名师指导:人教版八年级上册英语Unit7 - - 重点词语解析

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名师指导:Unit7重点词语解析 (Section A. B )

1. shake n ( 牛奶和冰淇淋摇匀制成的)混合饮料 milk shake 奶昔 (1) How do you make a banana milk shake?


shake v –shook * shake one’s hand with sb和某人握手 (2) His father shook his hand with the headmaster yesterday. 昨天他父亲和校长握了手。

2. blender 果汁机, 搅拌机 turn on the blender (1)Turn on the blender to make orange juice.


turn off the blender

(2)Please turn off the blender after you finish making apple juice.你做完苹果汁后请关闭搅拌机。

3.cut –cutting –cut 切, 割, 砍cut ……into……

cut up 切碎(代词做宾语放在中间)

(1) Cut them up before you put them into the blender. 你把他们放入撑伴机前把他们切碎。 (2) -What should we do next, Mum?

-Here are some bananas. We have to cut them up.

妈妈接着我们该做什么?这有一些香蕉。我们得把他们切碎。 (3) We use one of the two knives to cut up the beef. 我们用其中的一把刀来切牛肉。

(4) Mother cut the birthday cake into pieces and gave one of each of the children. 妈妈把生日蛋糕切成了块并分给每个孩子一块。 (5) Cut up the meat if you want to make dumplings. 如果你想包饺子把这肉切碎。 4. peel v. 剥,削 (水果等皮)-peeled

(1) Please peel two apples and then cut them up before you put them into the blender . 在你把苹果放入撑伴机里前,请把他们苹果皮削了然后切碎. (2) Please help me peel the potatoes.请帮我削土豆皮。

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(3)Peel three bananas and put them into the blender. 把三个香蕉削皮并放入搅伴机。 5. pour v 倾倒, 灌,洗-poured * pour ……into …….把……放入…… * pour sb. sth. = pour sth for sb.给某人倒某物 (1) Don’t pour waste water into rivers and lakes. 不要把废水倒入江河湖水中。 (2)Please pour the milk into the glass。


(3) I’m very thirty ,Please pour some water for me.


6. yogurt 酸奶(u) a glass of yogurt 一杯酸奶

two glasses of yogurt 两杯酸奶 how much yogurt 多少酸奶

(1) –How much yogurt do we need?-Two cups.


(2) Put the bananas and yogurt in the blender .We can make a banana milk shake.


(3) I’m very hungry. Please give me two cups of yogurt.我很饿。请给我两杯酸奶。 (4) Put yogurt on the sandwich.把酸奶抹在三明治上。 7. ingredient n 村料, 原料 成分

(1) Making a banana milk shake needs some ingredients: three bananas ,one cup of yogurt and

some honey.

做香蕉奶昔需要的原料:三个香蕉,一杯酸奶和一些蜂蜜。 (2) What are the ingredients of a cake. 蛋糕的原料是什么?

8.cup n 小茶杯 ,一杯的容量 a cup of 一杯…… two cups of ……两杯…… (1) –Would you like another cup of yogurt?

-No ,thanks.你想再喝杯酸奶吗?不用了,谢谢。 (2)-Would you like some yogurt?-Yes, please. 你想喝些酸奶吗?想。

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9.watermelon n 西瓜

(1) Here’s a watermelon . Please cut it up. 这儿有一个西瓜,请切开。

(2) I’m very thirty. Please cut up the watermelon. 我很渴。 请切开西瓜。

10. teaspoon n 茶匙 a teaspoon of ……一茶匙…… two teaspoons of 两茶匙…… A : Can you make fruit salad ? B: Sorry, I can’t .Can you help me ? A: OK, we need some bananas and apples. B: How many bananas and apples do we need? A: Three bananas and two apples. B: What else do we need?

A: We also need some honey and yogurt. B: How much honey and yogurt do we need? A: Two teaspoons of honey and two cups of yogurt. B: OK. Let’s make it .

