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1. Title: M4 Unit11 Lesson3

General introduction:This lesson is taken from a book of New Senior English for China by

Beijing Normal University. This lesson is about the reading part. By learning this passage, the students

can master some language points and reading skills, as well as some right life guides.

2.Teaching aims and demands

(1).knowledge objects

1).Vocabulary: advertise, classic, certain, sew, beer, corporation, brand, suitable, advertiser, budget, visually, boom, visual, concept, approach, humor, contemporary, contribution, citizen, niece, nephew.

2).Phrase: stand out, consist of, in direct competition with, consist of, linked to, be linked with, aim to, participate in,

3).grammar: Gegunds as a subject/verb/preposition/noun (2).Ability objects

1).Listening skills :understand what the teacher is saying, listen to the tape after class..

2).Reading skills :general understanding,detail information

3).Speaking skills: use the new expressions to talk about Ads in your daily life.

4).writing skills:write a short passage about your opinions on Ads with new expressions learned. (3).emotion objects

Ads help us know more about the products, but there are also cheats in ads. We should observe carefully about ads before buy the goods. We should watch more public advertisements ,participate in improving our neighbourhood, protect the environment, and help other people..

3 .Teaching keys and difficulties

Gegunds as a subject/verb/preposition/noun

4 .Teaching methods

(1).Fast reading (2).Detailed reading (3).explaining

(4).Task based group discussion

5.Teaching aids

computer ,overhead projector, PPT

6. Course number

We will finish this lesson in 3 classes. This is the reading class.

7.Teaching procedures

General introduction: Step1 is for lead-in. Step2, 3 is for reading and listening skills

objectives; Step4 is for knowledge objectives; Step5 is for speaking skills objectives and emotion objectives; Step6, 7 is for consolidation of new knowledge and practice students’ writing skills. Thus we can meet all the teaching demands. Step1 Greetings. Revision and smoothly start the new lesson (2 minutes)

Step2 Fast-reading and search for the answer for \questions ,general understanding. (8minutes) ”modern advertisements were made to make people forget that someone is trying to sell them something. T or F?” ”Not all ads are trying to sell people products or services. T or F?”

Step3 Detailed reading and look for the information needed . The ability to get detail information. (9minutes) “What ideas do today’s advertisers use to make you notice their products?””What has the government done during the last dacade?”

Step4 Explain difficult sentences and use of new phrases in detail under the help of some teaching equipments.(10minutes) Step5 Task-based discussion(10minutes)

Work in groups of four, choose one advertisement you know and describe it. Use some of the words and phrases learned today.

Step6 Summary of the lesson with related exercises. Mention the emotional objects.(5minutes)

Step7 Homework(1minute)say bye.

(1).Do exercise 8,9,10 in the exercise book. This is used to make the students have a further understanding of new words and new grammars.

(2).write a short passage about what is the right thing to do on the topic discussed today.(at least 100 words)

8.Blackboard design

In order to make the blackboard design clearly and neatly, I will divide the blackboard into three parts. On the left, I’ll write teaching aims; in the middle of the blackboard, there should be important and difficult language points, and on the right, I will write the summary of this whole class. Vocabulary, phrase, grammar Gegunds as a subject/ verb Summary with practice on teaching points. /preposition/noun Reading , speaking, writing, Examples and analysis listening Culture and life guides Name:Hu Ronghua Date:2012.5.12

导学案 Lesson 3 The Advertising Game

编写人:王海斌 审稿:高一英语组 本课目标:掌握单词和词组


了解并学习动名词 Step 1 Discussion

The advantages of ads _______________________________ The disadvantages of ads ____________________________ Step 2 Lead-in

We can see ads everywhere. What kinds of ads do like most? Why?

