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教学目标 通过本期教学,使学生明确学习目的,能够在听、说、读、写等能力方面得到更进一步提高。并且努力激发学生的学习兴趣,能够让他们自始至终参与到课堂教学活动中来,培养初步应用英语的能力。 周 次 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 教 时 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 4 4 4 起至日期 8.31-9.5 9.6-9.12 9.13-9.19 9.20-9.26 9.27-10.2 10.3-10.9 10.9-10.15 10.16-10.22 10.23-10.29 10.30-11.4 11.5-11.11 11.12-11.18 11.19-11.25 Unit 8 Unit 9 Unit 7 shake? Middle Examination How was your school trip? When was ? I’m going to be a basketball Unit 10 player. Could you please clean your 14 4 11.26-12.2 Unit11 room? Unit 6 sister. Review of units 1-6 How do you make a banana milk 课 题 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 vacation ? Unit4 Unit 5 How do you get to school ? Can you come to my party? International Day ! I’m more outgoing than my 教 学 内 容 How often do you exercise ? What’s the matter? What are you doing for 备注 1 What’s the best radio 15 4 12.3-12.9 Unit12 station? Review of 16 17 18 19 20

4 4 4 4 4 12.10-12.16 7-12 12.17-12.22 12.22-12.28 12.29-1.4 1.4-1.10 station? Revision Revision Revision Final Examination What’s the best radio 八年级英语教学计划


八年级英语是人教版的系列教材之一,它采用任务型语言教学(Task-Based Language Teaching)模式,融会话题、交际功能和语言结构,形成了一套循序渐进的生活化的学习程序。本书在原书的结构与内容的基础上增加了复习单元,文化背景知识与学习策略部分,并增加了任务型学习成分和语篇输入。本书每个单元都列出了明确的语言项目,主要的功能项目和语法项目,需要掌握的基本词汇,并分为A部分和B部分。A部分是基本的语言内容,B部分是知识的扩展和综合语言应用。每个单元还附有self-check部分,学生可采用自我检测本单元所学的语言知识。



三、教学目标及教学重、难点 教学目标

2 针对本班实际情况,我制定了以两方面的教学目标:

(一)、语言技能: 听:

1、能听懂课文大致内容 2、能抓住简单语段中的观点; 说:

1、能使用恰当的语调和节奏表达课文大意; 2、能经过准备就一般话题作短暂表达


1、能理解阅读材料中不同的观点和态度; 2、能识别不同文体的特征;

3、能通过分析句子结构理解难句和长句; 写:

1、能简单写出连贯且结构较完整的句子; 2、能默写课文;

3、能在写作文中基本做到文体较规范、语句较通顺; (二)语言知识: 语音:


2、根据语音辨别和书写不太熟悉的单词或简单语句。 词汇:

1、运用词汇描述比较复杂的事物、行为和特征,说明概念等; 2、尽可能学会使用规定的习惯用语或固定搭配。 3、掌握生词约216个、词汇和习惯用语约79个。 语法:

1、进一步掌握描述时间、地点、方位的表达方式; 2、进一步理解、掌握比较人、物体及事物的表达方式; 3、使用适当的语言形式进行描述和表达观点、态度、情感等; 4、学习、掌握基本语篇知识并根据特定目的有效地组织信息。 功能:

3 1、掌握询问信息、谈论物件,表示否定,表示不肯定,表示发生在某一过去时间之前的行为。


3、恰当理解和表达义务、道歉和应答,忠告等交际功能; 教学重点、难点







在Go for it中,听力教学与阅读教学是与写作教学结合在一起的,为了使学生更好地掌握,采用四种技能相结合的教学方法。书中所有对话都配有录音,每部分第一个活动都需要学生边听边看图。然后让学生确认录音中提及的物体,说话人或被谈话人,或者填出确实单词。









4、重视思维过程系统编排,由浅入深,由易到难,由已知到未知,循序 渐进,

4 点面结合,逐步扩展,循环往现,以加深影响。

白马初中 八 年级 英语 教案 备课组成员:李鲜丽 孙亚兰 葛艳丽 备课组长:李鲜丽 主 备 人: 孙亚兰 Unit 1 How often do you exercise ? 第1课时 教材解读 In this period students will review the key words ,phrases and sentences structures in unit 1. A类 Words &phrases: , hardly , twice , once , difference , look after , although ,etc . B类 教 学 1. Learn to talk about do you do things . 目 标 2. 一些表示频率的副词: always , usually , often , never , weekends ? How often ··· ?及回答. C类 Keep a diary every day in English. 重点 难点 Adverbs of frequency. Talk about you do things. 预 习 Ask students to read the new words. 作 业 5

