
更新时间:2023-06-01 22:39:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载



1. Can a person rely on the welfare system for everything? Why? No, I think that he surely can’t rely on the welfare system for everything. Admittedly, the welfare system can help a person with some financial problems. Since a disabled person might not be able to work, the government can help give money to live. Nevertheless, money is not the only thing that a person needs in order to live. A person needs things ,such as excitement, strength, adventure and so on, for his soul. What’s more, everyone needs love, too. And a disabled person is not different. He needs these things and he must get them the same way that everyone else does. He must get them on his own. In all, a person can’t rely on the welfare system for everything.

2. Should we ignore our friends and family for the sake of our own interests ?

In my view, life can be very busy, and it is good to stop and think more about the importance of our close relationships. Of course we shouldn’t ignore our friends and family members. Even though we are caught up in wishes to change the world or something like that, we should all be careful how we act toward people close to us. The measures we should take are quite clear. Rather than world problems, we should focus on problems within ourselves. Are we kind enough? Are we generous enough? These are the questions we should ask.


Following this, we should then try to make improvements, making ourselves better people. If we become good , we will then have a good influence on others, most on our family members and friends. They, our friends and family, must come before our own interests. We must love them whole-heartedly. We must find their needs and then work to satisfy those needs. We can have the best possible lives, if we put friends and family members before our interests.

3. China has declared a war on corruption with a focus on corrupt government officials. Is it possible for China to end corruption?

I am sure it is possible to end corruption because I believe in the Chinese people. Though there are exceptions, and those exceptions are causing problems now, I believe that most people are good and honest. What’s more, I believe that most Chinese people are brave. If asked by the government to watch out for and report corruption, most people will do so. They will report corruption wherever they see it. Then actions will be taken against corruption. Any plan that includes the Chinese people against corruption will work. I believe that ending corruption will be accomplished by China.

4.Do you believe that people of different races are equal? Why? I am not a racist. So I believe people are all equal. First, groups are similar biologically. We all have the same basic features, but only


differ in very superficial ways, like color skin. Also, each group has a culture that has evolved and supported its people, sometimes for thousands of years. And related to this is that each one of these cultures, and each one of these people, is unique and, therefore, special. Each provides color to the world and makes the world a more interesting place.

5. How long have you had your mobile phone and why do you choose it?

Mobile phones benefit our lives a lot, obviously. First of all, it makes the communications convenient. In the past, people write letters or send telegrams to get touch with others. Phones make the communication easier. When you miss someone, a piece of short message sent to his mobile phone will replace the long travel of thousands of miles. The long distance among people can be shortened by it. Secondly, the 21th century is a century of information. And the intelligence mobile phones bring great convenience to our internet-surfing. We can surf the internet to get information at anytime and anywhere. To get some knowledge on-line and your only need a few touches to your mobile phones, so as to listening to the radio. Thirdly, with the development of mobile phones, they becoming smaller, thinner and more beautiful, and this makes them more fashionable and convenient to carry on. Moreover,


the functions of mobile phones are becoming more and more. They can use as alarm clocks, cameras, blotters, flashlights, music players and so on. More amazing and useful applications of mobile phones can be used. Last but not least, the industry of mobile phones can push the development of electronic industry, which can provide many jobs and make efforts to the prosperity of economy.

6. Describe a book, a story or a movie you like most and its influence on your life.

Oliver Twist

Have you ever read Oliver Twist?What do you think it? Today I want to share it with yours because it is like most on my life .

Oliver Twist, one of the most famous works of Charles Dickens', is a novel reflecting the tragic fact of the life in Britain in 18th century. The author who was born in a poor family wrote this novel in his twenties with a view to reveal the ugly masks of those cruel criminals and to expose the horror and violence hidden underneath the narrow and dirty streets in London.