11. amount n 总额, 总数 vt 等于,相当于 *amount to 等于

*the amount of + 不可数名词,作主语谓语动词用单数 . …… 的数目 *the number of +可数名词复数,、、、、、 作主语谓语,谓语动词用单数。 *a number of + 可数名词复数,作主语,谓语动词用复数。 (1) His answer amounts to nothing. 他的回答等于没说。

(2) The amount of money is 20,000 yuan.


(3)There’s a large of amount of work for us to do .


(4) Large amount of money were spent on the bridge. 那座桥耗资巨大。

12.instruction n 命令 指示 用法说明

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(1) You should read the instructions before you take medicine.你吃药前应该看说明。 (2) Sorry, I can’t understand the instruction on the medicine bottle.对不起, 我不能看明白药瓶


13. finally=at last =in the end 最后,终于

(1) Finally he passed the final exam with the help of the teacher. 最后他在老师的帮助下通过了期末考试。

(2) At last they reached the top of the mountain. 最后他们到达的山顶。

14.mix v 混合, 混合在一起-mixed –mixture 混合物

mix up 混合在一起 搅拌

(1) I put some soda into the cola and then mixed it up.我在可乐里放了一些苏打水,然后把它们混合起来。

(2) Put the eggs and sugar in the bowl and mix them up together.把鸡蛋和糖放在碗里并搅拌在一起。

(3) The mixture tastes sweet.这混合物吃起来很可口。 (4) Air is a mixture of gases,空气是各种混合物的气体。 15. popcorn n 爆米花 玉米 popper 爆米花机

(1) All of us like eating popcorn because it’s very delicious.我们大家都喜欢吃爆米花因为它很可口。

(2) –Can you make popcorn ?

-Yes , first put the popcorn into the popcorn popper .Next turn on the popper .Then pour the popcorn into the bowl .Put some salt on the popcorn .Finally eat the popcorn .

你会做爆米花吗?会,先把玉米放入爆米花机里。接着打开爆米花机。然后把爆米花倒在碗里。在爆米花上撒上点盐。最后可以吃了。 16.boil v 煮沸,烹煮- boiled boil sb sth. =boil sth for sb给某人煮某物 (1) I’m very hungry . Can you boil an egg for me? 我很饿,你能给我煮个鸡蛋吗?

(2) Please boil water because there’s no boiled water in the thermos .请烧开水因为暖瓶没开水

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boiled adj 煮沸的 boiled water 开水 (3) The boiled water is very hot ,I can’t drink it . 开水很热我不能喝。

17. salt n 盐 a bag of salt 一袋盐 two bags of salt 两袋盐

(1)-Can you pass me the salt?-Certainly, here you are.你能把盐递给我吗?当然可以,给你。 (2)There’s no salt in the cupboard ,please buy me two bags of salt.橱子里没有盐了,请给我买


19. add v 加, 增加, 添加-added add……to 把…..加到…..上

(1) If you add red and yellow , you’ll get orange.

如果你的红色和黄色加在一起,我就会得到桔色。 (2) If you add 3 to 6 , you’ll get 9. 3+6=9。

(3) First, cut up the tomatoes and beef .Next boil the noodles .Then add the ingredients to the

noodles .Add salt to the noodles .Eat the noodles .首先把栖红柿和牛肉切碎,接着煮面条。然后给面条加原料。再加盐,就可以吃了。 20。sandwich –sandwiches 三明治 (1) –What would you like ? 你想吃什么?

- I’d like three chicken sandwiches.我想吃三份鸡肉三明治。 (2) He likes sandwiches better than hamburgers. 和汉堡包相比他更喜欢吃三明治。 21.bread n 面包 不可数名词

a piece of bread 一片面包 eight pieces of bread 八片面包 (1) –What did Tina have for breakfast?

- She had an egg ,two pieces of bread and a cup of yogurt.蒂娜早饭吃的什么?她吃了两个鸡蛋,两片面包,喝了一杯酸奶。

(2)- Would you like another piece of bread and a cup of yogurt .你想再吃一片面包吗? - No ,thanks ,I’m full. 不用了,谢谢。我吃饱了。 22.butter n 黄油

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