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Unit 1 学案参考答案:

学前准备:1. Where 2. Where 3. Why 4. What 5. How 6. How 7. What 8. What 课内导练:

Section A 1a. 1. listen to music 2. do homework 3. clean the classroom 4. go to the beach 5. visit museums 6. 弹吉它 7. 去上学8. 和某人打架

1b. 1. exercise 2. always 3. stand 4. sometimes 5. hardly 6. ever 7. guess

2a/2b. 1. twice a week 2. every day 3. once a week 4. three times a week 5. twice a week

3. 参考范文:Most students watch TV every day. Some students watch TV once or twice a week. Some students watch TV three or four times a week. As for playing games, Most students play games once or twice a week. Some students play games every day. Some students play games three or four times a week. The results for “do homework” are interesting. Most students do homework every day. Some students do homework once or twice a week. But no students do homework three or four times a week.

Section B. 1a. 略。 2a/2b. 1. She exercises every day. 2. He sometimes ears vegetables. 3. He never eats fruit. 4. She sleeps nine hours every day. 5. She drinks milk every day. 6. He eats junk food three or four times a week. 7. She never drinks coffee. 3a/3b. 1. How often 2. As for 3. the results of 4. is bad for 5. wants me to drink 6. My eating habits 7. helps me (to) get good grades Self-check

一、范文:My friend Tom is pretty healthy. He exercises every day. Usually he plays football with his classmates after school. After supper, he does his homework at home. He never plays computer games. His eating habits are pretty good. He eats fruit and drinks milk every day. He never drinks coffee. He eats junk food once or twice a week. He sleeps nine hours every night. So his healthy lifestyle helps him get good grades.

二、1. Having 2.knives 3. twice 4.eating 5. healthy 6. differences 7. interesting 8. to drink 9. has 10.does , read 课后拓展 /中考链接

1.B 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. A 6. D 7 .B 8. A 9.A 10. A 11.B 第1 题 回答是Every week. 选择B。

第2题 根据回答Once a year.,所以选择B。

第3 题 根据前面的问句,可以明白是问身体状况,Much better.意思是比以前好多了。其实是一个比较级的句子。所以选择C。 第4题 根据回答 Twice a month.,所以选择D。

第5 题 这是一个宾语从句的句子,从句部分应该用陈述语气;根据句子的内容,How soon通常在一般将来时,意为\再等多长


第6 题 考查冠词的用法,s的发音是/es/是原音开头用an,所以选择D。 第7 题 考查room的用法可数名词是房间,不可数是空间,所以选择B。 第8 题 考查数字的表达方式, 所以选择A。

第9 题 考查提建议的表达方法:shall we-----? What about + Ving? 所以选择A 。 第10 题 考查there be句型, be动词的确定的原则是:就近原则。 所以选择A。 第11 题 根据Our knowledge of computers,knowledge是不可数名词。所以选择B。 Unit 1单元测试题答案和部分题目解析: 听力材料:

一、听句子,选择正确图画 (A A B C B)


1.Mary has to ride her bike to school every day.

2. Kate likes apples, ice cream and milk. But her favorite food is apples. 3. Tom has a lot of homework every day. But on weekend, he often plays basketball. 4. Jim has a healthy lifestyle. He often goes to bed at half past nine in the evening. 5. The girl likes Chinese, but she is good at English. 二、 听对话,选择正确答案。(BCCBBCACCB) 听第一段对话,回答第6题

6. M: I think I'm going to wear jeans to the party. W: If you do, the teachers won't let you in.

M: So I will have to wear my school T-shirt instead. 听第二段对话,回答第7题

7. M: When do you think is the right time to have our class meeting? W: Let's make it tomorrow, shall we?

M: If we make it tomorrow, most classmates won't come. 听第三段对话,回答第8题

8. W: What are you doing for Children's Day, Tom? M: I'm visiting my cousin in Australia. W: Oh, that sounds very interesting. 听第四段对话,回答第9题

9. M: I will go to the movies tonight.

W; But in fact you are very busy. You must finish your homework first. 听第五段对话,回答第10题

10. M: I'll help people who are in trouble if I become rich. W: If you want to be rich, you should work hard from now on. 三、 听短文,选择正确答案。(BAABC)

It is good to give friends or parents some things on their birthdays. It was Bob's mother's birthday yesterday. Bob wanted to give his mother something, but he didn't have much money. \her something different.\the newspaper, she smiled happily. Bob wrote an article about his mother, and it came out in the newspaper! Bob's mother said it was the best present she got that day. 四、 听填信息。

W: Mr. Wang, we're very glad to have you here. May I ask you some questions? M: Of course, go ahead.

W: As a teacher in charge of Class Two, do you know how many students ride their bikes to school? M: We have fifty students in my class. Half of them go to school by bike. W: How many students take the bus. M: About five.

W: How about the others?

M: No students in my class come to school by bus. Some students, about ten, usually take the subway. The others


walk every day. 二、 单项选择题

21---25 BBADB 26---30 CDABC 31---35 BCBAA 36---40 BCCAC 第21 题 考查固定短语want sb to do sth 的用法,所以选B 第22题 因为vegetables是可数名词复数,所以选B 第23题 考查动词不定式的否定形式 ask sb not to do sth

第24题 考查一般现在时主谓一致的情况,主语是and连接的两个并列主语,所以动词用原形 第25题 once a week 是表示频率的时间状语, 所以选B 第26题 考查try to do sth 和practise doing sth

第27题 考查转折连词although 的用法, although和 but不能同时使用. 第28题 根据后面的原因,判断出前面的频度副词用hardly ever (几乎不曾) 第29题 考查动词不定式作真正主语的情况,it是形式主语 第30题 对 “in+时间段”提问用How soon “多久” 第31题 考查名词性的物主代词 yours (your lifestyle) 第32题 kinds of和 a kind of后面跟名词, kind of后跟形容词 第33题 考查一般现在时的否定形式

第34题 look after照看,照顾 look for 寻找 look like 看着像 look at 看着?根据句意选择A 第35题 根据句意选择A, most大部分 第36题 此句是倒装句,主语是results(复数)

第37题 考查一般现在时的主谓一致,主语是复数,谓语动词用原形 第38题 考查词组as for (对于)

第39题 sometimes 有时 some times一些次数 sometime 将来的某个时间 some time 一段时间 根据题意选择A 第40题 hours是可数名词复数,所以用how many(多少)提问 三、 完形填空

41---45 ABBDC 46---50 BDABA

第41题 形容词比较级fatter前面可用a little修饰 第42题 考查try not to do sth

第43题 从上文中得知他想减肥,所以他少吃糖,因为糖将会使他增肥。因而选B 第44题 考查 固定词组take exercise(做运动) 第45题 前后两句是并列关系,所以选and

第46题 从文章的前半部分得知,Jim通过游泳、跑步等运动方式来减肥。现在的情况是他比以前更强壮了。所以选B 第47题 本文的后半部分是把Jim和他妹妹进行比较,联系下文得知,他妹妹比他更健康

第48题 联系上文得知他妹妹也每天锻炼,而且take只能和exercise连用,是做运动的意思,所以选A 第49题 meat (肉)是不可数名词。many修饰可数名词的复数, lot of 和a lots是错误的表达,所以选B

第50题 her 是形容词性的物主代词“她的”,后面必须修饰一个名词,而health是名词, 其它三个都是形容词,所以选A. 四、阅读理解

(A) 51--55 TFFFT (B) 56—60 BBABC (C) 61—65 BBCAB

(A) 第51题 这句话的意思是:如果每个人都想拥有一个强壮的身体的话,那就需要吃得好,和本文的前两句话相符,所以是



第52题 本句的意思是只有蔬菜对健康有好处。根据文中第四句说蔬菜和水果对你有好处,所以本句话表述是错误的。 第53题 文中的句子“Some of them eat this kind of food every day.”是说有些孩子每天吃垃圾食品,而本句是说所有


第54题 本句中的egg应改为 apple.

第55题 本文的第一段是说食物对身体很重要,第二段是讲运动也能保持健康。所以本句的表述是正确的。

(B) 第56题 本文的第一句话是讲“早睡早起可以使人健康、富有和充满智慧”,而本题是说如果我们早睡、早起,我们将会怎

样,所以选B (健康)。

第57题 本文的第二段讲小孩子每天晚上需要有十个小时的睡眠时间,没有充足睡眠的孩子就不能做好工作,所以应选B. 第58题 本文的最后一段主要讲运动可以保持身体强壮。所以选A.

第59题 根据本文最后一段中的句子“Exercise also helps the blood(血液)to move around inside the body”可以


第60题 根据最后一段得知每天保持运动可以使身体强壮。所以选C.

(C) 第61题 根据本文第一句\梦 ) may be more important than sleep,we all need to dream.\梦可能比睡眠更


第62题 根据本文第一段中的句子“Dreams are like short films. They are usually in colour.”本题应选B. 第63题 根据第二段的句子“They may(可能) have been thinking about their work all day.”他们可能整天都在思


第64题 本篇文章主要是讲述有关梦的问题(从首句也可以看出),所以选A.

第65题 根据上句得知,我们不能经常记得梦的内容,可以猜测disappear是消失的意思。 五、 完成句子

66. does---surf---times 67. Eating --- much --- is --- for

68. eating --- habits---mine 69. help---keep in 70. try to---less 71. favorite program 72. differences between 六、 读写综合

A) 73. four or five times a week 74. eat tofu products 75. drink milk and yogurt 76. twice a day 77. do exercise B) My healthy lifestyle

I have a healthy lifestyle. I exercise every day. Usually I do morning exercise after I get up. I often take a walk after supper, I go swimming twice a week. I feel very relaxed after that . I think exercise is good for my health,and it can help me to study better and get better grades.

I have pretty good eating habits. I eat a lot of vegetables and fruit every day. I also like milk and eggs for breakfast. I eat little junk food and I have enough sleep, usually eight or nine hours every night. So I can do better in my schoolwork during the day.

Good food and enough exercise help me a lot!

Unit 2 答案和提示: 课前两分钟

1. What/ How about playing 2. Let?s 3. Why not 4. Why don?t 课内导练


Section A

1a.1.two arms 2. two eyes 3. two feet 4. three hands 5. four legs 6. a mouth 7. a nose 8. five teeth 9. two ears 10. her head 11. her back 12. my stomache 13. his neck

1b. Sarah---has a cold David---has a stomachache Ben---has a sore back Nancy--- has a toothache Judy---

has a sore throat 2a/2b/2c C D B B

第1题 考查短语hot tea with honey 带有蜂蜜的热茶with意思为“带有,具有”表示伴随状况。

第2题 a lot of/lots of “很多”修饰不可数名词或可数名词的复数形式。many修饰可数名词复数;a lot修饰动


第3题 考查不定代词的用法:something 用于肯定句中表示“一些东西”; anything用于否定句中表示“任何东西”;everything意思为“一切,每一样东西”而not anything相当于 nothing。此句是否定句,根据句意选B.

第4题 考查manybe和may be的用法不同。maybe 是 “可能,也许”的意思,是副词经常放在句首,作状语。May be “也许是”,在句中作谓语。

Grammar Focus:

1.---I have a headache. --- You should go to bed. 2. --- She has a stomachache. --- She shouldn?t eat anything. 3. She has a toothache. --- She should go to see the dentist. 3a 完成下列对话(本题答案不固定)略 Section B

1a/1b: 1. ---I?m very tired. --- you should go to bed early. 2. --- He is very hungry. --- He should eat an apple. 3. --- She is very thirsty. --- She should drink some water. 4. --- He is very stressed out. --- He should listen

to music.

2a/2b/2c 按照顺序所填的单词分别是:tired ; early; not; stressed ; listen; relax; shouldn?t; thirsty; drink; not; dumplings; hungry; apple; dinner.

3a/: 1. 1) We should need a balance of yin and yang to be healthy.

2) You should eat hot yang foods,like beef, Dangshen and Huangqi herbs. 3) Chinese medicine.

2. 1) GFABCED 2) ① Reading… is ② much too… too much ③ to learn ④ stressed out 3. 1) yin 2) beef 3)Dangshen 4) Huangqi 5)yang 6) tofu 7) lifestyle 8) balanced 3b./3c 短文中所缺的短语可以是:

drink hot tea with honey; lie down and rest; drinks lots of water; go to see the doctor. Self-check:

1. it--- to sleep 2. need to see 3. balanced---healthy 4. give --- medicine 5. makes--- unhealthy 课后拓展 /中考链接

一、 1. A 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. D 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.B

第1题,考查冠词在固定短语中的用法,catch/have a cold 患重感冒 stay in bed呆在床上。所以选择A。 第2题,考查enough的用法。enough意为“足够的”修饰形容词或副词放在后面;修饰名词时放在名词的前

面。形容词/副词+enough to do sth 意思为“足够。。。可以做。。。。根据本题答句可知,第一句是描述我的身体情况,而well 可表示“身体健康”的意思。所以本题选C.


第3题,考查短语的make用法. make sb do sth 意思为“使某人做某事. 所以应选D. 第4题,Shall we+动词原形?表示建议。所以它的回答应选B.

第5题, Let?s +动词原形。咱们干。。。好吗?也是表示建议,是征求我们大家的意见,所以它的反意疑问句

用shall we?来反问。所以本题应选D.

第 6题,本题由上句中的比较级better可知,下句中的糟糕应用比较级worse.

第7题, 本题是考查和look有关的短语的用法:look over 医生检查(身体)look after关心,照顾 look for

寻找(表示找的动作) look out当心,小心或朝。。。外看。根据本题的意思应选A. 第8题, 考查动词不定式作目的状语的情况。题意是:为了保持健康,你应该加强锻炼。

第9题, 题意是“他今天感觉不想吃东西”此句中的like是介词,所以后面动名词作宾语。所以选B. 第10题, 考查句型 “find it +形容词 + to do sth. 发现做某事怎么样”,此处it 是形式宾语,后面的动词不定式是真正的宾语。题意是“我发现学好英语很难”所以选B. 二、翻译句子

1.something wrong 2. mind opening 3. give--- advice 4. gets tired 5. don?t --- anything

Unit 2 单元测试题答案和部分题目解析:



A) 听句子 选择符合题意的图画回答问题,本题听一遍。(每小题1分,共5分。)(1—5 AACAC)

W: 1.Mary,you should lie down and rest for a moment. M: 2.Li Hua hurt his arm yesterday.

W:3. Jane is hungry. She wants to eat something. M:4.Jack feels very cold today.

W:5.Kate likes to eat fruit and apple is her favorite.

B) 听对话,回答每段对话后面的问题,选出符合题意的最佳选项,本题听两遍。(每小题1分,共10分)。

(6—10 ABABC 11—15 ABBBC 16—20 BCCBA) 听第一段对话,回答第6小题。 M: Do you have a sore throat? W: No, I have a sore back.

