightness) {

return; // no change }

Trace.traceBegin(Trace.TRACE_TAG_POWER, \ + Display.stateToString(state)

+ \ mGlobalDisplayState = state;

mGlobalDisplayBrightness = brightness;

applyGlobalDisplayStateLocked(mTempDisplayStateWorkQueue); }

// Setting the display power state can take hundreds of milliseconds // to complete so we defer the most expensive part of the work until // after we have exited the critical section to avoid blocking other // threads for a long time.

for (int i = 0; i < mTempDisplayStateWorkQueue.size(); i++) { mTempDisplayStateWorkQueue.get(i).run(); }



[cpp] view plain copy 在CODE上查看代码片派生到我的代码片 public class LightsService extends SystemService { static final String TAG = \ static final boolean DEBUG = false;

final LightImpl mLights[] = new LightImpl[LightsManager.LIGHT_ID_COUNT];

private final class LightImpl extends Light {

private LightImpl(int id) { mId = id; }


public void setBrightness(int brightness) {

setBrightness(brightness, BRIGHTNESS_MODE_USER); }


public void setBrightness(int brightness, int brightnessMode) { synchronized (thwww.sm136.comis) { int color = brightness & 0x000000ff;

