更新时间:2023-10-04 01:20:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载
Name_________ mark_____________
一,听力部分 Listening part 10' 书P49
二,笔试部分 writing test90'
1、汉译英 20'
1)your daughter___________ 2)give me your hat___________ 3)red umbrella_____________ 4)silver bicycle_____________
5)better safe than sorry___________ 6)No harm done___________________ 7)wait and see________________ 8)favourite thing_____________ 9)on the shelf_______________ 10)Be careful!______________
2、连线 10'
A)Whose pen is it? 1)Oh,that's Lucy B)Is this your book? 2)He isn't well. C)Who's that woman with a black bag? 3)It's my pen. D)What's the matter with Robert? 4)He is from China. E)What nationality is Tom? 5)Yes ,it is
3、课文填空 22’ William: Hello!
My ______ is William Jenkins. William: This is ____ family. William: This ____Karen Karen is my_______ Karen: How _____ ______ do ? William:This _____Lucy. Lucy’s my ____________. Lucy: Hello!
William: This is my _____,Robert. Robert:Hi!
William:And this is Paul. Paul’s my _______. Paul: Hello!
Nice to _____ you.
Where are you from ?_________________________________ What’s the matter with hin ?___________________________ That woman in the expensive car._______________________ 给你_______________________________________________ 我的铅笔在哪里?___________________________________ 那个拿着黑色雨伞的男人。___________________________
读一读,判断对错。对的写T 不对的写 F
1) Today is my birthday. My friends all come to my home. They have gifts for me. Sarah gives me a beautiful doll. Mike gives me two funny books. Chen Jie gives me a nice skirt. I like them very much. I’m so happy, and I eat my birthday cake with my friends.
( )1. Sarah has a gift for me. ( ) 2. John gifts me two books. ( ) 3. It’s my birthday today. ( )4. I’m happy with my friends. ( ) 5. I like the gifts very much
2) Hi ! My name’s Alice. I’m a girl. I’m eleven. This is my brother Edward. He’s thirteen. He’s tall. I’m short.
( )1. The girl’s name is Alice. ( )2. The boy is eleven. ( )3. Alice is thirteen. ( )4. Alice is short. ( )5. Edward is tall
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