BEC 剑桥商务英语中级(第三版)讲义MODULE 2

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外国语学院2011-2012学年第一学期---剑桥商务英语考证(BEC VANTAGE)

MODULE 2 2.1 Company benefits Main Tasks Task 1 Task 2 Task 3

Exam Practice: Speaking Test—Part 2 Business Skills: Presenting your company Exam Spotlight: Writing Test—Part 1 Task 1: Speaking Test—Part 2 I.

Speaking Practice

There’re a number of points to consider then arranging in-house training. The first thing is the training needs of staff. As we know, the object of training is the staff. Only when we know and meet their requirements, can we improve their knowledge and skills needed for higher quality performance and more effective work. Otherwise, it will be purposeless and a waste of time.

The second thing to remember is the quality and influence of the trainer. To make the training effective, the trainer plays a very important role. A qualified trainer with great influence can make the training more professional, appealing and convincing. Since most staff nowadays are quite busy, they will not attend a training offered by an obscure, inexperience and non-professional trainer.

In addition to that, length of training should be well-planned. It cannot be too long or too short. A lengthy training may be tedious and exhaustive; while too short training may be fruitless. OK, I think that just covers everything. Thank you!

When selecting applicants for a job, the first thing to consider is their personal qualities. A candidate with relevant qualities can ensure that he or she has the required abilities, knowledge or techniques pertinent to that job. And companies don’t have to prepare further training for them when they start work thus reduces costs.

Secondly, a candidate needs to have previous working experience, since a person with lots of

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外国语学院2011-2012学年第一学期---剑桥商务英语考证(BEC VANTAGE)

academic certificates may not know how to cope with real situations. However, a candidate with experience will find it much easier to adapt himself or herself to the work environment and to play his or her role.

Apart from these, you also need to consider the communicating ability of the candidate. By communicative skills, we mean having the ability to express ideas clearly, be cooperative and get on well with other people which will be very important for him or her to play a good part in the team work.

Well, that’s all my points. Thank you!

Task 2: Presenting your company Task 1) Vocabulary—Company terms

I. Background information: Employee Benefits 员工福利 Social security社会保障 Legally Required Benefits Unemployment compensation 失业补偿 Workers’ Compensation工伤赔偿 Retirement-related Benefits Pension plans退休金计划 Health Insurance健康保险 Insurance-Related Benefits Life Insurance人寿保险 Accident and Disability Insurance意外事故和伤残保险 Paid Holidays带薪休假 Paid Leaves Paid Vacations带薪公假 Local conveyance Allowance交通补贴 Housing Allowance住房补贴 Other Benefits Meal Allowance伙食补贴 Holiday Bonus旅游补贴

Reference expressions new-hire training 新员工培训

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外国语学院2011-2012学年第一学期---剑桥商务英语考证(BEC VANTAGE)


vocational training / professional training职业培训 management training管理培训

develop a good training program to keep the staff motivated通过开发良好的培训计划来提高员工的工作热情

Many entrepreneurs see to view employee training and development as more optional than essential … a viewpoint that can be costly to both short-term profits and long-term progress许多企业家认为员工的培训和发展可有可无,而非至关重要,认为这对公司的短期利益和长远发展来说代价太高。

a reasonable salary合理的工资

High salary leads to high motivation高收入使得工作热情高涨

A job with high salary may not make you feel fulfilled.一份高收入的工作可能不会使你获得成就感

Part-time jobs make flexible lifestyle possible兼职工作使得多样的生活方式成为可能。 With flexible work hour, I can choose to work anytime. I can work from home and avoid traffic jam, and what’s more important, I will improve my work efficiency.有了灵活的工作时间,我可以改变上下班的时间,可以在家里工作,避开交通堵塞,更重要的是可以提高工作效率

After a paid holiday, people will be physically and psychologically relaxed, and be energetic, fresh and more prepared for the challenge of their work.带薪度假之后,人们会感到身心放松,精力充沛,神清气爽地投入到有挑战性的工作中去。

Promotion brings higher salary, sense of fulfillment, more opportunity and more responsibility.升职带来更高的薪水、成就感、更多的机会和责任

A parental leave is a good policy to encourage women to the work place.育儿假是一项鼓励妇女参加工作的好政策

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外国语学院2011-2012学年第一学期---剑桥商务英语考证(BEC VANTAGE)

If a sales representative is provided with a company car, he will surely improve his work efficiency.如果公司能够给销售代表配备汽车,一定能够提高其工作效率。

II. Definition

Work in pairs. Play this game.