教 学 板 块 个体学习清单 1. 创设情景,导入新课(2′) 1.Greet the class as usual. Students discuss in pairs 2.I’ll be your English teacher this term. I be your friends. We’ll be . This or in groups. class we’ll learn Unit1. How often do you exercise? Please open books at page1. 2. 揭示目标(2′) 1.Name of activities. 2.Adverbs of frequency. What do you usually do on weekends? I often go to the movies. 三、指导自学(A12′) Students finish 1.First look at the picture. Ask a few students to say what they see in the it, then show thought bubbles. Each though bubble shows something a person does on their answers. weekends.Then ask the students who finishes first to write the answers on the board. 2.Display a large calendar that shows the days of the week. Tell students Saturday and Sunday are the weekend. Ask students to repeat Weekend. 四、点拨、交流与探究(B10′) 1.First ask two students to read the sample in speech bubbles. What do you usually do on weekends? I often go to the movies. Students try to listen to the tape complete and the 2. Then work with a partner. Make your own conversations about the people questions. in the picture. 3. Check the answers by asking two students to read their completed conversation 4 Get students to do the activity individually. 6 5.Work in pairs. Students B ask your partner questions :How often do you eat vegetables? … 五、当堂训练(C10′) 用适当的词填空。 1. Mum me to get up at 6:00 and run with good health. 4. You must to eat less meat. 5. Does it a big difference if you eat fruit every day? 六、课堂小结(3′) Students work in groups. This class we’ve learnt some names of activities: watching TV, reading, skateboarding, exercising, shopping. And we also leant some adverbs of frequency: always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly, ever, never. 七、布置作业(1′) Keep a weekend dairy showing what you do on weekend. You can write down they do from the time you get up until you go to sleep. 课后反思:

7 白马初中 八 年级 英语 教案 备课组成员:李鲜丽 孙亚兰 葛艳丽 备课组长:李鲜丽 主 备 人: 孙亚兰 课题:Unit 1 How often do you exercise ? 第2课时 教材解读 In this period students will review the key words ,phrases and sentences structures in unit 1. A类 1.Adverbs of frequency. 2.Name of activities. 3.Wh-question and answers. 教 学 目 标 B类 To train students’ ability of listening and writing. C类 Do more exercise and keep healthy. 重点 Learn to talk about do you do things . Listening and writing skills 难点 Train students’ speaking skill. Ask students to read the new words. 预 习 作 业 个体学习教 学 板 块 清单 Students 1.创设情景,导入新课(2′) Greet the class as usual and check the homework. discuss in pairs or in groups. 2.揭示目标(2′) 1.Adverbs of frequency. 2.Name of activities. 8 3.Wh-question and answers. Students 三、指导自学(A12′) finish it, 1.Now please look at the list of activities and read after me. then show 2.please look at the ? In the chart in Activity 2a. their 3 .First ask a student to read the list of activities to the class. answers. 四、点拨、交流与探究(B10′) Students to to tape 1.Give students some color paper and ask them to write five statements about try they do different activities. For example, I play soccer three times a week. I visit the listen doctor twice a year. 2.Grammar Focus 3.Point the pictures below. Elicit the answer to the second blank. 4.Get the students to do the activity on their own. the and complete the 5 .Write about your favorite actor or musician. You may use the articles in a and 3b questions. as a guide. 6.First you each draw a picture of a person on a piece of paper. 7.Then tell your classmates what the person looks like. 五、当堂训练(C10′) 词的适当形式填空。 一、 二、 三、 四、 五、 He ____________ (exercise) once a day. I never go ________________ (skateboard). There are many ________________ (difference) kinds of books in the shop. Does she love ______________ (read) books? He ___________ (say) ’t like fruit. Students work groups. in 六、课堂小结(3′) This class we’ve leant some adverbs of frequency. 9 七、布置作业(1′) Leandto talk about people do things. 教学反思:

白马初中 八 年级 英语 教案 备课组成员:李鲜丽 孙亚兰 葛艳丽 备课组长:李鲜丽 主 备 人: 孙亚兰 课题:Unit 1 How often do you exercise ? 第3课时 教材解读 In this period students will review the key words ,phrases and sentences structures in unit 1. A类 1.New words. 2.A magazine article. 教 学 B类 目 标 1.Reading and writing skills. 2municative competence. C类 Study hard and to be a good student. 重点 1.New words 10

