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RUSSIAN LOG INTERPRETATION F. Verga, P.P. Rossa, Politecnico di Torino, M. Piana, M. Gonfalini, ENI-AGIP Division

Copyright OMC 2001.

This paper was presented at the Offshore Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition in Ravenna, Italy, March 28-30, 2001. It was selected for presentation by the OMC 2001 Programme Committee following review of information contained in the abstract submitted by the authors. The Paper as presented at OMC 2001 has not been reviewed by the Programme Committee.


The assessment of the reservoir oil or gas in place depends significantly on the accuracy of resistivity data and on the reliability of their interpretation. However, the evaluation of the formation resistivity from Russian BKZ logs is very troublesome for western oil companies as the western interpretation

approach, based on laterolog measurements, is not suitable for the Russian tool characteristics and measures. Resistivity log data recorded in three Russian wells, for which a pronounced inconsistency was found between the water saturation values obtained according to the western interpretation method and the nature and rates of the produced fluids during well testing, were also interpreted applying the


Russian methodology and a software, named Rt-Mod , suitable for interpretation of Russian logs. The Russian method involves a manual comparison between experimental resistivity measurements and theoretical type curves to obtain formation resistivity, invaded zone resistivity and invasion


diameter. The Rt-Mod software performs a numerical resistivity simulation based on an inversion method used to generate formation and invaded zone resistivity profiles.

Resistivity values obtained from both methodologies appear to be reliable, and more consistent with well testing results than those obtained when the western interpretation was applied. In particular, the Russian approach appears to be very reliable when layers are thicker than two meters and allows the evaluation of the formation resistivity and invasion diameter also when deep mud invasion is present. However, the Russian approach is complex and very time consuming. Results obtained from the

software application are fairly consistent for any layer thickness. The numerical simulation is very quick, simple, and only requires few data to run log interpretation. However, calculated mud resistivity values are not always consistent with the reported fluid property.


As a consequence of the major political and economical changes which recently occurred in the

countries formerly part of the Soviet Union, western oil companies have expanded their interest in these areas. However, investment planning and reservoir exploitation strategies require evaluation of the

available hydrocarbon reserves. Western oil companies must rely on information gathered with Russian tools and methodologies but then use different criteria for reservoir exploitation. In fact, a deep diversity exists between the Russian countries and the rest of the world, also arising from a cultural and linguistic barrier. At the same time there is a strong need to compare the respective experiences and to define common methodologies. This research was meant to help define a reliable procedure to interpret

Russian logs because logs are fundamental in the determination of the petrophysical properties of the reservoir rocks. In particular, the possibility of achieving a more accurate interpretation of the Russian resistivity logs (BKZ logs) was explored, because western methods, based on the laterolog tool

response, had failed to provide reliable results, mainly due to the differences between the Russian and the western instruments. In fact, the water saturation profile calculated as a function of the true

formation resistivity evaluated by western interpretation, was inconsistent with the nature and quantity of produced fluid during well testing.

The Russian methodology for resistivity log interpretation is entirely manual and is based on the

comparison between experimental resistivity points and theoretical type-curves and, therefore, it can be rather approximate. A new software was developed for resistivity modeling of the Russian resistivity logs, thus allowing a fully automatic interpretation of the registered log curves.

Water saturation values were calculated as a function of the true resistivity values obtained by application of different interpretation methodologies and as a function of different porosity

measurements with the aim to define a correct interpretation procedure and highlight possible error sources in reserve evaluation when interpreting Russian logs.


The determination of the water saturation profile of a producing layer is based on the formation

resistivity, also called true formation resistivity, which is estimated by interpreting a series of apparent resistivity logs. In fact, direct measurement of the true formation resistivity is hampered by well logging due to bore-hole, mud, and mud filtrate invasion effects.

The minimum logging suites run in the majority of Russian wells typically comprise electrical, caliper, temperature, and gamma ray devices, which occasionally can be complemented by neutron-gamma, density, or acoustic porosity measurements. The minimum logging suites generally comprise less instrumentation than do the European correspondent suites and, except for the omission of an explicit porosity tool, are comparable with those run onshore in the USA before 1985. In general, log data presentation exhibits poor quality and most log hardcopies are black and white and hand-edited.