听第二段对话,回答第7小题。 M: Why do you take the medicine? W: Because I can?t sleep well.

听第三段对话,回答第8小题。 M: I often feel tired these days.

W: Maybe you have too much yin. You should have yang foods. 听第四段对话,回答第9小题。 M: What?s the matter, Madam?

W: I?m not feeling well. I have a cold.

听第五段对话,回答第10小题。 W: How about your cold now, Dave?

M: Much better, thanks, Kate. I drank some hot tea with honey, and it worked, 听第六段对话,回答第(11)- (12)题。 M: What can I do for you? W: I want to buy three tickets.

M: Sure . Which movie do you want to see? W: The one at 8 pm tonight. M: Ok, here you are.


听第七段对话,回答第(13)-- (15)题。

W: You look bad, Tony. I think you should go and see a doctor.

M: I did yesterday. The doctor said I had a fever. I just need to rest and take some medicine. Could you please pass

me that cup of water.

W: Here you are. But where is the medicine? M: It?s in my hand. Look, these white pills.

W: How many times a day should you take this medicine? M: I should take one pill three times a day. C) 听短文 选出一个最佳选项。本题听两遍。(每小题1分,共5分。)

Kate rides to school every day on her bike. Yesterday, she left home very late. It was a cold, windy autumn day.

It was raining outside. As soon as she came to the traffic lights, they turned red. Kate was going too fast and she couldn?t stop her bike. She ran into the back of a car, fell off her bike and hurt her right hand. Her bike was still all right, but Kate couldn?t ride any more. She had to walk to school. When she got to school, it was 9:00 o?clock. She was an hour late for school.

D) 听填信息(每小题1分,共5分。)请你根据所听内容,填写句中所缺信息。本题听两遍。 (21. eat less 22. Tom 23. has a backache 24. drink a lot of water 25. has a toothache)

Teacher: What?s the matter, Jim?

Jim: I have a stomachache, I ate too much last night, but I really liked the food.

Teacher: Well, you should eat less from now on. What?s wrong with you, Tom and Alice? Tom: I have a backache. I played soccer yesterday. Bad luck! I hurt my back. Teacher: I think you?d better lie down and rest. Alice: Oh, I have a cold. I cough and sneeze a lot.

Teacher: You should drink a lot of water. It will help you. What about you,Ben? Ben: I have a toothache. Look, is it badly hurt? I can?t eat anything. Teacher: Maybe you should see a dentist. 二、单项选择题

26---30 CCCAA 31---35 CBBCD 36---40 ACBBB

第26 题 根据上下句的语境,为了表示礼貌,对别人的希望或祝福应表示感谢。

第27题 考查连系动词look (看起来)和smell(闻起来)的用法。连系动词后面可跟形容词作表语。而此处的


第28题 advice “建议”是不可数名词,前面不能用冠词a/an修饰,也不能在后面加 “s”表示复数。可以用


第29题 考查why not +动词原形?意思为“为什么不干。。。呢?”表示建议。故选A.

第30题 too many和too much都是“太多的”意思,而too many 修饰可数名词的复数,too much修饰不可

数名词。much too是“太。。。非常。。。”修饰形容词。本题是说“你不应该喝太多的水”,故选A.

第31题 考查动名词作主语,谓语动词用单数形式。所以选C。

第32题 本题的意思是:“好的食物和锻炼帮助我学得更好”,主语是复数,应用动词原形,故选B. 第33题 根据上下句的语境应选B.

第34题 根据下句对病情的陈述,上句应该是医生询问病情,可用“What?s wrong with you?/What?s the matter

with you?/What?s your trouble ?/ What?s your problem?”.故本题应选C.

第35题 Would you please +动词原形?意思为:“请你做。。。好吗?”否定形式为:“Would you please not do sth?”


第36题 本题中答句是表示时间,对时间进行提问要用 “when”,故选A.

第37题 根据题意:“我睡不着,所以我应该听轻音乐,不应该听令人兴奋的音乐”。所以选C.


第38题 题意是“带有蜂蜜的热茶”, with“带有,具有”的意思,故选B.

第39题 have to +动词原形 表示“不得不做某事”。stop doing sth.停止做某事 stop to do sth. 停下来做某事.

根据本题的意思“他身体不舒服。 他不得不停止工作。故选B.

第40题 考查句型:It?s +形容词+for sb. + to do sth. 对某事来说做某事是怎么样的。 “it”是形式主语, “to learn


三、 完形填空

41---45 ACACB 46---50 CBDCB

第41题 “表示某人或某物有什么毛病 ”的句型是:There is something wrong with sb/sth.或Something is wrong

with sb/sth. 故选A.

第42题 根据下文的“I can?t smoke”可得知此处医生让他停止抽烟,故选C. 第43题 此处是考查词组 “not … at all 一点也不,根本不”, 故选A. 第44题 此句的意思是:停止喝茶和咖啡,故选C.



第46题 此处考查for+时间段,for a moment 一会儿,故应选C. 第47题 此处是医生问:“你喜欢油炸薯片吗”,所以应选B

第48题 根据上文内容,怀特先生的回答正中医生的猜想,所以医生回答: “All right”指 “行”,“只好这样”,


第49题 此处when 相当于at that time “这时”,故选C. 第50题 从本文结尾知医生向Mrs. White告别,所以选B. 四、阅读理解

(A) 51---55 cadbe (B) 56---60 ACAAD (C) 61---65 DABDB (B) 第56题 从文中第一段的第三句He has been there for a long time.得知可选A. 第57题 从文中的第二段的第二句A lot of people have a cold 得知选C. 第58题 从文中第二段The boy looks very well 得知选A.

第59题 从文中的句子The boy takes the apple and eats the apple at once.可知选A.

第60题 从文章的第一段可知Mr.Brown 经常给小孩子一些礼物,所以孩子们非常喜欢他。所以文中的小


第61题 从本文的开头的前两句话得知Alice很不开心,故选D. 第62题 从本文的开头称呼部分和结尾的署名部分得知可选A.

第63题 从文中的第三段的第一句In your letter you say you often help others with their work可选B. 第64题 从文中的倒数第二句话可得知选D. 第65题 从本文的第一句话得知选B. 五、 完成句子

66. sorry, feeling 67. for , to 68. stressed , improving 69.needs, much 70. listening , better 六、 读写综合

A) 71. heart and body 72. twice / two times 73.thirty /30 minutes 74. healthy

75. fitness center


B) 书面表达 Dear Miss Tang,

I had a headache and felt cold after I swam this morning. I found I had a high fever. So I went to see a doctor soon.

The doctor examined me/looked me over and told me that I had got a bad cold. He gave me some medicine. He told me to drink more boiled water and lie in bed for three days. I?m sorry to say that I can?t go to school for three days until I?m well.

When I?m back to school, I?ll work harder than ever in order to make up for the missing lessons. I?m sure I can catch up with others soon. Yours, Han Mei

Unit 3答案解析:

课前1分钟:1. going to do; going to hang 2. will

课内导练:Section A 1a 1.去野营 2.和朋友一起度过时光 3.go swimming 4. go shopping 5. take photos 6. 荡秋千 7. 在家放松休息 8.看望我的祖母

1b 1c Jane--- spend time friends Sharon--- visit grandmother; Michael--- relax at home 2a 2b 2c 1. ABB 2. CA

Grammar Focus : 1) What 2)is 3)are 4)When 5)When 6) going 7) are 8)on 9) on

3a 按照短文的顺序依次填入的单词是:for, ging hiking, visiting, staying, going away, to send, to show

3b 1) I?m going to San Francisco. 2) How long are you staying there? 3) I?m going to my cousin?s house for a week. 4) I?m going to sports camp. 5) I?m going to the beach. for five days.

3c/4 I am Sun Nan. My work is very busy and I always feel tired. I am taking a long vacation to relax myself. I love

sea very much. So I am going to Hainan. I am leaving next Monday and staying until December. I am taking walks on the beach, going fishing,and going bike riding. I?m also going diving. I need a relaxing vacation! Section B

1a 1b 1.go bike riding 2. go sightseeing 3. take a walk/take walks 4. go fishing 5. rent videos 2a 2b the south of Italy, sunny and warm, play volleyball, going sightseeing, going shopping, for three weeks. 3a Reading 1. 1)Canada 2) For three months 2. 1)FEDCBA 2) 1.wait to 2. thought about going, decided 3. something important 4. plan to spend 5. didn?t , until, finished doing 6. What, exciting

Selfcheck: Sample schedule: Saturday

Morning: We are going to the Great Wall in the morning. We are leaving at 8:30. Don?t be late. We are climbing the Wall. So you should wear sports shoes. We are eating lunch in a restaurant in town. Then we are going back to the hotel to take a rest.

Afternoon: We are going to the Tian?anmen Square in the afternoon. We are leaving from the hotel at 3 0?clock. Take your raincoat or umbrella vecause it is going to rain. We are taking a walk around the square. Then we are visiting the Forbidden City.

Evening: We are eating Beijing Duck in the evening. We are going to Quanjude restaurant. After that, we are watching Peking Opera. We are leaving from the restaurant at 7:15. 课后拓展/中考链接

一.选择题 1.D 2.D 3.B 4. B 5. B 6. B 7. B 8. A 第1题 本题考查come 的进行时表示将来. 故选D. 第2题 本题考查finish doing sth.完成做某事。故选D.

第3题 本题考查单个的形容词修饰不定代词要放在不定代词的后面,作后置定语。而本句是肯定句应用

something. 故选B.

第4题 本题考查短语show sb sth的用法。根据上下句的语境选B.


第5题 根据上句得知 “it”是指“那首歌”,所以应是“听起来。。。”故选B.

第6题 上句是说“Jimmy”准备去度假,所以下句应问 “他将要去哪里?”用一般将来时。故选B. 第7题 考查和look 有关的短语,look up意为“抬头看”,“在(字典里)查找(单词) ”; try out意为“尝

试,实验”;find out意为“找出,查明”;而think about 意为“思考,考虑”。根据句意选B.

第8题 本题考查动词come的进行时表示将来。故选A. 单元测试

第一卷 语言知识与技能


A) 听句子 BACAC

1. M: This weekend my father and I are going fishing.

2. W: Next week we ?re going to Tokyo for vacation.Can you help me to buy a map of Japan. 3. W: I always go shopping on weekends. But this weekend I?m staying at home and watching TV.

4. M: I hear that Beijing is a good place to go sightseeing. So I?m planning to go there for vacation with my


5. W: Traveling in Tibet is hard, take warm clothes with you even in summer. It?s very hot at noon but it is very

cold in the early morning and evening. B) 听对话 CACCA


M: What are you doing for the summer vacation,Jane? W: I?m spending time with my family. M: That sounds interesting.


M: What are you doing for the weekend?

W: I?m relaxing at home. What about you, Jack? M: I?m visiting my headmaster. 听第三段对话,回答第8小题。

W: Where do you want to go for Children?s Day, Tom? M: I?m going to Australia to visit my cousin. W: Sounds great.


W: Mike, do you want to go to the sports camp? M: No, Lily. I?m going to the beach with my mother. W: Can I go there with you? M: Sure, Let?s get ready for it.

听第五段对话,回答第10小题。 W: Hello, Tony. Where are you doing? M: I?m going to visit Hainan.

W: How long are you going to stay there? M: I?ll stay there for a week.

C) 听短文 选出一个最佳选项。听两遍。(每小题1分,共5分。)

Next Monday the students of Class Five will not have class. They are going hiking in the mountains. Mount Qing is a little far from the school. In the morning they are meeting at the school gate at seven o?clock. They are leaving about half an hour later. They are going there by bike. They are getting to Mount Qing at about nine o?clock . Two teachers are going with them. The students and teachers are having a picnic there. They are coming


第22题 考查对距离进行提问, 故选A.

第23题 题干的意思是“在6:30 前往学校”,故选C.

第24题 考查 “some… others…” 一些。。。另外一些人。故选D. 第25题 考查“in English”用英语。故选C.

第26题 考查句型“How do you like …?”你认为。。。怎么样?故选B.

第27题 题干的意思是“从北京到上海有多少公里?”“how many 多少 ”修饰可数名词的复数。故选D. 第28题 题干的意思是“孩子们依靠他们的父母亲提供食物和衣服”。故选A. 第29题 本题考查词组“take a boat” “get home”. 故选B.

第30题 本题考查宾语从句用陈述句的语序,而从句又是一般现在时。故选B. 第31题 根据本题的答句,选A.

第32题 本题考查是“the number of 。。。的数量 ”作主语谓语用单数形式。故选A. 第33题 本题考查 “it +takes+sb. + 时间+to do sth. 花费某人多长时间做某事”,故选D. 第34题 本题考查词组“on foot”步行。故选C.

第35题 题干的意思是“乘轮船旅行比乘公共汽车旅行有趣得多”比较级more的前面可以用a lot 来修饰。故选C. 第36题 题干的意思是“他经常骑单车去上学”。此处的 “骑单车”在句中作状语,用by bike/on her bike表示, 故选A. 第37题 本题考查 “到达那里” “there”是副词,所以前面不能加介词 “to”.故选B. 第38题 本题考查词组“need to do sth需要做某事”。故选B.

第39题 题干的意思是“这家商店的裤子比那家店的裤子好得多”,“a lot”后面可修饰比较级。故选B. 第40题 根据上下句的语境.选B. 三、 完形填空

41---45 CDBDB 46---50 ABCBA 第41题 根据常识, “北京是中国的首都”,故选C.

第42题 本题考查在句中作状语的 “乘飞机”,用 by air/by plane表示.故选D. 第43题 本题考查词组 “from the Internet 从互联网上”.故选B. . 第44题 根据常识 “ 大连离北京较近”.故选D.

第45题 根据上文 “Dalian is near the sea 大连距海很近”, 所以我们去看海滩.故选B. 第46题 本句的意思是 “大连是一个居住的好地方”.故选A. 第47题 本句的意思是 “我们不知道怎样去呼和浩特”.故选B.

第48题 根据下句 “There are a lot of horses and sheep there. I rode a horse on the grassland”.故选C. 第49题 根据常识 “我们在草地上骑马 ride a horse”.故选B.

第50题 本篇文章是讲作者在北京、大连、呼和浩特三个城市旅游的情况,而最后一句话是说“这次旅游帮助我开阔眼界。故选



(A) 51---55 FTTFT (B) 56---60 BCBCA (C) 61---65 BDBCA

第51题 根据文中的句子 “Some people go to work by bike because they live farther away,or they like riding bikes.”,得知此句表达错


第52题 根据文中的句子 “They think it?s good for their health”,得知此句是正确的.