2.How often do you read English books? I read English books about twice a week. 难点 Learn a magazine article. 预 习 Ask students to read the new words. 作 业 教 学 板 块 个体学习清单 一、创设情景,导入新课(2′) 1.Greet the class as usual. Students discuss in pairs or in groups. 2.Show the new words on the screen and teach students to repeat. 二、揭示目标(2′) 1.New words. 2.A magazine article. 三、指导自学(A12′) Students finish it, 1. Now please open your books at page 3. Look at 3 first. I’ll read each then show their line of the survey to you. 2.What can you do improve your English? Collect the answers on the blackboard. For example Read English books Sing English songs See English movies How often do you do the things? 3.Ask students to talk about their family members do things. 四、点拨、交流与探究(B10′) 1.Ask some pairs to present some questions and answer to the class. Students try to listen to the tape answers. 2 .Now you’ll . Then play it again. This time ask students to circle Yes, No and complete the or I don’t know. 3.First read the questions in the chart to the class. Interviewer: And How often do you …? 五、当堂训练(C10′) 句子翻译 Students work in groups. questions. 11 ________________________________________(几乎不锻炼) ____________________(关于作业),most students do do you surf the Internet? ________________________________ 六、课堂小结(3′) This class we’ve leant some words and leant to interview somebody with the sentence, …?After class please give more practice. 七、布置作业(1′) Have more practice after class. 教学反思:

白马初中 八 年级 英语 教案 备课组成员:李鲜丽 孙亚兰 葛艳丽 备课组长:李鲜丽 主 备 人: 孙亚兰 课题:Unit 1 How often do you exercise ? 第4课时 教材解读 In this period students will review the key words ,phrases and sentences structures in unit 1. A类 Review some key words and phrases. 教 学 目 标 B类 To train students’ ability of listening and writing. C类 Form a good eating habit. 12 Learn to express your favorite thing . 重点 Read and write a passage about your own habits. Listening and writing skills 难点 Train students’ speaking skill. 预 习 Ask students to read the new words. 作 业 教 学 板 块 个体学习清单 1. 创设情景,导入新课(2′) Greet the class as usual and check the homework. 2. 揭示目标(2′) 1.Review the key vocabulary and the target language of this unit. 2.Write about your own habits. 三、指导自学(A12′) Students discuss in pairs or in groups. Students finish 1 .Show the new words on the screen and teach them. Read the new words it, then show to students and ask them to repeat. their answers. 2 .Open your books at page 5. Look at Activities 3a. This is the part of Katrina’s letter to a pen pal. I’ll read it to you first. 四、点拨、交流与探究(B10′) Students try to 1. Ask students to work individually and Fill in the blanks in Paul’s letter. listen to the 2.Survey Who is the do you exercise? 4. What sports do you play? 5. How often do you eat vegetables? 2 Review vocabulary 6. Review the key words of this unit then . tape complete questions. and the 13 五、当堂训练(C10′) Students work in groups. 补全对话(10分) A:__________________ do you drink milk , Mike? B:I drink milk every day. A:_________________________ ? B:Not very much. But my mother wants me _____________ it. She says milk is ___________ my health. What about you ? A:I like drinking cola best. B:I think drinking too much cola is not good for your health. So please try ___________ cola. 六、课堂小结(3′) Summary the knowledge of this unit. 七、布置作业(1′) Keep a diaries about your habits . 教学反思:

白马初中 八 年级 英语 教案 备课组成员: 尚万斌 韩小霞 任广耀 备课组长: 任广耀 主 备 人: 韩小霞 课题:Unit 2 What’s the matter? 总第 5课时 教材解读: Learn to talk about your health and give advice, 14 A类 : 1Key vocabulary:, hand, foot 2Target language: What’s the matter?I have a headache. 学 习 目 标 B类 :Train students’ speaking and writing skill. C类 : students’ communicative competence. 1. Master the new words 重点 2. Master the useful expressions : What’s the matter? 难点 I have a headache.have a cold.have a stomachache . 预 习 作 业 The new words and phrases about body 教 学 板 块 个体学习清单 一、创设情景,导入新课(3min) Students finish by themselves Ask the students to name as many parts of the body as they can. Check the answers. 二、揭示目标(2min) Show the studying aims on the blackboard. Students read and understand Students look at 三、指导自学(A,B15min) cards 1 . Show some cards and ask students what are they?. pictures 2. Show some pictures and ask students to learn Target language. practice. 四、点拨、交流与探究(C10min) Students discuss and the teacher and and Ask two students to read the conversation in the speech bubble. 15