Western companies have tried to digitized Russian logs but results were sometimes disastrous due to differences in the test procedures, problems related to log and depth scales, and lack of a systematic log quality control, not to mention language problems. Furthermore, several log curves are often combined on the same plot track, which can render the resulting product difficult to understand (Harrison, 1995).

In URSS the evaluation of the true formation resistivity, Rt, is based on measurements recorded using lateral devices. Different lateral measurements (BKZ logs) are combined, using different electrode spacing thereby investigating different depths away from the well bore. Typical suites are composed of five or seven different tools characterized by spacing ranging from one half meter to eight meters. The layer limits are identified and positioned according to the response curve of the short-spaced lateral tools whereas a reliable evaluation of true resistivity is obtained on the basis of the response curve of the long-spaced lateral tools.

The analysis of the lateral measurements is complicated by the asymmetric response of the displayed

curve that does not allow evaluation of an apparent resistivity value (i.e., the measured value)

representative of each analyzed formation. Therefore, an inverted probe (upside-down lateral probe) is frequently run in conjunction with a regular lateral having the same spacing. When suites of resistivity logs include identically spaced BKZ and inverted BKZ curves a “Pseudo-compensated BKZ” gradient log can be obtained by averaging the conductivity read by each curve (Harrison, 1995). This compensated curve is symmetrical, deep-reading and usable in digital processing like induction, focused and normal logs.

Measurements obtained by normal, focused, and induction devices are also employed for Rt evaluation, but only to support and validate results obtained on the basis of lateral measurement analysis. In fact, the tool investigation depth for the induction log does not allow consistent interpretation of log measurements due to a frequently large mud invasion.


The Russian methodology for resistivity log interpretation allows evaluation of the true formation resistivity, invaded zone resistivity, and invasion diameter. It can be applied to recorded data without any preliminary compensation. The number of different available BKZ logs determines the reliability of the obtained resistivity values. The procedure is entirely manual, and resistivity data correction and interpretation is achieved by repeated and sometimes iterative comparison of the real measurements with appropriate, dimensionless type-curves. In particular, every resistivity value used throughout the interpretation procedure must be normalized with respect to the mud resistivity. However, it is not a standard practice to measure the mud resistivity on the field. It is therefore necessary to evaluate the mud resistivity from the apparent resistivity measurements recorded in low porosity layers.

The methodology requires a preliminary correction of the apparent resistivity values for shoulder bed effects, namely the effects related to the presence of adjacent beds characterized by different electric properties from the investigated layer. Each resistivity value, ??, measured in a limited thickness bed is transformed in the resistivity value of a corresponding ideal layer of infinite thickness (fig. 1). The transformation is performed graphically and requires mud resistivity, ?c, tool spacing, L, and layer thickness, H, to be known.

Fig 1:Transformation of apparent resistivity values to the corresponding values for an ideal

layer of infinite thickness

The ideal apparent resistivity values, ??, obtained by normal, focused, inductive, and lateral

measurements are reported as a function of the tool spacing, L, on the so-called interpretation form (fig 2).

The interpretation form is then superimposed to theoretical type-curves, which describe the apparent formation resistivity, ??, normalized with respect to the mud resistivity, ?c, as a function of the tool spacing, L, normalized with respect to well diameter, d. (fig 3). Each dimensionless curve is also

characterized by a given value of the normalized true formation resistivity, ??. In order to determine the true formation resistivity of the investigated layer the type-curve which best matches the real

measurements reported on the interpretation form must be sought. Since the theoretical curves are specifically derived to interpret lateral measurements, focused, inductive, and normal measurements need to be compared to different curves, called isoresistive curves, which are also plotted on the same chart. The isoresistive curves allow transformation of focused, inductive, or normal measurements into equivalent lateral measurements having the same investigation diameter.

Fig 3:Superposition of real data to dimensionless theoretical curves

Several charts reporting dimensionless type-curve sets similar to that shown in fig. 3 are provided, each characterized by different values of the invaded zone resistivity and invasion diameter. The selection of the most appropriate chart is aided by the use of another chart (fig. 4) reporting dimensionless curves for both the invaded zone resistivity - set A - and the invasion diameter - set B. Superposition of the interpretation form reporting the apparent resistivity values on this chart provides the most probable values for the invaded zone resistivity and the invasion diameter.

