
更新时间:2023-09-02 21:45:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载



The Art Festival in our school comes in November. It starts on 36 Monday of November, and lasts (持续) a whole 37 , so we have no lessons for seven days. This year, it is on November 7. And now we are 38 because we must get ready for it.

The Art Festival show is usually 39 Monday afternoon. At the show, students and teachers sing and dance. And many parents come to 40 the show. This year, our class will dance at the show. 41 is a Uigurian (维吾尔族) dance. We will dance in special

42 .

Girls wear long dresses and boys wear special 43 on their heads. We must 44 hard.

And there is also a painting competition (竞赛) for the festival. I 45 my painting can get a prize (奖) .

( )36. A. one B. the first C. the third D. the last (最后的) ( )37. A. month B. day C. year D. week

( )38. A. happy B. busy C. free D. early

( )39. A. on B. at C. in D. from

( )40. A. see B. read C. look D. watch

( )41. A. It B. This C. She D. He

( )42. A. way B. time C. clothes D. music

( )43. A. hats B. dresses C. scarves D. skirts

( )44. A. think B. sing C. study D. practise

( )45. A. like B. hope C. want D. need 36-40 BDBAD 41-45 ACADB

Hello, my name is Jenny. I like __36___ with my friends at a square (广场). It is a __37___ square near my home. People like to go to this square after work. Many of them are my friends and neighbours. We __38___ each other well.

This Sunday my friend Alice and I go to the square again. There are a lot of people __39___

a great time there. They are doing __40___ things! Look! That is Mr. King, my maths teacher. He is sitting on a chair, playing chess (棋) with an old man. Some girls are playing a game. Some boys are playing football. Lucy and Lily are standing ___41__ a tree. They are talking __42__. Some children are __43___ kites. Listen! Who is singing over there? They are Anna and her friends. They are going to perform (表演) a __44___ next Monday. It i s really a small __45___ square. I love it very much.

( ) 36. A. studying B. watching C. staying D. playing

( ) 37. A. small B. large C. long D. round

( ) 38. A. help B. know C. enjoy D. treat

( ) 39. A. getting B. waiting C. having D. wishing

( ) 40. A. special B. clever C. different D. smart

( ) 41. A. on B. under C. with D. in

( ) 42. A. carefully B. finally C. really D. happily

( ) 43. A. making B. taking C. buying D. flying

( ) 44. A. show B. game C. part D. match

( ) 45. A. boring B. nice C. modern D. poor

36-40 DABCC 41-45 BDDAB

One day, a man bought some meat and carried it home. Three beggars (乞丐) were 36 . They wanted to 37 the meat. They followed (跟随) the man on the man’s way 38 .

The first one said, “Hello, are you carrying some bad meat?” The man was surprised(惊讶的).

He answered, “You must be crazy (疯狂的) . I am carrying some 39 meat.

The 40 one sa id, “Hey, sir, why are you carrying any meat that can’t 41 ? ” The man became 42 .

He said, “Stop talking. The meat i s good.”

At last, the third one came up to the man and said, “Look at the meat on your back. 43 are you carrying it? It’s getting bad.”

The man began to doubt (怀疑), then he threw(扔) his meat away.

The beggars got the meat at once. They felt so happy.

In China, there is a(an) 44 saying, three people spread(传播) reports of a tiger make

you believe(相信) that there is one 45 .

( ) 36. A. hungry B. tired C. happy D. sad

( ) 37. A. have B. buy C. borrow D. collect

( ) 38. A. here B. there C. home D. out

( ) 39. A. nice B. bad C. cheap D. different

( ) 40. A. first B. second C. third D. fourth

( ) 41. A. see B. eat C. try D. order

( ) 42. A. clever B. modern C. angry D. interested

( ) 43. A. When B. Where C. What D. Why

( ) 44. A. poor B. comfortable C. old D. new

( ) 45. A. around B. enough C. front D. among

36—40 AACAB 41—45 BCDCA

A girl comes back from school. She doesn’t look___46___. Her grandma asks, “What’s wrong, my girl?”

“___47___ is wrong. The new school is far from home. I don’t have any friends at the new school.

I can’t answer the ___48___questions in class. I don’t like the school lunch,” the girl answers. Grandma smiles and says, “Don’t be sad, my girl. Would you like something to eat?”

“Good. ____49___ can I have?” the girl becomes happy.

“Here, have some cooking __50___.”

“No, I can’t eat that.”

“What about some raw(生的)egg s?”

“No. ___51__ eats raw eggs.”

“Would you like some flour then?”

“Grandma, I __52__ eat these things.”

“Then what about a cake?”

“Good. I like ___53___.”

“Cooking oil, raw eggs and flour are not nice to eat. __54___ when you put them together in the right way and bake(烤) them, they will make a wonderful __55___. Life is just like(像) baking a cake.”

46. A. happy B. sad C. lovely D. smart

47. A. Something B. Nothing C. Anything D. Everything

48. A. friends’ B. teachers’ C. classmates’ D. parents’

49. A. When B. Where C. What D. Which

50. A. water B. oil C. salt D. sugar

51. A. Somebody B. Anybody C. Everybody D. Nobody

52. A. can B. need C. can’t D. needn’t

53. A. that B. the other C. this D. another

54. A. And B. But C. So D. Because

55. A. hamburger B. chocolate C. cake D. meal

46-50 ADBCB 51-55 DCABC

Mr. and Mrs. King live in our town for nearly twenty years. They have a bookshop by the bus station. They’re 36 to everybody and have a lot of friends. They often 37 the poor students and sell them some books cheaply. So there’re many young men in their shop. Of course people like them and their friends often call on (拜访) them and talk with them. We can always hear their rooms are full of 38 and quarrel.

It is a Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. King are going to have a picnic on the island the next 39 . It is a little far from our town. So they have to get up earlier than usual to catch a six o’clock train. After 40 a few friends come to see them while they are cooking some food and drinks for the picnic. Mr. King and his wife have to stop it. They talk a lot and few of them look at the 41 on the wall. Mr. and Mrs. King are anxious (焦急) but they can’t tell the visitors about it. The

woman thinks for a few 42 and has an idea. She says to her 43 , “Oh, it’s eleven o’clock! You’d better stop talking, dear! Our guests are anxious to 44 !

Mr. King hears this and stands up and says 45 to the visitors and they leave soon.

So you see, sometimes telling a lie(谎言)isn’t a bad thing.

36. A. nice B. cool C. cold D. careful;

37. A. help B. hurt C. hit D. watch

38. A. cry B. shout C. noise D. laugh

39. A. morning B. afternoon C. evening D.night

40. A. breakfast B. lunch C. supper D. meal

41. A. phone B. photo C. clock D. picture

42. A. minutes B. days C. weeks D. months

43. A. visitor B. husband C. brother D. father

44. A. go home B. go to bed C. go shopping D. have a rest

45. A. hello B. goodbye C. sorry D. nothing

36-40 AADAC 41-45 CABAB