第53题 根据文中句子 “Today more people have private cars, so they can go to work in their cars”,得知此句的表达是正确的. 第54题 根据文中的句子 “ In the south of China, many people even go to work by boat because water is around their houses”得知此


第55题 根据文章的最后一句得知此句的表达是正确的.

第56题 根据文中的第一句得知本文是介绍在日本怎样搭出租车.故选B.

第57题 根据文中的句子 “From train stations or airports, go to the taxi stand and wait there.”,故选C.


第58题 根据文中的句子 “When you see an empty taxi, wave(挥动) your hand and call it”.故选B. 第59题 根据文中的句子 “stand back and wait until the door opens”.故选C.

第60题 根据文中的句子 “Get into the taxi and tell the driver where you want to go.”.故选A. 第61题 从表中时刻得知,从北京到沈阳的列车出发时间是6:35.故选B.

第62题 从表中时刻得知,从北京到沈阳的列车从早上6:35出发,到晚上17:50到达沈阳. 行程花费了11个小时零15分钟.故选D. 第63题 根据表中内容可知从太原发往成都的列车次是185次列车.故选B. 第64题 根据表中内容可知第186次列车从成都到太原的时间是早上5:05.故选C.

第65题 根据时刻表可知从太原开往北京的火车离开时间是早上8:35,到达时间是早上10:21, 所用时间是1小时零46分钟,即大约


五、 完成句子

66. different, yours 67. depends on 68. to build 69.spent,buying/on (paid, for) 70. arrived, at/got to 六、 读写综合

A) 71. In a village. 72. Her grandma.

73.For half an hour./For thirty minutes. 74. At 7:20. 75. Eight.


I am a middle school girl. I am 14 years old. I study at No.2 Junior High School. It?s 20 miles from my home to school. I get up at 6:30 am and have some bread, a glass of milk and an egg for breakfast. I leave home at 7:00 am, and walk for five minutes to the subway station. I usually spend ten minutes on the subway. Then I walk for another five minutes to get to school. School begins at 7:30 am. I have five classes in the morning and two classes in the afternoon. After school I like to have sports. That makes me healthy and relaxed. I usually get home at about 6:00 pm. Unit 5 答案和提示: 课前1分钟

1. Would ; like 2. Would/Could; please 课内导练 Section A

1a.1.study for a test 2. 去看医生 3. have a piano lesson 4. ??怎么样

5.看望我的伯母 6.on Friday afternoon 7. help my mother do housework

1b. 1.helps his parents 2. comes to Sung Ming?s party 3. studies for a test 4. goes to the doctor 5.visits her aunt 6. has a piano lesson 2a2b.

5. I have to visit my aunt on Saturday. 6. I?d love to.

7. Can you come to my party tomorrow? 8. I have to help my mom.

9. I?m sorry, I’m going to the movies. 10. I?d love to.



选择题 1.B 2. B 3. B 4. A

翻译下列句子 5. Can you come to my party? Sure, I?d love to.

6. Can he go to the movies? No, he can?t. He has to help his mom. 7. Can they go to the concert? No, they can?t. They are going to a party.


7. It?s an invitation about a birthday party. 8. Lisa?s birthday party. 9.

Friday, June 30,at four-thirty.

10. Lisa?s home ,15th street..

①New year party. ②Betty.

③Saturday, Jan 3rd,at 2:00 pm. ④Class 2.

①go to the mall with me

②I?m going to study for the math test. ③I?m going to help my parents. ④See you then. Section B

1a/1b/1c: 1. June 4 2. June 6 3. Sunday 4.Tuesday 5.the day before yesterday 6. the day after tomorrow 1) What day is it today? 2) What is the date today? 3)

Yesterday was Sunday the 3rd.

2a/2b: 1) play tennis with me 2) Today

3) I have to go to the doctor and study for a test today. 4) I an playing soccer and I have a piano lesson. 5) What are you doing the day after tomorrow?

3a: 1. 1) Sonia. 2) No, she doesn?t. 3) On Monday evening. 4)

On Tuesday. 2. DEFCBA


3b./3c 例文: Hi Linda,

Thank you very much for the invitation. But I?m sorry I can?t go shopping with you. On Monday, I am having English lessons.On Tuesday,I have to prepare for a project.And I?m going to visit my uncle on Wednesday evening.On Thursday,I?m going shopping with my mother.I have to go to my friend?s birthday party on Friday afternoon.On Saturday,I have to do my homework.You see,I am very busy next weel.Can you later!

Your, Amy

Selfcheck: 1)a lot ; invitation 2) trying ; study 3) join ; culture 4)come over ; discuss 5) the whole day 6) till ; comes 7) geography project 课后拓展/中考链接

1—5 BBAAB 6—10 ACCBC 11---14 BDCD

第1题 本题考查can可以表示具有某方面的能力,意思是“会,能 ”。根据题干的意思,故选B.

第2题 本题中must be “一定是”, can?t be“不可能是”, may be“可能是,shouldn?t “不应该”,根据题干的意思应用否


第3题 题干的答语中已经用can?t 回答,且can意为“能,会”,故选A.

第4题 根据题意因为提问者在找眼镜,强调找不到了。而shouldn?t不应该; won?t不会; mustn?t不许,禁止;故选A. 第5题 题干前面的none表示否定,与后面的until构成“直到。。。才 ”。故选B. 第6题 题干主句中有not,常为 “not …until..”引导的时间状语从句。故选A.

第7题 根据题干的意思“你能来和我一起踢足球吗?”根据答句“我恐怕不能,我有很多工作要做 ”。所以选C. 第8题 根据上下句的语境,上句用“Would you like…?”表示有礼貌地请求,下句表示答应,故选C. 第9题 题干的答语是回答的日期,故选B.

第10题题干的意思是 “我们的语文老师昨天晚上因为有太多工作而不得不工作到很晚”.而work是不可数名词.故选C. 第11题 题干的意思是 “她每天晚上不得不呆在家里吗?”.故选B.

第12题 题干的意思是 “我必须在4:00钟来到吗? 不,你没有必要在4:00钟来”,must提问的问句否定回答用needn?t来应答.故选


第13题 题干的意思是 “我的单车坏了,我不得不步行去那里”. 故选C. 第14题 题干的意思是 “他感到孤独,除了我之外他没有几个朋友”.故选D. Unit 5 单元测试题答案和部分题目解析: 听力材料:


A) 听句子 选择符合题意的图画回答问题,本题听一遍。(每小题1分,共5分。)

( 1—5 ACBCA )

1.W: Mary can?t join us,she has to practice the piano.

2.M: My birthday is November 5tn.My father?s birthday is November 15th and my mother?s birthday is October 15th. 3.M: Tina is going to visit Tokgo this summer vacation.

4.W: Ted has a busy Sunday:he has to practice the piano all day.

5.W: Jack needs to go to see a dentist.He can?t go shopping with Jim this Sunday. B) 听对话,回答每段对话后面的问题,选出符合题意的最佳选项,本题听两遍。

(每小题1分,共10分)。 6—10 BCBAB 11—15 ACABA



W:Hello,Tony,can you come to my party on Sunday? M:Sorry,I?m can?t.I?m visiting my grandpa with my father. 听第二段对话,回答第7小题。

W:Dare,can you come to my party on Sunday?

M:Sure,I?d love to.But I have to finish my homework first.

听第三段对话,回答第8小题。 W:Is the doctor here today? M:Yes.Do you want to see him. W:I hope I could.

M:OK.Have a seat and wait for your turn. 听第四段对话,回答第(9)题。

M:I don?t know how to play baseball.Can you tell me how to play the game? W:With pleasure.I can show you. M:Really?

W:Sure.Let?s go to the playground. 听第四段对话,回答第(10)题。 M:You look tired. W:I have a lot to do. M:You should take a rest.

W:Thanks for your advice.But I?ve to work on. 听第六段对话,回答第(11)- (12)题。

M:Today we don?t need to go to school.What can we do?

W:We can play soccer this afternoon.But I must buy a pair of sports shoes.Can you go shopping with me now,Jeff? M:No problem.I also want to buy a T-shirt for my brother.

W:OK.Let?s go.

听第六段对话,回答第(13)- (15)题。 W: Hello,Bruce.It?s a very beautiful day,isn?t it? M: Yes, it is.

W: Bruce,I hope you can come to my party next Sunday. M: What party,Linda?

W: It?s my birthday,and I?m having a party.Didn?t you know. M: No,I didn?t.

W: Oh,I?m sorry.I forget to tell you.Would you like to come? M:Sure,I?d love to.When will it start,Linda? W:At 5:00 pm.

C) 听短文 选出一个最佳选项。本题听两遍。(每小题1分,共5分。) 16—20 ABBAC Dear Nancy,

Next Sunday is my birthday.I?m having a birthday party at my home that day.I need some help.When you come over next

Saturday,can you go to the supermarket and buy some drinks for me ? And can you clean the living room?I?m inviting our friends, so you don?t have to invite them. Thanks, Lily

D) 听填信息(每小题1分,共5分。)请你根据所听内容,填写句中所缺信息。本题听两遍。 (21. Fifteen 22. morning 23. restaurant 24. 12:30 25. park )

Hi Tom,this is Mike. Today is my fifteenth birthday.I called you but nobody answered the phone.I want you to come to my birthday meal tomorrow.I?m going shopping with Lucy and Lily tomorrow morning.Then we?ll have a birthday lunch meal.The meal


will be at the Pizza-Hut Restaurant.We will meet at the gate of the restaurant at 12:30.We will wait for you before wo go inside and begin our meal.I hope you can come.There will be a lot of friends.We will have our favorite food.By the way, at 2:30 pm we will go to the park near the restaurant together. I hope you could join us, too.


26—30 CBDCB 31—35 DACAB 36—40 ADDAA

第26题 根据上下句的语境 “你愿意来参加我的聚会吗? 我愿意” .故选C.

第27题 根据题干的意思: “我有太多作业,所以我不能和你一起去”. 而homework 是不可数名词.故选B.

第28题 根据题干的意思 “因为他妈妈病了,所以他不得不呆在家里”, have to do sth不得不做..根据后面的 “was”,故选D. 第29题 根据答句: “ Monday the 14th”,故选C.

第30题 根据题干中表示具体的某个时间前面用介词on., 后句: “和朋友一起”,用 “with”表示.故选B. 第31题 题干中表示有礼貌地请求,句型 “Would you please + do sth?; 固定词组 “help sb do/with sth”.故选D. 第32题 题干的意思是 “这个周末你踢足球吗?”可用进行时表示将来的计划.故选A. 第33题 考查词组 “from…to…” 从…到…; “在晚上”用in the evening 表示.故选C. 第34题 题干的意思是表示建议 “我们去看海豚表演,好吗?”.故选A.

第35题 题干中的 “Let?s + 动词原形”表示建议, 反意疑问句用 “shall we?”表示.故选B.

第36题 题干中的 “are playing football”用进行时表示将来,所以后面要选择将来的时间状语.故选A. 第37题 题干的答句说明了他不能和我们一起的原因是: “ 她头痛”.故选D. 第38题 题干的意思是: “ 你的姐姐不得不去看病吗?”.故选D. 第39题 题干的前句是他要买一部新车的理由.故选A.

第40题 题干的意思是: “现在是上午7:00钟,你没有必要去学校那么早. “don?t have to 相当于needn?t,故选A.

三、 完形填空

41---45 CACBD 46---50 ADDBC

第41题 考查句型 “Thank you for sth./doing sth.”故选C. 第42题 根据题意是 “参观你们学校”.故选A. 第43题 根据下文表达“我不能来”的原因.故选C. 第44题 根据下文得知: “下周我将没有空”.故选B. 第45题 考查短语 “from…to” 从…到….故选D.

第46题 根据本句的意思: “我将要去飞机场接一个来自家乡的朋友”. “meet”有 “接见,会面”的意思.故选A

第47题 根据句意: “打网球”表示为: play tennis; 而join 表示加入到某个团体、组织;而have tennis的表示不恰当。故选D. 第48题 考查 “sick”和 “ill”的区别.两者都有生病的意思。但 sick 可以做定语,而ill只能做表语。故本题选D. 第49题 考查词组:help sb. do sth. , 根据本句的意思,故选B.

第50题 考查 “all” 和 “whole”的区别:all 常位于定冠词、物主代词、指示代词或名词所有格等的前面,而whole则位于



(A) 51---55 TFTTF (B) 56---60 CDCDB (C) 61---65 EABCF

第51题 根据句子:“I?d love to see you next week,but I ?m very busy.”得知本句的表述是正确的。 第52题 根据文中的句子:“I?m going to the dentist on Tuesday”得知本句的表述是错误的。 第53题 根据句子: “You have to see the doctor on Wednesday”得知本句的表述是正确的。

第54题 根据句子:“My mother is having a party on Friday,and I have to help her with that”得知本句的表述是正确的。 第55题 根据文中句子:“What are you doing on Thursday? I?m not busy that day.”得知本句的表述是错误的。

第56题 根据句子:“Welcome to Angel Club?s weekend BBQ party”.得知选C.


第57题 根据广告中的日期(date)得知本题选D.

第58题 根据广告中的信息可知:晚会的地点是“Angel Clib Lawn”.故选C.

第59题 根据广告中的信息可显示 “adults”和“children”,无论是会员或者不是会员,都欢迎参加。故选D.

第60题 根据信息可知: Adults (成年人):¥200; Childern : half price ,Mr Black一家三口去参加晚会。故选B. 第61题 根据左边的信息得知Linda是一个音乐爱好者,她想去看演唱会,而右边的 “E”项是有关音乐会的信息。故选E. 第62题 根据左边的信息得知Tim是想参加演讲比赛,和右边的A项 “希望之星英语演讲比赛”内容符合。故选A. 第63题 根据左边的信息可知John对环境问题感兴趣,而右边B项是有关于“人类和自然”的报告。故本题选B. 第64题 根据左边的信息可知Jane不喜欢通过电视看电影,他经常在电影院看电影,而右边的C项是讲有关Hollywood的

一部著名的电影 “Gone with the Wind”。故选C.

第65题 根据左边的信息得知Jim喜欢呼吸新鲜空气。这个周末他准备去野餐,而右边F项讲有关野餐的信息。故选F. 五、 完成句子

66. has, training 67. didn?t,until 68. inviting,to 69.can?t be 70. have to 六、 读写综合

A) 71. father?s/dad?s 72. Christmas Carols 73. Cirl Guides 74. Rick

75. Christmas presents 76. City Party B) 书面表达 例文 Hi Susan,

Thanks a lot for the invitation. I?m sorry I can?t go to the movies with you this week. I?m really busy. Monday is my dad?s birthday and on Tuesday I?m singing Christmas Carols. I?m going to the Rotary Meeting and the party for Girl Guides on Wednesday. Rick and I am studying for a test on Thursday and I?m going to school on Friday. I?m having two parties on Saturday, And I want to have a good rest on Sunday. I think I can go with you next week. Write soon.