Fig 4:Diagram for the selection of the most suitable value of invaded zone resistivity and

invasion diameter. Apparent resistivity values measured by long spaced lateral tools in thin beds are not representative and, therefore, the number of lateral measurements which can be used in the interpretation process is very limited. As a consequence, the log-analyst needs to subjectively supplement this lack of data to achieve interpretation, strongly jeopardizing the interpretation reliability. It is not advisable to apply the Russian log interpretation procedure to layers that are 2 meter thick or less.


Automatic interpretation of Russian log measurements to determine the true formation resistivity and


invaded zone resistivity can be performed by using the Rt-Mod software.

The software generates an ideal, two-dimensional geometrical model of the investigated formation and the corresponding synthetic apparent resistivity profile using a finite differences forward modeling. The model is calibrated according to an inverse modeling procedure, i.e., the geometrical and electric properties of the model are progressively modified until a satisfactory superposition between synthetic and real logs is achieved.

Forward and inverse modeling are iteratively repeated until satisfactory convergence is reached. The resistivity values of the invaded and virgin zones assigned to each layer in the generated geometricalelectric model represent the results of the numerical simulation.

The numerical simulation is based on two different log curves, a curve recorded with a long-spaced tool and curve recorded with a short-spaced tool. A correlation log can also be provided, such as a self potential log or a gamma ray log, to confirm the layer sequence simulated by the software. It is also

possible to generate the true resistivity profile only based on the long-spaced measurements and on the stratigraphic log. The nominal well diameter should be assigned to correct the apparent resistivity values for well bore effects.

It was observed that the calculated mud resistivity values are not always consistent with the reported fluid property and, therefore, the interpretation results might be questionable since mud resistivity

determines the apparent resistivity correction for mud, mud cake and filtrate invasion. However, it is also possible that the reported mud resistivity is not reliable for the logged interval. Sensitivity analyses should therefore be run to evaluate more accurately the true mud resistivity.

Although the invasion diameter is calculated during the modeling process, it is not provided as a simulation result.


Three wells were selected to apply the different methodologies for resistivity log interpretation. The wells are located in a sedimentary basin underlain by a folded and partially metamorphosed Paleozoic

basement. The depositional sequence is mainly made of shaly facies, but partly eroded carbonate and evaporitic sedimentary formations are also present. The carbonate sedimentary sequence originated from Jurassic to Quaternary and represents the most interesting gas bearing formation in the area. The reservoir net pay ranges from about 250 m to 100 m (in some marginal areas of the basin). Porosity

ranges between 13% and 20% and permeability is approximately 100 mD. The clastic carbonate

sequence is bounded by turbidites having porosity of 5 - 8 % and permeability between 0.1 and 5.0 mD. The well selection was based on the availability of a sufficient number of resistivity logs to apply the Russian interpretation approach, core analysis to validate porosity logs and to characterize fluids and rock quality, and well testing results to validate the calculated water saturation profiles. Furthermore, inconsistency had been found for all the selected wells between the water saturation values calculated as a function of true formation resistivity evaluated by the western conventional interpretation and the nature and quantity of produced fluids during well testing.


The true formation resistivity values, Rt, obtained by application of the Russian interpretation are consistent with the apparent resistivity measured by long-spaced tools for layers thicker than 2 meters (fig 5). The stratigraphic sequence apparent from the resistivity values is not consistent with the

concavity changes of the response curve recorded by long-spaced tools due to low vertical resolution. The true formation resistivity profiles generated by numerical simulations are reliable when the synthetic and the real log are superimposed (fig 6). Generally, the superposition is very satisfactory except at the boundary of the analyzed interval where the Rt profile appears to be less reliable. Therefore, it is advisable that shoulder formations are also included when modeling the producing layer.

The comparison among simulations based on different tool combinations is shown in fig 7. In particular, the combination of the half meter- and eight meter-spaced lateral logs is the combination used for interpretation.

