An unforgetbale travel

更新时间:2023-09-16 15:17:01 阅读量: 高中教育 文档下载


I still remember the summer vocation in 2008, my parents went to Phoenix city which is in Hunan province by motorcycle. The summer in Hunan was so hot that I felt that the sun was burning my skin when exposed to the sunshine on the way to our destination. However, the situation in Phoenix city was totally different. As soon as we arrived the hotel, where was surrounded by trees, a cold breeze suddenly blew in and right away I felt better a lot.

The Phoenix city was famous because of a writer—Shen Cong wen, who wrote a novel called “bianchen”to introduce this city and the people in the last century, and it was amazing for me to find the building was still there after one century, that’s difficult especially in China.The building was made by wood and stand half on land and half on water, the native people call this kind of houses “diaojiaolou”,which looked very interesting.

After a short break, we went out to enjoy the beautiful scenery in this small and quiet town. There was a clear river along the main road, you can even hear the water was flowing. The sun shone through the leaves, casting shadows on the lawn just like drawing a mysterious picture. We took a walk along this beautiful river, the road was tough because it was made by black flagstone in the last century. The bridge here was very special, it was just some big stones stood in the river, if you want to goacross the river, you need to jump from one stone to another one, and you may fall into the river if you are not careful enough. I nearly fell into the river because I was really not good at keep my balance.

Suddenly I realized that all the things here were just like what the novel said, it

seemed that this small town hasn’t changed for the 100 years, that feeling made me strange. Because I knew this novel well and I can see the heroine in my imagination when met the familiar scene. Though I was in th 21st century and she was in the 20th century. How times fly! It was just like she was the people who I was very familiar with and I just met her yesterday.

Then this situation left me pondering on the value of life. We can stay in this world for several decades which are too short compared with our history, so why we are here? The answer was obvious when I “met” the heroine—to leave something that other people can remember you, I heard some people said that the real death comes when no one can remember you, to avoid the real death coming, we should not waste time in mediocrity and try to make our dream come truth, I think that’s what will give meaning and value to our lives.