Walk around the room monitoring their work. helps. 五、当堂训练(5min) 1、患感冒 __________ 3、健康的生活方式__________ 4、少许水 __________ 5、保持健康 __________ __________ 2 .看牙医 The students talk about them 六、课堂小结.(3min): Ask students to talk about what they have learned this class. Students summary Students 七、布置作业(2min) Make sentences :what is the matter and answer. complete after class 教学反思: 白马初中 八 年级 英语 教案 备课组成员: 尚万斌 韩小霞 任广耀 备课组长: 任广耀 主 备 人: 韩小霞 课题:Unit 2 What’s the matter? 总第 6时 教材解读: Learn to give advice and make suggestions. Talk about health. A类 : 学 习 目 标 1Key vocabulary:Tired, hungry, thirsty, stressed out 2Target language: You should drink some tea. That sounds like a good idea. 16 B类 :Train students’ speaking and writing skill. C类 : Have for talking about health problems 3. Master the new words 重点 4. Master the useful expressions : should 难点 Using shouldshouldn’t 预 习 作 业 The new words and phrases about health. 教 学 板 块 个体学习清单 一、创设情景,导入新课(3min) Students themselves Students act Act out”a person comes to the hospital and see the doctor”. 二、揭示目标(2min) Show the studying aims on the blackboard. 三、指导自学(A,B15min) 1 . Show some pictures and understand. 2. Show some pictures and ask students to learn Target language. 四、点拨、交流与探究(C10min) read and understand Students look at pictures practice. Students discuss and the teacher helps. The students and

Play the recording of Activity 2a twice. Check the answers. 五、当堂训练(5min) 6. 发烧 __________ __________ 8.加蜂蜜的热茶talk about them 7、嗓子疼 __________ 9. 传统中医 __________ 10. 紧张的 17 _____ 六、课堂小结.(3min): Ask students to talk about what they have learned this class. Students summary 七、布置作业(2min) ( ) 11. He’s ill. He must go to ______ a doctor in the ’t Students complete sleep, so I ______ listen to quiet music, and I ______ listen to exciting music. after class A. should,should B. shouldn’t, shouldn’t C. should,shouldn’t D. can,don’t ( ) 13. You look ill. Why ______ to see the teacher? A. not go B. don’t go C. not going D. not to go ( ) 14. It’s important ______ a lot of water when you have a cold. A. to drink drinking B. drink C. drinking D. for 教学反思: 白马初中 八 年级 英语 教案 备课组成员: 尚万斌 韩小霞 任广耀 备课组长: 任广耀 主 备 人: 韩小霞 课题:Unit 2 What’s the matter? 总第 7课时 教材解读: Learn to talk about health and give advice, A类 : 学 习 目 标 1Key vocabulary:A cold, headache, backache, toothache, stomachache, sore throat dentist 2Target language: I have a sore back.That’s too bad. 18 B类 :Train students’ speaking and writing skill. C类 : students’ communicative competence. 5. Master the new words 重点 6. Master the useful expressions : I have a sore back. 难点 主语+havehas+a+sore+legback. 预 习 作 业 The new words and phrases about section B 3a. 教 学 板 块 个体学习清单 一、创设情景,导入新课(3min) Students finish by themselves Students read Ask the students to role play the conversations in 2b. 二、揭示目标(2min) Show the studying aims on the blackboard. 三、指导自学(A,B15min) and understand Students look at Move around the room while the students are working Show some and practice. pictures and ask students to learn Target language. 四、点拨、交流与探究(C10min) Students discuss Guide them to act as patients and doctors. ( Choose a problem and the teacher first, and then go the doctor. The doctor ask what the problem helps. is and give advice.) 五、当堂训练(5min) ( ) 15. ---My mother is ill in . ( ) 16. I can’t ’t feeling well. He had to ______. A. stops working B. stop working The students talk about them 19 C. stops to work D. stop to work 六、课堂小结.(3min): Ask students to talk about what they have learned this class. Students summary Students 七、布置作业(2min) Make sentences and answer by themselves. complete after class 教学反思: 白马初中 八 年级 英语 教案 备课组成员: 尚万斌 韩小霞 任广耀 备课组长: 任广耀 主 备 人: 韩小霞 课题:Unit 2 What’s the matter? 教材解读: Talk about health. A类 : 1Key vocabulary:angry, need, balance 2Target language: I . 学 习 目 标 B类 :Train students’ speaking and writing skill. C类 : Have for talking about health problems 重点 Master the new words 总第 8课时 难点 Talk about health 预 习 作 业 The new words and phrases about health. 20