__________________________________ Step 3 Reading

Read the text and answer the questions in item 3 on page 26 Step 4 Word learning 写出意思对应的单词

1 Way of dealing with a person or thing ____________ 2 Praise something publicly in order to encourage people to buy or use it__________

3 Plan of how money will be spent over a period of time ,in

relation to the amount of money available_________

4 having a high quality that is recognized and unquestioned;of

lasting value and importance __________________

5 modern;of the present time ____________

6 action of contributing;thing contributed __________

7 idea;general belief _______

8 right or appropriate for a purpose an occasion _________ 9 concerned with or used in seeing ________ Language points:

(2)certain adj 某种,某些;确定的,无疑的;确信的,深信的

He didn’t come for a certain reason. 为了某种原因他没来。 It's certain that two and two makes four. 二加二得四是确定无疑的。

I'm certain that he saw me 我确信他看见了我。 固定短语:for certain 无疑地,肯定地

Be certain to do something 一定会做某事 It's certain that ... 是确信无疑的 2) suitable adj 合适的

Clothes suitable for hot weather are being sold. 适合炎热天气的衣服正在销售。 be suitable for 对...合适

These books are suitable for children 这些书适合儿童(阅读)

3)stand out (from/against sb/sth)

1 The bright lettering stood out well against the dark background. 那种鲜亮的字在深色背景下十分醒目。

2 Her work stands out from the rest。 她的工作成绩比其


思维拓展:stand aside 让开,站到一边去 stand back 退后,向后站 Stand for 代表,赞同,支持或主张某事物 Stand by 袖手旁观,支持或援助某人;信守,遵守 4)contribution noun 援助,贡献,投稿

The invention of computers was a great contribution to human civilization


Contribute verb 贡献出,捐献,投稿 contributor noun 投稿者,捐助者 contribute to (prep)为...作出贡献;把(时间)投入;有助于;是...的原因之一make a contribution/contributions to (doing sth) 对做某事做出贡献.

5) approach noun 方法、方式、道路

All approaches to the city were blocked 通往这座城市的道路都被封锁了。

Approach 接近,动手处理,商量,靠近 approachable易接近的 approach to接近,近似 at the approach of 对...进行探讨

There are several ways of approaching the problem . 处理这个问题有好几个方法。

July 1 is approaching. 七一快到了。 长难句解析及翻译

的复合结构。在这个结构中名词所有格或形容词性物主代词是逻辑上的主语。动名词的复合结构在句中可作主语、宾语等。在非正式英语中或在句中作宾语时,可以用名词的普通格或人称代词的宾格。 动名词的时态

Edith denied having been there. I remember having locked the door.

注释:当动名词表示的动作发生在谓语动作之前时,要用动名词的完成时。 动名词的被动语态

He narrowed escaped being run over.

He prided himself on having never been beaten in chess. 注释: 若主语是动名词所表示的动作的对象,动名词要用被动语态。 单句改错 1) 2)

Our school was consisted of ten classes then.

It’s a pleasure for me to be invited to participate the meeting

tomorrow. 3)

If you handed in your homework in time ,you wouldn’t have

been criticized. 4) 5)

His attitude of study is very positive. The company is made of ten departments.

6) 7) 8)

The parents did all that they could send their son to college. I’m looking forward to hear from you soon.

There is a ten-meters-tall tree in front of our classroom.


1)—You seemed to be deeply struck by his skill.

—Not exactly. It was his courage _____his skill that really struck me most.

A rather than B as well as C but also D not 2) He was luck enough to escape ___in the great fire. A to be killed B killing C killed D being killed 3) The day he had been looking forward to ___at last. A coming B having come C came D come 4) —Did__get through the driving test? —No,___. A few failed.

A everybody;not all B anybody;no one C everybody;none D anybody;not all

5) It is reported that two schools,____are being built in my hometown,will open next year.

A they both B which both C both of them D both of which 6) In my opinion,life in the twenty-first century is much easier than____.

A that used to be B it is used to C it was used to D it used

to be

7) ___much English troubled him a lot.

A His not knowing B Not he knowing C His having not known D His not known . 8) It’s no good___over spilt milk. A to cry B crying C cried D cry

9) ____provides us with essential nutrients,while_provides us with oxygen.

A To eat;breathing B Eating;to breathe C Eating;breathing D eaten;breathed

10)Isn’t it time you got down to___the papers?

A mark B be marked C being marked D marking 单词拼写

1) He has never shown much c______for his wife's needs. 2) Head teachers are more involved in d______than in teaching. 3) The teacher is trying a new a__to language teaching. 4) Her designs have a strong v___attraction.

5) Because of Tom's sudden wedding, his mother had to change the month's b____

6) The leaders of the two nations are discussing c____ affairs. 7) How to use money depends on your a___ towards it. 8) The prisoner a_____ to escape,but failed.

9) TV,radio and newspaper all belong to the m_____ 10) If you failed the exam,you will only b_____yourself.