Fig 5:Resistivity values obtained by Russian interpretation

Fig 6:Resistivity profile generated by numerical simulation

The results obtained by application of the Russian manual methodology and by simulation were compared in terms of the true formation resistivity and invaded zone resistivity (fig 8). The resistivity values calculated with the Russian methodology are consistent to numerical simulations only when numerous reliable measurements are available, i.e., for layers approximately thicker than 2 meters. Numerical simulations seemed to be reliable for any layer thickness (fig 8 left). The layer subdivision adopted in the numerical simulations is greater than in the western or Russian interpretation because forward modeling attributes each concavity change to a formation anisotropy typical of a layer limit. However, measurement errors can influence the log response curve and induce concavity changes which are not due to the formation layering. A comparison between the invaded zone resistivity

calculated by the two interpretation methodologies indicated that results are in good agreement (fig 8 right).

The invasion diameter could only be calculated when the Russian methodology was applied. The results are reported in Tab 1.

Fig 7:Comparison of different resistivity profiles generated by numerical simulations

Fig 8:Formation and mud resistivity

The invasion diameter calculated for different layers of the same lithology are very consistent.

Furthermore, it is also reasonable to assume that the calculated invasion diameter is reliable when the formation resistivity and the invaded zone resistivity are reliable because Russian interpretation results are interdependent.

Tab. 1: Invasion diameter values Mud resistivity = 0.03 ?m Invasion diameter (m) 2.4 3.4 2.3 2.7 2.4 2.6 12 8 1 2 5 1.5

Layer thickness (m) The calculated invasion diameters are generally much greater than the typical values found for western wells. This is one of the reasons way interpretation based on laterolog measurements, like the western methodology, can not provide consistent results. In fact, the investigation depth of laterolog tools is smaller than the calculated invasion diameter and, therefore, the simulated resistivity profiles are not representative of the true formation resistivity.

The water saturation values are calculated on the basis of the true formation resistivity and porosity measurements. In the Russian countries the neutron-gamma tool, NGK, and the sonic tool, AK, provide the most reliable porosity measurements. In the case of the examined wells the porosity profile from the sonic tool were consistent with the porosity values measured on cores whereas the neutron-gamma tool overestimated the actual formation porosity (fig 9). This can be explained by considering that the neutron-gamma measurements are related to total formation porosity, while sonic measurements are related to the rock primary porosity only.

Fig 9:Porosity profiles from logs and porosity values from cores

Water saturation values were calculated using Archie’s law which is suitable for carbonate rocks in the absence of shales. Due to the lack of special core analyses standard values for the Archie’s law parameters in carbonate lithologies were assumed (a=1, m=2, n=2).

Comparison between water saturation values calculated as a function of porosity from neutron-gamma (fig. 10) and sonic measurements (fig. 11), respectively, show that consistent values are obtained on the basis of resistivity evaluated from modeling and Russian interpretation. Conversely, water saturation profiles obtained on the basis of resistivity evaluated by western interpretation did not prove reliable. Water saturation values calculated as a function of sonic porosity measurements seemed more

consistent with well testing with respect to saturation values calculated as a function of neutron-gamma porosity. In any case the application of Archie’s law requires reliable porosity measurements because it was verified that water saturation is affected more by uncertainties in porosity measurements than by formation resistivity. Furthermore, true formation resistivity squared profiles are not coherent with the adopted porosity curves. In fact, vertical resolution of resistivity and porosity measurements are not the same, and the calculated water saturation is often influenced by porosity variation even if the true formation resistivity does not change.

Finally, it was observed that the combination of the true formation resistivity evaluated with the western interpretation methodology and the porosity measurements from the neutron gamma ray tools lead to a water saturation profile which appeared locally consistent with well testing results. However, it must be emphasized that such agreement was purely casual, and due to a combination of errors (fig. 12).

Fig 10: Water saturation values as a function of porosity measured by neutron gamma tool.

Fig 11: Water saturation values as a function of porosity measured by sonic tool.

Fig 12: Comparison between different water saturation profiles.

Fig 12: Comparison between different water saturation profiles.


Results clearly showed that interpretation of the Russian resistivity logs according to the western methodology can not provide reliable true formation resistivity profiles, both due to the differences

existing between Russian and western tool configurations and to an unexpectedly deep mud invasion in the formation. Since the western interpretation approach is based on laterolog measurements the simulated resistivity profiles are not representative of the true formation resistivity because the instrument investigation depth is generally smaller than the calculated invasion diameters.

