2019年人教版八年级上册英语 阶段评估检测试卷( Units 7~8)附答案

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阶段评估检测试卷( Units 7~8)


( )1. Be careful and then you can make______mistakes.

A. few

B. little

C. less

D. fewer

( )2. _____ children are in danger because of the shortage(缺少) of food in Africa.

A. Hundred

B. Hundreds of

C. Hundred of

D. Hundreds

( )3. -Why do you look worried?

-I am_____my little son.

A. looking at

B. looking for

C. looking after

D. looking out ( ) 4. -_____will she get to Beijing?

-In two months.

A. How far

B. How often

C. How soon

D. How long

( )5. -Will there ______ a basketball game next weekend?

-_____It will be on next Friday.

A. have; Yes, there will

B. be; No, there isn't

C. be; Yes, there will

D. have; Yes, there will

( )6. The boy was able to_____himself when he was three.

A. dress

B. put on

C. be in

D. wear

( )7. -What should I do first?

-First put some salt on the water and then _____.

A. mix them up

B. mix up them

C. mix it up

D. mix up it

( )8. -What did you have for lunch?

-I had two _____and some_____ .

A. sandwich; cheese

B. sandwiches; cheeses

C. sandwiches; cheese

D. sandwich; cheeses

( )9. Please_____ the lights when you leave the room.

A. turn off

B. turn on

C. turn up

D. turn down

( ) 10. -Let's make fruit salad! -_____.

A. That's a good idea

B. You're welcome

C. Sure, I'd love to

D. Sorry to hear that



1. It's our duty to protect our____(环境).

2. Everyone loves the____(和平)in the world.

3.Do you____(相信)if there are aliens(外星人)in the universe?

4. We're thirsty. Can you give me two____(西瓜).

5.-I'm not feeling well. -You'd better take your____(体温).


6. You should eat______ (little) meat and do____ (much) exercise.

7. We find it____(possible) for us to learn a foreign language well in a short time.

8. Do you like listening to the____(tradition) music?

9.-What do you want to eat for dinner?

-Three____ (sandwich) and two____(piece) of bread.

10.A lot of____(travel) from America are visiting the bird nest.


Mrs. Brown invited many friends to dinner. She and her five daughters were 1 all day.Mrs. Brown made a big fire in the sitting room. Then she went to the kitchen and began to 2 .She made a large bowl of salad and she also made a big turkey. After that she went to the 3 to clean the floor. Suddenly she remembered the soup. She forgot to put 4 in it.So she told one of the 5 to help her. But

all the girls seemed to be busy too. 6 of them said that she would help her. So Mrs. Brown cleaned her 7 and salted the soup. Soon the girls 8 their work, and everyone thought she should help her mother. One by one they went to the kitchen and added 9 salt in the soup, but none of them 10 anything.

At the dinner when the friends took the soup, their mouths opened wide. Mrs. Brown tasted(尝)it and asked, "Who put salt into the soup?"

“I did." all the five girls said together.

( )1.A. excited B.free C.sad D.busy

( )2.A. cook B.rest C.sleep D.check

( )3.A. garden B.shop C.room D.park

( )4.A. butter B.sauce C.lettuce D.salt

( )5.A. cousins B.daughters C.friends D.sisters

( )6.A. None B.Some C.Two D.One

( )7.A. arms B.head C.hands D.feet

( )8.A. found B.began C.made D.finished

( )9.A.a few B.too many C.a little D.too much

( )10.A.did B.said C.bought D.drank



Would you like to learn how to make a kite? A diamond-shaped kite is very easy

to make. You must have two pieces of wood(木棍) about as thick as a pencil.

One piece should be thirty inches(英寸) long, the other thirty-six. With your penknife make notches(裂痕) on both ends of both sticks. Now place the two sticks

in the form of a cross and tie them together with a strong string(绳子) . Join the four ends of the cross with a long string,using the notches to keep it from slipping(脱落). The frame(框) is ready.

( )1. The number of pieces of wood needed is____.

A. one

B. two

C. three

D. four

( )2. The notches in the sticks should be____.

A. at one end

B. on both ends

C. in the middle

D. near the middle ( )3. The string should be_______ .

A. thick

B. diamond-shaped

C. 30 inches long

D. strong

( )4. The notches are to____.

A. hold the string

B. hold the paper

C. look pretty

D. hold the tail ( )5. Which of the following is right according to the passage?

A. Two pieces of wood must be heavy.

B. To make a diamond-shaped kite needs three sticks.

C. The sticks should be tied together

D. The notches can't keep the string from slipping.


Name: Robodog

Price: $ 85.25

For children of 8 and up

It can feel happy, angry and sad! It will play with you, but it will

never ask you for water and food.

Name: Robopanda

Price: $ 165.29

For children of 8 and up

It will tell stories and play games with you. It's a 2012 Hot Holiday

Toy! Come and get your own Robopanda!

Name: Mr. Strong

Price: $ 119.99

For children of 6 and up

He can move his legs, arms, hands and listen to you and talk with

you in a simple English.

Name: Mr. Cool

Price: $ 299.99

For children of 10 and up

There's a screen on his face, and you can play video games. It will

also teach you how to say "Hello" in 20 different languages.

A. Robodog


C.Mr. Strong

D.Mr. Cool

( )7. Jim is eleven and he wants a robot toy to talk with him. Then____is a good gift for him.

A. Robodog


C.Mr. Strong

D.Mr. Cool

( )8.Robodog can____.

A. play video games

B.play with children

C. tell interesting stories

D.speak different languages

( )9. Which robot toy is for older children?

A. Robodog.


C.Mr Strong.

D.Mr. Cool.

( )10. What do you know about Robopanda?

A. It's very popular in 2012.

B.It will ask you for food.

C. It feels happy if you play with it.

D.It can talk with you in English.


1.They will arrive there in a week.(对画线部分提问)

____ ____will they arrive there?

2.We went to a movie yesterday evening.(用this evening改写句子)

We____ ______to a movie this evening.

3.Sun Yang could swim when he was a kid.(改为同义句)

Sun Yang___ _____ ____swim when he was a kid.

4.We need three apples to make fruit salad.(对画线部分提问)

____ ____apples do you need to make fruit salad?

5.Lucy wants three pieces of paper.(对画线部分提问)

____ ____paper does Lucy want?


你能想象一下将来的生活是什么样子吗?请根据下列提示,以"The Life in the Future"为题写一篇文章。





The Life in the Future


一. 1-5 DBBCC 6-10 ACCAA

二. 1. environment 2. peace 3. believe 4. watermelons 5. temperature

6. less; more

7. impossible

8. traditional

9. sandwiches; pieces 10. travelers

三.1-5 DACDB 6-10 ACDCB

四. 1-5 BBDAC 6-10 ADBDA

五. 1. How soon 2. will go 3. was able to 4. How many 5. How much

六. One possible version:

The Life in the Future

What do you think the life in the future will be like?

In the future, every family will have computers and 048cb291b5daa58da0116c175f0e7cd18525183fputers will help us know a lot all over the world. Robots will help us do most of the housework. They can help us do some cleaning, cooking and washing. We can do some shopping and see a doctor without going out. Students can study at home on computers. People will live to be 200 years old because of the better medical care.

Our life will be better and better. As a student, we should work hard. I believe we will be able to make all these real in the future.