You each have five words. Prepare three definitions of each word but only one definition is correct. For example, if the word is “turnover”, your three definitions might be: A. a company’s total profits B. a company’s total costs C. a company’s total spending

Your partner should guess that answer A is correct. Here are your five words each: Student A: distribution center, warehouse, holding company, call center, plant

Student B: headquarters, subsidiary, branch, corporation, division 1. turnover: a company’s total profits

2. distribution centre: place where goods are sent out to be sold 3. warehouse: place where goods are stored

4. holding company: company which controls others with the largest stake (over 51%) 5. call centre: place where employees give information to customers by telephone 6. plant: factory with industrial machinery 7. headquarters: the head office of a company

8. subsidiary: company owned by a holding company

9. branch: office or group that forms part of a larger company 10. corporation: an organization formed by a group of companies 11. division: a separate part of a large company

Task 2) Listening—Presentations

I. How to read numbers

1. 基数词的读法

a.在英式英语中,一个数的最后两位(十位和个位)得用“and\\'’,但美式英语中则不用。如:3,077读作:U.S:three thousand seventy—seven.

b.不定冠词“a”只在数的开头才和hundred,thousand等连用。试比较: 146读作:a hundred(and)forty-six

2,146读作:two thousand,one hundred(and)forty six

c.1,000这个整数我们说a thousand,在and前我们也说a thousand,但是在一个有百位数的数目前就得说one thousand试比较:

1,031读作:a thousand,(and)thirty-one, 1,150读作:one thousand,one hundred(and)fifty

d. hundred,thousand和million这几个词的单数可以和:“a”者“one”连用,但是不能单独使用。在非正式文体中“a”比较常见;当我们说话比较准确的时候就用“one”试比较: I Want to live for a hundred years. The journey took exactly one hundred days.

e.我们常常说eleven hundred(1,100),twelve hundred(1,200)等,而不说one thous and one

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外国语学院2011-2012学年第一学期---剑桥商务英语考证(BEC VANTAGE)



11,234读作:eleven thousand two hundred(and),thirty—four

155,721读作:one hundred(and)fifly-fivethous and seven hundred(and)twenty-one 6,155,702读作:six million one hundred(and)fifly-five thous and seven hundred and two

26,000,008读作:twenty-six million and eight

326,414,718读作:three hundred(and)twenty-six mil-lion,four hundred(and)four teen thous and,seven hundred(and)eigh-teen

4,302,000,000读作:four billion three hundred(and)two million



例如,当你听到“twenty thous and andfour\\'’写出20,“and four”意为后一组仅有个位,即:004,那么,这个数字完整地写下来就是20,004;若听到“six million twenty thousand four hundred and twenty—three,”则第一步先写:6,020,再将最后一组423写在第一个逗号后面。完整的翠字为6,020,423。若听到“One billion,one hundred and four million,twenty thousand four hundred and twenty-three”:主第一步写出1,104,第二步接下去写第三组020,第三步二写423,这样得到的完整数字便是1,104,020,423,由此:见这个三位一逗号的作用有多大。只要我们在平时的训练中加强对三位数读写的训练,能分辨“ty”与“teen\\'’,并能借助这个不可缺少的“逗号”,无论数字多么大,也不会对我们造成障碍。 2. 分数的读法


1/2读作:a/one half(口语中更倾向于用“a”代替“one”) 1/3读作:a/one third 1/8读作:an/one eighth 1/4读作:a/one quarter(fourth) 2/3读作:two thirds

1/5/9读作one and five ninths


317/509读作:three hundred and seventeen over five hundred and nine

3/4hour,7/lOmile则说three quarters of an hour(三刻钟),seven tenths of a mile(十分之七英里)。

3. 年代及日期的读法

数字表示的年份通常分成两半来说。 2000B.C.读作:two thousand BC 1558读作:fifteen fifty-eight

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1603读作:six teen(hundred and)three/sixteen oh three 921读作:nine twenty-one

II. Structure of presentation

Structure of the PresentationAIntroducing the presentationCPresenting the first partEPresenting the final partBExplaining the structure of the presentationDPresenting the second partFEnding the presentation A. Today I’d like to tell you about … Good morning and thanks for coming.

With a turnover of … the company develops / manufactures / markets … B. Finally I’d like to talk about …

If you have any questions, I’ll be happy to answer them at the end. Then I’ll give an overview of …

In my brief presentation we’ll begin by looking at … C. Here you can see …

First of all there’s … / and finally there’s … D. OK, let’s move on to look at … One thing I’d like to point out is … Take a look at this chart, which shows … E. Are there any questions?

F. So that brings me to the end of my presentation. Thanks for listening.

Task 3) Speaking---Giving a presentation

Your company Your partner’s company 第 6 页 共 8 页

外国语学院2011-2012学年第一学期---剑桥商务英语考证(BEC VANTAGE)

Your dream company: ? What is your company called? ? What product or service does it offer? Figures for last year: ? What was its turnover? ? How was this divided up by region (country)? ? What was its final income? ? What % was spent on Research & Development (R&D)? Structure: ? Where is the headquarters? ? How many divisions are there? ? How many people are employed? (By division? Country?) Trends: ? What are the future trends and changes for the industry? ? What are your company’s plans? Task 3: Writing Test—Part 1

A memo

I. Format: Memo

商务便函与便条 : 六个部分组成:

1、Memo: Memo是Memorandum缩写

2、To:这一标题后面应写收信人的姓名与职衔,姓名前可以用尊称或不用,如: To:Mr. John Smith,Sales Manager


4、Date:日期的写法同书信里日期写法的要求完全一样,不要用数字来表示月份。 5、Subject:这一标题后是写事由的,即用一个或几个词汇简单概括便函的内容,以便查阅。事由必须简洁明了,不要用完整的句子,如:

Changes in Travel Advance Form Promotion of Staff Vacation Schedule

Participation in Training Programs 6、Message



II. Possible answer

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