The resistivity values obtained by application of the Russian manual methodology and by numerical simulations are sufficiently consistent. The Russian methodology is very ingenious although extremely


complex and very time consuming. The Rt-MOD software is very simple, only requires few data to run log interpretation, and quickly performs simulations.

The true formation resistivity values obtained with the Russian approach are reliable only for thick layers (more than 2 meter-thick) whereas results obtained from the software application are fairly consistent for any layer thickness. However, calculated mud resistivity values are not always consistent with the reported fluid property and when the simulated value differs significantly from the reported

measurement, the obtained interpretation results might be questionable. Although the layer sequence reproduced by the software may not be representative or the real formation, resistivity results seem to be consistent with the results obtained with the Russian interpretation.

Finally, it was verified that also porosity measurements can significantly affect water saturation and, therefore, the porosity curve to adopt for calculation of water saturation should be accurately selected. In fact, combination of erroneous true formation resistivity and porosity profiles might even lead to a locally consistent water saturation profile.


The authors are very grateful to Petroleum Software Technologies for providing access to the software


RtMOD used in this research.


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俄罗斯测井解释 F. Verga, P.P. Rossa,都灵理工大学;M. Piana, M. Gonfalini,



本文是在意大利拉文纳2001年3月28-30日海上地中海会议和展览。它是由OMC 2001计划委员会提交选定审查后的信息包含由作者提交的摘要。本文在介绍了OMC 2001没有被计划委员会审查。


石油或天然气储层的评价明显取决于电阻率的准确性以及数据和解释的可靠性。然而,作为西方的解释方法评价俄罗斯西方石油公司BKZ日志地层电阻率是非常麻烦的, 基于侧向测井解释,不适合俄罗斯解释特点和措施。名为RT模型记录的三个俄罗斯钻井电阻率测井资料,其中一个明显的发现是测试期间含水饱和度值和西方解释方法的性质和产生的流体速率不一致,并解释了俄罗斯的方法和应用软件,适用于俄罗斯的测井解释。俄罗斯方法需要手动对比实验电阻率测量和获得理论类型曲线地层电阻率、侵入带电阻率、侵入直径。RT








在URSS地层真电阻率的评估, RT的评价,是基于测量记录横向器件。不同的横向测量(BKZ日志)相结合,使用不同电极间距从而调查不同深度远离井眼。典型的序列是由五或七种不同的工具以间距一半米八米不等。根据响应曲线短间距横向的工具限制识别和定位可靠的层真电阻率是评价的基础上获得长间隔横向响应曲线的工具。

横向分析复杂不对称反应显示测量曲线, 不允许一个视电阻率值评价非对称响应(即测得的值)的每个分析形成代表。因此,倒置的探测器(倒横向探头)经常运行与常规侧有相同的间距。当电阻率日志的套件包括相同间隔BKZ和倒BKZ曲线“伪补偿表示”梯度日志可以通过平均电导率读每个曲线(哈里森,1995)。








解释的形式再叠加理论型曲线,描述地层视电阻率 ,规范化的泥浆电阻率,测井间距L,井直径d。(图3)。每个无量纲曲线也具有给定值的归一化地层真电阻率。为了确定目的层的最佳匹配的报告解释形成真正的测量必须寻求曲线地层真电阻率。由于理论曲线进行了具体推导解释横向测量,聚焦,电感,和正常的测量需要比较不同的曲线,称为isoresistive曲线,并绘制在同一图表。该isoresistive曲线允许改造为重点,归纳,或正常测量等效侧测量具有相同直径的调查。


提供了几个图表报告无因次标准曲线集类似于图3所示,每个特征是不同的泥浆侵入带电阻率和入侵的直径值。选择最合适的图表的帮助下使用另一个图表(图4)报告无量纲曲线的侵入带电阻率-设置-直径和入侵设置表单b .叠加的解释报告此图表上的视电阻率值提供了最可能的值侵入带电阻率和入侵直径。