Unit 6 答案和提示: 课前准备

1. same 2. different 3. popular4. healthy 5.unhealthy 6. tall 7. early 8. important 9. strong 10.free 课内导练 Section A

1a.1.short 2. unhealthy 3. serious 4. early 5. clam 6. short 7. busy 8. weak 9. bad 10. small 1b. 1. longer 2. calmer 3. taller 4. wilder 5. heavier 6. shorter

2a/2b. 1.funnier 2. more outgoing 3. more athletic 4. more serious 5. smarter

6. quieter 2c. 1. wilder 2.earlier 3. more serious 4.more athletic 5. longer 6. more outgoing 7. more popular 8.heavier 9.thinner10. better 3a 范文: Dear Liuli:

Thank you for your last letter. Here are some photos of me and my brother Tom. As you can see, in some ways we look the same, and in some ways we look different. We both have black eyes and short black hair. But his face is a little long, my face is round. We both like sports. But he is more athletic than me. He is better at playing basketball than me. I am better at playing tennis. My favorite subjects are


math and geography. I think his favorite subjects are PE and chemistry. We both enjoy going to English parties. Please visit us soon.

Love Isabel Section B

1a.1. make him forget 2. be good at playing the guitar 3.be different from 4.the same ---- as 5. thanks for your letter 6.in some ways 7.as you can see 8.in common 9.more than 100 people 10.it is important for me

2a/2b.范文: Holly’s best friend is Pete. Because Pete likes to do the same things as Holly does. Pete is popular, too, and he is good at sports. Holly likes sports, but Pete is more athletic than Polly. They are both pretty outgoing. And Pete is funnier than Holly, but Pete is wilder than Holly. Holly is a little quieter.

3a/3b: 1. look the same, look different 2. opposite views and interests 3. don?t think, in a friendship 4. beats me in table tennis 5. make me laugh 6. in common 7. It is very important for me 8. who are like me 9. as/so good at sports 10. not necessary Self-check 范文:

Two years ago, my father was a worker in a factory. Now he is a layer in a company. He is more outgoing than two years ago, but he, I think, is much quieter. Two years ago, he doesn?t like sports. Now he plays basketball with his friends after work. So he is more athletic than before. Sometimes he watches NBA games on TV with me on weekends. Maybe he likes sports. And now he like reading better than before, usually he tells some funny stories for us. So he is very popular in my family. 课后拓展 /中考链接 1.

D 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. D 6.C 7. A 8.C 9

第1题,考查比较级,old 通常的比较级和最高级分别是 older, oldest。可用于人或物,可用作表语或定语,可与 than 连用。elder 与 eldest 主要用于家人之间表明长幼关系。通常只用于人而不用于物,只用作定语而不用作表语,也不与 than 连用。所以选择D.

第3题,考查最高级, of the three表示三者之中,所以用最高级。 第4题,考查比较级,第二空后面省略了than Lucy. 所以选择B。 第 6题, 考查stop的用法,根据it is time for class, 填talking.

第 7题,考查both, either 和 neither的用法,根据上下文意思,填both.

第 8题,考查价格的高低的表达方式,价格高用“high”,价格低“low”,所以选择C。 第 9题,C . One of +adj.最高级 +n.复数形式,所以选C。 Unit 6 单元测试题答案和部分题目解析: 听力材料:

一、听句子,选择正确图画 (B A B C B) 1.Tom likes playing soccer best.

2. Kate likes apples, ice cream and milk. But her favorite are apples. 3. Holly is an outgoing girl, she is good at singing. 4. Peter often plays with his pet pig after supper.

5. The girl dislikes Chinese, but she is better at English than math. 二、 听对话,选择正确答案。 (6.B 7.C 8. B 9.C 10.B ) 听第一段对话,回答第6题


6. M: Look, Kate, whose bag is that? Is that yours? W: Oh, no, I think it is Gina?s, mine is smaller than hers. 听第二段对话,回答第7题

7. M: Did you get up early yesterday, Cathy?

W: Yes, I got up at half past six. But I missed the first train. I got to school at half past eight. The first class began at eight. M: I am sorry to heat that. 听第三段对话,回答第8题 8. W: How heavy are you, Tom?

M: I'm about two kilos heavier than Jim, but Jim is two kilos heavier than Tim. I am 70 kilos. W: Oh, that sounds very interesting. 听第四段对话,回答第9题

9. M: I am going to visit a new country? W: Really? When? M: Maybe next week. W: Have a good time. 听第五段对话,回答第10题

10. M: Hi, May. Who is this in this photo?

W: She is my little sister. But she is taller than me. M: Oh, who is this boy?

W: He is my little brother. He is shorter than me. 三、 听短文,选择正确答案。(11.B12.A 13.B 14. A 15.A)

Mrs. Read has two little girls. They are twin sisters. The little girls are only six years old. They look the same. They often wear the same clothes. Other people often say Mrs. Read is lucky, because the little girls are very beautiful.

The two girls have a white cat. The cat looks very nice. It likes to play with the twin sisters, and the girls like to play with it, too. They call it Mimi. Mrs. Read loves her daughters very much.. She often buys some good food for them. The girls love their mother very much, too. They are very much.. 四、听填信息。

After Tom finishes his middle school, he goes to work in a post office. He is very happy to get the work, because he can send the letter on the bike. It is easy and nice. One day, he takes a letter to a house. When he gets to the door, a big dog runs out. He is afraid of it very much, and he throws the letter on the floor and runs away. But the dog doesn?t come to him. It stops and picks up the letter with his mouth and carries the letter into the house. Tome says “Oh, the dog does the same work as I do ”. 16. post office 17. happy 18. afraid 19. mouth 20. same 五、单项选择题

21---25 BCCDB 26---30 ACABC 3 1---35 DC BAC 36---40 BAACA 第21 题 考查冠词的用法,eleven是元音发音开头,所以选B

第22题 比较级前还可以用much,even,still,a little来修饰, 所以选C。 第23题 考查副词修饰动词,不能用形容词good, 而应该用well. 所以选C 第24题 考查as adj/adv (原级)as 的用法,再根据上下文的意思,所以选择D。 第25题 考查thank sb. for doing sth, 所以选B


第26题 考查all 和both用法,在句子中的位置也大致相当,大多放在实意动词前面,系动词或助动词的后面,both表示“两

者都”,而all 表示“三者或三者以上”,所以选A。

第27题 考查be good at sth/ doing sth.. 所以选 C。

第28题 考查make sb. do sth.. make 后接动词原型。所以选择A. 第29题 考查动词不定式作真正主语的情况,it是形式主语

第30题 考查little, a little, a few, 和few 的用法,联系上下文应该用比较级。所以选C。 第31题 考查be different from 与----不同, 所以选D。 第32题 考查does 代替goes. 所以选C。

第33题 考查get better and better, 变得越来越好, 所以选B。 第34题 考查enjoy doing sth.. 根据句意选择A

第35题 考查be good with与---相处好,根据句意选择C. 第36题 考查However的用法, “但是、然而”表示转折关系。 第37题 考查比较级要同类比较。所以选A。 第38题 考查多音节单词的比较级。 所以选A。 第39题 feel better表示“感觉好多了”,根据题意选择C

第40题 any other city 其他任何一个城市,不包括自己在内,所以选择A。 六、 完形填空

41---45 DBBDC 46---50 BCADB

第41题 原文说,Jack 穿得过时的衣服去赴宴,可是没有给他食物,因此他很生气。应选D。 第42题 联系上下文,此处应该填“so”。

第43题 他回家穿山最好的衣服,应该填过去式。因而选B

第44题 他又回到了同样的宴会,第二次提到,应该选择定冠词the.。 第45题 考查come to do。 所以填动词不定式。 第46题 考查take sb. to sw. 把某人带到某处。所以选B

第47题 考查say, tell, speak, talk的用法上的区别,只有say可以接说话的内容,speak与语言搭配, talk与to或with搭配,tell是告诉的意思。

第48题 见到此人给衣服吃东西,其他人很奇怪,,所以选A 第49题 别人问他这样做的原因,用why来提问。所以选D 第50题 to是介词,后面迎接宾格代词,me. 七、阅读理解

(A) 51--55 FFTFT (B) 56—60 ABAAA (C) 61—65 BCDAD

(A) 第51题 文中的第一句话是A driver stopped his car on a street side to have a rest.,所以选F。 第52题 文中第一、第二个人问他时间,他 都已经告诉了他们,所以他是知道时间的,所以选F。 第53题 文中包括司机共4人,所以是T。

第54题 文中的第三个人看到note后,过来告诉他现在是“It’s a quarter to nine”,所以是F。.. 第55题 根据文中的第二段的表述,所以本句的表述是正确的。 (B) 第56题 参见文中第一段第三句,所以选A。

第57题 一天Mary发现一只羊不见了,文中第二段。所以应选B. 第58题 文中的第二段的第三句、第四句来判断。所以选A.


第59题 根据本文介绍她的丈夫来到Andy家里时,天开始下雨了。可以得知选A. 第60题 联系上下文,可以知道Andy偷了Mary的羊,所以要用肯定回答。所以选A. (C) 第61题 根据本文第二段第一句\著名的)zoo is in Regent's Park..\应选B.

第62题 根据本文There you can see crocodiles and monkeys , elephants and giraffes(长颈鹿), lions and tigers and a lot of other animals. 本题应选C

第63题 根据文中的最后一段,可以知道,所以选D.

第64题 本篇文章主要是讲述有关伦敦的公园(从首句也可以看出),所以选D. 第65题 根据下句得知,在地球上有七大洲,可以猜测continent是 “洲”的意思。 八、 完成句子

66. photos, of 67.in, common 68. much, better 69. better, at 70.it, for 九、 读写综合

A) 71. I like to have friends who are like me. 72. more athletic 73. smarter 74. It is not necessary to be the same. 75. stronger and a little wilder than me B) My good friend and I

I like to have friends who are like me, because we can talk the same things, we have the same views and interests. My good friend, Tony, is as tall as me, he is as good at sports, so we are as athletic as me. We all like watching NBA games, we often talk about the big stars like Yao Ming, Park, Kobe, Tracy, and so on.

But we also have differences. He is smarter than me, but I always work harder than him. Of course, we don?t really care. In a word, we are good friends. Unit 7 答案和提示: 课前准备

可数:hair, homework, money, news, food, paper, salt, snow, weather, rain, 不可数:sheep, pear, apple, cake, people, cup, noodle, grape, carrot, vegetable, 课内导练 Section A

1a.1.Drink 2. Turn on 3. Cut up 4.Pour the milk into 5. Put the bananas and ice cream

1b/1c: 1.How much ice cream 2. How many bananas 3. How much yogurt 4.How much honey 5. How much milk 6. How much pears

2a/2b. 1.friuit salad 2. three 3. only one 4. two teaspoons 5.two 6. a cup 7. only one

2c. 1.banana milk shake 2.turn on 3. turn off 4.cut up 5. pour ----into 6. cut up 7. mix up 8.add---to

9. let me think 10.peel two bananas 3a 范文:

First wash a few tomatoes, cut them up. Next put the tomatoes in a bowel. Then put in two teaspoons of honey or sugar and a cup of yogurt. Finally mix it all up. Section B

1a. Fruit: pear, watermelon, banana, orange, Vegetables: lettuce, tomato, green onion, potato. Meat : turkey, chicken, beef, duck. Relish: yogurt, sauce, honey, salt.



How to make turkey sandwich

First, put a teaspoon of butter on a slice of bread; Next, cut up one tomato. Put the tomato on the sandwich. Next, cut











Then, put some two teaspoons of relish on the turkey and add the lettuce. Finally, put another slice of bread on the top.

3a/: 1. How do you make; first?cut up 2. make fruit salad; good idea 3. How many?need 4. some honey; How much 5. a kilo of apples 6. sandwiches 7. recipe 3b. Key:

1.many 2.oranges 3.tomatoes 4.sandwiches 5.friendly 6.to drink 7.don’t , stay 8.better 9.having 10. Don’t

Self-check:1. How?s 2. How 3. How far 4. How often 5. Where 6. What 7. When 8. Who/ Whom 9. When 10. What 11. How soon

第1题:问天气有两种形式:How is the weather---? What is the weather like ----? 所以填入How. 第2题: 问交通方式,所以用How。 第3题:问距离,用How far。

第11题: How soon通常在一般将来时,意为\再等多长时间?\,\多长时间才???\是对 \时间段\( in ten minutes/two

hours/ a week)提问。

课后拓展 /中考链接 一、 A2. A 3. B 4. C 5. B 6.C 7. C

第1题,考查名词的单复数, fish(鱼肉)和 chicken(鸡肉)都是不可数名词,所以选择A。

第2题,考查如何表达“几条好消息”,应将good放在piece 之前,some 决定了piece用复数形式,故选择A。 第3题,有后句“它离这里不远”可知前句意为“我们不需要乘出租车”。“需要”用need, “不需要”用needn?t。

第4题,上句句意为“我们需要一些帮助。你能切碎这些香蕉做水果沙拉吗?”。Cut up“切碎”;mix up“混合” ;put up”举起”,所以选择C。

第5, 6题,考查turn on, turn up, turn down, 和turn off的用法:凡是电器类的产品, 开大一点就叫 turn up, 关小一点就是 turn down.如果是打开则是 turn on, 关掉 turn off。

第 7题,考查try on的用法,而且it/them 应该用于词组的中间。

二、1. are 2. Don?t 3. stop, crying 4. third 5. Finally 6. called 7. tomatoes 8. relish 9. hotter 10. yourselves 11. giving 12. interesting, interested.

第1题:考查here的倒装句,句中some photos, 所以填入are。 第2题:考查祈使句的否定形式,所以填入,Don?t。

第3题:考查make和stop的用法,make后跟动词原形,stop doing sth 停止做某事。所以填入stop, crying。 第4题:考查序数词,March三月,所以填入third。 第5题:考查final的副词形式,所以填入Finally。

第6题:考查called,表示“被叫----, 名叫------”,做后置定语。 第7题:考查tomato的复数形式tomatoes。 第9题:考查hot的比较级hotter。


第10题:考查your的反身代词yourself或yourselves,根据Tom and Tim可以得知,填入yourselves。 第11题:考查thank sb for doing sth 的用法,for 是介词,所以填入giving。 第12题:考查interesting 形容词,用来修饰物 , interested 形容词,用来修饰人 。


一、听句子:1-5 ACAAB 二、听对话: 6-10 BCCCC 三、听短文: 11-15 BBCBA

四、 听填信息: 16. bike 17. bus 18. subway 19. walk 20. bus 听力材料:一.听对话,选图。

1.Mary goes to work by car while her daughter Kate has to ride her bike to school every day . 2.Today is Saturday.The Greens are holding a party tomorrow to celebrate Mrs. Green?s birthday. 3.Wei Fang, you shouldn't eat too many apples.