To my disappointment, nowadays some people seem to doubt the existence of the goodness in humanity. They look down on people's honesty and kindness, thinking it foolish of people to be warm-hearted. As a result, they show no sympathy to those who are in trouble and seldom offer to help others. On the other hand, they


attach importance to money and benefit. In their opinion, money is the only real object while emotions and morality are nihility. If they cannot get profit from showing their 'kindness', they draw back when others are faced with trouble and even hit a man when he is down. They are one of the sorts that I really detest.

7. Can you tell us your experience of making an excuse because you were late or had forgotten to do something?

A child, the most worried is that every time to sleep and see the teacher's strict eyes, this time when the brain is rapidly rotating, to find a reasonable excuse for being late. One day, I was late for school, Mr. Smith who was my teacher was very angry with me. I immediately apologized for being late, and explained that my mother was ill in bed, so I had to look after her. Then I promised not to be late again. Finally, Mr. Smith forgave me for my sincere apology.

8. You are going to tell experience about your last time you ate out at a restaurant

Last night we went to eat in a little restaurant near our school. It was not a good time for us to get there as we could find a seat. So we had to wait for about half an hour in front of a table which was in use by four customers. When we sat down and started to order from the menu ,we were told that three dishes we ordered were not available as the materials for these dishes were all used up. What a


disappointment! We had no choice but to order a meat dish of spare-ribs and a vegetable dish of greens together with a bowl of rice for each of us. We were still hungry after the meal so we had to have some instant noodles after we returned to our dorm.

9. Which city in your country attracts most visitors, why?

As the captain of China, Beijing has been the most popular city of china. So more and more people want to visit Beijing. I think the best time to visit Beijing is spring ,for the weather of that time is very fine ,neither too hot nor too cold .The warm wind will make you feel happy. Many people visit Beijing for it's beautiful scene and cultural inheritance. If you want to have a enjoyable journey, I suggest you to pay a visit to the Great Wall, the Summer Palace ,the Olympic Park and many other place. When you feel tired after one day's journey ,you can taste the "Noodles with Soy Bean Paste", a kind of traditional food in Beijing. There are many other things you can do in Beijing, as shopping in the big shopping mall, visit the different kinds park ,visit the "Si He Yuan "and so Beijing is China's second largest city, after Shanghai. It is a major transportation hub, with dozens of railways, roads and motorways passing through the city. It is also the focal point of many international flights to China. Beijing is recognized as the political, educational, and cultural center of the People's Republic of China, while Shanghai and Hong


Kong predominate in economic fields. The city also has host the 2008 Summer Olympics.

10. Please tell your experience about bargaining?

Besides smiling a lot, it is important to keep the conversation going while actively pursuing your desired price. Keeping talking makes the seller feel more at ease and makes him/her confident that you are sincere with your offer. Don't ever go quiet, this makes the seller believe you have lost interest and he will no longer tend to your requests. Even if it's the perfect item, the moment the seller sees that wistful look in your eyes, they'll know they've got the upper hand. Appear interested, as if you're willing to buy the product if the price is right, but you can certainly live without it as well. Many people hesitate to haggle because they don't want to seem cheap. But are you really willing to pay top dollar just so you can preserve the esteem of total strangers? You're only meeting them this once, and you'll probably never meet them again. Even if you're shopping with people you know, they might raise an eyebrow when you start haggling, but they'll sure be jealous when you get a better price than they did! When the seller makes an offer that is almost what you want, look distressed and say "Oh, okay. Well, let me ask my husband/wife/mother/father. I've been dying to get one of these for months now, but they keep saying it's too expensive." If you have a


cell phone, pull it out and call your partner in crime, or even fake the call if you have to: "Yes, but it's what I've been looking for...I don't know...OK...Yes, fine..." End your call, turn to the seller, and say "I can buy it for..." giving a price that is slightly below what they've offered. A lot of times, offering cash upfront will entice a retailer to meet your price. Split your cash in increments so that you can show the seller the money you're offering without them seeing how much more money you have sitting in your wallet.