虽然入侵直径的计算方法是在建模过程中,它不提供一个模拟的结果。 勘探史

三个井被选为电阻率测井解释应用不同的方法。油井位于一片底部沉积盆地褶皱和部分变质古生代基底。沉积序列主要是由泥质相,但部分碳酸盐和蒸发沉积地层也存在腐蚀。碳酸盐岩沉积序列来自侏罗纪第四纪,代表了最有趣的含气区内形成。水库的净范围约100米到250米不等(在一些边缘地区的盆地)。孔隙度范围在13%至20%之间,渗透率大约100 mD。碎屑碳酸序列是有界的浊积有5 - 8%的孔隙度和渗透率在0.1和5.0之间。选择是基于可用性的足够数量的电阻率日志应用俄罗斯解释方法,岩心分析孔隙度来验证日志和描述流体和岩石质量,以及测试结果来验证计算含水饱和度资料。此外,发现不一致的选择井含水饱和度值计算一个函数之间的西方传统的解释和地层真电阻率评估生产液体的性质和数量在试井。 结果与讨论





获得的结果由俄罗斯手册的应用方法和仿真比较的地层真电阻率、侵入带电阻率(图8)。俄罗斯的电阻率值计算方法是一致的数值模拟只有当大量可靠的测量,即层厚约2米。数值模拟似乎是可靠的任何层厚度(图8)。层细分采用数值模拟大于西部或俄罗斯解释因为每个凹度模型属性变化的典型地层各向异性层极限。然而,测量误差可以影响测井响应曲线和诱导凹度变化并非由于地层分层。对比侵入带电阻率计算的两种解释方法表明,结果很一致(图8)。 入侵直径只能当俄罗斯计算方法应用。结果报道在标签1。




选项卡1:入侵直径值 泥浆电阻率= 0.03 Wm 层厚度(m) 入侵直径(米) 12 2.4 8 3.4 1 2.3 2 2.7 5 2.4 1.5 2.6 发现计算出的入侵直径一般比西方的典型值大得多。这是一个基于测井测量解释原因的方式,如不能提供一致结果的西方方法一样。事实上,双侧向测井工具的探测深度小于计算侵入直径和,因此,模拟电阻率资料并不代表地层真电阻率。




含水饱和度值计算使用Archie定律适用于碳酸盐岩在缺乏页岩。由于缺乏特别的核心分析标准Archie定律在碳酸盐岩岩性参数的值被认为(m = 2 = 1,n = 2)。

比较水饱和度从中子伽马值计算孔隙度的函数(图10)和声波测量(图11),分别显示一致的价值观得到电阻率的基础上评估建模和俄罗斯的解释。相反,水饱和度资料得到电阻率的基础上评估由西方解释并不能证明可靠。含水饱和度值计算函数的声波孔隙度测量似乎更符合试井对饱和值计算中子伽马孔隙度的函数。在任何情况下Archie定律需要可靠的孔隙度测量的应用程序,因为它是验证孔隙水饱和度是影响的不确定性测量地层电阻率。此外,地层真电阻率的平方与采用概要文件不一致的孔隙度曲线。事实上,垂直分辨率电阻率和孔隙度的测量是不一样的,和计算含水饱和度往往是影响孔隙度变化不改变即使地层真电阻率。 最后发现的组合地层真电阻率与西方解释评价方法和中子伽马射线的孔隙度测量工具导致含水饱和度剖面出现在本地测试结果符合良好。然而,它必须强调,这样的协议是纯粹的休闲,而且由于错误的组合(图12)。







与俄罗斯的方法获得的地层真电阻率值是可靠的仅为厚层(超过2 meter-thick)而从软件应用程序获得的结果相当一致的任何层厚度。然而,计算泥浆电阻率值并不总是一致的报道时流体性质及模拟值的测量报告有很大区别,解释获得的结果可能会有问题。虽然层序列复制的软件可能不代表或真正的形成、电阻率的结果似乎与俄罗斯解释的结果一致。

最后,验证,也可以显著影响含水饱和度和孔隙度测量,因此,孔隙度曲线采用含水饱和度的计算应该准确地选择。事实上,错误的地层真电阻率和孔隙度资料甚至可能导致本地水饱和度剖面一致。 感谢