4.Jack doesn?t feel well and he doesn't go to school. He has a sore throat. 5.Jim is going to the concert on Wednesday. 二.听句子,选答案 听第一段对话,回答第6题

6.W: Do you like eating dumplings, Mr Smith? M: Yes, I like it. And I eat it twice a week. 听第二段对话,回答第7题 7.W: What's the matter, Jim?

M: I'm not feeling well. I have a bad headache. W: let me examine you. M: Is it serious?

W: Nothing serious. Lie down and rest, and you'll be better. 听第三段对话,回答第8题

8.W: What are you doing for Children's Day, Tom? M: I'm visiting my cousin in Australia. W: Oh, that sounds very interesting. 听第四段对话,回答第9题

9.M: Jenny, do you know how they go to the factory? W: They take a bus. It will take 20 minutes. M: How far is it from the home to the factory? W: About forty miles. 听第五段对话,回答第10题

10.W: Jim, can you come to the soccer game with us? M: Sorry, I'm not sure. I have to ask my parents. 三.听短文。 Dear Mary.,


Thank you very much for your invitation for dinner next Sunday. I'm very glad to come. But I have a piano lesson in the morning and my cousin is coming to visit me in the afternoon. So I have to start off later. My cousin's name is Lucy. She is fourteen years old. Her parents have to fly to London on Sunday for some business. So Lucy is staying with us till next month. Can we both come together on Sunday evening?

Yours Helen 四.听填信息

W: Mr. Wang, we're very glad to have you here. May I ask you some questions? M: Of course, go ahead.

W: As a teacher in charge of Class Two, do you know how many students ride their bikes to school? M: We have fifty students in my class. Half of them go to school by bike. W: How many students take the bus. M: About five.

W: How about the others?

M: No students in my class come to school by bus. Some students, about ten, usually take the subway. The others walk every day. 五、单项选择:

21-25 DBAAD 26-30 BBACC 31-35 CBAAC

第21题 这个对话的回答是Three time a week (一个星期三次),所以,问题应该是问隔多久看一次电视。How often隔多久,How long 多长时间, How far 多远,How much 多少钱,答案是D。

第22题 这个对话的回答是see a dentist (去看牙医),所以,应该是牙痛。答案是B。

第23题 听到不好的消息应该感到抱歉。本句的意思是听到你不舒服的消息,我感到很抱歉。答案是A。

第24题 本题考查what about的用法。What / How about 后接名词或动词+ing 的形式。同时也考查了go hiking 这个词组。答案是A。

第25题 根据句子的意思,eat a balanced diet(吃均衡的食物),就很容易保持健康(stay healthy)。答案是D。

第26题 本题考查词组的搭配。ride a bike, take a bus。主语是students 为复数,所以,谓语动词ride 用原形。答案是B。 第27题 本题考查句型It takes …… to do sth. (花费时间做某事)。答案是B。

第28题 本题考查的是有关接受邀请的交际用语,注意:回答这类交际用语是应该礼貌、婉转。答案是A。

第29题 本题考查介词on 的用法:表示在具体的某一天的晚上、早晨、下午等。in用于年、月、季节的前面, 及固定搭配:in the morning / afternoon / evening。at 表示具体的时刻。答案是C。

第30题 本题考查形容词的比较级用法。句中than 表示比较,所以用比较级。funny 的比较级为funnier,outgoing 的比较级为more outgoing。 答案是C。

第31题 本题考查enjoy doing 的用法。答案是C。

第32题 本题考查连词的用法。根据句子的意思,应该是转折关系。答案是B。

第33题 本题考查介词for 的用法。介词后一般接名词、代词、动词+ing 的形式。答案是A。

第34题 本题考查疑问词的用法,how 怎样,what什么, when什么时候, why 为什么根据句子的回答by bike,所以选how。答案是A。

第35题 句中next week 表示将来的时间。be +doing 的结构表示即将发生的动作。答案是C。 六、完型填空:

36-40 ADBCA 41-45 DBCAD

第36题 主语patients 是复数,所以动词用are 。答案为A。


第37题 sad 是形容词,前面应该用表示感官的连系动词look, 表示看起来忧伤。答案为D。

第38题 上一句说Tom 并不忧伤,所以,他应该在看一本有趣的故事书,用interesting来修饰story.。而interested 修饰“人”。 答案为B。

第39题 根据意思应该是医生的办公室,答案为C。

第40题 can 后接动词的原形,所以排除B和D,ask是问的意思。而这里是说一句话,所以选say。 答案是A。 第41题 考查词组搭配,take a look at。答案是D。

第42题 考查句型:What?s the matter with you? 试比较:What?s wrong with you?, what?s your trouble? 答案为B。 第43题 上下文是转折的关系,Jim 想说,但医生打断了他的话。答案是C。 第44题 根据上下文的意思,Jim 的身体没问题,所以选nothing。答案是A。 第45题 上下文意思,为父亲来拿药。答案是D。 七、阅读理解:

46-50 FTTTT 51-55 BCDAA 56-60 CABCA 第46题 根据短文第一段的第二行的意思,本题是错的。

第47题 发电子邮件不需要花钱,肯定比发一般的邮件便宜,所以,本题是对的。 第48题 只有有电脑,就在任何时候,可以发邮件给任何人,所以,本题是对的。

第49题 短文的第二段里谈到,你即使在电影院看电影,你朋友也可以发邮件给你。所以本题是对的。 第50题 根据短文的最后一句话的意思,本题是对的。 第51题 根据短文的第二句,可以判断,选B。 第52题 根据短文的最后一句,可以判断,选C。

第53题 短文的第二、三行中提到About half of the students come to school by bike. 一半学生骑单车上学,全班是48人,所以一半是24人,所以,选D。

第54题 根据短文的意思,住得较远,才坐巴士上学。所以选A。

第55题 住得较远的学生骑单车或坐巴士上学,骑单车的有一半24人,坐巴士的有10人,总共有34人。所以选A。 第56题 根据短文的第二行的句子的意思,选C。

第57题 短文的第三行,Children who are tired usually need sleep. 疲倦的孩子需要充足的睡眠,所以,少睡眠就很疲倦。选A。 第58题 短文的第五行的句子的意思,告诉我们选B。 第59题 短文的第四行的句子的意思,告诉我们选C 第60题 短文的倒数第三行的句子的意思,告诉我们选A。 八、完成句子:

61. goes to movies on weekends. 62. sounds like 63. is good at 64. as important as 65 am going camping 九、读写综合: A) 信息归纳:

66. going to my cousin's birthday party. 67. go to the dentist. 68. On Wednesday


69. study for my chemistry test 70. On Friday evening B)书面表达: Hi, Henry.

I'm sorry, I can't visit you next week. Because we are going to Hainan for holiday. I am going there with my parents. We are going to Hainan by air. We are staying in Hainan for a week. In Hainan, we are going fishing, going swimming, going shopping and going sightseeing. Hainan is very beautiful and interesting. I think we will have a good time. Write soon. Tina

Unit 7单元测试题答案和部分题目解析: 听力材料:

一、听句子,选择正确图画 (A BB CA )。每题听一遍。 1.M: Sandy likes eating watermelon very much..

2. W: Kate ate only one piece of bread this morning, so she felt a little hungry. 3.M: Sarah need to cut up three strawberries to make her fruit salad. . 4. W: I would like milk for dinner, but my brother want some orange juice. 5. M: Marry would like cabbage and lettuce in his sandwiched. 二、 听对话,选择正确答案。每题听两遍。 (6.A 7.B 8. C 9.A10.B ) 听第一段对话,回答第6题

6. M: Would you like to show me how to make banana milk shake?

W: OK, First you should peel three bananas, then the cut up the bananas and pour the milk into the blender. 听第二段对话,回答第7题

7. W: What do you need for a beef sandwich?

M: I need some beef and two pieces of bread. Don?t forget vegetables. 听第三段对话,回答第8题 8. W: How many pears do we need? W: Oh, let me think, three for each people. 听第四段对话,回答第9、10题 M: Let? make a chicken sandwich, Lucy.

W: Really? That is a good idea. I like chicken sandwich very much. How many ingredients do we need, Mark? M: Maybe six ingredients. W: What can I do for you?

M: Please wash two onions and a tomato first. And then give me two slices of bread, two teaspoons of butter, 3 slices of chicken and three teaspoons of relish. W: Here you are. M: Thanks.

三、 听短文,选择正确答案。本题听两遍。(11.C12.B 13.C 14. A 15.C)

Mrs. Brown is very fat. “Don?t eat meat and cake any more.” Her doctor says to her. “I?m going to stop her eating them, doctor.” Her


husband says. The next morning, Mrs. Brown makes a beautiful cake, and her husband eats half of it. Then he goes out. Mrs. Brown cuts a very small piece of the cake and eats it. It is very delicious. She cuts a bigger piece and eats it. In a few minutes she finishes the cake. “My husband is going to be angry.” She says. “What shall I do?” She makes another cake very quickly, eats half of that, and leaves the other half on the table.

Her husband comes back later. He sees the half of the cake on the table and is very happy.. 四、听填信息。本题录音听两遍。

Tree Planting Day comes on March 12 every year. Tomorrow we are going to plant trees. Now let me tell you about how to plant a tree.

First: dig a hole large enough for the tree. but the hole should not be too deep Second: knock a long, strong stick into the earth in the hole . Third: put the tree in the hole next to the stick Fourth: put the earth back in the hole again Fifth: push it down hard with your foot several times Sixth: tie the tree to the top of the stick. Last: water it well

16. March 17. enough 18.put 19. push 20. water 五、单项选择题

21---25 A ADDB 26---30 A ABCD 3 1---35 BBBAA 第21 题 考查how many +可数名词复数,所以选A。

第22题 milk 不可数,glass表示 “玻璃杯”可数名词,所以要用复数形式, 所以选A。 第23题 考查why not提建议,应该用:sure, ok ,good idea等回答。 所以选D。

第24题 考查mix up的用法,如果是名词可以放在中间和结尾,但是如果是it/them, 就应该是mix it /them up所以选择D。 第25题 考查turn on/ up/ down/off的用法区别,根据题意“在你离开教室之前别忘了关灯”。 所以选B。 第26题 修饰复合不定代词的形容词或其它词要放在其后,即定语后置。所以选A。

第27题 “??个半??”可表达为“数词 + 名词 + and a half”或“数词 + and a half + 名词(复数)”。例如: 四个半月 four

months and a half / four and a half months 所以选 A。

第28题 a recipe for----一份---的食谱。所以选择B。

第29题 many kinds of, 许多种类,cake 是可数名词,所以选择different kinds of cakes。 第30题 relish是不可数名词,所以选择how much。所以选D。 第31题 make fruit salad做水果沙拉,所以选择B。 第32题 a good eating habit是“好饮食习惯” 所以选B。

第33题 考查would like sth的句型的回答方式,肯定回答Yes, please. 否定回答No, thanks。 所以选B。

第34题 考查little, a little, few, a few 的用法。Little, a little修饰不可数名词。后句Go and buy some. 根据句意选择A。 第35题 根据I am hungry,所以A。. 六、 完形填空

36---40 CDACB 41---45 DBACD

第36题 文中说他们暂住在一家旅店,stay 有暂住之意。应选C。 第37题 他们住在第45层,应该填floor。

第38题 文章开头提及到三个人,因此此处填three。因而选A.


第39题 下文说他们不得不徒步上楼,因此停止工作地是lift。 第40题 walk to走到。

第41题 考查make sb./ sth. +adj. 表示使某物怎样。此处应是他们想使爬楼梯变得更加容易,所以选择“easier”。 第42题 考查sing a song的用法,所以填sing。 第43题 讲故事应该用动词tell。 第44题 他们在上楼,所以用up。

第45题 下文说他们休息了,所以此处他们应该是累了。 七、阅读理解

(A) 46---50 FFTTF (B) 51---55 BAABC (C) 56—60 DBCCC

(A) 第46题 文中的第一句话是Tom and Mike were good friends. Sometimes they were kind to each other, sometimes they were not.,


第47题 文中One day they went out for a walk together. At noon they were very hungry and they went into a restaurant to have lunch.


第48题 文中When the waiter put the two apples on the table, 所以是T。

第49题 文中Mike took the bigger one at once. 所以是T。

第50题 文中“Of course I?ll take the smaller one.” said Tom.。所以是F。

(B) 第51题 参见文中第一段第一句Every country has its favorite food. Italians like to eat pizza.,所以选B。 第52题 文中第二段第一句In England, one of the most popular kinds of food is fish and chip.。所以应选A. 第53题 综观全文来判断。所以选A.

第54题 根据文中的倒数第二句来看Ham (火腿) is a kind of pork, but the hamburger does not have any pork in it。可以得知选B。

第55题 整篇文章就是讲food。所以选C。

(C) 第56题 根据本文倒数第三行The important thing is that every day a person must eat something from each of the seven kind of

food. \应选D.

第57题 根据本文 (2) citrus(柑橘类)fruits and tomatoes; 本题应选B。

第58题 根据文中People in different countries in the world eat different kinds of things. They also eat in different kinds the day.,


第60题 文中的最后一句与One of the problems is that no one is hungry意思相反。所以选择C。 八、 完成句子

61. put, into 62.began, with 63. recipe, for 64. mix , up 65.bottles, pieces/ slices 九、 读写综合

A) 66. Kentucky Fried Chicken and McDonalds

67. the shops often give children gifs for their coming

68.in the shop 69. Australia, England and China 70. more and more American take-away food shops B) My good friend and I

My birthday is coming. It is on December 22nd, 2009. I am going to invite four classmates to my birthday. We are going to make fruit salad and turkey sandwiches. We are going to have different kinds of food and fruits. After that, we are going to cut up the birthday cake and they sing birthday song for me. Tom is going to play the guitar. Of course, we all like playing games.


I hope we all have a good time.

Unit 8 答案和提示:

课前准备 1. 去购物 2. 阅读3. 拜访我的叔叔 4.去看电影5. 制作香蕉奶昔 6.go to the beach

7.have a good time/ have fun / enjoy oneself 8.watch TV 9.go to the zoo 10.go to see the dentist 课内导练 Section A

1a. 1.was 2.had 3.worked 4.went 5.carried 6.took 7. bought 8.hung 9. ate 10.saw 11.got 12.watched 1b/1c: 1.was 2. was 3. Did 4.didn’t 5. went 6. Were 7. weren’t 8. were 9. did 10. hung 11. took 2a/2b. 1.Tina 2. movie, aquarium 3. autograph, took, photo 4. autograph 5. prize 6. hat 2c. 1. Did you go to the beach with my parent last week? Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.

2. Did they watch the football matches with his friends last weekend? Yes, they did. / No, they didn’t. 3. Did she do her homework at school after class yesterday? Yes, she did. /No, she didn’t. 4. Was he at school yesterday afternoon? Yes, he was. / No, he wasn’t.

5. Were there many sheep on the hill the day before yesterday? Yes, there were. /No, there weren’t. 3a 范文:

My parents and I went to the zoo last Sunday morning. It was sunny. First, we visited the dolphins and watched the dolphin show. After that, we saw a big crocodile, it is from Singapore. The mouth is very big. After lunch, we had lunch in the zoo. We went to the cinema to watch a movie about pandas. At the end of the day, we went to the Gift Shop. We bought some animal toys because I like animals best. At that day, we had a good time. Section B

1a. 1.get his autograph 2. take a photo/ take photos/ take pictures 3.go for a drive 4.win a prize 5.take a/the bus back to school 6. sleep late 7. hang out with friends 8. watch TV with friends 9.buy a souvenir 10.a movie about sharks

2a/2b. 1.awful 2. weather 3. drive 4. boring 5. terrible 6. studied 7. slept 8. got 9. beach 10. clean 3a/: 1. hung; out 2.got;autograph 3. had; trip

4. was; cleaned 5. Where; else 6. rained; took 7. brought, get, wet. 8. my; opinion; finish;

3b. 1. came 2. was; was 3. were 4.Did; tell 5.didn?t watch 6. help 7.is singing; is reading 8.didn?t help; will help/ is going to help 9. gets 10. Don?t close

1.many 2.oranges 3.tomatoes 4.sandwiches 5.friendly 6.to drink 7.don’t , stay 8.better 9.having 10. Self-check:

Dear Nick,

How was your day off? Did you have fun last weekend? I went to East Lake with my classmates. We met at the school gate. We went there by bus. First, we went boating in the lake. After that, we had a short rest, we climbed the hill. We felt a little tired. Some students sang and some danced. Suddenly, it began to rain. We all got wet because we did not bring raincoats and umbrellas.

But we all were happy.



See you soon.

Jack 课后拓展 /中考链接

1. B 2. C 3. D 4. A 5.B 6. D 7 .C 8. D 9. D 10. D 11.B 12.B 第1 题 问句How was your day off? 所以要用一般过去时。

第2题 根据问句Jim, can you help me to wash the dishes?说明事情还没有做,所以选择C。 第3 题 考查make的用法,make sb do sth, 所以选择D。

第4题 考查there be 的句型,be 动词的决定, 就近原则,所以选择A。 第5 题 考查must的提问, 根据句型应该用needn’t 回答。所以选择B。

第6 题 考查may be, can be 和must be的用法,都是表示猜测,根据可能性的大小,所以选择D。 第7 题 参考



第8 题 考查there be 句型的将来时态, 所以选择D。 第9 题 根据问句What did you do last night? 所以选择D。 第10 题 考查enjoy doing sth, 所以选择D。

第11 题 根据问句Jimmy is leaving for a holiday。句中的时态是表示将来时态,所以选择B。 第12 题 考查关联词的用法, 根据上下文的意思,可以得知是转折关系,所以选择B。 Unit 8单元测试题答案和部分题目解析: 听力材料:

一、听句子,选择正确图画 (C ACC )。每题听一遍。

1.M: Tonny went to school by bike and met his friend at the gate. 2. W: Kate and Lucy had some rice for dinner together yesterday evening. 3.M: Sarah bought a new shirt for her fathers’ birthday.

4. W: Sally had to stay at home and watch TV because his parents went fishing last weekend. 5. M: Today it sunny, but it was rainy yesterday. 二、听对话,选择正确答案。每题听两遍。 (6.B 7.A 8. C 9.C 10.C ) 听第一段对话,回答第6题

6. M: I went to take some math lessons the day before yesterday, because my math was poor. What about you? W: Oh, I went to a movie with my good friends. 听第二段对话,回答第7题

7. W: Where did you go last weekend, Lily?

M: I went to the zoo and I saw many tigers. So I was very happy. 听第三段对话,回答第8题

8. W: Where did your sister go last Sunday? W: Oh, she went to the park with my parents. 听第四段对话,回答第9、10题

M: I knew you went to Heilongjiang last winter vacation. How was your trip? W: Terrible! So terrible! M: Why? Did you dislike that?


W: No. Because the weather was bad. It snowed all day. I had no time to went out. 三、听短文,选择正确答案。本题听两遍。(11.A 12.B 13.C 14. A 15.C)

Frank is from Paris. Now he works in a bank in Paris. Last summer, he got two weeks off for summer vacation. So he decided to take a trip to Beijing in China. He wanted to fly to Beijing. The plane left for Beijing at 9:30 pm on Monday. Bad luck, it rained hard all day. It was so terrible that he had to stay at the airport to wait. The next day the rain stopped. He was tired , but happy. 四、听填信息。本题录音听两遍。

Last Saturday, our class had a good time on the school trip. We went to the mountain for the day. At eight o’clock in the morning, we met at the school gate. We took our school bus to get there.

After about one and a half hours, we got there and walk to a village, following Miss Huang. There were about thirty old houses in it. They are farmers. They cooked a lot of delicious food for us. We were all happy.

16. eight 17. school bus 18. one and a half hours 19. Miss Huang 20. farmers 五、单项选择题

21---25 BBACB 26---30 ACBCD 3 1---35 BCCAC

第21 题 考查were there 的问句,只能用 there were 来回答,所以选B。 第22题 问句是Did he,所以要用did 来回答,所以选B。 第23题 根据回答It is wonderful,只能用how 问, 所以选A。 第25题 考查have fun doing sth的用法。 所以选B。 第26题 根据tired 和 happy,说明是转折关系。所以选A。

第27题 Let’s go for a walk after supper.提建议,根据对话习惯, 所以选 C。 第28题 last year 去年,说明是用过去时。所以选择B。

第29题 根据上下文的时间来看,应该要用一般将来时,所以选择C。 第30题 考查固定结构at the end of the day。所以选D。 第31题 根据上下文的关系,可知是因果关系,所以选择B。 第32题 It was terrible.时间是过去时, 所以选C。 第33题 考查 about表示“关于”。 所以选C。

第34题 考查else的用法,位于不定代词或疑问代词之后,根据句意选择A。 第35题 根据how long问一段时间,所以C。. 六、 完形填空

36---40 CADAC 41---45 BCDBC

第36题 此处表达“看见”,不能用look,只能用“find”。 第37题 表达立刻,马上,应该用at once。

第38题 老虎不会上树,只能在树下等候。故用under。 第39题 根据上下文is, 只能选A。

第40题 根据上下文的句意,此处填nobody。 第41题 上下文是转折关系,所以只能用are not。 第42题 此处表达将来含义,所以用you will find。 第43题 老虎走在猴子的后面。


第44题 此处用副词really。意思“的确;确实”。 第45题 “不得不说”应为“had to say”。 七、阅读理解

(A) 46---50 FTTFF (B) 51---55 DBACD (C) 56—60 DDBDBD

(A) 第46题 文中的第2句话是He had a very big orange tree in his garden. 所以选F。

第47题 文中One day the old man found one of his oranges was bigger than others. It was as big as a football.


第48题 文中So he took the big orange to the king. The king was very happy and gave the old man a lot of money

for it. 所以是T。

第49题 文中I'll take my gold cup to the king. 所以是F。

第50题 文中I'll give you something for it. Please take the great orange。所以是F。 (B) 第51题 根据原文“Kate and her brother Bob went out to play”部分, 答案为D. 第52题 根据原文“and we can see fish in the river”, 因此,答案为B

第53题 根据原文“The children were standing in the middle of the bridge” 部分以及接着一句“A train is coming”,


第54题 根据原文“She had to lie down between the tracks” 部分,答案为C.

第55题 根据原文“She was angry because they went on the bridge. But she was happy that Kate was all right.”


(C) 第56题 Charles 和 Elizabeth的关系, Charles是众多追求者之一,应选D.

第57题 以上三者情况全是Elizabeth想要的。 本题应选D。 第58题 根据全文第一自然段第二句话课选出。所以选B。

第59题 Charles觉得Elizabeth的条件过于苛刻,所以他不高兴。

第60题 文中的最后一句与It is not a man you are looking for. It is a TV set。所以选择B。

八、 完成句子

61. famous / well-known basketball player 62.won first prize, with 63. a elephant show 64. on my next day off 65.Where else 九、 读写综合

A) 66. 7/seven 67. ¥5 68. 10:00 a.m.~3:00 p.m. 69. go near to the animals 70. Australia

B) Dear Tom,

How was your day off? Did you have a great time?

I had fun visiting the Forest Zoo. It was sunny and windy. My parents and I went to visit the Forest Zoo. At first, I saw the Indian elephants and the new tigers from the Northeast of China.

They are so big and cute. I love them a lot. Then I saw the beautiful birds from England. They could sing some beautiful songs for us. The monkeys , the pandas and the dogs from Australia were also lovely. At last, I visited the giraffes from Africa. They were so tall.

After the trip, we were all tired but happy!

See you soon, Tony


Unit 9 答案和提示:

课前准备1.studied 2. worked 3. born 4.began 5.made 6. bought

7.came 8. watched 9.wrote 10.stopped 11.shopped 12. left

课内导练 Section A

1a. 1.playing 2.was 3.going 4.Don’t 5.went 6.talking 7. to finish 8.born 9. become 10.is 1b/1c: 1. When was you born ?

2. What does Michael Jordan do? /What is Michael Jordan?

3. How was your school trip? 4. What did she do last weekend? 5. How was the weather yesterday?

2a/2b. 1.world 2. report 3. started 4. stopped 5. How 6.famous 7. January 8. until 2c. 1. When did you go to the beach with my parents? 2. When did he start hiccupping?

3. How long did it took him to finish reading that book? 4. How long did Joe study English? 5. When was he was born? 3a.

1. too, short, on, 2. ride, when 3.At, age, national, team.4.first, was Section B

1a. 1.be born 2. world report 3.start learning English 4.how long 5. too ---to--- 6. a talented soccer/ football player 7.a creative student 8.an outstanding movie star 9.at the age of nine/ when he was nine years old 10. a famous/well-known violinist 11.take part in 12. major in management

2a/2b. The girl admires Midori. She is a famous violinist. She is Japanese. She was born in Osaka in 1971. When she was eight, she was already a talented violinist. When she was fourteen, she toured the United States.

The boy admires his grandmother, Laura. She was born in Russian in 1932. She was an unusual girl because she started ice skating when she was four, and she became a skating champion when she was ten. A long time ago, she worked very hard. But now she is a kind and loving grandmother.

3a: 1. well-known/famous; Chinese; pianist 2.took;part;in 3. at; the;age;of 4. won; first; prize 5. spends/spent; free; time Self-check:

Lin Dan is a well-know Chinese badminton player. He was born in October,1983, in Fujian. He is 1.76 meters tall. He started to learn playing badminton at his age of five. When he was eighteen, he joined the national badminton team. He played very hard and he was a talented player. In 2000, he won the single champion in Youth championship in Asia. In 2008, he won the single champion in Beijing Olympic Games. I love him very much.

课后拓展 /中考链接

1. B 2. D 3. B 4.D 5.D 6. A 7.B 8.B 9.C 10. D 11.A 12。B 13. D

第1 题 leave在这里表示 “留下、遗留”,常用的词组时leave sth somewhere, 所以选择B。


第2题 考查spend, cost, pay表示“花费”的用法,根据句型spend money on sth, 所以选择D。

第3 题 考查take part in和join的用法,join多指参加某组织,成为其中的一个成员。而take part in指参加活动。, 所以


第4题 考查too –to--的句型,tired 修饰人,所以选择D。

第5 题 考查how soon的提问, How soon通常在一般将来时,意为“再等多长时间,多长时间才??”

是对 “in +时间段”( in ten minutes/two hours/ a week)提问。所以选择D。 第6 题 考查on的用法,所以选择A。

第7 题 参考be famous for 的用法,所以选择B。

第8 题 考查stop to do sth“停下来做某事”, 所以选择B。 第9 题 根据问句What did you do last night? 所以选择C。 第10 题 考查pay for sth, 所以选择D。

第12 题 根据问句Would you mind +doing sth, 另外根据回答Do it now。所以选择B。 第13 题 根据上下文的意思,it做主语,所以选择D。

Unit 9 单元测试题答案和部分题目解析: 听力材料:

一、听句子,选择正确图画 (CBACA )。每题听一遍。

1. M: Sandy is good at geography, but she doesn’t like Chinese.

2. W: Gina was born on November 10th

, 1995. But Tina was born on December 11th

,1996. 3. M: Yesterday it was sunny, but it rained all day the day before yesterday. 4. W: My uncle went travelling in his own car last year. 5. M: My father and I visited Lao She’s Teahouse last year. 二、 听对话,选择正确答案。每题听两遍。 (6.C 7.C 8.A 9.B 10.B ) 听第一段对话,回答第6题

6. M: Do you know something about Jack? W: Yes, he is a well-known pianist in China. 听第二段对话,回答第7题 7. W: When were you born, Tom?

M: I was born in 1996, I am a year younger than Jacky. 听第三段对话,回答第8题

8. M: We all know you speak English well. When did you learn English? W: Oh, When I was three. 听第四段对话,回答第9、10题

M: Hello, is that Mrs. Green speaking? W: Yes, who is that?

M: This is Tom speaking. I am sorry to tell you that I can’t practice playing tennis. W: Why?

M: Because my arms hurt.


W: I am sorry to hear that. Do you need and help?

M: Thanks, Mrs. Green. There is nothing serious with my arms. W: You must look after yourself and have a good rest. M: Thank you. Don’t worry. I think I will get better soon. 三、 听短文,选择正确答案。本题听两遍。(11.C 12.C 13.A 14.B 15.B)

A French woman went to London to see her son. She knew a little English, but could not speak it very well. One day she went to a shop. She wanted to buy a hen for supper. But she could not remember the English word for “hen”. Just then the shop assistant asked her, “Can I help you?”

I want the egg’s mother,” the woman answered.

The shop assistant did not understand her and said, “Sorry, we haven’t any bigger eggs.” Suddenly the woman remembered the word “rooster”. She said, “I want the rooster’s wife!”

This time the shop assistant laughed. 四、听填信息。本题录音听两遍。

John was very busy last week. He watched a basketball match on Sunday. The next day he didn't go anywhere. He did his homework at home. On Tuesday he visited the museum. His friends asked him to go to see a foreign film on Wednesday. On Thursday he helped his mother do some housework. His father had to go to Australia. John said goodbye to him at the airport on Friday. What did he do on the last day of the week? He played computer games in his study. 16. basketball 17. homework 18. film 19. housework 20. airport 五、单项选择题

21--25 DBACD 26--30 CBAAD 31--35 BABAB

第21 题 根据回答In a small village neat London。所以选D。 第22题 根据回答For two weeks,表示一段时间。 所以选B。 第23题 根据on, 可以知道具体到某一天。 所以选A。 第24题 根据时间状语从句when he was young,所以选择C。 第25题 考查固定短语at the age of的用法。 所以选D。 第26题 考查there be句型的过去式的表达方式。所以选C。

第27题 考查动词短语get up起床, get back 回来, get off 下车, get on 上车。所以选 B。 第28题 I hope so.表示希望如此。所以选择A。

第29题 考查固定短语major in“主修”的用法, 所以选择A。

第30题 考查because + 句子和because of+ sth/n/Ving等的用法。所以选D的。 第31题 参加某个组织、俱乐部等,用join; 时间又是in 1983。所以选择B。 第32题 表示时间,价值,距离,重量,钱财等等的词做主语时谓语用单数。 所以选A。 第33题 考查ask sb. to do sth的句型, “要求某人做某事”。 所以选B。

第34题 考查介词的用法。具体到某一天的早上、下午、晚上,用介词on。 根据句意选择A。 第35题 考查序数词的用法。在序数词前已有形容词物主代词his,就不能用the。所以B。 六、 完形填空

36---40 CDBCC 41---45 ABCAB

第36题 下文“had to work hard, or his wife and children would have been hungry”。可以看出他有一个大家庭。应选C。 第37题 努力工作当然要早起,所以用get up。


第38题 在海边人们以捕鱼为生。因而选B. 第39题 fishing“捕鱼”

第40题 根据文中的内容可知东西很重,扯动了钩子。 第41题 卖掉金子可以得到很多钱。 第42题 有了很多钱就成了富人。 第43题 happen发生,其他不相符。 第44题 pull拉,其他跟题意不相关。

第45题 船沉了,他失去了金链子同时也失去了船和生命。 七、阅读理解

(A) 46---50 TFTFT (B) 51---55 BACDD (C) 56—60 BCADC

(A) 第46题 Her parents first took her to the theater when she was four years old. A year latter, she acted as a

snail(蜗牛) in her first play. 所以选T。

第47题 文中and then found she herself was not talented. So she gave it up(放弃) and began to study acting。


第48题 文中In 1971 she married another British actor. 所以是T。

第49题 文中She won an Oscar for her acting in this film. The James Bond film made her much more famous. 所


第50题 根据最后一段可以知道。所以是T。

(B) 第51题 参见文中第一段第一句liked to play jokes(开玩笑) on others.所以选B。 第52题 文中第二段At lunch he met a young man, one of his friends。所以应选A。 第53题 根据He told Twain that his uncle never laughed or smiled。所以选C。

第54题 根据文中That evening the young man and his uncle sat in the front。可以得知选D。

第55题 根据“Oh,”said his friend.“I know that old man. He’s been deaf(聋)for years”。所以选D。 (C) 第56题 根据He was born in 1847,可以得知是19世纪。应选B.

第57题 根据He was in school for only three months. He asked his teacher a lot of strange questions。本题


第58题 根据文中As she had been a teacher, she taught him herself。所以选A。

第59题 根据Soon he became very interested in science。所以选择D。 第60题 根据文中的最后一句可以知道是建立了化学实验室。所以选择C。 八、 完成句子

61. because , of 62.mojored, in 63. talented ,outstanding 64. too, to 65. world , report 九、 读写综合

A) 66. Scotland 67. ten / 10 68.sixteen/ 16 69. left eye

70. chancellor of the exchequer B) My good friend

My good friend, David Turner, is from America. He was born in New York. He was born on July 3, 1996. I am one year older than him. When he was seven years old, he came to China with his parents.

He went to No.101 Middle School at his age of twelve. He works very hard and his studies are very good. He is helpful


and often helps the other students with English. He love playing basketball, so he is playing for school team. And he likes reading, playing computer games and listening to music. Unit 10 答案与提示 课前1分钟

teacher, doctor, worker, farmer, student, policeman, 篮球运动员,演员,歌手,舞蹈者,作家 课内导练 Section A 1a

1b. what, am going to be, difficult, How, study, computer 2a、2b、2c. 1) A 2) A 3) C 4) B

小作文:Cheng Han is a good student. When is he going to be when he grows up. He is going to be an actor. He is going to move to New York. How is he going to become an actor? He is going to take acting lessons. When is he going to start? He is going to finish high school and college first. Grammar Focus

1. What, grow up, How, am going to

2. 1) is Tom going to be, grows up 2) going to be 3) is, going to do 4) is going to study hard. 3a ,3b

1. 1) Tian Tian’s dream job is artist.

2) He is going to move to Paris.

3) Because he wants to be rich and buy a big house for his parents. 4) He wants to travel all over the world.

2. 1) somewhere interesting, 2) sounds like, 3) a lot of, 4) a part-time job, 5) save money, 6) at the same time, 7) all over the world, 8) grow up, 9) 举办一个展览,10) 某个安静的地方,11) 我还不确定。

3. My dream job: When I grow up, I’m going to do what I want to do. I am going to be a doctor. Because doctors can help people. I am going to move to Shanghai, because Shanghai is a beautiful city. How am I going to do it? First, I am going to study hard. Second, I am going to be a student in a university in Shanghai. Third, I am going to find a job in a big hospital in Shanghai. At last, I am going to buy a big house for my parents in Shanghai. And I am also going to travel all over the world. One day, I am going to retire somewhere quiet and beautiful. Section B

1a, 1b 1. learn to swim 2. play an instrument 3. make the soccer team 4. get good grades 5. get lots of exercise 6. study hard 7. take piano lessons 8. sound interesting 9. 一门外语 2a, 2b

Lucy, Kim, Manuel are good friends. They are talking about their New Year?s resolutions. Kim is going to make the soccer team, He is going to play soccer every day. Lucy is going to learn to play an instrument. She is going to take piano lessons. Manuel is going to get good grades. She is going to study hard and do her homework every day. How about me? I am going to study English well. I am going to listen to the teacher carefully in class. I am going to read English every day. I am going to ask the teacher for help. 3a

1. more than / over one thousand letters 2. work harder 3. a lot of / lots of 4. play sports 5. a few 6. keep fit 7. 和??沟通 8. want to find a job 9. as a teacher 10. make New Year’s resolutions 11. What, New Year’s resolution 12. am going to get good grades 13. As, am going to, harder. 14. lots of books, a few 15. plays sports, keep fit Shelf check:

Some American exchange students are going to visit our school next week. What are we going to do with the exchange students? At school, we?re going to have a welcome party. We are going to sing and dance in the party. We are going to have a basketball match with them. We are going to read books in the library with them. We are going to play the computer with them. After school, we are going to the


park together. We are going to invite them to our home. We are going to see movies together. We are going to go shopping together.

I think we are going to have a good time. 课后拓展/中考链接 1-8 ABCCBBCD

第1题 形容词修饰somewhere/anywhere,something/anything/nothing时,放在这些词的后面。本句是陈述句的肯定形式,所以,用something,答案是A。

第2题 next week前不需要任何介词。答案是B。

第3题 tomorrow明天,表示将来时be going to + v (原形)。答案是C。 第4题 as 作为。答案是C。

第5题 sound 是连系动词,后面应该接形容词。I can?t stand it. 说明这首音乐不好听。答案是B。 第6题 time 是不可数名词,只能用a litte,或 little,根据句子的意思,我们仍然还有一点时间。答案是B。

第7题when 引导的时间状语从句用一般将来时代替一般现在时。He 是第三人称单数,所以用grows up。答案是C。 第8题 根据回答的内容. Beijing or Shanghai。答案是D。 Unit10单元测试

一、听句子 1-5 B C ABB

二、听对话 6-10 BBCCB 三、听短文 11-15 C B C C B

四、听填信息。16. doctor, 17. actress, 18. taxi driver, 19. policewoman, 20. singer 听力材料 一、听句子

1. Mary often goes to the park with her mother on Sunday. But next Sunday she is going to see a movie with her friends. 2. Kate?s mother is getting heavy, so she is going to keep fit. She likes singing but she is going to dance to keep fit. 3. It?s raining hard now. But the weather report says it is going to be sunny tomorrow. 4. Rita likes music very much. She is going to join a violin club. 5. Joan didn't do well in this exam. She is unhappy now. 二、听对话:


A: Hello, Mr. Zhang. We haven?t seen each other for a long time. B: Yes. I?m so glad to see you again. A: Are you still living there?

B: Yes. But I?m going to work in Shanghai next month. So I am going to move there. A: OH! That is a great city. 听第二段对话,回答第7题:

A: Get up, Jimmy. You would be late for school if you stay in bed for another five minutes. B: Sorry, Mum. I am not feeling well. I don?t think I can go to school. A: Really? Get up and we need to go to the hospital. 听第三段对话,回答第8题:

A: Mary, what are you going to be when you grow up? B: I don?t know. Maybe I am going to be a doctor. A: Why?

B: Because doctors can help a lot of people. How about you, Tom?

A: I am going to be a computer programmer. Because I like playing computer very much. 听第四段对话,回答第9,10题: A: Hello, May I speak Bill, please? B: Sorry. Bill is out. A: Who is that, please?

B: It?s Bill?s sister. Can I take a message?


A: Yes. My name is George. Please tell him to meet me at 3:00 tomorrow afternoon at the gate of City Library. B: Ok. I?ll tell him. 三、听短文:

I?d like to say something about my future. In 20 years, I think I will be a singer. I?ll be tall, beautiful and have long curly hair. I?ll live in Shanghai because it?s a very beautiful city and I like it very much. In my free time I?ll read some books and do a lot of sports. I may go swimming and play table tennis. They are my favorites. I also think I will have a family. Maybe I will have two children. What do you think of your future? Can you tell me, my dear friend? 四、听填信息:

M: Millie, you?re a doctor. Do you like your job?

W1: It's OK, but it?s very busy. I work very hard. Sometimes I feel very stressed out. I really want to be an actress. M: An actress! Actresses really work a lot. W1: Yes, but the work is so interesting. M: What about you, Lily? What do you do?

W2: I?m a taxi driver, but I want to be a policewoman. M: Oh, why?

W2: Well, driving a car all day is really boring and tiring. A policewoman?s work is exciting. M: Exciting but dangerous.

W2: Yes, but I like it. What do you think of your job, Sam?

M: I?m reporter. I work for a television. The job is nice. But I want to be a singer. I like singing, you know.


21-25 D D A C B 26-30 C C D C A 31-35 C B B C A 第21题 be going to + 动词的原形,表示将来时。答案是D。 第22题 根据回答的意思I?m going to study acting。答案是D。

第23题when 引导的时间状语从句用一般将来时代替一般现在时。He 是第三人称单数,所以,动词+ s。根据句子的意思:完成大学的学业以后当一名工程师。答案是A。

第24题 形容词修饰somewhere/anywhere,something/anything/nothing时,放在这些词的后面。本句是陈述句的肯定形式,所以,用something。根据句子的意思,退休后,应该住在安静的地方。答案是C 。

第25题 sound 是连系动词,后面应该接形容词。句子的意思是接受邀请,听起来很好。答案是B。 第26题 考查want to do , 答案是C。

第27题 next week(明年),表示将来时be ( am,is.are) going to。答案是C。

第28题 look at 看??,look after照看,照顾, look up向上看;查字典, look for 寻找。根据句子的意思,我正在寻找我的笔。答案是D。

第29题 money是不可数名词,用 (a) little来修饰,比较级为less。people是可数名词,用(a) few 来修饰,比较级为fewer。句子的意思,我们最好用更少的钱和更少的人来做好这件事。答案是C。 第30题 over 超过,答案是A。

第31题 考查practice doing(练习做某事)。答案是C。

第32题 名词art 以元音发音开头,用不定冠词an 。答案是B。 第33题 考查enjoy doing(喜欢做某事),答案是B。 第34题 根据句子的意思,表示我正准备去购物,答案是C。 第35题 there be 句型的将来时形式。There is going to be。答案是A。 六、完形填空:

36-40 C D B A B 41-45 B A A B C

第36题 be 动词后接动词的ing 形式,表示现在进行时。talk about 谈论??,talk with 和??谈论。答案是C。


第37题,本句的主语是Tom and his friends,所以,选their。答案是D。 第38题 考查be (am, is, are) going to + 动词原形。答案是B。

第39题 根据上下文,Tom想当一名篮球运动员,所以,他每天练习篮球。答案是A。

第40题 every day(每天)表示一般现在时。He 是第三人称单数,谓语动词practice + s。 答案是B。 第41题 English 是元音发音开头,用不定冠词an。答案是B。 第42题 根据上下文的意思,这两句是并列关系。答案是A。 第43题 play on the computer。答案是A。

第44题everyday1)形容词,日常的,平常的。2)名词,日常之事。 every day 每天,做状语。答案是B。

第45题 be ( am, is , are ) going to + 动词原形,表示将来时。答案是C。 七、阅读理解

A)46-50 F F T FT B) 51-55 C B C D D C)56-60 D F C E B

A)第46题 短文的第二句和第三句,说明Lisa去女子学校是过去的事情。所以,本句是错的。

第47题 根据短文的第三句because her mother said she would study better if there were not any boys around。所以,本句是错的。 第48题 She?s going to take a year off before she goes to university意思是在她上大学前,她准备休假一年。所以,本句是对的。 第49题 短文的最后一句的意思是她去意大利休假,因为她喜欢那里的人民,天气和食物。所以,本句是错的。 第50题 根据短文的最后一句,本句是对的。

B)第51题 根据短文的内容,可以数出动物的数量是六种,答案是C。

第52题 大人的票价是$ 1.00,12岁以上的小孩是:$1.00,12岁以下的免费。Mr. Smith 和两个儿子,一个14岁,一个10岁,


第53题 星期一到星期五的开放时间是上午10点到下午3点。星期六,星期天的开放时间是上午9点到下午六点。所以,


第54题the giraffes from Zambia are waiting to look down on you.中的look down on you向下看你,说明它很高。所以答案是D。 第55题 根据短文的最后两句,可以判断答案是D。 C)第56题 How are you 的回答为I?m fine, thanks. 答案是D。 第57题 How old 问的是年纪,答案是F。

第58题 提问喜欢snowboarding 的理由,答案是C。 第59题 提问不喜欢snowboarding的理由。答案是E。 第60题 How long多长时间。答案是B。 八、完成句子

61. is, going to do, grows 62. is going to eat, to keep healthy 63. practices playing 64. sounds interesting

65. is going to, somewhere beautiful and quiet 九、 读写综合

A) 66. a manager 67. a doctor 68. a teacher 69. a reporter

70. teachers, nurses, doctors, bank clerks and police officers. B) My dream job

Everyone has dreams. I have some dreams, too. One of my dreams is my dream job. I am going to be a doctor. I think it?s very interesting. And doctors can help a lot of sick people. I am going to work in Beijing. Because it is a capital of our country. It is a beautiful and exciting city. I am going to buy a big house for my parents there. How am I going to do it? First, I am going to study hard. Then I am


going to study in a famous university. Maybe I am going to find a part-time job in my free time. I am going to travel all over the world. At last, I am going to retire somewhere quiet one day.

Unit11 答案与提示

课前1分钟: 1. Can, can 2. could 3. Can you help me? 课内导练: Section A 1a 略

1b,1c 1. 1) Could you clean your room? 2) Could you do the shopping? 3) Could you take out trash?

2. Peter can take out the trash, make his bed and fold his clothes. His mother can do the dishes, sweep the floor and clean the living room. 2a、2b、2c

1. 1) Can I use your bike? 2) Can I get a ride? 3) Can I stay out late? 2. 1) B 2) C 3) C Grammar Focus

1. Could, sure 2. Could, do, have to 3. Could, can 4. Could, can?t, have to 3a, 3b.

1. do homework, go shopping, do the chores/housework, 洗衣,make the bed, do the dishes, make breakfast, sweep the floor, take out the trash, fold the clothes, boring, interesting, relaxing, I agree. 2. 1) B 2)C 3)A 4)E 5)G

3. I like making breakfast, because I like to cook. I like doing the laundry, because it?s easy. I like cleaning my bike, because it is interesting. I hate doing the dishes, because I often break them. I hate sweeping the floor, because it is boring. I hate taking out the trash, because it?s dirty. Section B.

1a 1. 1) ask sb. to do sth. 2) invite sb. to some place 3) borrow some money 4) to take out the trash 5) invites, to 2a, 2b, 2c.

1. invite, Saturday, sounds, like, borrow, drinks, snacks, tomorrow, Thanks, room, cleaned, need, careful, worry, a, few, Sure, Saturday, help 2. 1) Could I use your CD player? 2) Could you take out the trash? 3) The girl is quiet and likes doing some reading at home. 4) The boy could play the piano when he was eight. 5) I like to do the dishes because it is relaxing. 3a,3a,3c

1. 1) thanks for 2) take care of / look after 3) feed the animal 4) take……for a walk 5) play with 6) forget to do sth. 7) have fun / have a good time 8) next week 9) help sb. do sth. 10) invite sb. to do sth.

2. 1) has to take care of 2) Can, invite my teacher 3) Don?t forget to finish 4) Thank you for 5) takes, for a walk 6) Could, clean the room. Self Check 1. B 2. D 3. B 4.C 课后拓展/中考链接

第1题could 表示婉转地提出请求,建议等。Shall, may 一般用于第一人称。答案是B。 第2题 用Can 提问,就用can来回答。答案是A。

第3题 句中when he was seven.(在他七岁的时候)表示过去就会,用过去式。答案是B。 第4题 根据句子的意思,不能去,答案是D。

第5题 根据句子的意思,表示不得不先完成作业,答案是A。

第6题 考查交际用语,答应对方的要求、请求,用With pleasure (我很乐意,我很荣幸);

当对方对你感到抱歉或道歉,一般用It doesn’t matter (没关系);当对方对你表示感谢时,一般用You’re welcome(没关系)。答案是B。

第7题 考查词组play with (和??玩耍)。答案是A。 第8题 考查thanks for doing sth. 答案是C。

第9题 考查forget / remember to do sth.(忘记、记得去做某事)和forget / remember doing sth.(忘记、记得做了某事) 的用法,答



第10题 考查ask sb. (not) to do sth. 本句的意思是看电视对我们的眼睛和学习有害。答案是C。 Unit11单元测试

一、 听句子 1-5 BAACB 二、 听对话 6-10 BBBAC 三、 听短文 11-15 BCCAA

四、听填信息16. famous ping-pong player. 17. 2nd of June 18. 1978 19. five 20.does some chores 听力材料 一、听句子

1. Kate likes singing very much. But she is dancing now.

2. Mary is a good girl, she often does the laundry at home on weekends.

3. Mr. Green often watches TV after dinner, and his wife Mrs. Green often walks her dog. 4. Tom wants to read a new book so he is going to the library.

5. Jack is good at study. He is also a good son at home. He often helps his mother do the dishes. 二、


听第一段对话,回答第6小题: A: Hello. Sandy. B: Hello, Tom.

A: What kind of chore do you often do at home? B: I often do the dishes at home. How about you? A: I often take out the trash. 听第二段对话,回答第7小题:

A: Hi, Alex, would you like to go to play basketball with us now? B: Oh, I?d love to. But my mother asks me to finish my homework first. 听第三段对话,回答第8题: A: Hi, Sam, May I use your bike?

B: Sorry, Jack.. but I?ll go to the supermarket to buy some drinks and snacks. A: Who will go with you? B: My father.

听第四段对话,回答第9、10小题: A: Hi, Jim.

B: Hi, Lucy. Where are you going on vacation?

A: I am going to Hainan on vacation with my family next week. B: Oh, It?s a good place.

A: Yes. Could you help me take care of my pet dog, Jim? B: No problem.

A: Thank you very much. B: You?re welcome. 三、


Hi! I am Jessica. I come from the U.K. I came to China one year ago. Because my parents work here. I am studying in No, 1 middle school. It?s not easy but I enjoy it. I go to school every day. I sometimes study in the evening. Sometimes I watch TV or listen to CDs. On weekends I often go to my friends? house or go on a short trip with my family. At home, my mother does the cooking. It?s very delicous, and she is learning how to cook Chinese dishes. I sometimes help my mother do some chores. I often take out the trash after dinner. 四、


Deng Yaping is a famous ping-pong player, she loves playing sports very much. She was born on 2nd of June, 1973. She started to play pingpong in 1978, when she still was six. She joined the Henan pingpong team in 1983 and joined the national team in 1988. From 1993 to 1998, she was Number 1 women?s singles player in the ITTF. In fact, she is a good wife and a good mother at home now. She often does some chores for her family. 五、单项选择:


21-25 CACCB 26-30 DADCA 31-35 BCCDD

第21题 表示婉转地提出请求,用could比can更礼貌。但回答要用can。答案是C。 第22题 考查enjoy / hate doing。答案是A。

第23题 句中but 表示转折,意思是:但是我不得不帮助我妈妈。暗示我认为做家务很无聊。答案是C。 第24题 考查thank you for doing。答案是C。

第25题 考查将来时be going to和 invite sb. to (邀请??去??)。答案是B。 第26题 考查forget to do的用法。答案是D。 第27题 考查交际用语,答案是A。

第28题 考查ask sb. (not) to do(要求某人不做某事)的用法。本句的意思是,警察叫房间的人们不要出去,外面很危险。答案是


第29题 根据本句的意思,外面雨下得很大,我们不得不呆在家里。答案是C。 第30题 考查词组,搭车是“get a ride”。 答案是A。

第31题 borrow??from (从某人、某地借来??) ; lend??to ?? (把??借给??)。本句的意思是你可以从图书馆借书。


第32题 根据回答once a week,应该选择how often (隔多久),而when, what time (什么时候),How long (多长时间)。答案是C。 第33题 考查How about doing(做某事怎么样)。答案是C。

第34题 这是一个表转折的并列句,前面半句用的是过去式went, 所以,后面也应该用过去式,根据句子的意思:我去他家,但


第35题 问题是用are 提问,所以,不能用won’t 和can’t 回答。根据意思,答案是D。 六、完型填空:

36-40 BAAAD 41-45 A ACBB

第36题 考查词组help??with?? 答案是B。 第37题 根据句子的意思,答案是A。 第38题 stop doing 停止做这件事。答案是A。 第39题 妈妈是女性,答案是A。

第40题 根据句子的意思,她愿为你做任何事情。答案是D。 第41题 根据上下文的意思,你对她的感激是永远不够得。答案是A。

第42题 本句是陈述句,肯定句,所以,选something,形容词修饰something时,放在something后面。答案是A。 第43题 在月份前,用介词in。答案是C。

第44题 根据上下文的意思,母亲节很早开始于希腊。答案是B。 第45题 根据上下文的意思,母亲节是为了Rhea的一个节日。答案是B。 七、阅读理解

A)46-50 CADCB B) 51-55 BADDC C) 56-60 F A E G B A)第46题 根据第一段的第一句和第二段的内容,答案是C。

第47题 根据第一段的第二句话People of many countries do so, too,(很多国家的人民都这样)说明thank you 在全世界用得很广泛。答案是A。

第48题 根据第三段的意思,答案是D。

第49题 本题目的意思是当你想要问路时,应该先说什么,答案是C。

第50题 整篇短文说的是在什么情况下,人们应该说Thank you 和Excuse me。目的是告诉我们怎样做才礼貌。答案是B。 B)第51题 根据短文的第一段的第二行。We asked 4,000 teenagers in China. Half of them come from big cities like Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. The others are from small villages.采访了4000位青少年,一半是大城市的,另外是来自小乡村。答案是B。 第52题 根据表格,只有take out the trash这一列中,两项加起来才超过3000人。答案是A。

第53题 在do the dishes和fold the clothes 两项中,来自大城市的学生做这两项家务事的不足1500人。答案是D。 第54题 在表格中可以看出,只有make the bed这一项,城市里的学生的人数多过小乡村的学生人数。答案是D。 第55题 根据第一段的第一句Do teenagers in small villages do chores at home? 答案是C。

C)第56题 刘先生要求小孩做家务,并付给一定得报酬。F 选项的意思是这不是一个号办法,要让小孩养成做家务事的习惯,而 48


第57题 张先生不想做家务,妻子也很生气,认为他很懒。A选项的意思是要和妻子一起做家务,妻子才开心。答案是A。 第58题 王女士很喜欢做饭,不喜欢洗碗,她的丈夫洗碗。E选项的意思是家务事要相互分担,自己选择做自己喜欢的家务事。答案是E。

第59题 刘女士抱怨很长一段时间坐着洗衣服,很累。G选项的意思是不要长时间做同一件事情,坐了很长时间后应该出去散步。答案是G。

第60题 李女士和喜欢为家人做家务。B选项的意思是如果你喜欢做家务事,就做吧。答 案是B。 八、完成句子:

61. Could, take out, of course/ sure 62. How often 63. taking care of 64. to take

65 is going to invite, to 九、读写综合:

A) 66. in the western countries

67. Helping to make the bed, Feeding pets

68. Doing their own washing, Cleaning their room, Cleaning the house 69. 9-12.

70. Giving children chores to do around the home can help them to play an important part in family life. B) Students should do some housework

In China, many parents don?t let their children do the chores. But I think as a student we should do some housework. It is good for us. First, doing some housework can help us do things by ourselves.

Second, if we often do chores, we will become stronger and healthier.When we do the chores, it is just like we are doing sports. Third, we can a lot from doing chores. We can learn some knowledge. We can also learn how to deal with something. Fourth, we can understand how hard our parents work!

At home, I often do the dishes, take out the trash, sweep the floor and so on. I like taking out the trash, because it is easy. I don?t like doing the dishes, because I often break the dishes.

Unit 12 答案与提示

课前一分钟:good—better, bad—worse, easy—easier, friendly—friendliest, important—more important, cheap—cheaper, big—bigger, close—closer, comfortable—more comfortable, expensive—more expensive 课内导练:

1a.1. comfortable seats, big screens, friendly service, close to home, cheap, expensive, popular 2. 略。(根据自己的实际回答) 1b,1c

1. movies, Sure, best, closest, cheapest, most, biggest, most, friendliest, most 2.






friendly—friendlier—friendliest, comfortable—more comfortable—most comfortable, popular—more popular—most popular 2a、2b、2c


1. do a survey, good quality, let me see, what about, much better

2. best,good quality, cheaper, good, a fun part, expensive, worst, radio stations, best, most interesting, much better, bad, worse, worse Grammar Focus

1. 1) the cheapest, 2) the friendliest, 3) the most comfortable, 4) good, 5) better, 6) the best quality, 7) bad, 8) worse, 9) the worst 2. B B A A A 3a, 3b.

1. 1) the best 2) cheapest, the friendliest, 3) As for, most, the worst, the cheapest, 4) think, great, the most interesting, 5) How much, 6) How far 7) the closest, Let?s go there

4. I think Fu is the best restaurant in our town. It?s very near from home. The food isn?t very cheap. But it has a good service. The food is the most delicious in our town. And it has the most comfortable seats. Let?s go to Fu restaurant. Section B. 1a 1b

1. small, short, short, old, old, thin, sad, ugly, dirty, wide, white, wrong, bad, slow, creative, loud, boring, empty, expensive, weak 2a, 2b, 2c.

1. great, best, best, piano, player, great, funniest, laughing, How, about, creative, most, creative, guitar, worst, terrible, loudest

2. 1) Who, is the tallest 2) think, best 3) stop crying, 4) How about 5) can?t …… at all 6) do you think of 3a,3a,3c 1. 1) Last week, 2) Fifteen acts.

3) Because she played a beautiful piano piece. 4) He danced without music.

5) Steve Tian and his dog won the funniest prize. Because they sang a cute song together.

2. They are Lucy, Mary and Tom.. Lucy thinks Zhou Xing Chi is the funniest actor. She thinks SHE is the loudest musical group. She thinks News is the most boring TV show. She thinks Harry Potter is the best book……. Self Check

1. 1) southeast, 2) think about 3) did a survey of

2. Winter holiday is coming. I will go to visit Sanya in Hainan. Because Sanya is in southern China. The weather is the warmest. It is the nearest from Guangdong. Although it is the most expensive, it has a lot of things to do. We can go swimming in the sea. We can walk along the beach. We can also eat some delicious sea food. I think I will have a good time in Sanya. 课后拓展/中考链接

1-5 BACCC 6-10 CBBDC

第1题 考查形容词的比较级,much 后接形容词的比较级,表示比……得多。答案是B。 第2题 句中的than “比……”,意思是飞机比火车快,用比较级。答案是A。 第3题 句中In China表示范围,用最高级,tall的最高级为tallest。答案是C。

第4题 考查stop doing(停止做这件事) 和stop to do (停止别的来做这件事)的区别。本句的意思是我们工作了三个小时,停下工作来休息。答案是C。

第5题 考查句型one of + the +形容词的最高级+ 名词的复数形式,表示“最……之一”。答案是C。 第6题 句中in the city 表示范围,用最高级。答案是C。


